Файл: functions.php
Строк: 1842
# 452 Productions Internet Group (http://452productions.com)
# 452 Multi-MAIL v1.5 BETA
# This script is freeware and is realeased under the GPL
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 452 Productions
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Or just download it http://fsf.org/
# By popular request, all functions, for all portions of the script have been
# centrilized here. If somthing is not working, this is where you want to be.
# Functions are grouped by the files which call them. Within each file block
# the functions are grouped in the order they were added to the script, rouhgly
# implying order of importance.
$scriptVersion = "1.5b";
# Just cause it's a v1.x dosen't imply anything.
# Things to do:
# bounced e-mails - need a stronger check at sign up, like check mx records
# along with making sure the e-mail is sytaticly correct. Also, some sort
# of bounced or dead address recevier and cleaner upper. Could do at send,
# or let the message bounce.
# Still acts fuggly on some systems, especialy the delete, no clue why
# Functions for use in mail.php and front.php
# popcheckandremove() also has a tendancy to play with these.
# add an e-mail address with approrate lists
function get_list_name($id){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT list_name FROM lists WHERE id='$id'") or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1){
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
return $myrow[list_name];
function add_user_email($Email, $lists) {
global $dbPass, $dbUserName, $host, $dbname, $today, $db, $PHP_SELF, $user_exists, $default_list;
if($lists == "") {
$lists = $default_list;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mail_list WHERE email='$Email'", $db) or die(mysql_error());
$num = sizeof($lists);
if(mysql_num_rows($result) != 1){
$listFieldDescription .= get_list_name($lists[$i]) . ",";
$listFieldValues .= "'1', ";
$listFieldDescription = substr($listFieldDescription, 0, -1);
$listFieldValues = substr($listFieldValues, 0, -2);
$result1 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO mail_list (email, $listFieldDescription) VALUES ('$Email', $listFieldValues)", $db) or die(mysql_error());
return 1;
}else {
echo "$user_exists";
return 0;
} else {
echo "$user_exists";
return 0;
# returns false if the user exists, true if they don't exist
# don't ask why it's not the other way arround, legacy system support
function check_user($new_user_id) {
global $dbPass, $dbUserName, $host, $dbname, $today, $db, $PHP_SELF;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM mail_list WHERE email='$new_user_id'" or die("From the heart of hell I stabeth thee Moby Dick! " . mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
//echo"user exists<br>";
return 0;
}else {
//echo"user does not exist";
return 1;
# regex that works pretty darn good.
# It might be smart to implement some mx record checking
# Can't decided if it'd be better to do mx checking or have smtp look for
# invalids at sendmail time. Might end up being both, but for the moment, this
# is the security gaurd
function check_email_addy($Email) {
#From the php mailing list
if (ereg('^[-!#$%&'*+\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+'. '@'.'[-!#$%&'*+\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+.'.'[-!#$%&'*+\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+$', $Email)) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Fuctions for use in archive.php
# Due to some pathetic logic and failure to think, these functions are
# duplicated almost line for line in the admin section. blah, fix it later.
# Non admin
function print_archived_mail(){
global $db, $id, $PHP_SELF, $view_items, $disp_start, $disp_end, $auto_cutting;
global $msg_archive_explain, $msg_archive_explain2, $disply_out_of;
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total_items FROM mail_sent") or die("Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. " . mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mail_sent WHERE id=$id");
$myrow =mysql_fetch_array($result);
printf("%s<br>Sent on %s By %s<br><br>%s", $myrow["subject"],$myrow["date"],$myrow["user_id"],$myrow["mail"]);
}else {
if(!$view_items) {
if($total_items <= $auto_cutting) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM mail_sent ORDER BY date DESC";
}else {
echo"<p>$msg_archive_explain $total_items $msg_archive_explain2</p>";
echo"<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF?action=archive_browse">nFrom <input type="text" name="disp_start" value="1" size="5"> to <input type="text" name="disp_end" value="20" size="5"> <input type="submit" name="view_items" value="Go!">n</form>";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM mail_sent LIMIT $disp_start, $disp_end ORDER BY date DESC";
echo"<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF">nFrom <input type="text" name="disp_start" value="1" size="5"> to <input type="text" name="disp_end" value="20" size="5"> <input type="submit" name="view_items" value="Go!">n</form>";
function print_subject($sql) {
global $db, $show_list, $PHP_SELF;
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$list_names = $myrow["list_names"];
if (eregi($show_list, $list_names)) {
printf("<tr><td><a href="%s?action=archive_browse&id=%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>Sent by %s</td></td></tr>n", $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"], $myrow["subject"], $myrow["date"], $myrow["user_id"], $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"]);
# Mail admin functions
# Delete an e-mail adress from your database
function delete_email($id) {
global $db;
# delete a record
$result1 = mysql_query("DELETE FROM mail_list WHERE id='$id'", $db) or die("I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that. " . mysql_error());
return 1;
# Delete a past mailing
function delete_item() {
global $delete, $id, $db, $delete_query_success, $delete_query_failure;
# delete a record
$result1 = mysql_query("DELETE FROM mail_sent WHERE id='$id'", $db) or die($delete_query_failure . " Unable to delete! One of those bad things, namely: " . mysql_error());
