Файл: admin/en.lang.php
Строк: 2127
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################### Установка и настройка Joker Board Commercial 3 ==> ICQ:183917 ######################
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if(!defined('REF')){header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');die();}
$abuseType = array();
$abuseType[0]="It does not correspond to morality and virtue";
$abuseType[1]="Falls short of reality";
$abuseType[2]="Legislation Infringement";
$abuseType[3]="It is a spam";
$abuseType[4]="Not topically";
$lang = array();
$lang[70]="<p>Unfortunately, server MySQL is not available</p>";
$lang[71]="<p>Unfortunately, no access to data base</p>";
$lang[64]="Couldn't delete!<br />";
$lang[75]="<center><strong>Added!</strong></center><br />";
$lang[76]="<center><strong>Error occurred while adding!</strong></center><br />";
$lang[77]="<center><strong>Error occurred while loading image.</strong></center>";
$lang[172]="Confirm your action?";
$lang[173]="<br /><a onclick='history.back(1)' href='#'> «« Back</a><br />";
$lang[670]="Category can not be the parent at the same time. Be careful!";
$lang[193]="Information changed";
$lang[86]="<br /><center><strong>Error! Probably server is overloaded. Try again later.</strong></center><br />";
$lang[74]="Go <a onclick='history.back(1)' href='#'>Back</a> and fill in the required field correctly.<br />";
$lang[84]="Home page";
$lang[89]="Delete image";
$lang[93]="<a onclick='history.back(1)' href='#'> back </a>";
$lang[97]="Image loaded!";
$lang[296]="Error! This type of advertisement exists";
$lang[0]="<center>Administrator with entered parameters doesn't exist!<br /><br /></center>";
$lang[1]="Home page of the Admin-Center";
$lang[3]="Administrator Profile";
$lang[4]="Log out";
$lang[5]="No data in the field <strong>Page Titles</strong><br />";
$lang[6]="No data in the field <strong>Key-words</strong><br />";
$lang[7]="No data in the field <strong>Details</strong><br />";
$lang[8]="No data in the field <strong>Administrator's E-mail </strong><br />";
$lang[9]="<center><strong><br /><br /><br />Go back and fill in the required fields again!</strong></center><br /><br /><center><a onclick='history.back(1)' href='#'> ← back </a></center>";
$lang[10]="<br /><center><strong>Configuration Updated</strong></center>";
$lang[11]="<br /><center><strong>Error while updating configuration. </strong></center>";
$lang[16]="<center>Error while reading profile!</center>";
$lang[17]="Administrator Details";
$lang[18]="Configuration of the Script";
$lang[19]="Page title to be entered in case of absence of dynamic information";
$lang[20]="Key-words, to be entered in case of absence of dynamic information";
$lang[21]="Details, to be entered in case of absence of dynamic information";
$lang[22]="Amount of ads per page";
$lang[23]="User choice of number of ads to be viewed";
$lang[41]="E-mail of administrator for contacts and notifications<br />Required field, otherwise functions "Contacts" and "Notifications" will not work properly";
$lang[42]="Enable/Disable admin notification about new ads via e-mail";
$lang[43]="Enable/Disable image adding into the ads";
$lang[44]="Enable/Disable adding image for registered users only";
$lang[46]="Amount of uploading images per one ad";
$lang[47]="Required width of the small image";
$lang[48]="Required width of the large image";
$lang[49]="Enable/Disable link publication for registered users only";
$lang[50]="Limit of amount of posted ads to allow users link publication";
$lang[52]="Enable/Disable CAPTCHA";
$lang[53]="Advertisement Moderation";
$lang[54]="Enable/Disable protection against link publication";
$lang[55]="Noindex, nofollow";
$lang[219]="Size of the uploading image (<strong>recommended, in bytes</strong>).<br />100000byte~100Kb; 2000Kb~2Mb";
$lang[207]="Show key-words under the ads?";
$lang[56]="Enable/Disable mandatory registration of users";
$lang[57]="Allow to send e-mail to ad poster??";
$lang[61]="You can't delete the category that contains sub-categories. Delete them first.<br />";
