Файл: campaign/csrest_clients.php
Строк: 689
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/class/base_classes.php';
* Class to access a clients resources from the create send API.
* This class includes functions to create and edit clients,
* along with accessing lists of client specific resources e.g campaigns
* @author tobyb
class CS_REST_Clients extends CS_REST_Wrapper_Base {
* The base route of the clients resource.
* @var string
* @access private
var $_clients_base_route;
* Constructor.
* @param $client_id string The client id to access (Ignored for create requests)
* @param $auth_details array Authentication details to use for API calls.
* This array must take one of the following forms:
* If using OAuth to authenticate:
* array(
* 'access_token' => 'your access token',
* 'refresh_token' => 'your refresh token')
* Or if using an API key:
* array('api_key' => 'your api key')
* @param $protocol string The protocol to use for requests (http|https)
* @param $debug_level int The level of debugging required CS_REST_LOG_NONE | CS_REST_LOG_ERROR | CS_REST_LOG_WARNING | CS_REST_LOG_VERBOSE
* @param $host string The host to send API requests to. There is no need to change this
* @param $log CS_REST_Log The logger to use. Used for dependency injection
* @param $serialiser The serialiser to use. Used for dependency injection
* @param $transport The transport to use. Used for dependency injection
* @access public
function CS_REST_Clients(
$protocol = 'https',
$debug_level = CS_REST_LOG_NONE,
$host = 'api.createsend.com',
$log = NULL,
$serialiser = NULL,
$transport = NULL) {
$this->CS_REST_Wrapper_Base($auth_details, $protocol, $debug_level, $host, $log, $serialiser, $transport);
* Change the client id used for calls after construction
* @param $client_id
* @access public
function set_client_id($client_id) {
$this->_clients_base_route = $this->_base_route.'clients/'.$client_id.'/';
* Gets a list of sent campaigns for the current client
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* array(
* {
* 'WebVersionURL' => The web version url of the campaign
* 'WebVersionTextURL' => The web version url of the text version of the campaign
* 'CampaignID' => The id of the campaign
* 'Subject' => The campaign subject
* 'Name' => The name of the campaign
* 'FromName' => The from name for the campaign
* 'FromEmail' => The from email address for the campaign
* 'ReplyTo' => The reply to email address for the campaign
* 'SentDate' => The sent data of the campaign
* 'TotalRecipients' => The number of recipients of the campaign
* }
* )
function get_campaigns() {
return $this->get_request($this->_clients_base_route.'campaigns.json');
* Gets a list of scheduled campaigns for the current client
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* array(
* {
* 'CampaignID' => The id of the campaign
* 'Name' => The name of the campaign
* 'Subject' => The subject of the campaign
* 'FromName' => The from name for the campaign
* 'FromEmail' => The from email address for the campaign
* 'ReplyTo' => The reply to email address for the campaign
* 'DateCreated' => The date the campaign was created
* 'PreviewURL' => The preview url of the campaign
* 'PreviewTextURL' => The preview url of the text version of the campaign
* 'DateScheduled' => The date the campaign is scheduled to be sent
* 'ScheduledTimeZone' => The time zone in which the campaign is scheduled to be sent at 'DateScheduled'
* }
* )
function get_scheduled() {
return $this->get_request($this->_clients_base_route.'scheduled.json');
* Gets a list of draft campaigns for the current client
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* array(
* {
* 'CampaignID' => The id of the campaign
* 'Name' => The name of the campaign
* 'Subject' => The subject of the campaign
* 'FromName' => The from name for the campaign
* 'FromEmail' => The from email address for the campaign
* 'ReplyTo' => The reply to email address for the campaign
* 'DateCreated' => The date the campaign was created
* 'PreviewURL' => The preview url of the draft campaign
* 'PreviewTextURL' => The preview url of the text version of the campaign
* }
* )
function get_drafts() {
return $this->get_request($this->_clients_base_route.'drafts.json');
* Gets all subscriber lists the current client has created
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* array(
* {
* 'ListID' => The id of the list
* 'Name' => The name of the list
* }
* )
function get_lists() {
return $this->get_request($this->_clients_base_route.'lists.json');
* Gets the lists across a client to which a subscriber with a particular
* email address belongs.
* @param string $email_address Subscriber's email address.
