Файл: system/lang/en/lang.php
Строк: 733
return array(
'lang_name' => "English",
'read_more' => "Read more",
'home' => "Home page",
'news' => "News",
'menu' => "Menu",
'chat' => "Chat",
'forum' => "Forum",
'share' => "File Sharing",
'users' => "Users",
'blogs' => "Blogs",
'no_notes' => 'No notes',
'write_note' => 'Write into blog',
'blog_of_user' => 'Blog of user',
'blog_tags' => 'Tags',
'edit_note' => 'Edit note',
'sign_up' => "Sign Up",
'sign_in' => "Sign In",
'sign_out' => "Exit",
'recovery' => "Reset password",
'recovery_1' => "You want to recover the password on the site",
'recovery_2' => "To do this, follow the link below and follow the instructions",
'recovery_3' => "If you did not request to recover your password, ignore this message",
'recovery_4' => "Sincerely, Administration of ",
'recovery_alert' => "A letter with further instructions on your email has been sent. Check your mailbox",
'online' => "Online",
'nick' => "Nickname",
'remember' => "Remember Me",
'search' => "Search",
'time_in' => "in",
'today' => "Today",
'yesterday' => "Yesterday",
'super_admin' => "Chief Administrator",
'administrator' => "Administrator",
'super_moder' => "Chief Moderator",
'forummod' => "Forum Moderator",
'albumsmod' => "Albmus Moderator",
'sharemod' => "Downloads Manager",
'usermod' => "Resident",
'nick' => "Nickname",
'user_search' => 'User search',
'no_nick' => "Do not put your username",
'no_pass' => "Do not put your password",
'password' => "Password",
'recovery_pass' => "Password recovery",
'fail_a' => "Authefication failed",
'user_panel' => "Office",
'admin_panel' => "Admin Panel",
'edit_profile' => "Edit profile",
'settings' => "Preferences",
'privacy' => "Privacy",
'view_profile' => "View profile",
'u_mail' => "Private Messages",
'hello' => "Hello",
'succ_add' => "Succefuly added",
'succ_save' => "Succefuly saved",
'succ_send' => "Succefuly sended",
'continue' => "Continue",
'friends' => "Friends",
'friends_add' => "Add to friends",
'friends_requests' => "Requests to friends",
'friends_delete' => "Remove Friend",
'friends_no' => "No friends",
'friends_no_online' => 'No friends online',
'friends_online' => 'Friends online',
'friends_verify_add' => "Are you sure you want to add the user as a friend",
'no_friends_requests' => "No friend requests",
'accept' => "Accept",
'notify' => "Alert",
'notify_no' => "no notification",
'user' => "user",
'read' => "Read",
'name' => "Name",
'surname' => "Surname",
'device' => "Phone Model",
'phone' => "Phone number",
'birth' => "Date of Birth",
'country' => "Country",
'city' => "City",
'site' => "Site/blog",
'gender' => "Gender",
'interests' => "Interests",
'about_me' => "About Me",
'save' => "Save",
'unknown' => "Unknown",
'male' => "Male",
'female' => "Female",
'users_online' => "Users Online",
'guests_online' => "Guests online",
'guest' => "Guest",
'not_users' => "No users",
'pr_of' => "Profile of ",
'e_pr' => "Profile is empty",
'h_pr' => "Hidden profile",
'slang' => "Site language",
'stheme' => "Theme of design",
'fast_mess' => "Form of fast reply",
'ons' => "On",
'offs' => "Off",
'on' => "On",
'off' => "Off",
'amess' => "Number of posts per page",
'show_email' => "Show my e-mail e-mail",
'view_profiles' => "Who sees my profile",
'alls' => "All",
'regs' => "Registered",
'selfs' => "Only me",
'user_avatar' => "My Avatar",
'current_user_avatar' => "Current avatar",
'delete_avatar' => "Delete avatar",
'choose_avatar' => "Choose Image",
'timezone' => "Timezone",
'shop' => "Shop",
'color_nick' => "Nickname color",
'clear_color' => "Delete color",
'sum_service' => "Cost",
'no_balance' => "You don't have coins for this operation",
'yes_color' => "Your nuckname color succefuly changed",
'green' => "Green",
'red' => "Red",
'orange' => "Orange",
'blue' => "Blue",
'violet' => "Violet",
'black' => "Black",
'brown' => "Brown",
'User activity' => 'User activity',
'delete_post' => "Delete a message",
'back_mail' => "Return into chat",
'delete_history' => "Clear the message history",
'your_post' => "It is your message",
'only_mess' => "Total messages ",
'user_black_list' => "User is on your blacklist.",
'stop_black_list' => "You can not post messages to this user, as it has added you to their blacklist.",
'block' => "Block",
'unblock' => "Unblock",
'yes_block' => "User has been added to your blacklist",
'black_list' => "Blacklist",