$lang[62]="All advertisements of this category are deleted<br />";
$lang[65]="Couldn't delete ads in this category<br />";
$lang[66]="Categories and Advertisements";
$lang[67]="Addvertisement Category";
$lang[72]="No category name<br />";
$lang[73]="No category description<br />";
$lang[79]="Category Description";
$lang[80]="Upload icon<br /><font size=1>(Automatically will be resized to 50px width)</font>";
$lang[81]="Choose parent category";
$lang[82]="Root directory";
$lang[83]="<br /><center><strong>Add new category</strong></center><br />";
$lang[85]="<br /><center><strong>Edit category</strong></center><br />";
$lang[87]="Parent category";
$lang[88]="Choose new parent category,<br />if you want to change";
$lang[90]="Count advertisements";
$lang[92]="Blank field "Author"";
$lang[94]="Blank field "Title"";
$lang[95]="Blank field "Text ads"";
$lang[96]="Type valid e-mail";
$lang[99]="Choose category";
$lang[101]="Ad Title";
$lang[102]="E-mail for Contacts publication";
$lang[105]="Text message";
$lang[107]="Delete Image";
$lang[108]="Delete all Images";
$lang[109]="No Images like this";
$lang[110]="Add new image (gif, jpg)";
$lang[111]="Period of posting";
$lang[114]="Advertisement Type";
$lang[117]="Priority Advertisement?";
$lang[124]="In order";
$lang[125]="Against order";
$lang[128]="VIP Advertisements";
$lang[129]="Not Approved!";
$lang[130]="No ads in this category yet";
$lang[131]="Show special offers";
$lang[132]="The number of VIP-ads displayed";
$lang[133]="Show news line";
$lang[134]="Amount of news lines to be shown";
$lang[135]="Special Offers";
$lang[136]="Most viewed";
$lang[137]="Latest added";
$lang[141]="Quick search";
$lang[142]="Fresh news";
$lang[145]="Search inquiries";
$lang[146]="Advanced search";
$lang[151]="Forgot your password?";
$lang[155]="Add new advertisement";
$lang[158]="Return <a href='#' onclick='history.back(1)'>назад</a> and enter the word to search,<br />with not less than 3 and not more than 50 symbols";
$lang[159]="Search result";
$lang[34]="<br />No results<br />Try to search with more exact details...<br /><a onclick='history.back(1)' href='#'>back</a>";
$lang[35]="What are you looking for?";
$lang[161]="In advertisement titles";
$lang[162]="In advertisement texts";
$lang[165]="Temporary criteria";
$lang[167]="For today";
$lang[168]="For last week";
$lang[169]="For last month";
$lang[170]="For last 6 months";
$lang[171]="For last year";
$lang[176]="Sort by ";
$lang[177]=" per page";
$lang[178]="Search results";
$lang[179]="Advanced search";
$lang[180]="Similar advertisements";
$lang[181]="Contacts: address, phone, fax, etc.";
$lang[182]="Required field "Your e-mail".";
$lang[183]="Required field "Title".";
$lang[184]="Required field "Text".";
$lang[185]="Enter valid e-mail. ";
$lang[186]="Message sent ";
$lang[187]="Message NOT sent!";
$lang[188]="Server overloaded.";
$lang[189]="Try to send later...";
$lang[32]="You are here:";
$lang[194]="Send message to author";
$lang[195]="Close window";
$lang[196]="Your e-mail:";
$lang[197]="Message title:";
$lang[198]="Message text:";
$lang[200]="Attached images";
$lang[201]="Requested data not found<br /><a onclick='history.back(1)' href='#'> «« Back</a><br />";
$lang[202]="Search tags for this advertisement";
$lang[203]="Protection code";
$lang[2031]="Reload images";
$lang[115]="If you can't choose ,<br />press <strong>F5</strong> (refresh page)";
$lang[116]="Enter the code displayed on image";
$lang[204]="Publication of URLs to other sites is not allowed!";
$lang[205]="<center><strong>Advertisement will be available for view<br />after moderation.</strong></center><br />";
$lang[206]="Required fields are marked ( * )";
$lang[209]="Administrator part";
$lang[210]="User part";
$lang[213]=" not more than ";
$lang[214]="Advertisement board informer";
$lang[215]=" New Advertisement has been added";
$lang[216]=" to Your site";
$lang[217]="New Advertisement has been added to Your site.rnTo unsubscribe from notifications turn it off from Admincenter";
$lang[221]="Add new advertisement";
$lang[222]="Upload limit exceeded";
$lang[224]="upload successful";