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* array(
* {
* 'ListID' => The id of the list
* 'ListName' => The name of the list
* 'SubscriberState' => The state of the subscriber in the list
* 'DateSubscriberAdded' => The date the subscriber was added
* }
* )
function get_lists_for_email($email_address) {
return $this->get_request($this->_clients_base_route .
* Gets all list segments the current client has created
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* array(
* {
* 'ListID' => The id of the list owning this segment
* 'SegmentID' => The id of this segment
* 'Title' => The title of this segment
* }
* )
function get_segments() {
return $this->get_request($this->_clients_base_route.'segments.json');
* Gets all email addresses on the current client's suppression list
* @param int $page_number The page number to get
* @param int $page_size The number of records per page
* @param string $order_field The field to order the record set by ('EMAIL', 'DATE')
* @param string $order_direction The direction to order the record set ('ASC', 'DESC')
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* {
* 'ResultsOrderedBy' => The field the results are ordered by
* 'OrderDirection' => The order direction
* 'PageNumber' => The page number for the result set
* 'PageSize' => The page size used
* 'RecordsOnThisPage' => The number of records returned
* 'TotalNumberOfRecords' => The total number of records available
* 'NumberOfPages' => The total number of pages for this collection
* 'Results' => array(
* {
* 'EmailAddress' => The suppressed email address
* 'Date' => The date the email was suppressed
* 'State' => The state of the suppressed email
* }
* )
* }
function get_suppressionlist($page_number = NULL, $page_size = NULL, $order_field = NULL,
$order_direction = NULL) {
return $this->get_request_paged($this->_clients_base_route.'suppressionlist.json',
$page_number, $page_size, $order_field, $order_direction, '?');
* Adds email addresses to a client's suppression list.
* @param array<string> $emails The email addresses to suppress.
* @access public
function suppress($emails) {
$data = array('EmailAddresses' => $emails);
return $this->post_request($this->_clients_base_route.'suppress.json', $data);
* Unsuppresses an email address by removing it from the the client's
* suppression list.
* @param string $email The email address to be unsuppressed
* @access public
function unsuppress($email) {
return $this->put_request($this->_clients_base_route.'unsuppress.json?email=' . urlencode($email), '');
* Gets all templates the current client has access to
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* array(
* {
* 'TemplateID' => The id of the template
* 'Name' => The name of the template
* 'PreviewURL' => The url to preview the template from
* 'ScreenshotURL' => The url of the template screenshot
* }
* )
function get_templates() {
return $this->get_request($this->_clients_base_route.'templates.json');
* Gets all templates the current client has access to
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* {
* 'ApiKey' => The clients API Key, THIS IS NOT THE CLIENT ID
* 'BasicDetails' =>
* {
* 'ClientID' => The id of the client
* 'CompanyName' => The company name of the client
* 'ContactName' => The contact name of the client
* 'EmailAddress' => The clients contact email address
* 'Country' => The clients country
* 'TimeZone' => The clients timezone
* }
* 'BillingDetails' =>
* If on monthly billing
* {
* 'CurrentTier' => The current monthly tier the client sits in
* 'CurrentMonthlyRate' => The current pricing rate the client pays per month
* 'MarkupPercentage' => The percentage markup applied to the base rates
* 'Currency' => The currency paid in
* 'ClientPays' => Whether the client pays for themselves,
* 'MonthlyScheme' => Basic or Unlimited
* }
* If paying per campaign
* {
* 'CanPurchaseCredits' => Whether the client can purchase credits
* 'Credits' => The number of credits belonging to the client
* 'BaseDeliveryFee' => The base fee payable per campaign
* 'BaseRatePerRecipient' => The base fee payable per campaign recipient
* 'BaseDesignSpamTestRate' => The base fee payable per design and spam test
* 'MarkupOnDelivery' => The markup applied per campaign
* 'MarkupPerRecipient' => The markup applied per campaign recipient
* 'MarkupOnDesignSpamTest' => The markup applied per design and spam test
* 'Currency' => The currency fees are paid in
* 'ClientPays' => Whether client client pays for themselves
* }
* }
function get() {
return $this->get_request(trim($this->_clients_base_route, '/').'.json');
* Deletes an existing client from the system
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
function delete() {
return $this->delete_request(trim($this->_clients_base_route, '/').'.json');
* Creates a new client based on the provided information
* @param array $client Basic information of the new client.