# Print e-mail addresses on your database
function print_mail_list() {
global $view_email, $db, $PHP_SELF, $disp_start, $disp_end, $view_items, $auto_cutting;
global $delete_email_warning, $delete_lang, $show_which_addys1, $show_which_addys2, $explain_which_addys, $explain_which_addys2, $explain_which_addys3, $explain_which_addys4, $return_to_main;
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total_items FROM mail_list") or die(mysql_error());
if($total_items <= $auto_cutting) {
$result_print = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mail_list",$db);
echo"$delete_email_warning<br><br> ";
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result_print)) {
printf("%s<a href="%s?id=%s&delete_email=yes">($delete_lang)</a><br>", $myrow["email"], $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"]);
echo"<br><a href="$PHP_SELF">$return_to_main</a>";
}else {
echo"$show_which_addys1 $total_items $show_which_addys2<br><br>";
echo"<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF?action=mail_sub">nFrom <input type="text" name="disp_start" value="1" size="5"> to <input type="text" name="disp_end" value="20" size="5"> <input type="submit" name="view_items" value="Go!">n</form>";
echo"<br><a href="$PHP_SELF">$return_to_main</a>";}
$result_print = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mail_list LIMIT $disp_start, $disp_end",$db);
echo"$explain_which_addys $disp_start $explain_which_addys2 $disp_end $explain_which_addys3 $total_items $explain_which_addys4<br><br>";
echo"$delete_email_warning<br><br> ";
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result_print)) {
printf("%s<a href="%s?id=%s&delete_email=yes">($delete_lang)</a><br>", $myrow["email"], $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"]);
echo"<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF?action=mail_sub">nFrom <input type="text" name="disp_start" value="1" size="5"> to <input type="text" name="disp_end" value="20" size="5"> <input type="submit" name="view_items" value="Go!">n</form>";
echo"<br><a href="$PHP_SELF">$return_to_main</a>";
# Print total number of e-mails in your database
function print_total_email() {
global $db, $PHP_SELF, $need_list, $msgist_with_none, $msgist_with_none2, $msgist_with_some, $msgist_with_some2, $msgist_with_some3, $msgist_with_some4;
# Total items in data base
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total_items FROM mail_list") or die(mysql_error());
$result_list = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total_lists FROM lists") or die(mysql_error());
if($total_lists == "0"){
} elseif($total_items == "0"){
echo"$msgist_with_none $total_lists $msgist_with_none2<br><br>";
echo"$msgist_with_some $total_lists $msgist_with_some2 $total_items $msgist_with_some3<br><a href="$PHP_SELF?action=list_man">$msgist_with_some4</a><br><br>";
# count the number of people on a given list
function count_people_on_list($id) {
global $db;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mail_list");
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if($myrow[$id] == 1){
return $i;
# Print total number of mailings sent
function print_total_sends() {
global $db, $no_archives, $some_archives, $some_archives2;
# Total items in data base
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total_items FROM mail_sent") or die(mysql_error());
if($total_items == "0"){
echo"$some_archives $total_items $some_archives2<br><br>";
# Send mail via smtp
/* word_wrap($string, $cols, $prefix)
* Takes $string, and wraps it on a per-word boundary (does not clip
* words UNLESS the word is more than $cols long), no more than $cols per
* line. Allows for optional prefix string for each line. (Was written to
* easily format replies to e-mails, prefixing each line with "> ".
* Copyright 1999 Dominic J. Eidson, use as you wish, but give credit
* where credit due.
function word_wrap ($string, $cols = 900, $prefix = "") {
$t_lines = split( "n", $string);
$outlines = "";
while(list(, $thisline) = each($t_lines)) {
if(strlen($thisline) > $cols) {
$newline = "";
$t_l_lines = split(" ", $thisline);
while(list(, $thisword) = each($t_l_lines)) {
while((strlen($thisword) + strlen($prefix)) > $cols) {
$cur_pos = 0;
$outlines .= $prefix;
for($num=0; $num < $cols-1; $num++) {
$outlines .= $thisword[$num];
$outlines .= "n";
$thisword = substr($thisword, $cur_pos, (strlen($thisword)-$cur_pos));
if((strlen($newline) + strlen($thisword)) > $cols) {
$outlines .= $prefix.$newline."n";
$newline = $thisword." ";
} else {
$newline .= $thisword." ";
$outlines .= $prefix.$newline."n";
} else {
$outlines .= $prefix.$thisline."n";
return $outlines;
# These three functions are adapted from the mail RFC's
# If you want them to behave differently look at RFC 821
# for the other SMTP commands you can use.
# Open the SMTP socket, only called once
function open_socket($socket, $from) {
global $smtp_id;
fputs($socket,"EHLO $smtp_idrn");
fputs($socket,"mail from: $fromrn");
# Write the message to the socket, called for each addy
function write_current_mail($socket, $email) {
fputs($socket,"rcpt to: $emailrn");
# Close the socket, ie send the message, only called once
# If the script pukes out before this point the email is _NOT_ sent
function close_socket($socket, $header, $subject, $body) {
$body = word_wrap($body, 900);
fputs($socket,"Subject: $subjectrn");
fputs($socket,"To: $emailrn");
# html mail, done in header, just here for ref
#fputs($socket,"MIME-Version: 1.0rn");
#fputs($socket,"Content-Type: text/htmlrn");
fputs($socket, "RSETrn");
fputs($socket, "QUITrn");
fgets($socket, "1024");
# Archive mail to database and call mail function
function archive_mail(){
global $db, $today, $new_mail, $new_subject, $PHP_AUTH_USER, $list_name, $HTTP_POST_VARS;
global $fill_fields, $send_failure, $no_list_selcted, $archive_done;
# validate fields
if (!$new_mail || !$new_subject) {
} else {
# NO preventive mesaures
# You better trust your admins
# Or uncomment the below
#$new_mail = strip_tags($new_mail, "<a>, <br>, <b>,<i>");
#$new_subject = strip_tags($new_subject, "<a>,<b>,<i>");
