Файл: ti11/agenda.js
Строк: 83
/********** Agenda file for CalendarXP 4.0 ********/
////////// Default Action when you click a normal date //////////
var gsAction=" "; // You may even use self-defined function here. i.e. gsAction="fDemo()";
////////////// Add Agendas //////////////////////////////////////////
// Usage -- addEvent(date, message, color, action, imgsrc);
// Notice:
// 1. The format of event date is defined in fHoliday() plug-in. Current format is Y-M-D.
// 2. In the action part you can use any javascript statement.
// 3. Assign <null> to action part will result in a line-through effect of that day, while <" "> not.
// 4. imgsrc is the URL of your image, you can omit it if no image to show.
addEvent("2001-5-13", "Disabled Date!", gcBG, null);
addEvent("2001-5-14", "You may customize me!", "gray", "popup('mailto:flatcal@yahoo.com?subject=Excellent Calendar')");
addEvent("2001-7-18", " July 18, 2001 n FlatCalendarXP 4.0 Unleashed! ", "gold", "popup('readme.txt','main')");
addEvent("2001-5-9", " May 9, 2001 n Baptismal Service n Chili Cook-off ", "aqua", "popup('may9.htm')");
// Holiday PLUG-IN Function -- return [message,color,action,imgsrc] like agenda!
function fHoliday(y,m,d) {
///// Uncomment any of the following two lines will give you special effect! ///
// if (m!=gCurMonth[1]||y!=gCurMonth[0]) return ["",gcOtherDay," "]; // hide the days of other months
// if (new Date(y,m-1,d+1)<gd) return ["",gcBG]; // cross-over the past days
var r=agenda[y+"-"+m+"-"+d]; // You may define the format of agenda date by yourself
if (r) return r; // put this line to the end will lower the priority of agenda events.
if (m==12&&d==25)
r=["Merry Xmas!", "seagreen"];
else if (m==12&&d==26)
r=[" Boxing Day! n Let's go shopping ... ", "skyblue", " "];
else if (m==10&&d==1)
r=[" China National Day! n Let's enjoy a long vacation ... ", "skyblue", " "];
return r;