Файл: billing/calc.php
Строк: 443
require_once( "./_rootconfig.php" );
session_start( );
mconnect( );
head( );
print "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><font size=5><b><font size=3>Калькулятор тарифов</font></b></font><hr size=1></td></tr></table>";
if ( $do == "order" )
if ( $domain_reg == "" )
$error = "Не указано будет домен переноситься или нужно его зарегистрировать.";
$do = "";
else if ( ( !$domain || !$zone ) && $domain_reg )
$error = "Не указано доменное имя.";
$do = "";
else if ( !$tarif_id )
$error = "Не выбран тарифный план.";
$do = "";
if ( !$months[$tarif_id] )
$error = "Не выбран срок заказа.";
$do = "";
if ( $domain && $zone )
$fulldomain = $domain.".".$zone;
$hostmonths = $months[$tarif_id];
$addonsCost = 0;
$selectedAddons = $addons[$tarif_id];
$addonsToSave = "";
$addonsToSaveText = "";
$v = each( @$selectedAddons )[1];
$k = each( @$selectedAddons )[0];
while ( @each( @$selectedAddons ) )
if ( $v )
$selectedAddon = getaddonbyid( $v );
if ( $addonsToSaveText )
$addonsToSaveText = $addonsToSaveText.", ".$selectedAddon->textid;
$addonsToSaveText = $selectedAddon->textid;
$addonsToSave = $addonsToSave.":x:{$selectedAddon->id}";
$addonsCost += $selectedAddon->cost_start;
$addonsCost += $selectedAddon->cost_monthly * $hostmonths;
if ( !$addonsToSaveText )
$addonsToSaveText = "нет";
if ( !( $t = @mysql_query( @"select cost,cost_setup,name from tarifs where id={$tarif_id}" ) ) )
exit( mysql_error( ) );
$t = mysql_fetch_object( $t );
$hostcost = $t->cost;
$host_setup = $t->cost_setup;
if ( !( $tsroki = @mysql_query( @"select discount from tarifs_sroki where tarif_id={$tarif_id} and months='{$hostmonths}'" ) ) )
exit( mysql_error( ) );
$tsroki = mysql_fetch_object( $tsroki );
$srokDiscount = $tsroki->discount;
$host = $hostcost * $hostmonths + $host_setup;
$host = $host - $host / 100 * $srokDiscount;
$dom = 0;
if ( $domain_reg )
if ( !( $tzones = @mysql_query( @"select cost_if_host,minsrok from zones where zone='{$zone}'" ) ) )
exit( mysql_error( ) );
$tzones = mysql_fetch_object( $tzones );
$domaincost = $tzones->cost_if_host;
$domainminsrok = $tzones->minsrok;
if ( !( $tfreedomains = @mysql_query( @"select * from tarifs_freedomains where tarif_id='{$tarif_id}' and zone='{$zone}' and hostmonths='{$hostmonths}'" ) ) )
exit( mysql_error( ) );
if ( 0 < mysql_num_rows( $tfreedomains ) )
$domainfree = 1;
$domainfree = 0;
$dom = $domaincost * ( $domainminsrok / 12 );
if ( $domainfree )
$dom = 0;
$template = str_replace( "{tarif}", $t->name, $template );
$template = str_replace( "{srok}", $hostmonths, $template );
$template = str_replace( "{domain}", $fulldomain, $template );
$template = str_replace( "{addons}", $addonsToSaveText, $template );
$template = str_replace( "{newreg}", $_newreg[$domain_reg], $template );
$template = str_replace( "{hostcost}", $host, $template );
$template = str_replace( "{domaincost}", $dom, $template );
$template = str_replace( "{addonscost}", $addonsCost, $template );
$template = str_replace( "{cost}", $host + $dom + $addonsCost, $template );