# Wait tho', does it even send html?
# if everything checked out go on and process
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") or die(mysql_error());
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$var = $myrow["list_name"];
$var2 = ereg_replace(" ", "_", $var);
reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
$list_names .= $var . ",";
if($list_name == " ") {
$list_name = substr($list_name, "0", "-1");
$new_subject = addslashes($new_subject);
$new_mail = addslashes($new_mail);
$sql = "INSERT INTO mail_sent (subject, mail, user_id, list_names, date) VALUES ('$new_subject', '$new_mail', '$PHP_AUTH_USER', '$list_names', '$today')";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
if (!$result) {
echo"Error! ", mysql_error();
} else {
# Send the message to the correct people
function send_mail(){
global $db, $new_subject, $new_mail, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $footer, $mail_admin, $smtp_server, $mail_admin_alias, $base;
global $sending_mail, $send_sucess, $socket_crash, $mail_loc, $send_html_mail, $msg_remove;
global $use_stmp, $use_std;
$result_list = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists ORDER BY id DESC") or die(mysql_error());
# This could be a for loop but convention in this script is to
# do this with a while
$i = 0;
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result_list)) {
$var = $myrow["list_name"];
$id = $myrow["id"];
reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
# Only one footer can be sent, so this doesn't matter.
# This reasons that the first list you create will be your most
# popular, so the list with the smallest ID (Created first) will be
# the one that gets it's footer sent with mailings that go to multiple
# lists.
$footer = mysql_query("SELECT footer FROM lists WHERE id='$id'");
$lists_to_send[$i] = get_list_name($id);
$myfooter = mysql_fetch_array($footer);
$result_list = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") or die(mysql_error());
$result_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mail_list");
$new_mail .= "rnrn" . stripslashes($myfooter[footer]) . "rnrn" . stripslashes($msg_remove) . " http://" . $base . $mail_loc;
if($use_pop) {
$new_mail .= $msg_remove2;
$nice_mail = $mail_admin_alias . " <" . $mail_admin . ">";
$header = "From: " . $nice_mail ."rnX-Sender: " . $mail_admin ."rn Reply-To: " . $mail_admin . "rnX-Mailer: 452-PHP 452productions.com";
$header .= "rnMIME-Version: 1.0rnContent-Type: text/htmlrn";
# Hey, it finnaly works the way it should, unlimited number of lists
# and no regex's w00t w00t
# Try each e-mail address
# sissy not using sockets
while(($myrow_send = mysql_fetch_array($result_user))) {
# for each address, try each list
while (list($index, $subarray) = each($lists_to_send) ) {
# if the list matchs one they want to recevie send
if($myrow_send[$subarray] == 1){
$email = stripslashes($myrow_send["email"]);
//echo"send $email<br>";
mail($email, $new_subject, $new_mail, $header);
# and we've sent one copy so we don't care about the rest, move
# on to a different address.
break 1;
} else {
# now here's a real man (or woman, or 'it' if you live in san fransico)
$socket = fsockopen($smtp_server, 25, $errno, $errstr);
if ($socket) {
open_socket($socket, $mail_admin);
while(($myrow_send = mysql_fetch_array($result_user))) {
# for each address, try each list
while (list($index, $subarray) = each($lists_to_send) ) {
# if the list matchs one they want to recevie send
if($myrow_send[$subarray] == 1){
$email = stripslashes($myrow_send["email"]);
//echo"send $email<br>";
write_current_mail($socket, $email);
# and we've sent one copy so we don't care about the rest, move
# on to a different address.
break 1;
close_socket($socket, $header, $new_subject, $new_mail);
} else {
# That's all folks, 420ish lines, and you have the functions to add, and remove
# users, send and archive mail. We've got a few thousand more lines, but
# the core is all the stuff above. Everything else is jsut details.
# Authorize a non-admin user
# It's important that we differntante between 'users' and 'e-mails'
# Within the context of the admin section, and especialy the next few functions
# users mean subu-admins, or even the super admin. 'e-mails' are the people on
# your list. In functions that deal mainly with e-mails, we reffer to them as
# users, but that's mostly in mail.php. When in doubt, check wich table is being
# accessed - muser == admin - mail_list == e-mail
function auth_user() {
global $go_away;
if($PHP_AUTH_USER == ""){
return 0;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM muser WHERE user_id='$PHP_AUTH_USER'";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die(mysql_error());
if($result) {
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$pass = $myrow["user_pass"];
if($PHP_AUTH_PW == $pass) {
return 1;
} else {
$fp = fopen("login_failure.txt", "a+");
return 0;
} else {
$fp = fopen("login_failure.txt", "a+");
return 0;
# Add a user
function add_user() {
global $admin_user, $user_id, $QUERY_STRING, $submit_user, $new_user_id, $new_user_pass, $db;
global $user_added, $user_added2, $user_exists;
if ($submit_user) {
if ($new_user_id != $admin){
$sql = "SELECT * FROM muser WHERE user_id=$new_user_id";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
if(!$result) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO muser (user_id, user_pass) VALUES ('$new_user_id', '$new_user_pass')" or die(mysql_error());
$result1 = mysql_query($sql, $db);
echo"<b>$user_added $new_user_id $user_added2</b><br><br>";
}else {
}else {
}else {
# Edit/remove users
function user_pan() {
global $new_user_id, $new_user_pass, $db, $delete_lang, $edit_user_privs;
global $who_allowed, $no_users, $user_adding, $u_name, $p_word, $return_to_main, $PHP_SELF;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM muser",$db);
if ($result) {
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
printf("%s n", $myrow["user_id"]);
printf("<a href="%s?action=edit_privs&unum=%s">$edit_user_privs</a> ", $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"]);
printf("<a href="%s?remu=yes&unum=%s">($delete_lang)</a><br>", $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"]);
}else {
echo" $no_users<br><br>";
echo"<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF">n";
echo"<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">n";
echo"<td><input type="Text" name="new_user_id" value="$u_name"></td>n";
echo"<td><input type="Text" name="new_user_pass" value="$p_word"></td>n";
echo"<input type="Submit" name="submit_user" value="Enter information">n";
echo"<br><a href="$PHP_SELF">$return_to_main</a>";
# fill_mail() contains almost idnetical code to
# print_current_lists(), but, print lists does not
# select on usernames
# admin e-amil fill form
function fill_mail(){