'delete_block' => "User has been removed from your blacklist",
'users_empty' => "No users",
'black_list_i' => "I blacklisted",
'security_t' => "In this section you can change your password and e-mail",
'security' => "Security",
'change_pass' => "Change Password",
'change_mail' => "Change e-mail",
'new_e' => "new",
'current' => "current",
'confirm' => "confirm",
'new_message' => "New Message",
'w_mail' => "Write Message",
'chat_with_user' => "Chat with user",
'mess_added' => "Message succefuly added",
'move' => 'Move to',
'user_activity' => "User activity",
'user_topics' => "Forum topics",
'user_posts' => "Forum posts",
'user_comments' => "Comments",
'user_files' => "Files",
'user_notes' => 'Blog notes',
'no_chat_rooms' => "No Chat rooms",
'no_chat_rooms' => "No room",
'add_room' => "Add room",
'create' => "create",
'delete' => "Delete",
'r_sure' => "Are you sure?",
'yyes' => "Yes",
'yno' => "No",
'no_posts' => "No Messages",
'clear' => "Clear",
'refresh' => "Refresh",
'send' => "Submit",
'add_post' => "Write to chat",
'reply' => "Reply",
'back' => "Back",
'registration_time' => 'Registration time',
'last_visit_time' => 'Time of last visit',
'smiles_no' => "No smiles",
'smiles_general' => 'General',
'smiles_gestures' => 'Gestures',
'smiles_emotions' => 'Emotions',
'smiles_actions' => 'Actions',
'smiles_music' => 'Music',
'smiles_sport' => 'Sport',
'smiles_admin' => 'Admin smiles',
'add_smile' => "Add smile",
'image_smile' => "Smile picture",
'mark' => "Mark",
'photo_albums' => "Albums",
'album_of_user' => "Albums of user",
'no_images' => "No pics",
'no_albums' => "No albums",
'add_album' => "Add album",
'name_album' => "Name of album",
'desc_album' => "Description",
'add_photo' => "Add pic",
'desc_photo' => "Description",
'download_photo' => "Download original",
'album' => "Album",
'late_photo' => "Last photos",
'my_album' => "My album",
'all_albums' => "All album",
'all_photos' => "All pics",
'del_album' => "Delete album",
'in_photo_albums' => "In albums",
'set_photo_avatar' => "Set as avatar",
'set_photo_avatar_yes' => "Picture setted as your avatar",
'album_type' => "Have access",
'album_open' => "All",
'album_close' => "Only me",
'album_friends' => "Only friends",
'album_pass' => "By password",
'album_pass2' => "If by password",
'album_stop1' => "Photos from this album are available only to the author.",
'album_stop2' => "Photos from this album are available only to the user.",
'album_stop3' => "This album protected by a password",
'album_no_pass' => "Incorrect password!",
'in_chat' => "In the chat",
'in_share' => "In file sharing",
'in_online' => "See list of online",
'in_guests' => "See guest list",
'in_cabinet' => "In office",
'in_profile' => "See someone's profile",
'in_pr_edit' => "Edits profile",
'in_index' => "On the home page",
'in_users' => "In users list",
'in_forum' => "In forums",
'in_faq' => "In FAQ",
'in_site' => "On site",
'in_mail' => "In Private messages",
'in_downloads' => "In downloads",
'in_blogs' => "In blogs",
'in_news' => "In news",
'in_settings' => "In settings",
'no_news' => "No news",
'add_news' => "Create news",
'message' => "Message",
'edit_news' => "Edit News",
'comments' => "Comments",
'add_comment' => "Create comment",
'padmin' => "Admin panel",
'padmin_settings' => "Site settings",
'padmin_smiles' => 'Smiles manager',
'padmin_tags' => "Management BB-tags",
'padmin_modules_settings' => "Management modules",
'padmin_installed_modules' => "Installed Modules",
'padmin_system_info' => "System Information",
'padmin_mail' => "Sending mail for users",
'open_reg' => "Open registration",
'open_site' => "Open site",
'public_site' => "The site is open for viewing guests",
'title' => "Title",
'keywords' => "Keywords (for search engines)",
'description' => "Description of the site (for search engines)",
'copyright' => "Copyright of Website",
'padmin_ads' => "Manage advertising",
'padmin_ads_footer' => "Bottom advertising",
'padmin_ads_header' => "Top advertising",
'padmin_ads_banner' => "Banners, counters",
'padmin_pages' => "Manage static pages",
'no_pages' => "No pages",
'add_page' => "Text of page",
'ban_list' => "banned list",
'to_ban' => "banned",
'ban_time' => "Ban for",
/// ban_time змінив текст
'hours' => "Hours",
'days' => "Days",
'user_banned' => "User was banned",
'upban' => "Unban",
'ban_text' => "reason for a ban",
'u_r_banned' => "You are banned",
