Файл: libs/class-user.php
Строк: 694
* user class
* @package Sngine
* @author Zamblek
class User {
public $_userExist = false;
public $_userArray = array();
public $_userFollowers = array();
public $_userFollowings = array();
public $_userBlockedUsers = array();
public $_userBlockedPosts = array();
protected $_cookieUserId = "c_user";
protected $_cookieUserToken = "xs";
* setCookies
* @param integer $userid
* @param boolean $remember
* @return void
public function setCookies($userid, $remember = false, $path = '/') {
global $db;
// generate new token
$token = md5(time());
if($remember) {
$expire = time()+2592000;
setcookie($this->_cookieUserId, $userid, $expire, $path);
setcookie($this->_cookieUserToken, $token, $expire, $path);
}else {
setcookie($this->_cookieUserId, $userid, 0, $path);
setcookie($this->_cookieUserToken, $token, 0, $path);
// update user
$update = $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserToken = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($token), Secure($userid, 'int') ));
if(!$update) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later"));
* getCookies
* @return void
public function getCookies($isAdmin = false) {
global $db, $translate;
if(isset($_COOKIE[$this->_cookieUserId]) && isset($_COOKIE[$this->_cookieUserToken])) {
if($isAdmin) {
$checkUser = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE UserID = %s AND UserGroup = 1", Secure($_COOKIE[$this->_cookieUserId], 'int') )) or SQLError();
}else {
$checkUser = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($_COOKIE[$this->_cookieUserId], 'int') )) or SQLError();
if($checkUser->num_rows >= 1) {
$this->_userArray = $checkUser->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$this->_userFollowers = $this->getFollowers($this->_userArray['UserID']);
$this->_userFollowings = $this->getFollowings($this->_userArray['UserID']);
$this->_userBlockedUsers = $this->getBlockedUsers($this->_userArray['UserID']);
$this->_userBlockedPosts = $this->getBlockedPosts($this->_userArray['UserID']);
$this->_userExist = true;
}else {
$this->_userExist = false;
}else {
$this->_userExist = false;
return $this->_userExist;
* signUp
* @param string $firstname
* @param string $lastname
* @param string $username
* @param string $email
* @param string $confirm
* @param string $password
* @param string $sex
* @param integer $month
* @param integer $day
* @param integer $year
* @param string $recaptcha
* @param string $response
* @param string $ip
* @return void
public function signUp($firstname, $lastname, $username, $email, $confirm, $password, $sex, $month, $day, $year, $recaptcha, $response, $ip) {
global $db, $translate, $now;
if(IsEmpty($firstname) || IsEmpty($lastname) || IsEmpty($username) || IsEmpty($email) || IsEmpty($confirm) || IsEmpty($password)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("You must fill in all of the fields."));
if(!ValidUserName($username)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Please enter a valid username."));
if($this->checkUserName($username)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Sorry, it looks like")." ".$username." ".$translate->__("belongs to an existing account."));
if(!ValidEmail($email)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Please enter a valid email address."));
if($this->checkUserEmail($email)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Sorry, it looks like")." ".$email." ".$translate->__("belongs to an existing account."));
if($email != $confirm) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Your emails do not match. Please try again."));
if(strlen($password) < 6) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Your password must be at least 6 characters long. Please try another."));
if(!ValidString($firstname)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("The first name contains invalid characters."));
if(!ValidString($lastname)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("The last name contains invalid characters."));
if($month == "none" || $day == "none" || $year == "none") {
throw new Exception($translate->__("You must indicate your full birthday to register."));
if($year >= "1999" || $year < "1905" || $month > "12" || $month < "1" || $day > "31" || $day < "1" ) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Sorry, we are not able to process your registration."));
if($sex == "none") {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Please select either Male or Female."));
$sex = ($sex == "m")? "M" : "F";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer(RECAPTCHA_PRIVATEKEY, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $recaptcha, $response);
if(!$resp->is_valid) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("The secuirty code is incorrect. Please try another."));
// create activation code
$code = md5(time()*rand(1, 9999));
// register user
$insertUser = $db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO users (UserEmail, UserToken, UserFirstName, UserLastName, UserName, UserPassword, UserSex, UserBirthMonth, UserBirthDay, UserBirthYear, SignupDate, UserIP, ActivationCode) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", Secure($email), Secure($code), Secure(ucwords($firstname)), Secure(ucwords($lastname)), Secure(ucwords($username)), Secure(md5($password)), Secure($sex), Secure($month, 'int'), Secure($day, 'int'), Secure($year, 'int'), Secure($now), Secure($ip), Secure($code) ));
