Файл: settings.php
Строк: 218
* settings
* @package Sngine
* @author Yehia Abed
* @version 0.3
// fetch kernal
// check access level
// valid inputs
$valid['edit'] = array('', 'account', 'profile', 'privacy', 'linked');
if(!in_array($_GET['edit'], $valid['edit'])) {
SystemError($translate->__("Invalid Link"), $translate->__("You may have clicked an expired link or mistyped the address."));
// check profile picture
if($userArray['UserAvatarPath'] == 'content/themes/default/images/misc/no_avatar.jpg') {
$defaultAvatar = true;
}else {
$defaultAvatar = false;
if(!isset($_GET['edit']) || $_GET['edit'] == "account") {
// page header
PageHeader($translate->__('Account Settings'));
$view = "account";
if($_GET['tab'] == "name") {
if($_POST['submit']) {
if(!IsEmpty($_POST['firstname']) && !IsEmpty($_POST['lastname'])) {
if(ValidString($_POST['firstname'])) {
if(ValidString($_POST['lastname'])) {
// update user
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserFirstName = %s, UserLastName = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure(ucwords($_POST['firstname'])), Secure(ucwords($_POST['lastname'])), Secure($userArray['UserID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
header('Location: '.SITE_URL.'/settings/');
}else {
$error['name'] = "The last name contains invalid characters.";
}else {
$error['name'] = "The first name contains invalid characters.";
}else {
$error['name'] = "You must enter your first name and last name";
}elseif ($_GET['tab'] == "username") {
if($_POST['submit']) {
if(!IsEmpty($_POST['username'])) {
$forbidden = array('index', 'username', 'usernames', 'yourname', 'yournames', 'admin', 'admins', 'webmaster', 'amrdiab', '3mrdyab', 'amrdyab', '3mrdiab', 'ajax', 'content', 'js', 'libs', '404', 'about', 'album', 'albums', 'apps', 'bug', 'bugs', 'confirm', 'corefile', 'directory', 'discussion', 'discussions', 'editalbum', 'editdiscussion', 'editpage', 'feedback', 'gettingstarted', 'help', 'home', 'link', 'message', 'messages', 'news', 'newsfeed', 'notification', 'notifications', 'page', 'pages', 'photo', 'photos', 'poll', 'polls', 'privacy', 'profile', 'profiles', 'question', 'questions', 'recover', 'reset', 'search', 'settings', 'signin', 'login', 'signup', 'register', 'signout', 'logout', 'terms', 'tour', 'track', 'tracks', 'video', 'videos');
if(!in_array(strtolower($_POST['username']), $forbidden)) {
if(ValidUserName($_POST['username'])) {
if(!$user->checkUserName($_POST['username'])) {
// update user
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserName = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($_POST['username']), Secure($userArray['UserID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
header('Location: '.SITE_URL.'/settings/');
}else {
$error['username'] = "There is an existing account associated with this username.";
}else {
$error['username'] = "Username contains invalid characters";
}else {
$error['username'] = "Username is not available";
}else {
$error['username'] = "You must enter valid (non-empty) username.";
}elseif ($_GET['tab'] == "email") {
if($_POST['submit']) {
if($_POST['email'] != $userArray['UserEmail']) {
if(!IsEmpty($_POST['email']) && ValidEmail($_POST['email'])) {
if(!$user->checkUserEmail($_POST['email'])) {
// create activation code
$code = md5(time()*rand(1, 9999));
// update user
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserEmail = %s, ActivationCode = %s, Verified = 'N' WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($_POST['email']), Secure($code), Secure($userArray['UserID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
// prepare to send activation email
$subject = "Confirm your new email at ".SITE_TITLE;
$body = "Hi ".$userArray['UserFirstName'].",";
$body .= "rnrnTo confirm your new email, please follow this link:";
$body .= "rnrnhttp://".SITE_URL."/confirm.php?id=".$userArray['UserID']."&code=".$code;
