Файл: notifications.php
Строк: 226
* notifications system
* @package Sngine
* @author Zamblek
// fetch kernal
// check access level
// page header
PageHeader($translate->__("Your Notifications"));
// get notifications
if($userArray['UserNotifications'] > 0) {
// prepare where statement
if(count($userBlockedUsers) > 0) {
$whereStatement = ' AND notifi.UserID NOT IN (' . implode(',', $userBlockedUsers) . ')';
$lastWeek = $now - (7*24*60*60);
$getNotifications = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT notifi.*, user.UserName, user.UserFirstName, user.UserLastName FROM notifications notifi INNER JOIN users user ON notifi.UserID = user.UserID WHERE notifi.AuthorID = %s AND notifi.Time >= %s ".$whereStatement." ORDER BY notifi.Time DESC", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), $lastWeek )) or SQLError();
$days = array();
while($notification = $getNotifications->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
// follow
if($notification['Action'] == 1) {
$notification['image'] = 'follow';
$notification['message'] = 'now follow you';
// like post|comment|answer
}elseif ($notification['Action'] == 2) {
$notification['image'] = 'like';
if($notification['Type'] == 'P') {
$message = GetNotification($notification['PostType'], $notification['PostID']);
$notification['message'] = 'likes your <a href="'.$message['link'].'">'.$message['app'].'</a>';
}elseif ($notification['Type'] == 'C') {
$notification['message'] = 'likes your comment';
}else {
$notification['message'] = 'voted your answer up';
// dislike post|comment|answer
}elseif ($notification['Action'] == 3) {
$notification['image'] = 'dislike';
if($notification['Type'] == 'P') {
$message = GetNotification($notification['PostType'], $notification['PostID']);
$notification['message'] = 'dislikes your <a href="'.$message['link'].'">'.$message['app'].'</a>';
}elseif ($notification['Type'] == 'C') {
$notification['message'] = 'dislikes your comment';
}else {
$notification['message'] = 'voted your answer down';
// favorite
}elseif ($notification['Action'] == 4) {
$notification['image'] = 'favorite';
$message = GetNotification($notification['PostType'], $notification['PostID']);
$notification['message'] = 'favorites your <a href="'.$message['link'].'">'.$message['app'].'</a>';
// comment|reply
}elseif ($notification['Action'] == 5) {
$notification['image'] = 'comments';
if($notification['Type'] == 'P') {
$message = GetNotification($notification['PostType'], $notification['PostID']);
$notification['message'] = 'commented on your <a href="'.$message['link'].'">'.$message['app'].'</a>';
}else {
$notification['message'] = 'reply to your comment';
// answer
}elseif ($notification['Action'] == 6) {
$notification['image'] = 'comments';
$message = GetNotification($notification['PostType'], $notification['PostID']);
$notification['message'] = 'answered your <a href="'.$message['link'].'">'.$message['app'].'</a>';
// noted
}elseif ($notification['Action'] == 7) {
$notification['image'] = 'comments';
$notification['message'] = 'added a note to your answer';
// poll
}elseif ($notification['Action'] == 8) {
$notification['image'] = 'like';
$notification['message'] = 'voted in your poll';
// @mention
}elseif ($notification['Action'] == 9) {
$notification['image'] = 'comments';
if($notification['Type'] == 'P') {
$message = GetNotification($notification['PostType'], $notification['PostID']);
$notification['message'] = 'posted on your <a href="'.$message['link'].'">wall</a>';
}elseif ($notification['Type'] == 'C') {
$notification['message'] = 'mention you in a <a href="'.$message['link'].'">comment</a>';
// check username
$notification['UserURL'] = SITE_URL."/".$notification['UserName'];
// group notifications by date
$date = date('M d', $notification['Time']);
if($date == date('M d')) {
$days['Today'][] = $notification;
}elseif ($date == date('M d',time() - (24 * 60 * 60))) {
$days['Yesterday'][] = $notification;
}else {
$days[$date][] = $notification;
$smarty->assign('days', $days);
// live reset
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserNewNotifications = 0 WHERE UserID = %s", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
$getNotifications = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM notifications WHERE AuthorID = %s AND Viewed = 'N'", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
if($getNotifications->num_rows > 0) {
while($notification = $getNotifications->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE notifications SET Viewed = 'Y' WHERE ID = %s", SafeSQL($notification['ID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
// page footer