'end_ban' => "End of ban",
'change_dest' => "Change destination",
'main_page_manager' => "Main page manager",
'main_page_manager_contents' => "Code of main page (HTML)",
'no_links' => "No links",
'add_link' => "Add link",
'link_url' => "Link",
'link_name' => "Name",
'link_image' => "Link to image",
'link_redirect' => "Redirect",
'link_type' => "Type of link",
'banner_link' => "Banner",
'header_link' => "Link in top of page",
'footer_link' => "Link in bottom of page",
'edit_link' => "Link redactor",
'extentions' => "File extensions",
'enter_ext' => "Enter the file extension (through )",
'get_more_addons_and_themes' => "Get more modules and themes",
'last_stable_release' => "The latest stable release",
'new_version' => "New version!",
'upgrade' => "Upgrade",
'author' => 'Author',
'link' => 'Link',
'padmin_installed_themes_list' => "Installed themes",
'show_forum_topics' => "Show last forum topics on the home page?",
'show_dls_dirs' => "Show the downloads folder on the home page?",
'no_forums' => "No Forums",
'no_subforums' => "No subforums",
'no_topics' => "Тo topics",
'create_forum' => "Create a Forum",
'create_subforum' => "Create subforum",
'create_topic' => "New topic",
'forum_not_exists' => "Forum does not exist",
'subforum_not_exists' => "Subforum not exist",
'topic_not_exists' => "Topic does not exist",
'no_topics' => "No topics",
'add_message' => "Add post",
'quote' => "Quote",
'edit_post' => "Edit post",
'edit_topic' => "Edit theme",
'edit' => "Edit",
'close' => "Close",
'open' => "Open",
'attach' => "Lock",
'unpin' => "Unpin",
'new_topics' => "New topics",
'desc' => "Description",
'move_topic' => "Move topic",
'category' => "Category",
'section' => "Section",
'other_section' => "Another section",
'move_ok' => "Topic succefuly moved",
'move_no' => "Topic not moved",
'add_vote' => "Add poll",
'edit_vote' => "Edit poll",
'delete_vote' => "Delete poll",
'question' => "Question",
'reply_vote' => "Viriants of answers",
'input_vote' => " input areas (20max.) ",
'no_add_vote' => "Error!",
'no_add_vote2' => "Error! This topic already has poll.",
'yes_add_vote' => "Poll succefuly created!",
'vote' => "Vote",
'votes' => "Polls",
'add_votes' => "Poll added by",
'user_vote' => "Voted",
'user_vot' => "users.",
'edit_vote_error' => "This topic not has not poll.",
'close_vote' => "Close poll",
'open_vote' => "Open poll",
'vote_close' => "Poll is closed",
'who_upload' => "Who can upload files to file sharing?",
'all_regs' => "All registered",
'administration' => "Administration",
'module_is_closed' => "Module is tempotary unvailable.",
'module_no_access' => "You don't have access to view this page!",
'yes' => "Yes",
'no' => "No",
'site_closed' => "Site closed for update.",
'reg_closed' => "Registration temporarily unavalaible",
'access' => 'Access',
'access_upload' => 'Access to upload',
'access_all' => 'For all',
'access_users' => 'For users',
'access_admins' => 'For administartion',
'widget' => 'Widget',
'counter' => 'Counter',
'user_balance' => 'Coins',
'balance_transfer' => "Coins transfer",
'transfer_user' => "Transfer coins to user",
'you_balance' => "On your balance",
'balance' => "of coins.",
'transfer_sum' => "Amount of transfer",
'transfer_send' => "Transfer",
'transfer_ok' => "Transfer successfully held!",
'transfer_sum_us' => "You are transferred to the account",
'transfer_no' => "Error! You do not have enough coins for this transfer.",
'transfer_sum_yes' => "desired amount",
'notify_balance_transfer' => "Transferred into your account",
'new_messages' => "New Messages",
'new_files' => "New Files",
'no_folders' => "No Folders",
'create_dir' => "New Folder",
'dir_not_exists' => "Folder does not exist",
'no_files' => "No files",
'add_file' => "Add File",
'upload' => "Download",
'choose_file' => "Select file",
'about' => "Description",
'file_not_exists' => "File does not exist",
'download' => "Download",
'downloaded' => "Downloaded",
'uploader' => "Loaded by",
'import' => "Import file",
'import_adress' => "File adress (with http://)",
'sort' => "Sort by",
'sdate' => "Date",
'sname' => "Name",
'rating' => "Rating",
'vote' => "Vote",
'screenshot' => "Screenshot",
'screenshot_delete' => "Remove Preview",
'screenshot_add' => "Add screenshot",
'downloads' => "Files",
'dl_dir_empty' => "Directory is empty",
'dl_add_dir' => "Add Folder",
'dl_add_file' => "Add File",
