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Файл: ti11/themes/mini.css
Строк: 45
/********** CSS theme file for CalendarXP 4.0 ********/ /* control the
layout, font and font-color of the calendar cell */ .CalHead
{text-align:center; font:8pt Arial; color:#4682b4;} .CalCell {cursor:hand;
text-align:center;} .CellAnchor {text-decoration:none; font:8pt
Arial;} /* styles for the "today" part at the bottom
*/ .Today {text-decoration:none; font:bold 8pt sans-serif;
color:white;} /* styles for the date selectors (buttons and combos)
& text at the top */ .MonthNav {vertical-align:middle;
text-decoration:none; font:bold 9pt Arial; color:black;} .CalTitle
{vertical-align:middle; font:bold 9pt Courier; color:white;} /* !!! DO
NOT use any inline CSS(i.e. style="xxx") in the same page with
the calendar tags, or the calendar will lose its style under Netscape 4.x!
Use CSS class instead and add all the CSS classes to the following section
!!! */ .toleft {text-align:left;}
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