if(!$insertUser) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Error! Try again later"));
// get userid
$userId = $db->insert_id;
// prepare to send activation email
$subject = "Just one more step to get started on ".SITE_TITLE."";
$body = "Hi ".$firstname.",";
$body .= "rnrnTo complete the sign-up process, please follow this link:";
$body .= "rnrnhttp://".SITE_URL."/confirm.php?id=".$userId."&code=".$code;
$body .= "rnrnWelcome to ".SITE_TITLE."!";
$body .= "rnr".SITE_TITLE." Team";
// send activation email
if(!SendMail($email, $subject, $body)) {
$db->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM users WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($userId, 'int') ));
throw new Exception($translate->__("There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later"));
// create media albums
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO posts_photos_albums (UserID, IsWall, Title, Time) VALUES (%s, 'Y', 'Wall Photos', %s)", Secure($userId, 'int'), Secure($now) ));
$wallPhotos = $db->insert_id;
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO posts_videos_albums (UserID, IsWall, Title, Time) VALUES (%s, 'Y', 'Wall Videos', %s)", Secure($userId, 'int'), Secure($now) ));
$wallVideos = $db->insert_id;
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserWallPhotos = %s, UserWallVideos = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($wallPhotos, 'int'), Secure($wallVideos, 'int'), Secure($userId, 'int') ));
// set cookies
try {
$this->setCookies($userId, false);
}catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
* signIn
* @param string $username_email
* @param string $password
* @param boolean $remember
* @return void
public function signIn($username_email, $password, $remember = false, $isAdmin = false) {
global $db, $translate, $now;
if(IsEmpty($username_email) || IsEmpty($password)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("You must fill in all of the fields."));
// check if username or email
if(ValidEmail($username_email)) {
if(!$this->checkUserEmail($username_email)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("The email you entered does not belong to any account."));
$field = "UserEmail";
}else {
if(!ValidUserName($username_email)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("Please enter a valid email address or username."));
if(!$this->checkUserName($username_email)) {
throw new Exception($translate->__("The username you entered does not belong to any account."));
$field = "UserName";
// get user
if($isAdmin) {
$getUser = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT UserID FROM users WHERE ".$field." = %s AND UserPassword = %s AND UserGroup = 1", Secure($username_email), Secure(md5($password)) ));
}else {
$getUser = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT UserID FROM users WHERE ".$field." = %s AND UserPassword = %s", Secure($username_email), Secure(md5($password)) ));
if(!$getUser) {
throw new Exception("There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later");
if($getUser->num_rows == 0) {
throw new Exception("<p class="mb5"><strong>".$translate->__("Please re-enter your password")."</strong></p><p>".$translate->__("The password you entered is incorrect. If you forgot your password?")." <a href='".SITE_URL."/recover/'>".$translate->__("Request a new one.")."</a></p>");
$user = $getUser->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
// set cookies
try {
$this->setCookies($user['UserID'], $remember);
}catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
if($isAdmin) {
header('Location: '.SITE_URL.'/admin');
}else {
header('Location: '.SITE_URL.'/home.php');
* signOut
* @return void
public function signOut() {
setcookie($this->_cookieUserId, NULL, -1, '/');
setcookie($this->_cookieUserToken, NULL, -1, '/');
* updateLastSign
* @param integer $userId
* @return void
public function updateLastSign($userId) {
global $db, $now;
$update = $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserLastLogin = %s WHERE UserID = %s ", Secure($now), Secure($userId, 'int') ));
if(!$update) {
throw new Exception("There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later");
* twitter_getLink
* @return void
public static function twitter_getLink() {
$twitter = new TwitterOAuth(TW_APPID, TW_SECRET);
$requestToken = $twitter->getRequestToken(TW_CALLBACK);
if($twitter->http_code != 200) {
throw new Exception("Could not connect to Twitter. Refresh the page or try again later.");
$_SESSION['tw_oauth_token'] = $requestToken['oauth_token'];
$_SESSION['tw_oauth_token_secret'] = $requestToken['oauth_token_secret'];
return $twitter->getAuthorizeURL($requestToken['oauth_token']);
* twitter_checkUser
* @return void
public function twitter_checkUser() {
global $db, $now;
$twitter = new TwitterOAuth(TW_APPID, TW_SECRET, $_SESSION['tw_oauth_token'], $_SESSION['tw_oauth_token_secret']);
$accessToken = $twitter->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']);
if($twitter->http_code != 200) {
