Файл: ajax/comments/get.php
Строк: 164
* (C)Copyright 2011. All Rights Reserved.
* This software has been designed and developed by Yehia Abed
* Sngine -> ajax -> comments -> get.php - get comments
* Version 0.2 [Start Date: 04/01/2009]
// define the page
$page = "ajax.comments.get";
// fetch required files
$depth = '../../';
require_once $depth.'kernal.php';
// check page parameters
if(!isset($_GET['id']) || !isset($_GET['get'])) {
exit(ReportError('parameters error[1] @/ajax/comments/get'));
// valid inputs
$valid['get'] = array('qcomments', 'comments', 'replies');
if(!in_array($_GET['get'], $valid['get'])) {
exit(ReportError('parameters error[2] @/ajax/comments/get'));
// parse parameters
$id = ParseId($_GET['id'], 5);
if(!$id) {
exit(ReportError('parameters error[3] @/ajax/comments/get'));
$commentId = $id[1];
$postType = $id[2];
$postId = $id[3];
$authorId = $id[4];
$prevComments = $id[5];
// check if valid post
$checkPost = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE PostType = %s AND PostID = %s", SafeSQL($postType, 'int'), SafeSQL($postId, 'int') )) or die(ReportError('sql error #1 @/ajax/comments/get'));
if($checkPost->num_rows == 0) {
exit(ReportError('This content is unavailable, It may be deleted by the author'));
if($_GET['get'] == 'qcomments') {
// get comments
$getComments = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT comm.*, user.UserName, user.UserFirstName, user.UserLastName, user.UserAvatarPathSmall AS UserAvatarPath FROM posts_comments comm INNER JOIN users user ON comm.UserID = user.UserID WHERE comm.PostType = %s AND comm.PostID = %s ORDER BY comm.Time ASC LIMIT 0, %s", SafeSQL($postType, 'int'), SafeSQL($postId, 'int'), $prevComments )) or die(ReportError('sql error #2 @/ajax/comments/get'));
while($comment = $getComments->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
// check if user liked|disliked this comment before
$getCommentStatus = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT Liked FROM users_comments_likes WHERE UserID = %s AND CommentID = %s", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($comment['ID'], 'int') )) or die(ReportError('sql error #3 @/ajax/comments/get'));
if($getCommentStatus->num_rows > 0) {
$commentStatus = $getCommentStatus->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$comment['liked'] = $commentStatus['Liked'];
// decode text
$comment['Text'] = DecodeText($comment['Text']);
$comments[] = $comment;
// assign variables
$smarty->assign('comments', $comments);
}elseif ($_GET['get'] == 'comments') {
// get comments
if($prevComments > $systemSetting['MaxComments']) {
$records = $systemSetting['MaxComments'];
$prevComments -= $systemSetting['MaxComments'];
}else {
$records = $prevComments;
$prevComments = 0;
$getComments = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT comm.*, user.UserName, user.UserFirstName, user.UserLastName, user.UserAvatarPathMedium AS UserAvatarPath FROM posts_comments comm INNER JOIN users user ON comm.UserID = user.UserID WHERE comm.PostType = %s AND comm.PostID = %s AND comm.ParentNodeID = 0 ORDER BY comm.Time ASC LIMIT %s,%s", SafeSQL($postType, 'int'), SafeSQL($postId, 'int'), $prevComments, $records )) or die(ReportError('sql error #4 @/ajax/comments/get'));
while($comment = $getComments->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
// get Replies
if($comment['Replies'] > 0) {
if($comment['Replies'] > $systemSetting['MaxReplies']) {
$records = $systemSetting['MaxReplies'];
$comment['prevReplies'] = $comment['Replies'] - $systemSetting['MaxReplies'];
}else {
$records = $comment['Replies'];
$comment['prevReplies'] = 0;
$getReplies = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT comm.*, user.UserName, user.UserFirstName, user.UserLastName, user.UserAvatarPathMedium AS UserAvatarPath FROM posts_comments comm INNER JOIN users user ON comm.UserID = user.UserID WHERE comm.ParentNodeID = %s ORDER BY comm.Time ASC LIMIT %s,%s", SafeSQL($comment['ID'], 'int'), $comment['prevReplies'], $records )) or die(ReportError('sql error #5 @/ajax/comments/get'));
while($reply = $getReplies->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
// check if user liked|disliked this reply before
$getReplyStatus = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT Liked FROM users_comments_likes WHERE UserID = %s AND CommentID = %s", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($reply['ID'], 'int') )) or die(ReportError('sql error #6 @/ajax/posts/get'));
if($getReplyStatus->num_rows > 0) {
$replyStatus = $getReplyStatus->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$reply['liked'] = $replyStatus['Liked'];
// decode text
$reply['Text'] = DecodeText($reply['Text']);
$comment['replies'][] = $reply;
// check if user liked|disliked this comment before
$getCommentStatus = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT Liked FROM users_comments_likes WHERE UserID = %s AND CommentID = %s", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($comment['ID'], 'int') )) or die(ReportError('sql error #7 @/ajax/comments/get'));
if($getCommentStatus->num_rows > 0) {
$commentStatus = $getCommentStatus->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$comment['liked'] = $commentStatus['Liked'];
// decode text
$comment['Text'] = DecodeText($comment['Text']);
$comments[] = $comment;
// assign variables
$smarty->assign('prevComments', $prevComments);
$smarty->assign('comments', $comments);
}elseif ($_GET['get'] == 'replies') {
// get Replies
if($prevComments > $systemSetting['MaxReplies']) {
$records = $systemSetting['MaxReplies'];
$prevComments -= $systemSetting['MaxReplies'];
}else {
$records = $prevComments;
$prevComments = 0;
$getReplies = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT comm.*, user.UserName, user.UserFirstName, user.UserLastName, user.UserAvatarPathMedium AS UserAvatarPath FROM posts_comments comm INNER JOIN users user ON comm.UserID = user.UserID WHERE comm.ParentNodeID = %s ORDER BY comm.Time ASC LIMIT %s,%s", SafeSQL($commentId, 'int'), $prevComments, $records )) or die(ReportError('sql error #6 @/ajax/comments/get'));
while($reply = $getReplies->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
// check if user liked|disliked this reply before
$getReplyStatus = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT Liked FROM users_comments_likes WHERE UserID = %s AND CommentID = %s", SafeSQL($userArray['UserID'], 'int'), SafeSQL($reply['ID'], 'int') )) or die(ReportError('sql error #7 @/ajax/comments/get'));
if($getReplyStatus->num_rows > 0) {
$replyStatus = $getReplyStatus->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$reply['liked'] = $replyStatus['Liked'];
// decode text
$reply['Text'] = DecodeText($reply['Text']);
$replies[] = $reply;
// assign variables
$smarty->assign('prevComments', $prevComments);
$smarty->assign('replies', $replies);
// assign variables
$smarty->assign('get', $_GET['get']);
$smarty->assign('post', array('PostType' => $postType, 'PostID' => $postId));
// display page templete