Файл: RootPanel 1.7.0 FreeCode/RootPanel 1.7.0 FreeCode/_rootmenu/acp_js.js
Строк: 227
// Invision Power Board v2.3
// ACP Specific JS File
// (c) 2007 Invision Power Services, Inc.
// By: Matt Mecham, Brandon Farber
// http://www.invisionboard.com
ajax_load_msg = '';
function ajax_refresh( url, text, addtotext )
// Main function to do on request
// Must be defined first!!
do_request_function = function()
// Ignore unless we're ready to go
if ( ! xmlobj.readystate_ready_and_ok() )
// Could do a little loading graphic here?
var html = xmlobj.xmlhandler.responseText;
eval( html );
if ( url )
xmlobj = new ajax_request();
xmlobj.onreadystatechange( do_request_function );
xmlobj.process( url );
if ( text )
// Put it to the top
if ( addtotext )
document.getElementById('refreshbox').innerHTML = text + '<br />' + document.getElementById('refreshbox').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('refreshbox').innerHTML = text;
function pop_win(theUrl, winName, theWidth, theHeight)
if (winName == '') { winName = 'Предпросмотр'; }
if (theHeight == '') { theHeight = 400; }
if (theWidth == '') { theWidth = 400; }
// Toggle div
function togglediv( did, show )
// Add?
if ( show )
my_show_div( my_getbyid( did ) );
my_hide_div( my_getbyid( did ) );
return false;
// Toggle menu categories
function togglemenucategory( fid, add )
saved = new Array();
clean = new Array();
// Get any saved info
if ( tmp = my_getcookie('acpcollapseprefs') )
saved = tmp.split(",");
// Remove bit if exists
for( i = 0 ; i < saved.length; i++ )
if ( saved[i] != fid && saved[i] != "" )
clean[clean.length] = saved[i];
// Add?
if ( add )
clean[ clean.length ] = fid;
my_show_div( my_getbyid( 'fo_'+fid ) );
my_hide_div( my_getbyid( 'fc_'+fid ) );
my_show_div( my_getbyid( 'fc_'+fid ) );
my_hide_div( my_getbyid( 'fo_'+fid ) );
my_setcookie( 'acpcollapseprefs', clean.join(','), 1 );
tmp = clean.join(',');
// Expand all (remove cookie)
function expandmenu()
my_setcookie( 'acpcollapseprefs', menu_ids, 1 );
// Expand all (remove cookie)
function collapsemenu()
my_setcookie( 'acpcollapseprefs', '', 1 );
// Change text editor size
function changefont()
var savearray = new Array();
var idarray = new Array();
var rootdoc = '';
if ( template_bit_ids )
idarray = template_bit_ids.split(",");
if ( tmp = my_getcookie('acpeditorprefs') )
savearray = tmp.split(",");
if ( document.getElementById( 'te-iframe' ) )
rootdoc = window.frames['te-iframe'].document;
rootdoc = document;
chosenfont = rootdoc.theform.fontchange.options[rootdoc.theform.fontchange.selectedIndex].value;
chosensize = rootdoc.theform.sizechange.options[rootdoc.theform.sizechange.selectedIndex].value;
chosenback = rootdoc.theform.backchange.options[rootdoc.theform.backchange.selectedIndex].value;
fontcolor = rootdoc.theform.fontcolor.options[rootdoc.theform.fontcolor.selectedIndex].value;
widthchange = rootdoc.theform.widthchange.options[rootdoc.theform.widthchange.selectedIndex].value;
highchange = rootdoc.theform.highchange.options[rootdoc.theform.highchange.selectedIndex].value;
if ( idarray.length )
for (i = 0 ; i < idarray.length; i++ )
id = idarray[i];
itm = rootdoc.getElementById( id );
if ( chosenfont != '-' )
itm.style.fontFamily = chosenfont;
savearray[0] = chosenfont;
if ( chosensize != '-' )
itm.style.fontSize = chosensize;
savearray[1] = chosensize;
if ( chosenback != '-' )
itm.style.backgroundColor = chosenback;
savearray[2] = chosenback;
if ( fontcolor != '-' )
itm.style.color = fontcolor;
savearray[3] = fontcolor;
if ( widthchange != '-' )
itm.style.width = widthchange;
savearray[4] = widthchange;
if ( highchange != '-' )
itm.style.height = highchange;
savearray[5] = highchange;
my_setcookie( 'acpeditorprefs', savearray.join(','), 1 );
// Auto jump menu
function autojumpmenu(fobj)
urljump = fobj.options[fobj.selectedIndex].value;
if ( urljump != "" && urljump != "-" )
window.location = urljump;
// Check for no special chars
function no_specialchars(type)
var name;
if (type == 'sets')
var field = document.theAdminForm.sname;
name = 'названии стиля';
if (type == 'wrapper')
var field = document.theAdminForm.name;
name = 'названии общего шаблона';
if (type == 'csssheet')
var field = document.theAdminForm.name;
name = 'названии CSS';
if (type == 'templates')
var field = document.theAdminForm.skname;
name = 'названии шаблона';
if (type == 'images')
var field = document.theAdminForm.setname;
name = 'названии набора макросов и изображений';
var valid = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890.()[]:;~+-_';
var ok = 1;
var temp;
for (var i=0; i < field.value.length; i++)
temp = "" + field.value.substring(i,i+1);
if (valid.indexOf(temp) == "-1")
ok = 0;
if (ok == 0)
alert('Недопустимые символы в ' + name + ', вы можете использовать только английские буквы, цифры и следующие символы.n. ( ) : ; ~ + - _');
return false;
return true;
// IPS Kernel method
function confirm_action( url, msg )
return maincheckdelete( url, msg );
// Backwards compatible check delete
function checkdelete( url )
return maincheckdelete( ipb_var_base_url + '&' + url );
// Main check delete
function maincheckdelete(url, msg)
if ( ! msg )
msg = 'Для подтверждения нажмите ОК';
if (confirm( msg ))
document.location.href = url;
alert ( 'Действие отменено' );