'dl_dir_name' => "Directory name",
'dl_dir_desc' => "Description of directory",
'dl_serv_name' => "Directory name on sever (in English)",
'dl_choose_file' => "Select file",
'dl_file_desc' => "File description",
'dl_file_name' => "File Name",
'dl_description' => "Description",
'dl_image_size' => "Image Size",
'dl_song_channels' => "Channels",
'dl_song_framerate' => "Frequency",
'dl_song_byterate' => "Quality",
'dl_song_lenght' => "Length",
'dl_song_name' => "Name",
'dl_song_artist' => "Artist",
'dl_song_album' => "Album",
'dl_song_year' => "Year",
'dl_song_genre' => "Genre",
'dl_file_user' => "Uploaded",
'dl_file_downloaded' => "Loaded",
'dl_download_file' => "Download",
'dl_edit_file' => "Edit",
'dl_delete_file' => "Delete",
'dl_attach_files' => "Add Files",
'dl_attach_screenshot' => "Manager of screenshots",
'dl_edit_dir' => "Edit Folder",
'dl_file_delete_attention' => "Are you sure you want to delete the file",
'dl_dir_delete_attention' => "Are you sure you want to delete the directory",
'dl_choose_screenshot' => "Select Image",
'dl_num_files' => "Files",
'dl_file' => "File",
'add' => "Add",
'no_nick' => "Field <b> Nick </b> is empty",
'no_name' => "Field <b> Name </b> is empty",
'no_email' => "Field <b> E-Mail </b> is empty",
'no_pass' => "Field <b> Password </b> is empty",
'no_pass2' => "Field <b> Confirm Password </b> is empty",
'b_nick' => "Nickname is wrong! allowed Cyrillic, Latin, numbers, and symbols-_ and space",
'e_nick' => "Nickname is too short or long",
'e_name' => "Name too long",
'b_mail' => "E-Mail is too long or short",
'e_email' => "E-Mail is wrong! Example: user@mail.com",
'e_pass' => "Password too long, or short",
'e_pass2' => "Passwords do not match",
'ex_nick' => "User with such nickname is",
'ex_mail' => "A user with the E-Mail exists",
'enter_captcha' => "Please enter the code from the image",
'errot_captcha' => "code from the image is wrong",
'password2' => "Confirm Password",
'end_r_t' => "Registration completed successfully. Now you can log in.",
'search' => "Search",
'search_topics' => "Search topics",
'search_messages' => "Search messages",
'enter_search_key' => "Enter search key",
'where' => "Where",
'in_topics_names' => "In topics names",
'in_messages' => "In messages",
'found' => "Found matches",
'not_found' => "Matches not found",
'in_files_names' => "In names of files",
'in_files_desc' => "In files description",
'search_files' => "File search",
'search_by_name' => 'In names',
'search_by_tags' => 'In tags',
'search_by_text' => 'In contents',
'search_by_nick' => 'By nickname',
'search_in_names' => 'By name',
'search_by_city' => 'By city',
'search_by_country' => 'By country',
'search_by_gender' => 'By gender',
'faq' => "Help",
'smiles' => "Smile",
'tags' => "BB-tags",
'rules' => "Rules!",
'page_not_found' => 'Page not found',
'page_not_found_alert' => "Attention! Requested page cat not be found. Maybe this page was deleted.",
'rules_text' => "<b> 1.1 </b> Do not flood. <br/>
<b> 1.2 </b> Prohibited public insults towards administration and users. <br/>
<b> 1.3 </b> Do not racial, national, and linguistic discrimination. <br/>
<b> 1.4 </b> prohibited calls to murder, promotion of drugs and alcohol. <br/>
<b> 1.5 </b> prohibited message of obscenities <br/>
<b> 1.6 </b> Do not krytykuvannya action administration, there are private messages. <br/>
<b> 2.1 </b> in the forum may not post unrelated to discussion topics. <br/>
<b> 2.2 </b> Do not open a closed topic moderators, without their consent. <br/>
Keep these rules or you will be banned!",
################################################## ##
'used' => "now available",
'births' => "Birthdays",
'births_info' => "Celebrate today",
'not_users_birthday' => "No Birthdays",
'was_birthday' => "A fulfillment",
'years' => "years",
'administration_site' => "Site Administration",
'all_users' => "All users",
'man' => "Men",
'woman' => "Women",
'sort_last_visit_time' => "By the time the last visit ",
'sort_desc' => "Newest",
'sort_asc' => "Growth",
'today_online' => "Today the site was visited",
'error' => "Error!",
'plus' => "Plus",
'minus' => "Minus",
'rating_ok' => "Vashyy reviews user sent.",
'rating_stop' => "To assess the user can be no more than once a week.",
'not_rating' => "In no user reviews.",
'view' => "View details",
################################################## ##