Файл: ajax/users/email/resend.php
Строк: 54
* resend confirmation email
* @package Sngine
* @author Zamblek
// fetch kernal
$depth = '../../../';
// check AJAX Request
if(!IsAJAX()) {
header('Location: '.SITE_URL);
// check user exist
if(!$userExist) {
exit(PopupError('Please log in to continue.', 'Not Logged In'));
// check user verified
if($userArray['Verified'] == "Y") {
exit(PopupError('Your account already verified.', 'Thanks'));
// create activation code
$code = md5(time()*rand(1, 9999));
// update user
$updateUser = $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET ActivationCode = %s WHERE UserID = %s", Secure($code), Secure($userArray['UserID']) ));
if(!$updateUser) {
exit(PopupError('There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later.', 'Error'));
// prepare to send activation email
$subject = "Just one more step to get started on ".SITE_TITLE."";
$body = "Hi ".$userArray['UserFirstName'].",";
$body .= "rnrnTo complete the sign-up process, please follow this link:";
$body .= "rnrnhttp://".SITE_URL."/confirm.php?id=".$userArray['UserID']."&code=".$code;
$body .= "rnrnWelcome to ".SITE_TITLE."!";
$body .= "rnr".SITE_TITLE." Team";
// send activation email
if(!SendMail($userArray['UserEmail'], $subject, $body)) {
exit(PopupError('There is some thing wrong happened. Try again later.', 'Error'));
}else {
exit(PopupError('<p class="fs11 mb10">Another email was sent to: <span class="blue">'.$userArray['UserEmail'].'</span>.</p><p class="fs11">Please click on the link in that email to confirm your email address. Be sure to check your spam/junk folder.</p>', 'Email Resent'));