global $db, $PHP_SELF, $PHP_AUTH_USER, $admin_user;
global $msg_new_mail, $msg_subject, $msg_no_lists_exist, $msg_which_list_send, $return_to_main;
echo"<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF">n";
echo"<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">n";
echo"<td colspan="2">$msg_subjectn";
echo"<input type="Text" name="new_subject" value="Subject"></td>n";
echo"<td colspan="2"><textarea name="new_mail" cols="50" rows="10"></textarea></td>n";
echo"HTML mail <input type="checkbox" name="send_html_mail">";
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total_items FROM lists") or die(mysql_error());
if ($total_items == "0") {
}elseif ($total_items == "1") {
if ($PHP_AUTH_USER == $admin_user){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") or die(mysql_error());
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$list_name = ereg_replace("_", " ", $myrow["list_name"]);
printf("%s %s <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="send"> n", $msg_send_to, $list_name, $myrow["list_name"]);
$result_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM muser WHERE user_id='$PHP_AUTH_USER'") or die(mysql_error());
$myrow_user = mysql_fetch_array($result_user);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") or die(mysql_error());
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$list_name = ereg_replace("_", " ", $myrow["list_name"]);
if ($myrow_user[$list_name] == "1"){
printf("<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="send"> n", $msg_send_to, $list_name, $myrow["list_name"]);
}elseif ($total_items > "1") {
if ($PHP_AUTH_USER == $admin_user){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") or die(mysql_error());
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$list_name = ereg_replace("_", " ", $myrow["list_name"]);
printf("%s <input type="checkbox" name="%s"> n", $list_name, $myrow["list_name"]);
$result_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM muser WHERE user_id='$PHP_AUTH_USER'") or die(mysql_error());
$myrow_user = mysql_fetch_array($result_user);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") or die(mysql_error());
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$list_name = $myrow["list_name"];
if ($myrow_user[$list_name] == "1"){
$list_name = ereg_replace("_", " ", $list_name);
printf("%s <input type="checkbox" name="%s"> n", $list_name, $myrow["list_name"]);
echo"<input type="Submit" name="submit_mail" value="Enter information">n";
echo"<br><a href="$PHP_SELF">$return_to_main</a>";
# revoke a users access to the mail system
function delete_user(){
global $remu, $unum, $db, $msg_user_gone, $msg_user_gone2, $msg_delete_query_failure, $msg_user_not_exist2, $msg_user_not_exist;
if ($remu) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM muser WHERE id='$unum'";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_affected_rows($result) == 1){
echo"<b>$msg_user_gone $user_id $msg_user_gone2</b><br><br>";
}elseif (mysql_affected_rows($result) != 1) {
echo "$delete_query_failure", mysql_error();
echo"$msg_user_not_exist $user_id $msg_user_not_exist2<br><br>";
# Thus ends the multiple admin section
# Starting with the multi list capablities
# Create a mail list
function add_new_list() {
global $db, $list_name, $description, $welcome, $newFooter, $msg_new_list, $msg_list_exists;
$list_name = ereg_replace(" ","_",$list_name);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists WHERE list_name='$list_name'", $db) or die("The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man and ultimately defeat him. " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
}else {
$result1 = mysql_query("ALTER TABLE muser ADD $list_name TINYINT not null", $db) or die("Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried " . mysql_error());
$result2 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO lists (list_name, description, welcome, footer) VALUES ('$list_name', '$description', '$welcome', '$newFooter')", $db) or die("Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy. - McCarthy" . mysql_error());
$result1 = mysql_query("ALTER TABLE mail_list ADD $list_name TINYINT not null", $db) or die("Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless. - Edision " . mysql_error());
# Remove a mail list
function remove_list() {
global $db, $list_name, $reml, $msg_list_gone, $msg_list_exists_no;
$list_name = ereg_replace(" ","_",$list_name);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists WHERE list_name='$list_name'", $db) or die("O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) {
$result = mysql_query("ALTER TABLE muser DROP $list_name", $db) or die("There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. " . mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query("ALTER TABLE mail_list DROP $list_name", $db) or die("Somthing wicked this way comes. " . mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM lists WHERE list_name='$list_name'", $db) or die("Et tu, Brutus? " . mysql_error());
}else {
# Dealing with multi admins in conjunction with multi lists
# Write the priveliges for a user
function set_list_privs() {
global $db, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $unum, $msg_user_changed;
reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
while ((list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS)) && (!$error)) {
if($key != "unum" && $key != "update_privs"){
$string .= "$key='$val', ";
$string = substr($string, 0, -2);
$sql = "UPDATE muser SET $string WHERE id='$unum'";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("I am dying, Egypt, dying: Give me some wine, and let me speak a little " . mysql_error());
# back to super admin stuff
# Print the lists with option to delete
function print_current_lists() {
global $db, $PHP_SELF, $delete_lang;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") or die("Dog of a Saxon! Take thy lance, and prepare for the death thou hast drawn upon thee. " . mysql_error());
while($myrow= mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$id = $myrow["id"];
$num = count_people_on_list($myrow["list_name"]);
$list_name = ereg_replace("_", " ", $myrow["list_name"]);
printf("<a href="%s?reml=yes&list_name=%s">($delete_lang)</a> <a href="$PHP_SELF?action=edit_list_info&id=$id">(EDIT)</a> %s members<br>%s<br><br>", $PHP_SELF, $list_name, $num, $myrow["description"]);
# Print the info on a current list with option to change
function edit_list_info($id){
global $db, $PHP_SELF;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists WHERE id='$id'") or die(mysql_error());
$myrow = mysql_fetch_Array($result);
$list_name = stripslashes($myrow["list_name"]);
$description = stripslashes($myrow["description"]);