$lang[225]="upload failed; allowed size exceeded";
$lang[227]="not allowed for upload";
$lang[228]="Image upload is not allowed!";
$lang[229]="Advertisement Text is added";
$lang[231]="<br /><center><strong>Add new location</strong></center><br />";
$lang[234]="This location, or this name in translit already exists";
$lang[235]="New location added";
$lang[236]="Error occurred while adding new location";
$lang[237]="Status refresh successful";
$lang[238]="Error occurred while refreshing status";
$lang[239]="Location deleted";
$lang[240]="Error occurred while deleting location";
$lang[241]="Inactive locations";
$lang[242]="Add new location";
$lang[243]="Select all | Clear all";
$lang[244]="Activate selected locations";
$lang[245]="Delete selected locations forever";
$lang[246]="Mark for status change or deletion";
$lang[247]="Add new location";
$lang[248]="No inactive locations.";
$lang[249]="Add new";
$lang[250]="Active locations";
$lang[251]="Retrieve from archive";
$lang[252]="Move selected locations into archive";
$lang[253]="No active locations";
$lang[254]="Contact Administration";
$lang[255]="All fields are required";
$lang[256]="User search inquiries";
$lang[266]="latest search inquiries";
$lang[267]="Not many results found";
$lang[268]="by given inquiry";
$lang[269]="Search<br />inquiry";
$lang[270]="Repeat<br />search";
$lang[271]="Where<br />searched";
$lang[272]="How many<br />found";
$lang[273]="Time<br />Date";
$lang[274]="in titles";
$lang[275]="in message text";
$lang[277]="Today no one searched. Be the first...";
$lang[259]="Quick Map";
$lang[261]=" for location ";
$lang[265]="for subjects";
$lang[278]="Edit FAQ";
$lang[283]="hyperlink <strong>(without http://)</strong>";
$lang[288]="Amount of news per page";
$lang[289]="Required image width for news";
$lang[290]="Total news: ";
$lang[291]="No news. ";
$lang[292]="Add news";
$lang[293]="Edit news";
$lang[294]="Add news";
$lang[295]="All news";
$lang[301]="Prioritize and lead as "approved"";
$lang[302]="Lead as "approved"";
$lang[303]="Massive actions over marked names";
$lang[305]="Nothing selected!";
$lang[306]="No new advertisement";
$lang[307]="Small image not deleted: ";
$lang[308]="Large image not deleted: ";
$lang[310]="From: ";
$lang[425]="Category<br />icon";
$lang[312]="No advertisements in this category";
$lang[313]="Recommended size - less than ";
$lang[400]="Operation is successful";
$lang[402]="Advertisements with complaints";
$lang[403]="Remove complaint mark from selected advertisements";
$lang[404]="(after editing complaint is unmarked automatically)";
$lang[405]="Edit link";
$lang[406]="Check all";
$lang[407]="Nothing found...";
$lang[409]="incorrect URL";
$lang[410]="not uploaded: bad expansions";
$lang[411]="Error while adding image!";
$lang[412]="Advertisement type";
$lang[416]="keep forever";
$lang[417]="Delete this field";
$lang[418]="Add one more field";
$lang[419]="Add field";
$lang[420] = 'Tick if you wish to have<br />"Selected advertisement" <strong>status</strong>';
$lang[421] = 'Tick if you wish to have<br />"VIP" <strong>status</strong>';
$lang[424]="Selected advertisement";
$lang[426]="Unchecked advertisement comments";
$lang[427]="Comments for selected advertisement";
$lang[428]="Choose action for marked items";
$lang[429]="Marked items:";
$lang[430]="Choose action";
$lang[432]="Delete spam!";
$lang[434]="Added date";
$lang[435]="Create new page with content";
$lang[436]="Show on main menu?";
$lang[437]="Edit page";
$lang[438]="No pages with content";
$lang[439]="Statistics finance";
$lang[441]="Create database";
$lang[442]="For edit contents of the letter, go to the section";
$lang[443]="Send a batch of letters";
$lang[444]="Total potential subscribers";
$lang[446]="Database created";
$lang[449]="<strong>See advertisement</strong><br />(opens in a new window)";
$lang[453]="Short number";
$lang[454]="Status date";
$lang[455]="General settings";
$lang[457]="Advertisement posting";
$lang[460]="Images width for "News"";
$lang[461]="Width for <strong>small</strong> images";
$lang[462]="Width for <strong>big</strong> images";
