Файл: modules/forum/topic.php
Строк: 190
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013, Taras Chornyi, Sergiy Mazurenko, Ivan Kotliar
* @link http://perf-engine.net
* @package PerfEngine
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
$locate = 'in_forum';
if(!isset($_GET['id'])) redirect('/forum');
$topic_id = abs(intval($_GET['id']));
$db->query("UPDATE `notify` SET `read` = '1' WHERE `request_id` = '/forum/topic/".$topic_id."?page=end' AND `user_id` = '".User::Id()."' AND `type` = 'notify_topic_reply'");
if($db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_pt` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."'")->rowCount() == 0)
$title = _t('forum');
$tpl->div('menu', _t('topic_not_exists'));
$tpl->div('block', NAV.' <a href="/forum/">'. _t('forum') .'</a><br/>' . HICO .' <a href="/">'. _t('home') .'</a>');
$topict = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_t` WHERE `id` = '". $topic_id ."'")->fetch();
///////////////// Vote //////////////////
$topic_vote = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_vote` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' AND `type` = '1'")->fetch();
if (isset($_POST['votes']) && $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_vote_rez` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' AND `user_id` = '".User::profile('id')."' ")->rowCount() == 0 && User::logged() && $topict['closed'] == 0 && $topic_vote['closed'] == 0)
$vote = input($_POST['vote']);
$vote_u = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_vote` WHERE `id` = '". $vote ."' AND `type` = '2'")->rowCount();
if (isset($vote) && $vote_u > 0)
$db->query("INSERT INTO `forum_vote_rez` SET `user_id` = '". User::profile('id')."', `topic_id` = '". $topic_id."', `vote` = '".$vote."'");
$db->query("UPDATE `forum_vote` SET `count` = count + 1 WHERE `id` = '".$vote."'");
///////////////// Vote //////////////////
$title = $topict['name'] .' | '._t('forum');
$tpl->div('title', $topict['name'] .' | '._t('forum'));
////////////////// Vote //////////////////
$top_vote = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_vote` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' AND `type` = '1'")->rowCount();
if ($top_vote > 0)
echo '<div class="post">';
$votes = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_vote` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' AND `type` = '2' ORDER BY id");
$cou = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_vote_rez` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."'")->rowCount();
echo img('rating.png').'<b>'.$topic_vote['name'] .'</b> '.($topict['closed'] == 1 || $topic_vote['closed'] == 1 ? '('._t('vote_close').')' : null).'<br />';
if ($db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_vote_rez` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' AND `user_id` = '".User::profile('id')."' ")->rowCount() == 0 && User::logged() && $topict['closed'] == 0 && $topic_vote['closed'] == 0)
echo '<form action="/forum/topic/'.$topic_id.'/" method="post">';
foreach($votes as $vote)
echo '<input type="radio" value="'.$vote['id'].'" name="vote" /> '.$vote['name'].'<br />';
echo '<input type="submit" name="votes" value="'. _t('vote') .'" /></form>';
foreach($votes as $vote)
$count = $cou ? round(100 / $cou * $vote['count'], 1) : 0;
echo $vote['name'].' ('.$db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_vote_rez` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' AND `vote` = '".$vote['id']."'")->rowCount().')<br />
<div class="rang"><span style="width: '.$count.'%"><center>'.$count.'%</center></span></div>';
echo _t('user_vote') . ' <b>'.$cou .'</b> '. _t('user_vot') . '<br />
