Файл: ajax/media/comments/post.php
Строк: 176
* post new media comment|reply
* @package Sngine
* @author Zamblek
// fetch kernal
$depth = '../../../';
// check AJAX Request
if(!IsAJAX()) {
header('Location: '.SITE_URL);
// check user exist
if(!$userExist) {
exit(PopupError('Please log in to continue.', 'Not Logged In'));
// check user verified
if($userArray['Verified'] == "N") {
// check page parameters
if(!isset($_POST['id']) || !isset($_POST['text']) || !isset($_POST['type'])) {
exit(PopupError(ReportError('parameters error[1] @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
// valid inputs
$valid['type'] = array('reply', 'comment');
if(!in_array($_POST['type'], $valid['type'])) {
exit(PopupError(ReportError('parameters error[2] @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
// parse parameters
$id = ParseId($_POST['id'], 4);
if(!$id) {
exit(PopupError(ReportError('parameters error[3] @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
// check if empty
if(IsEmpty($_POST['text'])) {
exit(PopupError('Please enter a valid (non-empty) comment.'));
// check length
if(strlen($_POST['text']) > 1024) {
exit(PopupError('Your comment is too long. The maximum length is 1024 characters.'));
// sanitize inputs
$_POST['text'] = Sanitize($_POST['text']);
if($_POST['type'] == "reply") {
// parse parameters
$commentId = $id[1];
$postType = $id[2];
$mediaId = $id[3];
$authorId = $id[4];
// parse parameters
$pid = ParseId($_POST['pid'], 4);
if(!$pid) {
exit(PopupError(ReportError('parameters error[4] @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$isAlbum = $pid[3];
$postAuthorId = $pid[4];
// get media table
$mediaTable = GetMediaTable($postType, $isAlbum);
if(!$mediaTable) {
exit(PopupError(ReportError('parameters error[5] @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$isAlbum = ($isAlbum == 1)? 'Y' : 'N';
// check if valid comment
$checkPost = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM posts_comments_media WHERE ID = %s AND UserID = %s AND PostType = %s AND IsAlbum = %s AND MediaID = %s", SafeSQL($commentId, 'int'), SafeSQL($authorId, 'int'), SafeSQL($postType, 'int'), SafeSQL($isAlbum), SafeSQL($mediaId, 'int') )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #1 @/ajax/comments/post')));
if($checkPost->num_rows == 0) {
exit(PopupError('<div class="highlightContianer">This content is unavailable, It may be deleted by the author</div>'));
// insert comment
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE posts_comments_media SET Replies = Replies + 1 WHERE ID = %s", SafeSQL($commentId, 'int') )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #2 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO posts_comments_media (UserID, PostType, IsAlbum, MediaID, Text, Time, ParentNodeID) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($postType, 'int'), SafeSQL($isAlbum), SafeSQL($mediaId, 'int'), SafeSQL($_POST['text']), $now, SafeSQL($commentId, 'int') )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #3 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$commentId = $db->insert_id;
// update post
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE %s SET Comments = Comments + 1 WHERE ID = %s", $mediaTable, SafeSQL($mediaId, 'int') )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #4 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
// insert notification | comment author
if($userArray['UserID'] != $authorId) {
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO notifications (UserID, Action, AuthorID, PostType, PostID, Type, IsMedia, IsAlbum, Time) VALUES (%s, 5, %s, %s, %s, 'C', 'Y', %s, %s)", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($authorId, 'int'), SafeSQL($postType, 'int'), SafeSQL($mediaId, 'int'), SafeSQL($isAlbum), $now )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #5 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserNotifications = UserNotifications + 1, UserNewNotifications = UserNewNotifications + 1 WHERE UserID = %s", SafeSQL($authorId, 'int'))) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #6 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
// insert notification | post author
if($userArray['UserID'] != $postAuthorId) {
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO notifications (UserID, Action, AuthorID, PostType, PostID, IsMedia, IsAlbum, Time) VALUES (%s, 5, %s, %s, %s, 'Y', %s, %s)", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($postAuthorId, 'int'), SafeSQL($postType, 'int'), SafeSQL($mediaId, 'int'), SafeSQL($isAlbum), $now )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #7 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserNotifications = UserNotifications + 1, UserNewNotifications = UserNewNotifications + 1 WHERE UserID = %s", SafeSQL($postAuthorId, 'int'))) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #8 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
}else {
// parse parameters
$mediaId = $id[1];
$postType = $id[2];
$isAlbum = $id[3];
$authorId = $id[4];
// get media table
$mediaTable = GetMediaTable($postType, $isAlbum);
if(!$mediaTable) {
exit(PopupError(ReportError('parameters error[6] @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$isAlbum = ($isAlbum == 1)? 'Y' : 'N';
// check if valid post
$checkPost = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ID = %s", $mediaTable, SafeSQL($mediaId, 'int') )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #9 @/ajax/comments/post')));
if($checkPost->num_rows == 0) {
exit(PopupError('<div class="highlightContianer">This content is unavailable, It may be deleted by the author</div>'));
// insert comment
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO posts_comments_media (UserID, PostType, IsAlbum, MediaID, Text, Time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($postType, 'int'), SafeSQL($isAlbum), SafeSQL($mediaId, 'int'), SafeSQL($_POST['text']), $now )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #10 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$commentId = $db->insert_id;
// update post
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE %s SET Comments = Comments + 1, PComments = PComments + 1 WHERE ID = %s", $mediaTable, SafeSQL($mediaId, 'int') )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #11 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
// insert notification
if($userArray['UserID'] != $authorId) {
$db->query(sprintf("INSERT INTO notifications (UserID, Action, AuthorID, PostType, PostID, IsMedia, IsAlbum, Time) VALUES (%s, 5, %s, %s, %s, 'Y', %s, %s)", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($authorId, 'int'), SafeSQL($postType, 'int'), SafeSQL($mediaId, 'int'), SafeSQL($isAlbum), $now )) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #12 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$db->query(sprintf("UPDATE users SET UserNotifications = UserNotifications + 1, UserNewNotifications = UserNewNotifications + 1 WHERE UserID = %s", SafeSQL($authorId, 'int'))) or die(PopupError(ReportError('sql error #13 @/ajax/media/comments/post')));
$post['PostType'] = $postType;
$post['PostID'] = $mediaId;
$comment['ID'] = $commentId;
$comment['Time'] = $now;
$comment['Text'] = DecodeText($_POST['text']);
// assigne variables
$smarty->assign('post', $post);
$smarty->assign('comment', $comment);
$smarty->assign('type', $_POST['type']);
// return data
$data['status'] = 'success';
$data['value'] = $smarty->fetch("ajax.comments.post.tpl");