$lang[463]="show comments under advertisements";
$lang[470]="Allow users to edit own advertisements?";
$lang[471]="Allow user advertisement comments?";
$lang[472]="Allow users to report advertisements to Administrator?";
$lang[473]="Allow users URL publication while posting and editing advertisements?";
$lang[474]="Amount of allowed symbols in field "Author"";
$lang[475]="Amount of allowed symbols in field "Title"";
$lang[476]="Amount of allowed symbols in field "E-mail"";
$lang[477]="Amount of allowed symbols in field "URL"";
$lang[478]="Amount of allowed symbols in field "Contacts"";
$lang[479]="Amount of allowed symbols in field "Advertisement text"";
$lang[480]="Amount of allowed symbols in field "Comment text"";
$lang[482]="Notify users about expiry date of advertisements?";
$lang[483]="For how many days to notify the user";
$lang[485]="Enable pay SMS-services?";
$lang[486]="Duration of "VIP" status (if commercial services are active)";
$lang[487]="Duration of "Selected advertisement" status (if commercial services are active)";
$lang[488]="Short number for "VIP" status";
$lang[489]="Short number for "Selected advertisement" status";
$lang[490]="Prefix for "VIP" status";
$lang[491]="Prefix for "Selected advertisement" status";
$lang[492]="Cost of sms for "VIP" status";
$lang[493]="Cost of sms for "Selected advertisement" status";
$lang[494]="Your code activated";
$lang[495]="Error! Contact Administrator";
$lang[496]="Error! Code incorrect";
$lang[497]="Moderator notified. Thank you.";
$lang[498]="This advertisement exists in ";
$lang[499]="Your notes";
$lang[500]="Advertisement added into";
$lang[501]="Your notes";
$lang[502]="Subscription for new advertisements";
$lang[503]="Subscription to all category";
$lang[504]="Add comment";
$lang[505]="Your name";
$lang[506]="Comment text";
$lang[507]="Allowed symbols";
$lang[508]="Type password";
$lang[510]=""VIP" status advertisement";
$lang[511]=""VIP" status — is a paid service and it costs";
$lang[512]="You can pay even without Internet access, simply by sending SMS from Your mobile phone.<br />
Advantage of this service is that, after payment Your advertisement moves to the top of its category and gets <span style='border:1px dashed #FF0000; background-color: #FFFFCC; font-weight:bold'> background and border color </span>, distinguished from other advertisements and stays on top until the service expires";
$lang[514]="When other user pays for this service, Your advertisement moves one step down, and will remain under the advertisement paid lately.";
$lang[515]="In addition, "VIP" status advertisements are <span style='color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold'>shown on the home page</span>, where Your advertisement will attract more people";
$lang[516]="To "Distinguish" advertisement selected by You, You need to send SMS with code";
$lang[517]="to a short number";
$lang[518]="Pay attention to leave a - space between word";
$lang[519]="and numbers";
$lang[1109]="You can check the costs, also the list of supported mobile operators by visiting";
$lang[520]="Information page";
$lang[521]="If You have difficulties, or You think that the system is not working properly (ex.: You sent SMS but the service is not activated)";
$lang[522]="contact Administrator";
$lang[523]="to solve arising issues";
$lang[524]="Example of distinguished advertisement";
$lang[525]="Selected advertisements";
$lang[526]=""Selected advertisement" service — is a paid service and it costs";
$lang[527]="You can pay even without Internet access, simply by sending SMS from Your mobile phone.<br />
Advantage of this service is that, after payment Your advertisement remaining in its category gets
<span style='border:1px dashed #FF0000; background-color: #FFFFCC; font-weight:bold'> background and border color </span>, distinguished from other advertisements and stays distinguished until the service expires";
$lang[528]="statistics show that, users visit distinguished advertisements <span style='color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold'> more than others</span>, which <span style='color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold'>increases the possibility of responses</span> to Your advertisement";