$welcome = stripslashes($myrow["welcome"]);
$footer = stripslashes($myrow["footer"]);
echo"$list_name<br><form action="$PHP_SELF" method="post">Description (<255 Chars) <input tpye="text" name="nDescription" maxlength="255" value="$description"><br>Welcome message:<br><textarea cols="40" rows="7" name="nWelcome">$welcome</textarea><br>Footer message:<br><textarea cols="40" rows="7" name="nFooter">$footer</textarea><br><input type="hidden" name="id" value="$id"><input type="submit" name="update_list" value="Update"></form>";
} else {
echo mysql_error();
function write_new_list_info($id){
global $db, $nDescription, $nWelcome, $nFooter;
$nDescription = addslashes($nDescription);
$nWelcome = addslashes($nWelcome);
$nFooter = addslashes($nFooter);
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE lists SET description='$nDescription', welcome='$nWelcome', footer='$nFooter' WHERE id=$id");
if($result) {
echo"List data saved.<br>";
} else {
echo"List not updated! Failure! ", mysql_error();
# Print the current privliges of a user with option to cahnge
function print_privs() {
global $db, $unum, $PHP_SELF, $msg_user_privs, $msg_user_working, $msg_no_list_exists, $return_to_main;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM muser WHERE id='$unum'";
$result_name = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("I told you never press the big red button! " . mysql_error());
$myrow_name = mysql_fetch_array($result_name);
printf("<b>%s</b><br><br>%s %s<br><br>", $msg_user_privs, $msg_user_working, $myrow_name["user_id"]);
echo"<form action="$PHP_SELF" method="post">";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists",$db) or die("This is new, hey, wait, that's not supposed to happen. " . mysql_error());
if($result) {
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$list_name = $myrow["list_name"];
if ($myrow_name["$list_name"] == "1") {
$value_1 = "checked";
$value_2 = "";
$value_1 = "";
$value_2 = "checked";
$form_list_name = $myrow["list_name"];
$pretty = ereg_replace("_", " ", $myrow["list_name"]);
echo"$pretty: Allow<input type="radio" $value_1 name="$form_list_name" value="1">";
echo" Don't allow<input type="radio" $value_2 name="$form_list_name" value="0"><br>";
echo"<br><br><input type="hidden" name="unum" value="$unum"> <input type="submit" name="update_privs" value="Save"></form>";
echo"<br><a href="$PHP_SELF">$return_to_main</a>";
# Starting the utlity and grunt work functions
# For php3 folks count_array_values is not defined
# and really sizeof() is used more often
function count_array_elements($array){
do {
} while (next($array));
return $i;
# Grab an ID for POP
function get_id($email){
global $db;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM mail_list WHERE email='$email'" or die("Somebody f'd up. " . mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
if($result) {
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
return $myrow[id];
# Play with all your little pretty script variables
function configure_script() {
global $db, $msg_configure, $PHP_SELF, $use_std;
global $dbName, $dbPass, $dbUserName, $host, $base, $default_list, $mail_loc, $smtp_id, $smtp_server, $pop_server, $pop_user, $pop_pass, $use_pop, $admin_user, $admin_pass, $mail_admin, $mail_admin_alias, $auto_cutting, $m, $footer, $header_path, $footer_path;
echo"<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF">";
echo"<tr><td colspan="2">Database info</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Database</td><td><input type="text" name="t_dbName" value="$dbName"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Database username</td><td><input type="text" name="t_dbUserName" value="$dbUserName"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Database password</td><td><input type="text" name="t_dbPass" value="$dbPass"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Database host</td><td><input type="text" name="t_host" value="$host"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td colspan="2">Site and email info</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Base address</td><td><input type="text" name="t_base" value="$base"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>mail.php address</td><td><input type="text" name="t_mail_loc" value="$mail_loc"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>SMTP ID (Usualy mydomain.com)</td><td><input type="text" name="t_smtp_id" value="$smtp_id"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>SMTP server (Usualy mail.mydomain.com)</td><td><input type="text" name="t_smtp_server" value="$smtp_server"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>POP server (Usualy mail.mydomain.com)</td><td><input type="text" name="t_pop_server" value="$pop_server"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>POP account</td><td><input type="text" name="t_pop_user" value="$pop_user"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>POP password</td><td><input type="text" name="t_pop_pass" value="$pop_pass"></td></tr>";
if($use_pop) {
echo"<tr><td>Use POP (Check for yes)</td><td><input type="checkbox" checked name="t_use_pop"></td></tr>";
} else {
echo"<tr><td>Use POP (Check for yes)</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="t_use_pop"></td></tr>";
if($use_std) {
echo"<tr><td>Use standard mail command (Check for yes)</td><td><input type="checkbox" checked name="t_use_std"></td></tr>";
} else {
echo"<tr><td>Use standard mail command (Check for yes)</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="t_use_std"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Default List: (Currently ";
} else {
echo"Not Selected)";
echo"</td><td><select name="t_default_list">";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") or die(mysql_error());
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$id = $myrow["list_name"];
$list_name = ereg_replace("_", " ", $myrow["list_name"]);
echo"<tr><td>Admin username</td><td><input type="text" name="t_admin_user" value="$admin_user"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Admin password</td><td><input type="text" name="t_admin_pass" value="$admin_pass"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Mail Admin (E-mail address)</td><td><input type="text" name="t_mail_admin" value="$mail_admin"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Mail admin alias</td><td><input type="text" name="t_mail_admin_alias" value="$mail_admin_alias"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Emails per page (Auto-cutoff number)</td><td><input type="text" name="t_auto_cutting" value="$auto_cutting"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>HTML Header path</td><td><input type="text" name="t_html_header" value="$header_path"></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>HTML Footer path</td><td><input type="text" name="t_html_footer" value="$footer_path"></td></tr>";
