Файл: obiead/edit.php
Строк: 302
<link rel="stylesheet" href="inc/css.css">
<script src="inc/modules.js"></script>
// --obieAD-- //
// //
// -The AD banner management- //
// -Version 1.0 created on Dec/02- //
// //
// Writen by Minh Nguyen Duong @ obie. //
// All right reserved - http://obiewebsite.sourceforge.net //
// //
// obiePAD included //
// //
// This Software is FREE and can be modified //
// and redistributed under the condition that //
// the copyright and information above stays //
// intact and with the script. //
// //
// If you redistribute obieAD, please link back //
// to http://obiewebsite.sourceforge.net //
include "config.php";
if($mode=='norm') $title='Database';
else $title='Submiter database';
$tongsosubmit = sizeof (file($submitfile)) - 1;
$tongsodata = sizeof (file($adsfile)) - 1;
#If the call for the script is to log them in, DO IT!
if($action == "login" && $a_u==$admin_username && $a_p==$admin_password):
<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width=100% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>
<tr><td width=150 align=center valign=top>");
include "inc/admin_cp.php";
print("</td><td width=99% bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=right valign=top>");
#This makes sure all fields are filled out.
#If there is one missing, send them to the error.
error_message("One or more required fields were left blank!", $username, $password);
#Open the datafile and login the user.
if($mode=='norm') $file=file($adsfile);
else $file=file($submitfile);
list($fname,$femail,$furl,$fbanner,$fuser,$fpass,$fcounter,$ferror,$blank)=split( "|", $value);
if($username==$fuser && $password==$fpass){
$adpath = str_replace('^/','',$fbanner);
$pos = strpos($fbanner, "^");
if($pos===false) $uploaded=0;
else $uploaded=1;
echo "<h3>Change user <font color=red>$fuser</font> profiles<br><font size=1>in <font color=red>$title</font></font></h3>
<div align=center><p><u><font size="1">Note : All fields are required</font></u></p>
<a href="$furl" target="_blank"><img src="$adpath" width=$w height=$h border=0></a><p>
<table border=0 width=80% bgcolor=#DFDFDF cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1><tr><td align=left valign=top>";
echo "</td></tr><FORM action="$PHP_SELF?action=change" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="$mode">
<p><b>Change your users' profiles</b></p>
<tr><td width=40% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>Name: </td><td width=60% bgcolor=#F0F0F0><INPUT type="text" name="name" value='$fname'></td></tr>
<tr><td width=40% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>E-mail Address: </td><td width=60% bgcolor=#F0F0F0 align=left><INPUT type="text" name="email" value='$femail'></td></tr>
<tr><td width=100%><b>Change user's banner info</b></p></td></tr>
<tr><td width=40% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>Website Address: </td><td width=60% bgcolor=#F0F0F0 align=left><INPUT type="text" name="url" value='$furl'> </td></tr>
<tr><td width=40% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>Banner URL: </td><td width=60% bgcolor=#F0F0F0 align=left>
if($uploaded==0) print("<INPUT type="text" name="banner" value='$fbanner'>");
else print("Uploaded to your server<INPUT type="hidden" name="banner" value='$fbanner'>");
print("</td></tr><tr><td width=40% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>Counter : </td><td width=60% bgcolor=#F0F0F0 align=left><input type="text" name="counter" value='$fcounter'> </td></tr>
<tr><td width=40% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>Error count : </td><td width=60% bgcolor=#F0F0F0 align=left><input type="text" name="error" value='$ferror'></td></tr>
<tr><td width=100%><b>Change password of user</b><br>(to locking this account, reseting password ....etc)</b></p></td></tr>
<tr><td width=40% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>Username (can not be changed): </td><td width=60% bgcolor=#F0F0F0 align=left><b>$fuser</b><input type="hidden" name="username" value='$fuser'>
<tr><td width=40% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>Password: </td><td width=60% bgcolor=#F0F0F0 align=left><INPUT type="text" name="password" value='$fpass'>
<input type=hidden name="a_u" value='$a_u'>
<input type=hidden name="a_p" value='$a_p'></td></tr>
<tr><td width=100%><INPUT type="submit" value="Change datas">
<input type=reset value="Reset">
<input type=button value=Cancel onclick="history.back();"></td></tr>
error_message("Login failed, bad username/password", $username, $password);
<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width=100% bgcolor=#F0F0F0>
<tr><td width=150 align=center valign=top>");
include "inc/admin_cp.php";
print("</td><td width=99% bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=right valign=top>");
#This makes sure all fields are filled out.
#If there is one missing, send them to the error.
error_message("One or more required fields were left blank! Please re-login.", $username, $password);
#Open the datafile and login the user.
if($mode=='norm') $file=file($adsfile);
else $file=file($submitfile);
list($fname,$femail,$furl,$fbanner,$fuser,$fpass,$fcounter,$ferror,$blank)=split( "|", $value);
if ($mode=='norm') $fp = fopen($adsfile, "r");
else $fp = fopen($submitfile, "r");
if ($mode=='norm') $data = fread($fp, filesize($adsfile));
else $data = fread($fp, filesize($submitfile));
$newdata = str_replace($xaucu, $xaumoi, $data);
if ($mode=='norm') $fp = fopen($adsfile,"w");
else $fp = fopen($submitfile,"w");
fwrite($fp,$newdata) or die ("error writing");
$succ = "1";
if($mode=='norm') $setaction='viewall';
else $setaction='submit';
print("<h3>User's infomations was changed successfully!</h3>
<p><i>Please wait, I will transfer you to where you came....</i>");
error_message("Login failed, bad username/password", $username, $password);
<h3>Staff only<br>
<font size=1><b>Only administrators can edit submiters' infomations</b></font></h3>
<p><font size=1>If you are administrator, please login first <a href="admin.php">here</a></p>
<FORM action="<?$PHP_SELF;?>?action=login" method="post">
<P>Username: <INPUT type="text" name="username">
<P>Password: <INPUT type="password" name="password">
<P><INPUT type="submit" value="Log-in">
//Thong bao loi
function error_message($message, $username, $password){?>
<font size=1><b>Only administrators can edit submiters' infomations</b></font></h3>
<p><font size=1>If you are administrator, please login first <a href="admin.php">here</a></p>
<H3><?echo $message;?></H3>
<FORM action="<?$PHP_SELF;?>" method="post">
<P>Username: <INPUT type="text" name="username" value="<?echo $username;?>">
<P>Password: <INPUT type="password" name="password" value="<?echo $password;?>">
<P><INPUT type="submit" value="Log-in">
<input type=hidden name="a_u" value='$a_u'>
<input type=hidden name="a_p" value='$a_p'>
<p></p><p align="center">
Powered by <a target="_blank" href="http://obiewebsite.sourceforge.net"><b>obie</b>AD</a> version <? print($obieADversion); ?>. The AD banners management</p>