$lang[532]="Add this advertisement into notes";
$lang[533]="<center><h5>Click, to find out,<br />how to make this advertisement</h5></center><center><h2>VIP status</h2></center>";
$lang[534]="<center><h5>Click, to find out,<br />how to make this advertisement</h5></center><center><h2>Selected</h2></center>";
$lang[536]="More images";
$lang[537]="Choose subcategory";
$lang[538]="for a city";
$lang[539]="All categories";
$lang[540]="Recipient's E-mail";
$lang[541]="rnrn--------------------------------------------rnThis message was sent to You from site ";
$lang[542]="Posted Today";
$lang[544]="Expiry Date";
$lang[545]="Advertisement posted forever";
$lang[547]="Transitions to a site";
$lang[548]="You can";
$lang[549]="Edit advertisement";
$lang[550]="(if You are the author of it)";
$lang[551]="Report advertisement to Moderator";
$lang[552]="Send advertisement to a Friend's e-mail";
$lang[554]="Opens on a new window";
$lang[555]="View user opinions";
$lang[556]="User comments";
$lang[558]="Notification about expiry of Your advertisement";
$lang[560]="Your advertisement is expiring soon (Title";
$lang[561]="in the advertisement board of the site";
$lang[562]="rnnew strongly recommend to prolong the expiry.rnlink to advertisement:";
$lang[563]="rnrnThis is a system generated message. Do not reply.";
$lang[564]="Notification about expiry of "VIP" status of Your advertisement";
$lang[565]="rnYour advertisement's paid "VIP" status is expiring soon (Title:";
$lang[566]="Notification about expiry of "Selected" status of Your advertisement";
$lang[567]="rnYour advertisement's paid "Selected" status is expiring soon (Title:";
$lang[568]="Free advertisements board";
$lang[571]="Comment added";
$lang[572]="Error occurred! Nothing added";
$lang[573]="Oops… Blank form";
$lang[574]="Your e-mail";
$lang[575]="Oops… You entered incorrect e-mail.";
$lang[576]="Advertisement deserving your attention";
$lang[577]="Advertisement deserving your attention"; // topic
$lang[578]="There is and ad in the advertisements board of site";
$lang[579]="that I think deserves your attention.rnLink to advertisement";
$lang[580]="Link was sent to an e-mail provided by You.";
$lang[581]="Error occurred while sending message. Nothing sent";
$lang[582]="Incorrect e-mail";
$lang[583]="back to advertisement";
$lang[584]="Remember password for advertisement edit"; // topic
$lang[585]="Someone, maybe You, in the advertisements board site";
$lang[586]="used the function "Password remember".rnLink to advertisement:";
$lang[587]="rnRemembering Your password:";
$lang[588]="Password for editing is sent to an e-mail, provided in advertisement contacts.";
$lang[589]="Message with password not sent.<br />Either e-mail not found, or You didn't provide password for editing when posting advertisement.<br />The only option is";
$lang[590]="to contact Administrator.";
$lang[591]="VIP advertisements";
$lang[592]="All rights reserved.<br />All Logos and Trade marks in this site<br />are property of their owners.<br />Using this site means<br />acceptance of conditions";
$lang[593]="of User Agreement";
$lang[594]="Site Map";
$lang[595]="Add advertisement";
$lang[596]="Robots section";
$lang[597]="One second";
$lang[599]="Your city";
$lang[600]="New advertisements";
$lang[605]="Out of them";
$lang[606]="in moderation";
$lang[607]="Added today";
$lang[608]="Nothing added today";
$lang[610]="Popular advertisements";
$lang[612]="In 5 minutes You will be redirected to site";
$lang[615]="if you don't want to wait";
$lang[617]="Error! Try again after 1 minute...";
$lang[611]="Advertisement edit";
$lang[619]="General information";
$lang[620]="Choose type";
$lang[621]="Mark for deletion";
$lang[623]="Your name";
$lang[624]="Password will be needed, in case You wish to prolong or edit Your advertisement.";
$lang[625]="Your web page";
$lang[626]="Home page only";
$lang[627]="Entered password not accepted.<br />We can send it to the e-mail, provided by You when posting advertisement.";
