Файл: RootPanel 1.7.0 FreeCode/RootPanel 1.7.0 FreeCode/_rootmenu/calendar.js
Строк: 661
Component.Calendar v1.3
Copyryght 2007 Imperavi
if(typeof(Component) == 'undefined')
var Component = {};
Component.Calendar = Class.create();
daysInMonth: [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31],
formats: ['d.m.y', 'd/m/y', 'd-m-y', 'y.m.d', 'y/m/d', 'y-m-d', 'm.d.y', 'm/d/y', 'm-d-y'],
languageDay: $H({
'fr': [ 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mer', 'Jeu', 'Ven', 'Sam', 'Dim' ],
'en': [ 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun' ],
'sp': [ 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mie', 'Jue', 'Vie', 'Sàb', 'Dom' ],
'it': [ 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mer', 'Gio', 'Ven', 'Sab', 'Dom' ],
'de': [ 'Mon', 'Die', 'Mit', 'Don', 'Fre', 'Sam', 'Son' ],
'pt': [ 'Seg', 'Ter', 'Qua', 'Qui', 'Sex', 'Sá', 'Dom' ],
'ru': [ 'Пн', 'Вт', 'Ср', 'Чт', 'Пт', 'Сб', 'Вс' ]
languageMonth: $H({
'fr': [ 'Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin',
'Juillet', 'Aout', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre' ],
'en': [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ],
'sp': [ 'Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio',
'Julio', 'Agosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre' ],
'it': [ 'Gennaio', 'Febbraio', 'Marzo', 'Aprile', 'Maggio', 'Giugno',
'Luglio', 'Agosto', 'Settembre', 'Ottobre', 'Novembre', 'Dicembre' ],
'de': [ 'Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni',
'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember' ],
'pt': [ 'Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho',
'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro' ],
'ru': [ 'Января', 'Февраля', 'Марта', 'Апреля', 'Мая', 'Июня',
'Июля', 'Августа', 'Сентября', 'Октября', 'Ноября', 'Декабря' ]
loaded: false,
todayDate: new Date(),
dateRegexp: /^(.*?)(/|.|-)(.*?)(?:/|.|-)(.*?)$/,
initialize: function(element, options)
this.element = $(element);
this.element_id = element;
this.options = Object.extend({
format: false,
autoFormat: true,
location: false,
fullMonth: false,
split: false,
revert: false,
lang: 'ru',
click: false,
date: null,
day: 1,
month: 0,
year: 2007,
splitter: '.',
embed: false
}, options || {});
if (this.options.click) Event.observe($(this.options.click), 'click', this.load.bindAsEventListener(this), false);
else Event.observe(this.element, 'click', this.load.bindAsEventListener(this), false);
if (this.options.embed) this.load();
load: function()
this.iframe_id = this.element_id + '_calendar_iframe';
this.calendar_id = this.element_id + '_calendar';
this.calendar_head_id = this.element_id + '_calendar_head';
this.table_box_id = this.element_id + '_calendar_box';
this.table_id = this.element_id + '_calendar_table';
if (!this.loaded) this.build();
if (!this.options.embed) Event.observe(document, "mousedown", this.bodyClick_handler=this.bodyClick.bindAsEventListener(this),false);
build: function()
this.loaded = true;
this.calendar_div = Builder.node('div',{id: this.calendar_id, className: 'component_calendar', style: 'display:none;'},
Builder.node('tbody', [
Builder.node('tr', [
Builder.node('td', {id: this.element_id + '_calendar_prev_year'}, ' << '),
Builder.node('td', {id: this.element_id + '_calendar_prev_month'}, ' < '),
Builder.node('td', {id: this.calendar_head_id, className: 'component_calendar_head_name'}),
Builder.node('td', {id: this.element_id + '_calendar_next_month'}, ' > '),
Builder.node('td', {id: this.element_id + '_calendar_next_year'}, ' >> ')
Builder.node('div',{id: this.table_box_id, className:'component_calendar_box'})
if (Prototype.Browser.IE && !this.options.embed)
this.iframe = Builder.node('iframe',{id: this.iframe_id, style: 'position: absolute; display:none;'});
if (!this.options.embed) document.body.appendChild(this.calendar_div);
else $(this.element).appendChild(this.calendar_div);
Event.observe($(this.element_id + '_calendar_prev_month'), 'click', this.prevMonth.bindAsEventListener(this), false);
Event.observe($(this.element_id + '_calendar_next_month'), 'click', this.nextMonth.bindAsEventListener(this), false);
Event.observe($(this.element_id + '_calendar_next_year'), 'click', this.nextYear.bindAsEventListener(this), false);
Event.observe($(this.element_id + '_calendar_prev_year'), 'click', this.prevYear.bindAsEventListener(this), false);
if (!this.options.embed) this.setPostion();
setPostion: function()
if (this.options.click) var dimensions = $(this.options.click).getDimensions();
else var dimensions = this.element.getDimensions();
this._leftOffset = 0;
this._topOffset = dimensions.height;
if (this.options.click) var a_lt = Position.cumulativeOffset($(this.options.click));
else var a_lt = Position.positionedOffset($(this.element));
var left = Number(a_lt[0]+this._leftOffset);
