Файл: libs/functions-directory.php
Строк: 238
* directory functions
* @package Sngine
* @author Zamblek
* getContent
* @param string $view
* @param integer $spage
* @return mixed
function getContent($view, $spage) {
if($view == 'people') {
return getPeople($spage);
}else {
return getPosts($view, $spage);
* getPosts
* @param string $app
* @param integer $spage
* @return mixed
function getPosts($app, $spage = 1) {
global $db, $smarty, $systemSetting, $userArray;
// define page
$page = "directory.get.posts";
$table = 'posts_'.$app;
$size = $systemSetting['MaxFeeds'];
// prepare application
switch ($app) {
case "news":
$appId = 1;
case "music":
$appId = 2;
$table = 'posts_tracks';
case "photos":
$appId = 3;
$size = $systemSetting['MaxMediaFeeds'];
$page = "directory.get.media";
case "videos":
$appId = 4;
$size = $systemSetting['MaxMediaFeeds'];
$page = "directory.get.media";
case "discussions":
$appId = 5;
case "questions":
$appId = 6;
case "polls":
$appId = 7;
case "links":
$appId = 8;
// prepare where statement
$whereStatement = " WHERE post.PostType = ".$appId;
// prepare pagination
$spage = (int) $spage;
$spage = ($spage == 0) ? 1 : $spage;
$total = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ".$table) or SQLError();
$total = $total->num_rows;
$pagination = new Pagination($spage, $size, $total, SITE_URL.'/directory/'.$app.'/%s/');
$limitStatement = $pagination->getLimitSql();
$smarty->assign('pager', $pagination->getPager());
// get content
$getPosts = $db->query("SELECT post.*, user.UserName, user.UserFirstName, user.UserLastName, user.UserAvatarPathMedium AS UserAvatarPath FROM posts post INNER JOIN users user ON post.UserID = user.UserID ".$whereStatement." ORDER BY post.ID DESC ".$limitStatement) or SQLError();
if($getPosts->num_rows == 0) {
return '<div class="dataNullState stopCronJobs">There are no more '.$app.' to show.</div>';
while($post = $getPosts->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
// news posts
if($post['PostType'] == 1) {
$getData = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM posts_news WHERE ID = %s", Secure($post['PostID'], 'int'))) or SQLError();
$post['data'] = $getData->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$post['data']['URL'] = GetURLText($post['data']['Text']);
$post['data']['Text'] = DecodeText($post['data']['Text']);
// music posts
}elseif ($post['PostType'] == 2) {
$getData = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM posts_tracks WHERE ID = %s", Secure($post['PostID'], 'int'))) or SQLError();
$post['data'] = $getData->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if(IsEmpty($post['data']['Text'])) {
$post['data']['URL'] = GetURLText($post['data']['Title']);
}else {
$post['data']['URL'] = GetURLText($post['data']['Text']);
$post['data']['Text'] = DecodeText($post['data']['Text']);
// photos posts
}elseif ($post['PostType'] == 3) {
$getData = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT IsAlbum, MediaID FROM posts_photos WHERE ID = %s", Secure($post['PostID'], 'int'))) or SQLError();
$post['data'] = $getData->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if($post['data']['IsAlbum'] == 'Y') {
$getMedia = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT album.Title, album.Text, album.New, album.ThumbnailID, source.Thumbnail FROM posts_photos_albums album LEFT JOIN posts_photos_sources source ON album.ThumbnailID = source.ID WHERE album.ID = %s", Secure($post['data']['MediaID'], 'int'))) or SQLError();
$post['data']['media'] = $getMedia->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
}else {
$getMedia = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT source.Source, source.Thumbnail, source.Text, source.AlbumID, album.Title FROM posts_photos_sources source INNER JOIN posts_photos_albums album ON source.AlbumID = album.ID WHERE source.ID = %s", Secure($post['data']['MediaID'], 'int'))) or SQLError();
$post['data']['media'] = $getMedia->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$post['data']['media']['Text'] = DecodeText($post['data']['media']['Text']);
// videos posts
}elseif ($post['PostType'] == 4) {
$getData = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT IsAlbum, MediaID FROM posts_videos WHERE ID = %s", Secure($post['PostID'], 'int'))) or SQLError();
$post['data'] = $getData->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if($post['data']['IsAlbum'] == 'Y') {
$getMedia = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT album.Title, album.Text, album.New, album.ThumbnailID, source.Thumbnail FROM posts_videos_albums album LEFT JOIN posts_videos_sources source ON album.ThumbnailID = source.ID WHERE album.ID = %s", Secure($post['data']['MediaID'], 'int'))) or SQLError();
$post['data']['media'] = $getMedia->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
}else {
$getMedia = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT source.Source, source.Type, source.Thumbnail, source.Text, source.AlbumID, album.Title FROM posts_videos_sources source INNER JOIN posts_videos_albums album ON source.AlbumID = album.ID WHERE source.ID = %s", Secure($post['data']['MediaID'], 'int'))) or SQLError();
$post['data']['media'] = $getMedia->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$post['data']['media']['Text'] = DecodeText($post['data']['media']['Text']);
// discussions posts
}elseif ($post['PostType'] == 5) {
$getData = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM posts_discussions WHERE ID = %s", Secure($post['PostID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
$post['data'] = $getData->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$post['data']['Text'] = Parse($post['data']['Text']);
$post['data']['Text'] = DecodeText($post['data']['Text']);
$post['data']['URL'] = GetURLText($post['data']['Title']);
// questions posts
}elseif ($post['PostType'] == 6) {