$lang[628]="Entered password not accepted.<br />Since, You didn't provide password when posting advertisement, the only option is";
$lang[629]="There is a special field for links. Link publication in other fields is not allowed.";
$lang[631]="You can view Your edited advertisement";
$lang[632]="Learn, how to increase effectiveness of posted advertisement";
$lang[633]="by making it Selected out of mass";
$lang[635]="by setting "Vip" status";
$lang[636]="Advertisements Board Home";
$lang[637]="Posting new advertisement";
$lang[638]="Reload image";
$lang[639]="If You wish to add web-page, then enter normal URL and home page link only!";
$lang[640]="Notification about successful advertisement post";
$lang[641]="Error. Image";
$lang[642]="exceeds weight limit";
$lang[643]="Error. File";
$lang[644]="not allowed for upload";
$lang[645]="You can view Your advertisement";
$lang[646]="Marked items are deleted from Notes";
$lang[647]="Error occurred while deleting";
$lang[648]="Back to Notes";
$lang[650]="Your saved advertisements";
$lang[651]="Actions with marked items";
$lang[653]="Delete from Notes";
$lang[654]="You don't have saved advertisements";
$lang[655]="Key words";
$lang[656]="No matter";
$lang[657]="With photos only";
$lang[649]="Message from Your advertisement board";
$lang[630]="An advertisement has been edited in Your siternTo unsubscribe from notifications turn it off from Admincenter";
$lang[658]="Latest advertisements";
$lang[659]="Choose needed criteria";
$lang[660]="Default is 10 latest<br />advertisements <strong>of all</strong> categories and <strong>for all</strong> locations";
$lang[661]="Choose amount of receiving advertisements:";
$lang[662]="if You wish to subscribe for one of the categories, not all";
$lang[663]="if You wish to choose needed location";
$lang[666]="New comments";
$lang[667]="Advertisement complaints";
$lang[700]="Error occurred while deleting image";
$lang[803]="Sort of category";
$lang[804]="You can contribute a speedy response of readers, <br />If we add this ad to search engines.";
$lang[805]="Stop-words and phrases separated by commas with no spaces";
$lang[806]="In your data discovered stop-words, which prevents the publication on the bulletin board!";
$lang[807]="Search ads this author";
$lang[8099]="None found";
$lang[809]="Show "Kaleidoscope"";
$lang[810]="How many pictures show in "Kaleidoscope"";
$lang[812]="Next ads";
$lang[813]="Previous ads";
$lang[815]="Amount of days";
$lang[816]="Your advertisements";
$lang[817]="Update date";
$lang[818]="Date updated and ads will rise up";
$lang[819]="If the ads common password";
$lang[820]="Ads search";
$lang[821]="To autor names";
$lang[822]="To autor contacts";
$lang[823]="Global search";
$lang[840]="The Administration is not responsible for the content of published ads, as well as for the actions of users, and is not involved in the legal relations between the parties which have concluded or able to enter into a transaction between a sale and purchase through this site.<br />The Administration reserves the right to block access to the site to any user, as well as to prevent the publication of the proposed options for them without explanation.<br />Use of this site is a testament to the unconditional acceptance of conditions of the Regulation.";
$lang[841]="User panel";
$lang[842]="Change password";
$lang[843]="Log in";
$lang[846]="Forgot password";
$lang[847]="Hello<br />This is your first entry in the Personal Area.<br />To complete registration tick the check box which is next to "I agree with rules of use this site" and click "confirm".";
$lang[849]="I agree with rules of use this site";
$lang[851]="Passwords do not match";
$lang[852]="You entered a wrong password";
$lang[853]="Chosen password is not correct. Try with another one which contains letters (A-Z) or numbers (0-9)";
$lang[854]="Back to My Account";
$lang[855]="Unable to change the information. Check the correctness of data ...";
$lang[856]="Change Password";
$lang[857]="Enter your old password";
$lang[858]="Enter new password";
$lang[859]="valid letters and numbers<br />(A-Z) and (0-9)";