throw new Exception("Could not connect to Twitter. Try again later.");
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(TW_APPID, TW_SECRET, $accessToken['oauth_token'], $accessToken['oauth_token_secret']);
$twUserArray = $connection->get('account/verify_credentials');
if($connection->http_code != 200) {
throw new Exception("Could not connect to Twitter. Try again later.");
$getUser = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT UserID FROM users WHERE tw_UserID = %s", Secure($twUserArray->id) )) or die("sql error #1 @twitter_checkUser");
if($getUser->num_rows > 0) {
/* user already exsit and just signing-in */
if($this->_userExist) {
$userArray = $getUser->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
// set cookies
try {
$this->setCookies($userArray['UserID'], true);
}catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
}else {
/* user cloud be connecting his twitter or signing-up */
if($this->_userExist) {
/* connect with the right account */
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET tw_UserID = %s, tw_UserName = %s, tw_Token = %s, tw_TokenSecret = %s, Verified = 'Y' WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($twUserArray->id, 'int'), Secure($twUserArray->screen_name), Secure($accessToken['oauth_token']), Secure($accessToken['oauth_token_secret']), Secure($this->_userArray['UserID']) )) or die ("sql error #2 @twitter_checkUser");
// set cookies
try {
$this->setCookies($this->_userArray['UserID'], true);
}catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
}else {
/* sign up with twitter account */
// create user password
$password = md5(time()*rand(1, 9999));
// create user email
$email = $password.'@'.SITE_DOMAIN;
// prepare user firstname & lastname
$tw_UserName = explode(" ", $twUserArray->name);
// insert user
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO users (UserName, UserEmail, UserToken, UserPassword, tw_UserID, tw_UserName, tw_Token, tw_TokenSecret, UserFirstName, UserLastName, UserCountry, UserWebsite, UserIP, SignupDate, Verified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 'Y')", Secure($twUserArray->screen_name), Secure($email), Secure($password), Secure($password), Secure($twUserArray->id, 'int'), Secure($twUserArray->screen_name), Secure($accessToken['oauth_token']), Secure($accessToken['oauth_token_secret']), Secure($tw_UserName[0]), Secure($tw_UserName[1]), Secure($twUserArray->location), Secure($twUserArray->url), Secure($_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]), Secure($now) )) or die ("sql error #3 @twitter_checkUser");
$userId = $db->insert_id;
// prepare user media albums
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO posts_photos_albums (UserID, IsWall, Title, Time) VALUES (%s, 'Y', 'Wall Photos', %s)", Secure($userId, 'int'), Secure($now) )) or die ("sql error #4 @twitter_checkUser");
$wallPhotos = $db->insert_id;
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO posts_videos_albums (UserID, IsWall, Title, Time) VALUES (%s, 'Y', 'Wall Videos', %s)", Secure($userId, 'int'), Secure($now) )) or die ("sql error #5 @twitter_checkUser");
$wallVideos = $db->insert_id;
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserWallPhotos = %s, UserWallVideos = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($wallPhotos, 'int'), Secure($wallVideos, 'int'), Secure($userId, 'int') )) or die ("sql error #6 @twitter_checkUser");
// set cookies
try {
$this->setCookies($userId, true);
}catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
* facebook_getLink
* @return void
public static function facebook_getLink() {
$url = 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id='.FB_APPID.'&redirect_uri='.FB_CALLBACK.'&scope=email,offline_access,publish_stream,read_stream';
return $url;
* facebook_checkUser
* @return void
public function facebook_checkUser() {
global $db, $now;
$getAccessLink = 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?';
$getAccessLink .= 'client_id=' . FB_APPID;
$getAccessLink .= '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode(FB_CALLBACK);
$getAccessLink .= '&client_secret=' . FB_SECRET;
$getAccessLink .= '&code=' . $_REQUEST['code'];
$accessToken = file_get_contents($getAccessLink);
$graphAPI = "https://graph.facebook.com/me?" . $accessToken;
$fbUser = json_decode(file_get_contents($graphAPI));
$getUser = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE fb_UserID = %s", Secure($fbUser->id) ));
if(!$getUser) {
throw new Exception("There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later");
if($getUser->num_rows > 0) {
/* user exsit and just signing-in */
$updateUser = $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET fb_Token = %s WHERE fb_UserID = %s", Secure($accessToken), Secure($fbUser->id) ));
if(!$updateUser) {
throw new Exception("There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later");
if($this->_userExist) {
$userArray = $getUser->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
// set cookies
try {
$this->setCookies($userArray['UserID'], true);
}catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
}else {
/* user cloud be connecting his facebook or signing-up */
if($this->_userExist) {