var top = Number(a_lt[1]+this._topOffset);
'position': 'absolute',
'left' : left + 'px',
'top' : top + 'px'
this.correctPosition(this.calendar_id, left, top, 180);
if (Prototype.Browser.IE && !this.options.embed)
var dim_cal = $(this.calendar_id).getDimensions();
'left': $(this.calendar_id).style.left,
'top': $(this.calendar_id).style.top,
'height': dim_cal.height,
'width': dim_cal.width,
'border': '0px'
correctPosition: function(element, left, top, popup_width)
var windowWidth = document.body.offsetWidth;
if ((left + popup_width) > windowWidth) left = left - popup_width;
top: top + 'px',
left: left + 'px'
drawCalendar: function ()
if ($(this.table_id) != null) $(this.table_id).remove();
var table = Builder.node('table',{id: this.table_id, className:'component_calendar_table'});
buildCalendar: function()
This method is the improved version of DatePicker widget using Prototype and Scriptaculous by Mathieu Jondet
var _self = this;
var tbody = Builder.node('tbody');
/* generate day headers */
var trDay = Builder.node('tr');
function (item)
var td = Builder.node('td', {className: 'wday'},item);
trDay.appendChild( td );
/* generate the content of days */
/* build-up days matrix */
var a_d = [
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
,[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
,[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
,[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
,[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
,[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
/* set date at beginning of month to display */
var d = new Date(this.options.year, this.options.month, 1, 12);
/* start the day list on monday */
var startIndex = ( !d.getDay() ) ? 6 : d.getDay() - 1;
var nbDaysInMonth = this.getMonthDays(this.options.year, this.options.month);
var daysIndex = 1;
for (var j = startIndex; j < 7; j++ )
a_d[0][j] = {
d : daysIndex,
m : this.options.month,
y : this.options.year
var a_prevMY = this._prevMonthYear();
var nbDaysInMonthPrev = this.getMonthDays(a_prevMY[1], a_prevMY[0]);
for (var j = 0; j < startIndex; j++ )
a_d[0][j] = {
d : Number(nbDaysInMonthPrev - startIndex + j + 1),
m : Number(a_prevMY[0]),
y : a_prevMY[1],
c : 'outbound'
var switchNextMonth = false;
var currentMonth = this.options.month;
var currentYear = this.options.year;
for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++ )
for ( var j = 0; j < 7; j++ )
a_d[i][j] = {
d : daysIndex,
m : currentMonth,
y : currentYear,
c : ( switchNextMonth ) ? 'outbound' : (
((daysIndex == this.todayDate.getDate()) &&
(this.options.month == this.todayDate.getMonth()) &&
(this.options.year == this.todayDate.getFullYear())) ? 'today' : null)
/* if at the end of the month : reset counter */
if ( daysIndex > nbDaysInMonth )
daysIndex = 1;
switchNextMonth = true;
if ( this.options.month + 1 > 11 )
currentMonth = 0;
currentYear += 1;
currentMonth += 1;
/* generate days for current date */
for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
var tr = Builder.node('tr');
for ( var j = 0; j < 7; j++ )
var h_ij = a_d[i][j];
id is : datepicker-day-mon-year or depending on language other way
don't forget to add 1 on month for proper formmatting
if (this.options.lang == 'en' )
var id = $A([this._leftpad_zero((h_ij["m"] +1), 2), this._leftpad_zero(h_ij["d"], 2), h_ij["y"] ]).join('-');
var id = $A([this._leftpad_zero(h_ij["d"], 2), this._leftpad_zero((h_ij["m"] + 1), 2), h_ij["y"] ]).join('-');
var td_class = '';
if (h_ij["c"]) td_class = h_ij["c"];
if (h_ij["d"] == this.options.day && h_ij["m"] == this.options.month) td_class = 'now';
var td = Builder.node('td', {id: id, className: td_class}, h_ij["d"]);
/* on onclick : rebuild date value from id of current cell */
td.onclick = function ()
var str = $(this).readAttribute('id');
var match = str.split('-');
if (_self.options.lang == 'en')
var day = match[1];
var month = match[0];
var day = match[0];
var month = match[1];
if (_self.options.fullMonth) month = _self.getMonthLocale(month);
var year = match[2];
var c_date = _self.options.format.replace('d', day);
c_date = c_date.replace('m', month);
c_date = c_date.replace('y', year);
if (_self.options.split)
if (_self.options.split == 'all') _self.setSplitAll(day, month, year);
else if (_self.options.split == 'mix') _self.setSplitMix(day, month, year);
else if (_self.options.location) _self.toLocation(c_date);
else _self.setValue(c_date);
td.onmouseover = function () { $(this).addClassName('over'); };
td.onmouseout = function () { $(this).removeClassName('over'); };
return tbody;
getCurrentDate: function ()
if (this.options.click == this.element_id || this.options.embed)
if (this.options.embed)
var day = this.options.day;
var month = this.options.month + 1;
var year = this.options.year;
if (this.options.lang == 'en' ) this.options.date = month + this.options.splitter + day + this.options.splitter + year;
