Файл: ajax/messages/compose.php
Строк: 58
* compose a new message
* @package Sngine
* @author Zamblek
// fetch kernal
$depth = '../../';
// check AJAX Request
if(!IsAJAX()) {
header('Location: '.SITE_URL);
// check user exist
if(!$userExist) {
exit('<div class="popupHeader"><div class="button-close popup right" onclick="$.popups._hide();"></div>Not Logged In</div><div class="popupContent"><div class="pt5 pb5 pr5 pl5 fs12 white">Please log in to continue.</div></div>');
// check user verified
if($userArray['Verified'] == "N") {
exit('<div class="popupHeader"><div class="button-close popup right" onclick="$.popups._hide();"></div>Confirm Your Email Address</div><div class="popupContent"><div class="pt5 pb5 pr5 pl5"><p class="fs11 mb10 tjustify">Before you can interact with other users, you need to confirm your email address. A confirmation email has been sent to <span class="blue fwb">'.$userArray['UserEmail'].'</span>. Check your email to complete your account confirmation.</p><p><small>Don't see the confirmation email? <span class="uiButtonText blue resendEmail">Resend to '.$userArray['UserEmail'].'</span></small><br/><small>Don't have access to '.$userArray['UserEmail'].'? <span class="uiButtonText blue changeEmail">Change your contact email.</span></small></p></div></div>');
// check if a user already defined
if(isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['name'])) {
$recipient['flag'] = true;
$recipient['data'] = array('Name' => $_POST['name'], 'ID' => $_POST['id']);
}else {
$recipient['flag'] = false;
// assign variables
$smarty->assign('recipient', $recipient);
// page footer