print "rn<BR><B>Параметры Вашего заказа:</b><BR>rnТарифный план: {$t->name}<BR>rnСрок контракта: {$hostmonths} мес.<BR>rnДомен: {$fulldomain} [ {$_newreg[$domain_reg]} ]<BR>rnДополн. услуги: {$addonsToSaveText}<BR><BR>rnrn<B>Это будет стоить:</b><BR>rnЗа хостинг: {$host}$<BR>rnЗа домен: {$dom}$<BR>rnДополн. услуги: {$addonsCost}$<BR><BR>rnrn<B>ИТОГО К ОПЛАТЕ:</b> ".( $host + $dom + $addonsCost )."$<BR><BR>rnrn<A href=?>... посчитать ещё</a>rn";
if ( !$do )
if ( $error )
print "<font color=red>Ошибка: {$error}</font><BR><BR>";
if ( $domain_reg == "0" )
$check1 = "checked";
$disabled = "";
$check2 = "checked";
$disabled = "disabled";
if ( !$vid )
$vid = "hosting";
if ( $tarif )
if ( !( $r = @mysql_query( @"select * from tarifs where name='{$tarif}'" ) ) )
exit( mysql_error( ) );
if ( 0 < mysql_num_rows( $r ) )
$r = mysql_fetch_object( $r );
$tarif_id = $r->id;
echo "rnt";
echo "<s";
echo "cript language=javascript type='text/javascript'>rnrntfunction showdiv(divid) {rntt";
if ( $tarif_id )
print "parent.flast='{$tarif_id}';";
echo "rnttif (parent.last) {hidediv(parent.last);} else { if (parent.flast) {hidediv(parent.flast);}}rnrnttparent.last=divid;rnttif (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6rntttdocument.getElementById('d'+divid).style.display = 'block';rntttdocument.getElementById('a'+divid).style.display = 'block';rntt}rnttelse {rntttif (document.layers) { // Netscape 4rnttttdivid = 'd'+divid; document.divid.disp";
echo "lay = 'block';rnttttdivid = 'a'+divid; document.divid.display = 'block';rnttt}rntttelse { // IE 4rnttttdivid = 'd'+divid; document.all.divid.style.display = 'block';rnttttdivid = 'a'+divid; document.all.divid.style.display = 'block';rnttt}rntt}rnt}rnrntfunction hidediv(divid) {rnttif (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6rntttdocument.getElementById('d'+divid).style.display = 'none';rntttd";
echo "ocument.getElementById('a'+divid).style.display = 'none';rntt}rnttelse {rntttif (document.layers) { // Netscape 4rnttttdivid = 'd'+divid; document.divid.display = 'none';rnttttdivid = 'a'+divid; document.divid.display = 'none';rnttt}rntttelse { // IE 4rnttttdivid = 'd'+divid; document.all.divid.style.display = 'none';rnttttdivid = 'a'+divid; document.all.divid.style.display = 'none';rnttt}rntt}rnt";
echo "}rnrntfunction showblankdiv(divid) {rnttif (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6rntttdocument.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'block';rntt}rnttelse {rntttif (document.layers) { // Netscape 4rnttttdocument.divid.display = 'block';rnttt}rntttelse { // IE 4rnttttdocument.all.divid.style.display = 'block';rnttt}rntt}rnt}rntrntfunction hideblankdiv(divid) {rnttif (document.getElementById";
echo ") { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6rntttdocument.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'none';rntt}rnttelse {rntttif (document.layers) { // Netscape 4rnttttdocument.divid.display = 'none';rnttt}rntttelse { // IE 4rnttttdocument.all.divid.style.display = 'none';rnttt}rntt}rnt}rnt</script>rnrnt<form method=post name=order>rnt<input type=hidden name=do value=order>rnt<input type=hidden name=vid value=";
echo $vid;
echo ">rnrnt<table border=0>rnt<tr><td colspan=3><B>Выбор тарифного плана:</b><br><br></td></tr>rnt<tr><td align=right valign=top> * Хостинг:</td><td colspan="2"><input type=radio onclick="javascript: this.form.domain.disabled=1; this.form.zone.disabled=1;" name=domain_reg value=0 ";
echo $check1;