$getData = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM posts_questions WHERE ID = %s", Secure($post['PostID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
$post['data'] = $getData->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$post['Answers'] = $post['data']['Answers'];
$post['data']['URL'] = GetURLText($post['data']['Title']);
// polls posts
}elseif ($post['PostType'] == 7) {
$getData = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM posts_polls WHERE ID = %s", Secure($post['PostID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
$post['data'] = $getData->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
// get poll options
$getPollOptions = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM posts_polls_options WHERE PollID = %s", Secure($post['PostID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
while($pollOption = $getPollOptions->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$pollOption['Bar'] = ($pollOption['Votes'] / $post['data']['Votes']) * 100;
// check if user select the option
$getOption = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM users_polls_options WHERE UserID = %s AND PollID = %s AND OptionID = %s", Secure($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), Secure($post['PostID'], 'int'), Secure($pollOption['ID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
if($getOption->num_rows == 0) {
$pollOption['select'] = false;
}else {
$pollOption['select'] = true;
$post['data']['selected'] = $pollOption['ID'];
$post['pollOptions'][] = $pollOption;
$post['data']['URL'] = GetURLText($post['data']['Question']);
// links posts
}elseif ($post['PostType'] == 8) {
$getData = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM posts_links WHERE ID = %s", Secure($post['PostID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
$post['data'] = $getData->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$post['data']['Text'] = DecodeText($post['data']['Text']);
$post['data']['Link'] = GetURLText($post['data']['Title']);
// check if user favorited this post before
$getPostStatus = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT Favorited FROM users_posts_favorites WHERE UserID = %s AND PostType = %s AND PostID = %s", Secure($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), Secure($post['PostType'], 'int'), Secure($post['PostID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
if($getPostStatus->num_rows > 0) {
$post['favorited'] = true;
}else {
$post['favorited'] = false;
// check if user liked|disliked this post before
$getPostStatus = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT Liked FROM users_posts_likes WHERE UserID = %s AND PostType = %s AND PostID = %s", Secure($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), Secure($post['PostType'], 'int'), Secure($post['PostID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
if($getPostStatus->num_rows > 0) {
$postStatus = $getPostStatus->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$post['liked'] = $postStatus['Liked'];
// get comments
if($post['Comments'] > 0 && $post['Comments'] <= $systemSetting['MaxQComments']) {
$post['prevComments'] = ($post['Comments'] > $systemSetting['MaxQCommentsViewed'])? $post['Comments'] - $systemSetting['MaxQCommentsViewed']: 0;
$getComments = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT comm.*, user.UserName, user.UserFirstName, user.UserLastName, user.UserAvatarPathSmall AS UserAvatarPath FROM posts_comments comm INNER JOIN users user ON comm.UserID = user.UserID WHERE comm.PostType = %s AND comm.PostID = %s ".$whereStatementComments." ORDER BY comm.Time ASC LIMIT %s,".$systemSetting['MaxQCommentsViewed'], Secure($post['PostType'], 'int'), Secure($post['PostID'], 'int'), $post['prevComments'] )) or SQLError();
while($comment = $getComments->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
// check if user liked|disliked this comment before
$getCommentStatus = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT Liked FROM users_comments_likes WHERE UserID = %s AND CommentID = %s", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($comment['ID'], 'int') )) or SQLError();
if($getCommentStatus->num_rows > 0) {
$commentStatus = $getCommentStatus->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$comment['liked'] = $commentStatus['Liked'];
// decode comment text
$comment['Text'] = DecodeText($comment['Text']);
$post['comments'][] = $comment;
$posts[] = $post;
// assign variables
$smarty->assign('app', $app);
$smarty->assign('posts', $posts);
// display page templete
$content = $smarty->fetch("$page.tpl");
return $content;
* getPeople
* @param integer $spage
* @return mixed
function getPeople($spage = 1) {
global $db, $smarty, $systemSetting, $userExist, $userFollowings;
// define page
$page = "directory.get.people";
// prepare pagination
$spage = (int) $spage;
$spage = ($spage == 0) ? 1 : $spage;
$total = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users") or SQLError();
$total = $total->num_rows;
$pagination = new Pagination($spage, $systemSetting['MaxPeople'], $total, SITE_URL.'/directory/people/%s/');
$limitStatement = $pagination->getLimitSql();
$smarty->assign('pager', $pagination->getPager());
// get people
$getPeople = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY UserPosts DESC ".$limitStatement )) or SQLError();
if($getPeople->num_rows == 0) {
return '<div class="dataNullState stopCronJobs">There are no more users to show.</div>';
while($person = $getPeople->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
// check if user follow any of them
if($userExist) {
$person['FollowingHim'] = (count($userFollowings) > 0 && in_array($person['UserID'], $userFollowings))? true: false;
$people[] = $person;
// assign variables
$smarty->assign('people', $people);
// display page templete
$content = $smarty->fetch("$page.tpl");
return $content;