echo"<input type="submit" name="submit_config" value="Save"></form><br>";
function write_config(){
global $msg_config_updated;
global $t_dbName, $t_default_list, $t_use_std, $t_dbPass, $t_dbUserName;
global $t_host, $t_base, $t_mail_loc, $t_smtp_id, $t_smtp_server, $t_pop_server;
global $t_pop_user, $t_use_pop, $t_pop_pass, $t_admin_user, $t_admin_pass;
global $t_mail_admin, $t_mail_admin_alias, $t_auto_cutting, $t_html_header;
global $t_html_footer, $t_footer, $t_m, $scriptVersion;
$t_default_list = ereg_replace(" ", "_", $t_default_list);
$fp = fopen("config.inc.php", "w");
fwrite ($fp , "<?phpn
# 452 Productions Internet Group (http://452productions.com)
# 452 Multi-MAIL v1.5 BETA
# This script is freeware and is realeased under the GPL
# Copyright (C) 2001 452 Productions
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Or just download it http://fsf.org/
fwrite ($fp , "$dbName = "$t_dbName";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$dbPass = "$t_dbPass";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$dbUserName = "$t_dbUserName";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$host = "$t_host";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$base = "$t_base";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$mail_loc = "$t_mail_loc";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$smtp_id = "$t_smtp_id";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$smtp_server = "$t_smtp_server";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$pop_server = "$t_pop_server";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$pop_user = "$t_pop_user";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$pop_pass = "$t_pop_pass";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$use_pop = "$t_use_pop";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$use_std = "$t_use_std";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$db = mysql_connect($host, $dbUserName, $dbPass) or die ("Could not connect");n");
fwrite ($fp , "mysql_select_db($dbName,$db);n");
fwrite ($fp , "$today = gmdate ( "M d Y H:i:s" ); #This affecs how your date is displayed www.php.net/date for more infon");
fwrite ($fp , " ");
fwrite ($fp , "#User varsn");
fwrite ($fp , "n");
fwrite ($fp , "$default_list = "$t_default_list";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$admin_user = "$t_admin_user";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$admin_pass = "$t_admin_pass";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$mail_admin = "$t_mail_admin";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$mail_admin_alias = "$t_mail_admin_alias";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$auto_cutting = "$t_auto_cutting";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$header_path = "$t_html_header";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$footer_path = "$t_html_footer";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$footer = "$t_footer";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$m = "$t_m";n");
fwrite ($fp , "$version = "$scriptVersion";n");
fwrite ($fp , "?>");
# admin archive browse
# These functions are a quick cover up for a serious logic mistake made in
# the design of the archive section - prints the subject of te mail with
# option to delete.
# need to roll these into the functionso in the archive section
function print_archived_mail_admin(){
global $db, $id, $PHP_SELF, $view_items, $disp_start, $disp_end, $auto_cutting;
global $msg_archive_explain, $msg_archive_explain2, $disply_out_of;
$result = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total_items FROM mail_sent") or die("Pinky, you've left the lens cap to your brain on again. " . mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mail_sent WHERE id=$id") or die("We have incomming boggies at twelve o'clock! " . mysql_error());
$myrow =mysql_fetch_array($result);
printf("%s<br>Sent on %s By %s<br><br>%s", $myrow["subject"],$myrow["date"],$myrow["user_id"],$myrow["mail"]);
}else {
if(!$view_items) {
if($total_items <= $auto_cutting) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM mail_sent ORDER BY date DESC";
}else {
echo"<p>$msg_archive_explain $total_items $msg_archive_explain2</p>";
echo"<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF?action=archive_browse">nFrom <input type="text" name="disp_start" value="1" size="5"> to <input type="text" name="disp_end" value="20" size="5"> <input type="submit" name="view_items" value="Go!">n</form>";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM mail_sent LIMIT $disp_start, $disp_end ORDER BY date DESC";
echo"<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF">nFrom <input type="text" name="disp_start" value="1" size="5"> to <input type="text" name="disp_end" value="20" size="5"> <input type="submit" name="view_items" value="Go!">n</form>";
function print_lists() {
global $db;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists",$db);
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
printf("<a href="%s?action=archive_browse&show_list=%s">%s</a><br> n", $PHP_SELF, $myrow["list_name"], $myrow["list_name"]);
function browse_archive() {
global $show_list, $id, $db, $PHP_SELF;
if ($id) {
# If we have an id display te archived item
$sql = "SELECT * FROM mail_sent WHERE id=$id";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$subject = $myrow["subject"];
$date = $myrow["date"];
$mail = $myrow["mail"];
echo"<h3>Mail Archive</h3>";
echo"<p>$subject <a href="$PHP_SELF?delete=yes&id=$id">(DELETE)</a><br>$date<br><br>$mail</p>";
}elseif ($show_list) {
$result_count = mysql_query( "SELECT Count(*) as total_items FROM mail_sent") or die(mysql_error());
echo"<h3>Mailing list archives</h3><p>Archived mailings for list $show_list</p>";
echo"<br><a href="$PHP_SELF">Return to main</a>";
}else {
# other wise let them select it
echo"<h3>Mailing list archives</h3>";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists",$db);
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
printf("<a href="%s?action=archive_browse&show_list=%s">%s</a><br> n", $PHP_SELF, $myrow["list_name"], $myrow["list_name"]);
function print_subject_admin($sql) {
global $db, $show_list, $PHP_SELF;
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$list_names = $myrow["list_names"];
if (eregi($show_list, $list_names)) {
printf("<tr><td><a href="%s?action=archive_browse&id=%s">%s</a> <a href="%s?delete=yes&id=%s">(DELETE)</td><td>%s</td><td>Sent by %s</td></td></tr>n", $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"], $myrow["subject"], $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"], $myrow["date"], $myrow["user_id"]);