$lang[860]="Repeat new password";
$lang[861]="My Account";
$lang[863]="Your new password";
$lang[864]="At more convenient, you can change it in your profile";
$lang[865]="This letter generated automatically and do not need to answer. n Administration";
$lang[866]="Check your e-mail.<br />Message with your new password was sent successfully ...";
$lang[867]="Hello. n This letter was sent to you because you or someone else had used the password recovery tool on site";
$lang[868]="To confirm click on the link below or copy link into address bar in browser";
$lang[869]="If you have not changed the password on site, just delete this message. nn------------------------- ------------------------------------- n This is an automated letter, please do not reply. n Administration ";
$lang[870]="Password Recovery";
$lang[871]="If this e-mail system was reported previously,<br />there was sent an email with instructions how to change your password";
$lang[872]="To get instructions on resetting your password - enter the e-mail,<br />you used when registering";
$lang[873]="<strong>Enter your e-mail</ strong> for instructions and password";
$lang[874]="This e-mail is already registered in the system";
$lang[875]="Your password";
$lang[876]="To confirm registration Click on the below link";
$lang[877]="and authenticate. nn This letter was sent to you because you or someone else had used this e-mail in registration form on the site";
$lang[878]="Please, check your e-mail for new messages.<br />There was sent an email with your password and further instructions";
$lang[879]="This user does not exist";
$lang[881]="Confirmation of registration site";
$lang[1000]="Change location";
$lang[1005]="Reset your location";
$lang[1007]="You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to comfort access this site";
$lang[1011]="Click, to find out, how to make this advertisement VIP status";
$lang[1012]="Notification from Your advertisement";
$lang[1013]="This ads is is overdue";
$lang[1016]="Header color";
$lang[1017]="Header text size";
$lang[1018]="Width informer";
$lang[1019]="Text size";
$lang[1020]="Text color";
$lang[1021]="Headers latest advertisements";
$lang[1022]="Date size";
$lang[1023]="Date color";
$lang[1024]="Choose options";
$lang[1025]="With the help of our informers, you can place on your site fresh ads. You can edit size and color of the style of your site";
$lang[1026]="The number of latest ads";
$lang[1028]="Create informer code in";
$lang[1030]="to insert on your site";
$lang[1031]="Preview informer";
$lang[1032]="Request is not a valid";
$lang[1037]="Exact Match";
$lang[1041]="Commercial status";
$lang[1042]="Check the new information";
$lang[1043]="All ads";
$lang[1044]="Resort root categories";
$lang[1045]="Resort subcategories";
$lang[1046]="Search ads in this category";
$lang[1047]="Alternative title";
$lang[1048]="if the field is not value - the information will automatically generate";
$lang[1049]="Resort root settlements";
$lang[1050]="Resort subsidiaries settlements";
$lang[1051]="New news";
$lang[1052]="Nothing new there";
$lang[1053]="Edit as Administrator";
$lang[1054]="Meta keywords";
$lang[1055]="Meta description";
$lang[1056]="Preview content";
$lang[1060]="Delete selected from list complaints";
$lang[1062]="Commercial Ads";
$lang[1063]="All VIP ads";
$lang[1064]="All "selected" ads";
$lang[1065]="If you select 'AND', the script will output the result, but if you find your search query as soon at the same time in all these fields of the database.\r\nIf you select 'OR', the script will look for your query in any of the fields of the database.";
$lang[1066]="on #ID";
$lang[1067]="on key word";
$lang[1068]="commercial ads";
$lang[1070]="Action for ads";
$lang[1071]="Action for stat";
$lang[1072]="Delete this entry from the statistics. Status of the ads are not removed";
$lang[1073]="Archive is not relevant SMS-status";
$lang[1075]="Remaining to send the letters";
$lang[1076]="Send email";
$lang[1078]="E-mail of the recipient";
$lang[1080]="Remove expired ads";
