Файл: library/wysihtml5/src/dom/sandbox.js
Строк: 399
* Sandbox for executing javascript, parsing css styles and doing dom operations in a secure way
* Browser Compatibility:
* - Secure in MSIE 6+, but only when the user hasn't made changes to his security level "restricted"
* - Partially secure in other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, ...)
* Please note that this class can't benefit from the HTML5 sandbox attribute for the following reasons:
* - sandboxing doesn't work correctly with inlined content (src="javascript:'<html>...</html>'")
* - sandboxing of physical documents causes that the dom isn't accessible anymore from the outside (iframe.contentWindow, ...)
* - setting the "allow-same-origin" flag would fix that, but then still javascript and dom events refuse to fire
* - therefore the "allow-scripts" flag is needed, which then would deactivate any security, as the js executed inside the iframe
* can do anything as if the sandbox attribute wasn't set
* @param {Function} [readyCallback] Method that gets invoked when the sandbox is ready
* @param {Object} [config] Optional parameters
* @example
* new wysihtml5.dom.Sandbox(function(sandbox) {
* sandbox.getWindow().document.body.innerHTML = '<img src=foo.gif onerror="alert(document.cookie)">';
* });
(function(wysihtml5) {
var /**
* Default configuration
doc = document,
* Properties to unset/protect on the window object
windowProperties = [
"parent", "top", "opener", "frameElement", "frames",
"localStorage", "globalStorage", "sessionStorage", "indexedDB"
* Properties on the window object which are set to an empty function
windowProperties2 = [
"open", "close", "openDialog", "showModalDialog",
"alert", "confirm", "prompt",
"openDatabase", "postMessage",
"XMLHttpRequest", "XDomainRequest"
* Properties to unset/protect on the document object
documentProperties = [
"write", "open", "close"
wysihtml5.dom.Sandbox = Base.extend(
/** @scope wysihtml5.dom.Sandbox.prototype */ {
constructor: function(readyCallback, config) {
this.callback = readyCallback || wysihtml5.EMPTY_FUNCTION;
this.config = wysihtml5.lang.object({}).merge(config).get();
this.iframe = this._createIframe();
insertInto: function(element) {
if (typeof(element) === "string") {
element = doc.getElementById(element);
getIframe: function() {
return this.iframe;
getWindow: function() {
getDocument: function() {
destroy: function() {
var iframe = this.getIframe();
_readyError: function() {
throw new Error("wysihtml5.Sandbox: Sandbox iframe isn't loaded yet");
* Creates the sandbox iframe
* Some important notes:
* - We can't use HTML5 sandbox for now:
* setting it causes that the iframe's dom can't be accessed from the outside
* Therefore we need to set the "allow-same-origin" flag which enables accessing the iframe's dom
* But then there's another problem, DOM events (focus, blur, change, keypress, ...) aren't fired.
* In order to make this happen we need to set the "allow-scripts" flag.
* A combination of allow-scripts and allow-same-origin is almost the same as setting no sandbox attribute at all.
* - Chrome & Safari, doesn't seem to support sandboxing correctly when the iframe's html is inlined (no physical document)
* - IE needs to have the security="restricted" attribute set before the iframe is
* inserted into the dom tree
* - Believe it or not but in IE "security" in document.createElement("iframe") is false, even
* though it supports it
* - When an iframe has security="restricted", in IE eval() & execScript() don't work anymore
* - IE doesn't fire the onload event when the content is inlined in the src attribute, therefore we rely
* on the onreadystatechange event
_createIframe: function() {
var that = this,
iframe = doc.createElement("iframe");
iframe.className = "wysihtml5-sandbox";
"security": "restricted",
"allowtransparency": "true",
"frameborder": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"marginwidth": 0,
"marginheight": 0
// Setting the src like this prevents ssl warnings in IE6
if (wysihtml5.browser.throwsMixedContentWarningWhenIframeSrcIsEmpty()) {
iframe.src = "javascript:'<html></html>'";
iframe.onload = function() {
iframe.onreadystatechange = iframe.onload = null;
iframe.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (/loaded|complete/.test(iframe.readyState)) {
iframe.onreadystatechange = iframe.onload = null;
return iframe;
* Callback for when the iframe has finished loading
_onLoadIframe: function(iframe) {
// don't resume when the iframe got unloaded (eg. by removing it from the dom)
if (!wysihtml5.dom.contains(doc.documentElement, iframe)) {
var that = this,
iframeWindow = iframe.contentWindow,
iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document,
charset = doc.characterSet || doc.charset || "utf-8",
sandboxHtml = this._getHtml({
charset: charset,
stylesheets: this.config.stylesheets
// Create the basic dom tree including proper DOCTYPE and charset
iframeDocument.open("text/html", "replace");
this.getWindow = function() { return iframe.contentWindow; };
this.getDocument = function() { return iframe.contentWindow.document; };
// Catch js errors and pass them to the parent's onerror event
// addEventListener("error") doesn't work properly in some browsers
// TODO: apparently this doesn't work in IE9!
iframeWindow.onerror = function(errorMessage, fileName, lineNumber) {
throw new Error("wysihtml5.Sandbox: " + errorMessage, fileName, lineNumber);
if (!wysihtml5.browser.supportsSandboxedIframes()) {
// Unset a bunch of sensitive variables
// Please note: This isn't hack safe!
// It more or less just takes care of basic attacks and prevents accidental theft of sensitive information
// IE is secure though, which is the most important thing, since IE is the only browser, who
// takes over scripts & styles into contentEditable elements when copied from external websites
// or applications (Microsoft Word, ...)
var i, length;
for (i=0, length=windowProperties.length; i<length; i++) {
this._unset(iframeWindow, windowProperties[i]);
for (i=0, length=windowProperties2.length; i<length; i++) {
this._unset(iframeWindow, windowProperties2[i], wysihtml5.EMPTY_FUNCTION);
for (i=0, length=documentProperties.length; i<length; i++) {
this._unset(iframeDocument, documentProperties[i]);
// This doesn't work in Safari 5
// See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/992461/is-it-possible-to-override-document-cookie-in-webkit
this._unset(iframeDocument, "cookie", "", true);
this.loaded = true;
// Trigger the callback
setTimeout(function() { that.callback(that); }, 0);
_getHtml: function(templateVars) {
var stylesheets = templateVars.stylesheets,
html = "",
i = 0,
stylesheets = typeof(stylesheets) === "string" ? [stylesheets] : stylesheets;
if (stylesheets) {
length = stylesheets.length;
for (; i<length; i++) {
html += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + stylesheets[i] + '">';
templateVars.stylesheets = html;
return wysihtml5.lang.string(
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>'
+ '<meta charset="#{charset}">#{stylesheets}</head>'
+ '<body></body></html>'
* Method to unset/override existing variables
* @example
* // Make cookie unreadable and unwritable
* this._unset(document, "cookie", "", true);
_unset: function(object, property, value, setter) {
try { object[property] = value; } catch(e) {}
try { object.__defineGetter__(property, function() { return value; }); } catch(e) {}
if (setter) {
try { object.__defineSetter__(property, function() {}); } catch(e) {}
if (!wysihtml5.browser.crashesWhenDefineProperty(property)) {
try {
var config = {
get: function() { return value; }
if (setter) {
config.set = function() {};
Object.defineProperty(object, property, config);
} catch(e) {}