else this.options.date = day + this.options.splitter + month + this.options.splitter + year;
else this.options.date = false;
if (this.options.split)
var year = this.element.value;
var day = $(this.element_id + '_d').value;
var month = $(this.element_id + '_m').value;
if (this.options.lang == 'en' ) this.options.date = month + this.options.splitter + day + this.options.splitter + year;
else this.options.date = day + this.options.splitter + month + this.options.splitter + year;
else this.options.date = $F(this.element);
var regex = this.dateRegexp;
if (!regex.test(this.options.date))
var now = new Date();
var day = this._leftpad_zero(now.getDate(), 2);
var mon = this._leftpad_zero(now.getMonth() + 1, 2);
if (this.options.revert)
this.options.date = now.getFullYear() + this.options.splitter + mon+ this.options.splitter + day;
if (this.options.lang == 'en' ) this.options.date = mon+ this.options.splitter + day + this.options.splitter +now.getFullYear();
else this.options.date = day+ this.options.splitter + mon + this.options.splitter + now.getFullYear();
var a_date_regexp = this.options.date.match(regex);
if (a_date_regexp == undefined) return true;
if (a_date_regexp[1].length == 4) this.options.revert = true;
/* fetch date separator as specified in option or via value */
this.options.splitter = String(a_date_regexp[2]);
if (this.options.autoFormat && !this.options.format) this.options.format = this.getFormat();
/* check language */
if (this.options.revert)
this.options.day = Number(a_date_regexp[4]);
this.options.month = Number(a_date_regexp[3]) - 1;
this.options.year = Number(a_date_regexp[1]);
if (this.options.lang == 'en' )
this.options.month = Number(a_date_regexp[1]) - 1;
this.options.day = Number(a_date_regexp[3]);
this.options.day = Number(a_date_regexp[1]);
this.options.month = Number(a_date_regexp[3]) - 1;
this.options.year = Number(a_date_regexp[4]);
getFormat: function()
var format;
if (this.options.revert)
if (this.options.splitter == '.') format = this.formats[3];
else if (this.options.splitter == '/') format = this.formats[4];
else format = this.formats[5];
else if (this.options.lang == 'en')
if (this.options.splitter == '.') format = this.formats[6];
else if (this.options.splitter == '/') format = this.formats[7];
else format = this.formats[8];
if (this.options.splitter == '.') format = this.formats[0];
else if (this.options.splitter == '/') format = this.formats[1];
else format = this.formats[2];
return format;
getMonthLocale: function (month)
return this.languageMonth.get(this.options.lang)[month];
getLocaleClose: function()
return this.languageClose.get(this.options.lang);
setLocaleHeader: function ()
$(this.calendar_head_id).update(this.getMonthLocale(this.options.month)+' '+this.options.year);
setToday: function()
setSplitMix: function(day, month, year)
this.element.value = year;
$(this.element_id + '_d').selectedIndex = parseInt(day-1);
$(this.element_id + '_m').selectedIndex = parseInt(month-1);
setSplitAll: function(day, month, year)
this.element.value = year;
$(this.element_id + '_d').value = day;
$(this.element_id + '_m').value = month;
setValue: function(date)
this.element.value = date;
toLocation: function(date)
top.location.href = this.options.location + date;
_leftpad_zero: function(str, padToLength)
var result = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < (padToLength - String(str).length); i++ )
result += '0';
return result + str;
getMonthDays: function (year, month)
if (((0 == (year%4)) && ((0 != (year%100)) || (0 == (year%400)))) && (month == 1)) return 29;
return this.daysInMonth[month];
bodyClick: function(e)
var _self = this;
var close = true;
function (s)
if (s.id == _self.calendar_id) close = false;
if (close) this.close();
show: function()
if (!this.options.embed) this.setPostion();
if (Prototype.Browser.IE && !this.options.embed) $(this.iframe_id).show();
close: function()
if (Prototype.Browser.IE && !this.options.embed) $(this.iframe_id).hide();
Event.stopObserving(document, "mousedown", this.bodyClick_handler);
nextMonth: function ()
var a_next = this._nextMonthYear();
this.options.month = a_next[0];
this.options.year = a_next[1];
prevMonth: function ()
var a_prev = this._prevMonthYear();
this.options.month = a_prev[0];
this.options.year = a_prev[1];
nextYear: function ()
this.options.year = this.options.year+1;
prevYear: function ()
this.options.year = this.options.year-1;
_prevMonthYear: function ()
var c_mon = this.options.month;
var c_year = this.options.year;
if ( c_mon - 1 < 0 )
c_mon = 11;
c_year -= 1;
c_mon -= 1;
return [ c_mon, c_year ];
_nextMonthYear: function ()
var c_mon = this.options.month;
var c_year = this.options.year;
if ( c_mon + 1 > 11 )
c_mon = 0;
c_year += 1;
c_mon += 1;
return [ c_mon, c_year ];
if(typeof(Object.Event) != 'undefined')