echo ">с переносом домена<BR><input type=radio onclick="javascript: this.form.domain.disabled=0; this.form.zone.disabled=0;" name=domain_reg value=1 ";
echo $check2;
echo ">с регистрацией нового</td></tr>rnt<tr><td align=right>* Домен:</td><td><input type="text" name="domain" value="";
echo $domain;
echo ""> ";
echo "<s";
echo "elect name="zone"><option>rnt";
if ( !( $r = @mysql_query( "select * from zones where active=1 order by zone" ) ) )
exit( mysql_error( ) );
while ( $rr = mysql_fetch_object( $r ) )
if ( $rr->zone == $zone )
$addon = "selected";
$addon = "";
print "<option value={$rr->zone} {$addon}>.{$rr->zone}";
echo "t</select></td></tr>rnt<tr><td align=right valign=top>* Тарифный план:</td><td colspan="2">rnt";
if ( !( $r = @mysql_query( @"select * from tarifs where active=1 and vid='{$vid}' order by id" ) ) )
exit( mysql_error( ) );
while ( $rr = mysql_fetch_object( $r ) )
if ( $rr->id == $tarif_id || $tarif == $rr->name )
$addon = "checked";
$tarif_id = $rr->id;
$addon = "";
if ( $rr->cost_setup )
$addon_cost = " + {$rr->cost_setup} $ разово за установку";
$addon_cost = "";
print "<input type=radio name=tarif_id value={$rr->id} {$addon} onclick='showdiv(this.value);'>{$rr->name} ({$rr->cost} $/мес".$addon_cost.")<BR>";
echo "t</select></td></tr>rnt<tr><td align=right>* На срок:</td><td colspan="2">rnt";
$r = @mysql_query( "select * from tarifs_sroki order by tarif_id,months" );
while ( $rr = mysql_fetch_object( $r ) )
if ( $rr->tarif_id == $tarif_id )
$style = "style='display: block;'";
$style = "style='display: none;'";
if ( !$last_tarif_id )
print "<div id=d{$rr->tarif_id} {$style}><select name=months[{$rr->tarif_id}]><option>";
else if ( $last_tarif_id != $rr->tarif_id )
print "</select></div><div id=d{$rr->tarif_id} {$style}><select name=months[{$rr->tarif_id}]><option>";
if ( $months[$rr->tarif_id] == $rr->months )
$addon = "selected";
$addon = "";
print "<option value={$rr->months} {$addon}>{$rr->months} мес (скидка {$rr->discount}%)";
$last_tarif_id = $rr->tarif_id;
print "</div>";
echo "t</td></tr>rnt<tr><td align=right valign=top>Доп. услуги:</td><td colspan="2">rnt";
$r = @mysql_query( @"select * from tarifs where active=1 and vid='{$vid}' order by cost" );
while ( $rr = mysql_fetch_object( $r ) )
$addonsForTarif = split( ":x:", $rr->addons );
if ( $rr->id == $tarif_id )
$style = "style='display: block;'";
$style = "style='display: none;'";
print "<div id=a{$rr->id} {$style}>";
$v = each( @$addonsForTarif )[1];
$k = each( @$addonsForTarif )[0];
while ( @each( @$addonsForTarif ) )
if ( $v )
$oneAddon = getaddonbyid( $v );
if ( $oneAddon->active )
$addonMoney = "";
if ( $oneAddon->cost_start )
$addonMoney = "{$oneAddon->cost_start}$ разово";
if ( $oneAddon->cost_monthly )
$addonMoney = $addonMoney." + ";
if ( $oneAddon->cost_monthly )
$addonMoney = $addonMoney."{$oneAddon->cost_monthly} $/мес";
if ( !$addonMoney )
$addonMoney = "бесплатно";
print "<input type=checkbox name=addons[{$rr->id}][] value={$oneAddon->id}>{$oneAddon->name} ({$addonMoney})<BR>";
print "</div>";
print "</div>";
echo "t</td></tr>rnt<tr><td> </td><td colspan="2"><BR><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Посчитать"></td></tr>rnt</table>rnt</form>rnrntПоля, отмеченные знаком *, обязательны для заполнения.rnrnt";
mclose( );
foot( );