# Start with the pop functions, a lot of string parseing in here
# Pulls the e-mail address out of a big ugly mass of data
function findEmail($data){
# This is where it gets fun
# Parsing strings sucks, so we'll just blow some junk up
# We assume that the letter follows conventions and that the first occurance
# of the letters 'From: ' is followed by the address.
$pre = explode("From: ", $data);
$email = explode("rn", $pre[1]);
if(check_email_addy($email[0])) {
return $email[0];
} else {
# Fancy mailer, gotta parse out the ugly stuff
$plain = explode("<", $email[0]);
$email = ereg_replace(">", "", $plain[1]);
return $email;
# gets the subject - it's all we care about, the rest of the stuff gets
# knocked off
function getSubject($data){
$pre = explode("Subject: ", $data);
$subject = explode("rn", $pre[1]);
$sub = strtolower($subject[0]);
return $sub;
# Rips the command outta the e-mail subject
function getCommand($sub){
if(eregi("drop", $sub)){
$command = "drop";
} elseif(eregi("add", $sub)) {
$command = "add";
} elseif((eregi("unsubscribe", $sub)) || (eregi("remove", $sub))){
$command = "remove";
} elseif(eregi("subscribe", $sub)) {
$command = "subscribe";
return $command;
# For some reason, the thing hangs if you try and fgets in real time
# cause of that it's simpler to do two connects if needed
# No clue why, if any one has a better idea, all ears
# Returns the number of messages in the mail box.
function newMail($pop_server, $pop_user, $pop_pass) {
$socket = fsockopen($pop_server, 110, $errno, $errstr);
fputs($socket, "USER $pop_userrn");
fputs($socket, "PASS $pop_passrn");
fputs($socket, "STATrn");
fputs($socket, "QUIT rn");
$data .= fgets($socket, 1024);
fclose ($socket);
$oks = explode("+OK ", $data);
$num = explode(" ", $oks[4]);
if($num[0] == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return $num[0];
} else {
die("Bury my heart at wounded knee. Could not connect to POP.");
# Through methods we are not at liberty to discuss, this function returns
# the lists present in the subject of an e-mail.
function findLists($subject, $command){
$subject = substr($subject, 4);
$lists = explode(",", $subject);
$subject = substr($subject, 5);
$lists = explode(",", $subject);
$subject = substr($subject, 10);
$lists = explode(",", $subject);
$num = sizeof($lists);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM lists") or die("This could be a small problem. " . mysql_error());
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$temp = strtolower($myrow[list_name]);
if(trim($temp) == trim($lists[$i])) {
$id = $myrow[id];
$newLists .= $id . " ";
if($newLists == ""){
# no lists matched
return -1;
} else {
return $newLists;
# New version comes thanks to Micheal F (mike@adam.org http://adam.org)
# and will at some point usurp the more egregious version above.
function findLists($subject, $command){
$find = array('/.*(add|drop|unsubscribe|subscribe)/i','/W/','/b/');
$replace = array('','','');
$lists = explode(',',preg_replace($find,$replace,strtolower($subject)));
$where = "LCASE(TRIM(list_name)) = '" . join ("' OR LCASE(TRIM(list_name)) = '",$lists) . "'";
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM lists WHERE $where") or die("This could be a small problem. " . mysql_error());
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$newLists[] = $myrow[id];
if($newLists == ""){
# no lists matched
return -1;
} else {
return join(' ',$newLists);
# handles adding lists to a users subscription
function changeAdd($lists, $id){
$num = sizeof($lists);
$string .= $lists[$i] . "='1', ";
$string = substr($string, 0, -2);
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE mail_list SET $string WHERE id='$id'", $db);
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# takes list of a users subscription
function changeDrop($lists, $id){
$num = sizeof($lists);
$string .= $lists[$i] . "='0', ";
$string = substr($string, 0, -2);
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE mail_list SET $string WHERE id='$id'", $db);
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# This logs into the pop server parses the messages, deals with
# what it can, leaves the rest.
# This is quite possible the most misleading function on earth, it is
# itself a mini script, calling or accessing almost a forth of the
# other functions in this script. A lot of the comlpexity comes from
# not wanting to do the strings with regex's.
function popCheckAndRemove($pop_server, $pop_user, $pop_pass){
global $db, $PHP_SELF, $use_pop, $mail_admin, $mail_admin_alias, $base, $return_link, $return_to_main;
# First see if were even supposed to do this
#if so see if new messages
$mail = newMail($pop_server, $pop_user, $pop_pass);
if($mail != 0) {
# if so login
$socket = fsockopen($pop_server, "110", $errno, $errstr);
if($socket) {
fputs($socket, "USER $pop_userrn");
fputs($socket, "PASS $pop_passrn");
# grab each message
for($i = 0; $i <= $mail; $i++) {
fputs($socket, "RETR $irn");
fputs($socket, "QUIT rn");
# pack it in
$data .= fgets($socket, 1024);
# Split em up into individaul messages
$messages = explode("rn.rn", $data);
#no need to carry that around
$data = "";
$work = 0;
for($i = 0; $i <= $mail; $i++) {
#figure out which command
$subject = getSubject($messages[$i]);
$command[$i] = getCommand($subject);
$change[$i] = findEmail($messages[$i]);
# array of array
$dropLists[$i] = findLists($subject, $command[$i]);
$change[$i] = findEmail($messages[$i]);
# array of array
$addLists[$i] = findLists($subject, $command[$i]);
$bye[$i] = findEmail($messages[$i]);
$add[$i] = findEmail($messages[$i]);
$subLists[$i] = findLists($subject, $command[$i]);
$numChange = sizeof($change);
$numBye = sizeof($bye);
$numNew = sizeof($add);
} else {
echo"Could not connect! ($errno) $errstr<br>";
$successful_off = 0;
$failure_off = 0;
$successful_on = 0;
$failure_on = 0;
$successful_change = 0;
$failure_change = 0;
# If we have work, do it
if($work > 0) {
$nice_mail = $mail_admin_alias . " <" . $mail_admin . ">";
$header = "From: " . $nice_mail ."nX-Sender: " . $mail_admin ."n Reply-To: " . $mail_admin . "nX-Mailer: 452-PHP 452productions.comn To: $email";
#connect and login