$body .= "rnrnWelcome to ".SITE_TITLE."!";
$body .= "rnr".SITE_TITLE." Team";
// send activation email
if(SendMail($_POST['email'], $subject, $body)) {
header('Location: '.SITE_URL.'/settings/');
}else {
$error['email'] = "There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later.";
}else {
$error['email'] = "There is an existing account associated with this email.";
}else {
$error['email'] = "You must enter valid email";
}elseif($_GET['tab'] == "password") {
if($_POST['submit']) {
if(!IsEmpty($_POST['password']) && !IsEmpty($_POST['newpass']) && !IsEmpty($_POST['confirm'])) {
if($userArray['UserPassword'] == md5($_POST['password'])) {
if($_POST['newpass'] == $_POST['confirm']) {
if(strlen($_POST['newpass']) >= 6) {
// update user
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserPassword = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure(md5($_POST['newpass'])), Secure($userArray['UserID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
header('Location: ./settings.php?edit=account');
}else {
$error['password'] = "Your new password must be at least 6 characters long. Please try another.";
}else {
$error['password'] = "Your passwords do not match.";
}else {
$error['password'] = "Your current password is incorrect.";
}else {
$error['password'] = "You must fill in all of the fields.";
}elseif($_GET['edit'] == "profile") {
// page header
PageHeader($translate->__('Edit Profile'));
$view = "profile";
// generate secret
$_SESSION['secret'] = md5(time()*rand(1, 9999));
$smarty->assign('secret', $_SESSION['secret']);
// edit basic info
if($_GET['tab'] == "basic") {
if($_POST['submit']) {
if($_POST['sex'] != "none") {
if($_POST['month'] != "none" && $_POST['day'] != "none" && $_POST['year'] != "none") {
if($_POST['year'] < "1999" && $_POST['year'] >= "1905" && $_POST['month'] <= "12" && $_POST['month'] >= "1" && $_POST['day'] <= "31" && $_POST['day'] >= "1" ) {
if(strlen($_POST['bio']) <= 255) {
// update user
$_POST['sex'] = ($_POST['sex'] == "m")? "M" : "F";
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserCountry = %s, UserWebsite = %s, UserBiography = %s, UserSex = %s, UserBirthMonth = %s, UserBirthDay = %s, UserBirthYear = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($_POST['location']), Secure($_POST['website']), Secure($_POST['bio']), Secure($_POST['sex']), Secure($_POST['month']), Secure($_POST['day']), Secure($_POST['year']), Secure($userArray['UserID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
header('Location: '.$userArray['URL']);
}else {
$error = "Your bio is too long. The maximum bio length is 255 characters.";
}else {
$error = "Sorry, we are not able to process your request.";
}else {
$error = "You must indicate your full birthday to complete.";
}else {
$error = "Please select either Male or Female.";
}elseif($_GET['edit'] == "privacy") {
// page header
PageHeader($translate->__('Privacy Settings'));
$view = "privacy";
if($_POST['submit']) {
// update user
$_POST['facebook'] = ($_POST['facebook'] == "y")? "y" : "n";
$_POST['twitter'] = ($_POST['twitter'] == "y")? "y" : "n";
$_POST['chat'] = ($_POST['chat'] == "y")? "y" : "n";
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET privacyFB = %s, privacyTW = %s, Offline = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($_POST['facebook']), Secure($_POST['twitter']), Secure($_POST['chat']), Secure($userArray['UserID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
header('Location: '.$userArray['URL']);
}elseif($_GET['edit'] == "linked") {
// page header
PageHeader($translate->__('Linked Accounts'));
$view = "linked";
// assign varibles
$smarty->assign('linkedAccount', $linkedAccount);
// assign varibles
$smarty->assign('error', $error);
$smarty->assign('edit', $view);
$smarty->assign('defaultAvatar', $defaultAvatar);
// page footer