$updateUser = $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET fb_UserID = %s, fb_UserName = %s, fb_Token = %s, Verified = 'Y' WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($fbUser->id), Secure($fbUser->username), Secure($accessToken), Secure($this->_userArray['UserID']) ));
if(!$updateUser) {
throw new Exception("There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later");
// set cookies
try {
$this->setCookies($this->_userArray['UserID'], true);
}catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
}else {
/* sign up with facebook account */
// create user password
$password = md5(time()*rand(1, 9999));
// insert user
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO users (fb_UserID, fb_UserName, fb_Token, UserPassword, UserToken, UserName, UserEmail, UserFirstName, UserLastName, UserCountry, UserBiography, UserIP, SignupDate, Verified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 'Y')", Secure($fbUser->id), Secure($fbUser->username), Secure($accessToken), Secure($password), Secure($password), Secure($fbUser->username), Secure($fbUser->email), Secure($fbUser->first_name), Secure($fbUser->last_name), Secure($fbUser->location->name), Secure(substr($fbUser->bio, 0, 255)), Secure($_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]), Secure($now) )) or die ("sql error #5 @facebook_checkUser");
$userId = $db->insert_id;
// prepare user media albums
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO posts_photos_albums (UserID, IsWall, Title, Time) VALUES (%s, 'Y', 'Wall Photos', %s)", Secure($userId, 'int'), Secure($now) )) or die ("sql error #6 @facebook_checkUser");
$wallPhotos = $db->insert_id;
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO posts_videos_albums (UserID, IsWall, Title, Time) VALUES (%s, 'Y', 'Wall Videos', %s)", Secure($userId, 'int'), Secure($now) )) or die ("sql error #7 @facebook_checkUser");
$wallVideos = $db->insert_id;
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserWallPhotos = %s, UserWallVideos = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($wallPhotos, 'int'), Secure($wallVideos, 'int'), Secure($userId, 'int') )) or die ("sql error #8 @facebook_checkUser");
// set cookies
try {
$this->setCookies($userId, true);
}catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
* getFollowings
* @param integer $id
* @return array
public function getFollowings($id) {
global $db;
$getFollowings = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT FollowingID FROM users_followings WHERE UserID = %s", SafeSQL($id, 'int'))) or die('sql error #1 @getFollowings');
while($following = $getFollowings->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$followings[] = $following['FollowingID'];
return $followings;
* getFollowers
* @param integer $id
* @return array
public function getFollowers($id) {
global $db;
$getFollowers = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT UserID FROM users_followings WHERE FollowingID = %s", SafeSQL($id, 'int'))) or die('sql error #1 @getFollowers');
while($follower = $getFollowers->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$followers[] = $follower['UserID'];
return $followers;
* getBlockedUsers
* @param integer $id
* @return array
public function getBlockedUsers($id) {
global $db;
// get hidden users
$getHiddenUsers = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT HiddenID FROM users_hidden_users WHERE UserID = %s", SafeSQL($id, 'int'))) or die('sql error #1 @getHiddenUsers');
while($hiddenUser = $getHiddenUsers->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$hiddenUsers[] = $hiddenUser['HiddenID'];
// get spammers
$getSpammers = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT SpammerID FROM users_spammers WHERE UserID = %s", SafeSQL($id, 'int'))) or die('sql error #2 @getHiddenUsers');
while($spammer = $getSpammers->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$spammers[] = $spammer['SpammerID'];
if(count($hiddenUsers) > 0 && count($spammers) > 0) {
return array_unique(array_merge($hiddenUsers, $spammers));
if(count($hiddenUsers) > 0 && count($spammers) == 0) {
return $hiddenUsers;
if(count($hiddenUsers) == 0 && count($spammers) > 0) {
return $spammers;
* getBlockedPosts
* @param integer $id
* @return array
public function getBlockedPosts($id) {
global $db;
$getHiddenPosts = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT ActivityID FROM users_hidden_posts WHERE UserID = %s", SafeSQL($id, 'int'))) or die('sql error #1 @getHiddenPosts');
while($hiddenPost = $getHiddenPosts->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$hiddenPosts[] = $hiddenPost['ActivityID'];
return $hiddenPosts;
* checkUserEmail
* @param string $email
* @return boolean
public function checkUserEmail($email) {
global $db;
$checkQuery = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE UserEmail = %s", SafeSQL($email) )) or die("sql error #1 @checkUserEmail");
if($checkQuery->num_rows == 0) {
return false;
}else {
return true;
* checkUserName
* @param string $username
* @return boolean
public function checkUserName($username) {
global $db;
$checkQuery = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE UserName = %s", Secure($username) )) or die("sql error #1 @checkUserName");
if($checkQuery->num_rows == 0) {
return false;
}else {
return true;