$socket = fsockopen($pop_server, "110", $errno, $errstr);
if($socket) {
fputs($socket, "USER $pop_userrn");
fputs($socket, "PASS $pop_passrn");
# Removing people
if(gettype($bye)=="array") {
while (list($index, $subarray) = each($bye) ) {
if(!check_user($subarray)) {
$id = get_id($subarray);
# Get off my list
$letter = $index + 1;
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
} else {
echo"Could not find/remove $subarray from database. If you have removed them, please delete the message from the mail box.<br><br>";
} else {
echo"$subarray not in list but wants to be removed. That's bad. Suggested course of action: contact $subarray to see if they subscribed under a different e-mail address.<br><br>";
# Done removing
# Change subscriptions
if(gettype($change)=="array") {
echo"first if<br>";
while (list($index, $subarray) = each($change) ) {
$changedDone = 0;
$letter = $index + 1;
echo" while $subarray<br>";
if(($addLists[$index] == -1) || ($dropLists[$index] == -1)) {
mail($subarray, "List Change Failure", "You have requested to be change your status on a list that doees not exist. Check that you spelled the list name correctly and that the admin has not removed this list. If you are having problems, please contact $mail_admin.rnrn", $header);
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
} else {
if(!check_user($subarray)) {
echo" second if <br>";
$id = get_id($subarray);
$lists = explode(" ", $addLists[$index]);
if(changeAdd($lists, $id)){
$changedDone = 1;
} elseif($dropLists[$index]){
$lists = explode(" ", $dropLists[$index]);
if(changeDrop($lists, $id)){
$changedDone = 1;
if ($changedDone) {
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
mail($subarray, "List Change Success", "You list change has been completed!rnrn $mail_admin.rnrnhttp://$basernrn", $header);
} else {
echo"change failure<br>";
mail($subarray, "List Change Failure", "You have requested to be added to a list, but you are already on that list, or some other monstrosity has occured. If you are having problems, please contact $mail_admin.rnrn", $header);
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
} else {
Echo"not on lists<br>";
if($addLists[$index] != -1){
echo"inside add<br>";
$lists = explode(" ", $addLists[$index]);
if(add_user_email($subarray, $lists)) {
$id = explode(" ", $lists);
$id = $id[0];
$welcome = mysql_query("SELECT welcome FROM lists WHERE id='$id'") or die("Ahhh, crap. " . mysql_error());
$welcome = mysql_fetch_array($welcome);
$welcome = $welcome["welcome"];
mail($subarray, "You have been added", $welcome . "rnrn", $header);
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
} else {
echo"inside add2<br>";
mail($subarray, "List Change Failure", "You have requested to be added to a list, but you are already on that list, or some other monstrosity has occured. If you are having problems, please contact $mail_admin.rnrn", $header);
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
} else {
echo"inside add3 $addLists<br>";
mail($subarray, "List Change Failure", "You have requested to drop a list, but, you are not even on the mailing list, for any list, let alone the one you want to drop. If you are having problems, please contact $mail_admin.rnrn", $header);
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
# Pretty much the smae as above, just calls the add_user_email function
# addin folks
if(gettype($add)=="array") {
while (list($index, $subarray) = each($add) ) {
$letter = $index + 1;
if(check_user($subarray)) {
$lists = explode(" ", $subLists[$index]);
if(add_user_email($subarray, $lists)){
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
# in this case, the user specified the list order
# we'll assume they know what they want, and put the list
# they care most about first, so we'll send the welcome
# for the first list they listed
$id = $lists[0];
$welcome = mysql_query("SELECT welcome FROM lists WHERE id='$id'") or die("It's all over. SQL died on the operating table. We did everything we could. " . mysql_error());
$welcome = mysql_fetch_array($welcome);
$welcome = $welcome["welcome"];
mail($subarray, "You have been added",$welcome . "rnrn", $header);
} else {
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
echo"already on list at add<br>";
mail($subarray, "Subscription Failure", "Your address, $subarray, appears to already be in this mailservers database. Please use the 'add' command to change your mailings. If you are having problems, please contact $mail_admin.rnrn", $header);
} else {
fputs($socket, "DELE $letterrn");
echo"already on list at check<br>";
mail($subarray, "Subscription Failure", "Your address, $subarray, appears to already be in this mailservers database. Please use the 'add' command to change your mailings. If you are having problems, please contact $mail_admin.rnrn", $header);
fputs($socket, "QUIT rn");
# pack it in
$data .= fgets($socket, 1024);
$data = "";
} else {
echo"Could not connect! ($errno) $errstr<br>";
$left = $mail - ($successful_off + $successful_on + failure_on + $successful_change + failure_change);
echo"$mail total messages in box at start:<br>n";
if($numBye) {
echo"$numBye people wanting to be removed. I got rid of $successful_off, with $failure_off failures.<br>";
echo"$numNew people wanting to be added. I added $successful_on, with $failure_on failures.";
echo" (They were already on the list)<br>";
echo"$numChange people wanting to change things. I added $successful_change, with $failure_change failures.<br>";
echo"There are now $left messages in the box that I can't deal with.<br>";
} else {
echo"No messages to work with.<br>";
} else {
echo"POP not enabled.<br>";
echo"<br><a href="$PHP_SELF">$return_to_main</a>";
# World domination on a global scale (TM)
# less insidious than it sounds, really....
function world_domination(){
global $version, $mail_admin;
echo"This is the <a href="452productions.com">452 Multi-Mail v$version script</a><br><br>Questions regarding the operation of this script should be addressed to $mail_admin.<br><br>Questions regarding this script's design should be addressed to services@452productions.com<br><br>";
# fin - dues ex machina