$lang[1081]="Send notifications to users, the advertisement that will expire soon";
$lang[1082]="Change the status from the paid ads";
$lang[1083]="Send notifications to users, the commercial advertisement that will expire soon";
$lang[60]="on pages to board";
$lang[37]="Adding ads may <strong>only</strong> registered";
$lang[38]="Required width of the image cat";
$lang[39]="Number of links in the page by navigating to each side";
$lang[30]="Enable/Disable server cache";
$lang[191]="How many seconds to keep cached files of ads on server";
$lang[192]="How many seconds to keep cached files of informers and RSS on server";
$lang[45]="Enable/Disable client cache";
$lang[257]="Show tag-clouds";
$lang[258]="Generate tags from the title, if the user did not enter their own";
$lang[464]="The title of the letters in the subscribe";
$lang[465]="The contents of the letters in the subscribe";
$lang[466]="You can use these dynamic variables";
$lang[467]="board address";
$lang[468]="address page for registration";
$lang[469]="autor name";
$lang[26]="address ads";
$lang[27]="What e-mail will be sent letters in the subscribe";
$lang[28]="If this field is blank, then delivery will be by e-mail administrator";
$lang[29]="How many letters to send at one time in the subscribe";
$lang[484]="More than five";
$lang[1084]="Show contacts in ads if expired date relevance";
$lang[1085]="Moderation comments";
$lang[1086]="Replacing files the server cache when adding ads";
$lang[481]="Allow users to send link for advertisement to a Friend?";
$lang[1087]="The delay between the references in the subscribe, seconds";
$lang[1088]="Notices users";
$lang[1089]="Cleaning and update ads";
$lang[1090]="Cleaning cache";
$lang[1091]="Server cache files the board";
$lang[1092]="Server cache files informers and RSS";
$lang[1093]="The database of the client cache";
$lang[1094]="The latest operation was conducted";
$lang[1095]="Create Sitemap.xml";
$lang[1097]="How to get here?";
$lang[1098]="Highlight this ad";
$lang[1099]="News added. News will be available for view after moderation";
$lang[1100]="Video from the site";
$lang[1102]="Insert in this field is NOT a code to insert objects. Insert in this field link to the movie";
$lang[1103]="Enable reception WebMoney";
$lang[1104]="Wallet, which will be delivered payments (Format - letter and 12 digits)";
$lang[1105]="The cost of the status of "VIP" (number, not more than 32767)";
$lang[1106]="The cost of the status of "Selected Ads" (number, not more than 32767)";
$lang[1107]="numbers, not more than 2";
$lang[1108]="Type of currency of the purse";
$lang[1111]="Type of work";
$lang[1114]="Board works";
$lang[1115]="Only for Administrator";
$lang[1116]="For all";
$lang[1117]="Allowed to post new ads";
$lang[1118]="The site is temporarily not working...";
$lang[1119]="Placing new ads suspended...";
$lang[448]="Commercial advertisements located in site at the moment";
$lang[665]="Date of end Status";
$lang[1120]="Commercial service is temporarily suspended";
$lang[1121]="Commercial service";
$lang[1122]="Only current status";
$lang[1123]="All transactions: Current and remote status and announcements";
$lang[1124]="Payment successfully";
$lang[1125]="Error! Payment not made";
$lang[1127]="Choose the type of services";
$lang[1128]="On the privileges of these services you can find on this page";
$lang[1129]="Paid Services";
$lang[1130]="Assigning a VIP-status";
$lang[1131]="Selection ads";
$lang[1132]="To assign a declaration of the status of "VIP", it is necessary to send SMS-message";
$lang[1133]="The cost of communication is about";
$lang[1134]="Pay using";
$lang[1135]="Cost of service is";
$lang[1136]="Attribution ad";
$lang[1137]="status VIP";
$lang[1138]="Go to payment";
$lang[1139]="To Highlight your ad is selected, you must send an SMS-message";
$lang[1140]="Highlight your ad";
$lang[1141]=" number";
$lang[1142]="Editing contents pages";
$lang[1143]="Allowed users to post news";
$lang[1144]="Classified ads JokerBoard ver.3";
$lang[1145]="Powered by";
$lang[1146]="commercial script classified ads";
$lang[1147]="RSS-subscription of new ads";