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#################### # Siteman 2 readme
# #################### Version: 2.0.x1 Note: Siteman 2.0.x1 is
just a development release for experimental use, and should not be
used to replace an existing Siteman 1.1.x
website. Requirements ############ With FCKEditor: 5,3 MB
diskspace (will hopefully become less in the future) Without FCKEditor: 2
MB diskspace (delete the folder public/fck/ to install without
FCKEditor) PHP 4.1.0 or higher with SAFE_MODE turned off and
OPEN_BASEDIR turned off. Installation ############ 1. Unzip
siteman2.zip to your local computer 2. Upload to your webserver, e.g.
through FTP, keeping the folder structure 3. CHMOD the 'db' folder and all
files/folders inside it to 777 4. Open your website in your web browser.
Siteman detects that this is the first run and installs itself
automatically 5. Login using username 'siteman' and password
'siteman' Keep an eye on http://sitem.sourceforge.net for updates.
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