<small>------------<br />'. _t('add_votes') .' <b><a href="/user/profile/'.$topic_vote['user_id'] .'">'.tnick($topic_vote['user_id']).'</a></b>, '.rtime($topic_vote['time']) .'</small>';
echo '</div>';
///////////////// Vote //////////////////
(User::logged() && $topict['closed'] == 0 ? $tpl->div('menu', '<a href="/forum/add_post/'. $topic_id .'"/>'. _t('add_message') .'</a><br/>') : NULL);
$topic_r = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_pt` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."'")->rowCount();
$pages = new Paginator($topic_r, $ames);
if($topic_r == 0)
echo $tpl->div('menu', _t('no_posts'));
if(isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] != 1 && $topic_r > $ames)
$pinned = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_pt` WHERE `topic_id` = '{$topic_id}' ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1")->fetch();
if($pinned['pin'] == 1)
echo '<div class="list id="post'.$pinned['id'].'">
'.(User::logged() ? '<span style="float: right;">'.(User::Id() != $pinned['user_id'] && $topict['closed'] == 0 ? '[<a href="/forum/'.(User::logged() && $settings['fast_mess'] == 1 ? 'topic/'.$pinned['topic_id'].'?page=end&' : 'add_post/'.$pinned['topic_id'].'?'). 'reply_to='.$topic['user_id'].'">'. _t('reply').'</a> | <a href="/forum/'.(User::logged() && $settings['fast_mess'] == 1 ? 'topic/'.$pinned['topic_id'].'?page=end&' : 'add_post/'.$topic['topic_id'].'?'). 'quote='. $pinned['id'] .'">'. _t('quote').'</a>]': NULL)
. (User::level() == 3 || User::level() >= 5 || (User::Id() == $pinned['user_id'] && $pinned['time'] > (time()-300)) ? ' [<a href="/forum/delete_post/'.$pinned['id'].'?topic_id='.$pinned['topic_id'].'">x</a> | <a href="/forum/edit_post/'.$pinned['id'].'?topic_id='.$pinned['topic_id'].'">+</a>]' : NULL).'</span>':NULL)
. nick($pinned['user_id'], '<a href="/forum/post/'.$pinned['id'].'"><small class="gray">'. rtime($pinned['time']).'</small></a>') . output($pinned['text']) .
($pinned['count_edit'] > 0 ? '<small style="font-size: xx-small"><br/>_______________<br />'. _t('Edited by').' <b>'. tnick($pinned['edit_user_id']) .'</b> ('. rtime($pinned['edit_time']) .') ['. $pinned['count_edit'] .']</small>':NULL) .'
'.(!empty($pinned['file']) ? '<br/><div style="border: dotted 1px;"><a href="/files/forum/'.$pinned['file'].'">'.$pinned['file'].'</a> ('.size($pinned['file_size']).')</div>' : NULL).'
$topic_q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_pt` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT $start, $ames");
while($topic = $topic_q->fetch())
echo '<div class="post" id="post'.$topic['id'].'">
'.(User::logged() ? '<span style="float: right;">'.(User::Id() != $topic['user_id'] && $topict['closed'] == 0 ? '[<a href="/forum/'.(User::logged() && $settings['fast_mess'] == 1 ? 'topic/'.$topic['topic_id'].'?page=end&' : 'add_post/'.$topic['topic_id'].'?'). 'reply_to='.$topic['user_id'].'#reply">'. _t('reply').'</a> | <a href="/forum/'.(User::logged() && $settings['fast_mess'] == 1 ? 'topic/'.$topic['topic_id'].'?page=end&' : 'add_post/'.$topic['topic_id'].'?'). 'quote='. $topic['id'] .'#reply">'. _t('quote').'</a>]': NULL)
. (User::level() == 3 || User::level() >= 5 || (User::Id() == $topic['user_id'] && $topic['time'] > (time()-300)) ? ' [<a href="/forum/delete_post/'.$topic['id'].'?topic_id='.$topic['topic_id'].'">x</a> | <a href="/forum/edit_post/'.$topic['id'].'?topic_id='.$topic['topic_id'].'">+</a>]' : NULL).'</span>':NULL)
. nick($topic['user_id'], '<a href="/forum/post/'.$topic['id'].'"><small class="gray">'. rtime($topic['time']).'</small></a>') . output($topic['text']) .
($topic['count_edit'] > 0 ? '<small style="font-size: xx-small"><br/>_______________<br />'. _t('Edited by').' <b>'. tnick($topic['edit_user_id']) .'</b> ('. rtime($topic['edit_time']) .') ['. $topic['count_edit'] .']</small>':NULL) .'
'.(!empty($topic['file']) ? '<br/><div style="border: dotted 1px;"><a href="/files/forum/'.$topic['file'].'">'.$topic['file'].'</a> ('.size($topic['file_size']).')</div>' : NULL).'
if(User::logged() && $settings['fast_mess'] == 1 && $topict['closed'] == 0)
echo '<div class="menu">
<form id="reply" action="/forum/add_post/'. $topic_id .'?act=create'.(isset($_GET['reply_to']) ? '&reply_to='.num($_GET['reply_to']) : (isset($_GET['quote']) ? '"e='.abs(intval($_GET['quote'])) : null)).'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<b>'. _t('message') .'</b>:<br/>';
textarea(5, 20, (isset($_GET['reply_to']) ? '[b]'.tnick(num($_GET['reply_to'])).'[/b], ' : NULL) . (isset($_GET['quote']) ? "[quote][i][b]".tnick($db->query("SELECT user_id FROM `forum_pt` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' AND `id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['quote'])) ."'")->fetchColumn())."[/b] ".date('d.m.Y, H:i', $db->query("SELECT time FROM `forum_pt` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' AND `id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['quote'])) ."'")->fetchColumn())."[/i]:n".preg_replace("/[quote]|[/quote]/i", '', $db->query("SELECT text FROM `forum_pt` WHERE `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."' AND `id` = '". abs(intval($_GET['quote'])) ."'")->fetchColumn())."n[/quote] " : NULL));
echo '<br/><input name="create" type="submit" value="'. _t('add') .'" /><br/>
echo '<div class="block">'.
($topict['closed'] == 1 ? '<span class="red">'. _t('Topic is closed') .'</span>' : null);
if(User::logged() && $topict['closed'] == 0)
echo NAV .'<a href="/forum/add_post/'. $topic_id .'"/>'. _t('add_message') .'</a><br/>';
if(User::level()>=5 || User::level() == 3)
echo NAV .'<a href="/forum/move_topic/'. $topict['id'].'">'._t('move').'</a><br/>';
if($topict['closed'] == 0)
echo NAV . '<a href="/forum/act/'. $topict['id'].'?act=close">'. _t('close') .'</a><br/>';
elseif($topict['closed'] == 1)
echo NAV . '<a href="/forum/act/'. $topict['id'].'?act=open">'. _t('open') .'</a><br/>';
///////////////// Vote //////////////////
$user_topics = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_pt` WHERE `cat_id` != '0' AND `topic_id` = '". $topic_id ."'")->fetch();
if (User::level()>=5 || User::level() == 3 || $user_topics['user_id'] == User::profile('id'))
if ($top_vote == 0 && $topict['closed'] == 0)
echo NAV . '<a href="/forum/vote_topic/'. $topict['id'].'">'. _t('add_vote') .'</a><br/>';
if ($top_vote != 0)
echo NAV . '<a href="/forum/vote_edit_topic/'. $topict['id'].'">'. _t('edit_vote') .'</a><br/>';
echo NAV . '<a href="/forum/vote_delete_topic/'. $topict['id'].'">'. _t('delete_vote') .'</a><br/>';
if($topic_vote['closed'] == 0)
echo NAV . '<a href="/forum/act/'. $topict['id'].'?act=close_vote">'. _t('close_vote') .'</a><br/>';
elseif($topic_vote['closed'] == 1)
echo NAV . '<a href="/forum/act/'. $topict['id'].'?act=open_vote">'. _t('open_vote') .'</a><br/>';
///////////////// Vote //////////////////
if(User::level()>=6 && $topict['attach'] == 0)
echo NAV . '<a href="/forum/act/'. $topict['id'].'?act=attach">'. _t('attach') .'</a><br/>';
elseif(User::level()>=6 && $topict['attach'] == 1)
echo NAV . '<a href="/forum/act/'. $topict['id'].'?act=unpin">'. _t('unpin') .'</a><br/>';
echo '</div>';
$topicNav = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_c` WHERE `id` = '". $topict['cat_id']."'")->fetch();
img('back.png').' <a href="/forum/section/'. $topict['cat_id'] .'/">'.$topicNav['name'].'</a><br/>'.
img('back.png').' <a href="/forum/category/'. $topicNav['f_id'] .'">'. $db->query("SELECT name FROM `forum` WHERE `id` = '". $topicNav['f_id'] ."'")->fetchColumn().'</a><br/>'.
img('forum.png') .' <a href="/forum">'. _t('forum') .'</a><br/>'.
HICO .' <a href="/">'. _t('home') .'</a>');