* This should be an array of the form
* array(
* 'CompanyName' => The company name of the client
* 'Country' => The clients country
* 'TimeZone' => The clients timezone
* )
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be the ID of the newly created client
function create($client) {
if(isset($client['ContactName'])) {
trigger_error('[DEPRECATION] Use Person->add to set name on a new person in a client. For now, we will create a default person with the name provided.', E_USER_NOTICE);
if(isset($client['EmailAddress'])) {
trigger_error('[DEPRECATION] Use Person->add to set email on a new person in a client. For now, we will create a default person with the email provided.', E_USER_NOTICE);
return $this->post_request($this->_base_route.'clients.json', $client);
* Updates the basic information for a client
* @param array $client_basics Basic information of the client.
* This should be an array of the form
* array(
* 'CompanyName' => The company name of the client
* 'Country' => The clients country
* 'TimeZone' => The clients timezone
* )
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
function set_basics($client_basics) {
if(isset($client['ContactName'])) {
trigger_error('[DEPRECATION] Use person->update to set name on a particular person in a client. For now, we will update the default person with the name provided.', E_USER_NOTICE);
if(isset($client['EmailAddress'])) {
trigger_error('[DEPRECATION] Use person->update to set email on a particular person in a client. For now, we will update the default person with the email address provided.', E_USER_NOTICE);
return $this->put_request($this->_clients_base_route.'setbasics.json', $client_basics);
* Updates the billing details of the current client, setting the client to the payg billing model
* For clients not set to pay themselves then all fields below ClientPays are ignored
* All Markup fields are optional
* @param array $client_billing Payg billing details of the client.
* This should be an array of the form
* array(
* 'Currency' => The currency fees are paid in
* 'ClientPays' => Whether client client pays for themselves
* 'MarkupPercentage' => Can be used to set the percentage markup for all unset fees
* 'CanPurchaseCredits' => Whether the client can purchase credits
* 'MarkupOnDelivery' => The markup applied per campaign
* 'MarkupPerRecipient' => The markup applied per campaign recipient
* 'MarkupOnDesignSpamTest' => The markup applied per design and spam test
* )
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
function set_payg_billing($client_billing) {
return $this->put_request($this->_clients_base_route.'setpaygbilling.json', $client_billing);
* Updates the billing details of the current client, setting the client to the monthly billing model
* For clients not set to pay themselves then the markup percentage field is ignored
* @param array $client_billing Payg billing details of the client.
* This should be an array of the form
* array(
* 'Currency' => The currency fees are paid in
* 'ClientPays' => Whether client client pays for themselves
* 'MarkupPercentage' => Sets the percentage markup used for all monthly tiers
* )
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be empty
function set_monthly_billing($client_billing) {
return $this->put_request($this->_clients_base_route.'setmonthlybilling.json', $client_billing);
* Transfer credits to or from this client.
* @param array $transfer_data Details for the credit transfer. This array
* should be of the form:
* array(
* 'Credits' => An in representing the number of credits to transfer.
* This value may be either positive if you want to allocate credits
* from your account to the client, or negative if you want to
* deduct credits from the client back into your account.
* 'CanUseMyCreditsWhenTheyRunOut' => A boolean value which if set
* to true, will allow the client to continue sending using your
* credits or payment details once they run out of credits, and if
* set to false, will prevent the client from using your credits to
* continue sending until you allocate more credits to them.
* )
* @access public
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object
* of the form:
* {
* 'AccountCredits' => Integer representing credits in your account now
* 'ClientCredits' => Integer representing credits in this client's
* account now
* }
function transfer_credits($transfer_data) {
return $this->post_request($this->_clients_base_route.'credits.json',
* returns the people associated with this client.
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result A successful response will be an object of the form
* array({
* 'EmailAddress' => the email address of the person
* 'Name' => the name of the person
* 'AccessLevel' => the access level of the person
* 'Status' => the status of the person
* })
function get_people() {
return $this->get_request($this->_clients_base_route.'people.json');
* retrieves the email address of the primary contact for this client
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result a successful response will be an array in the form:
* array('EmailAddress'=> email address of primary contact)
function get_primary_contact() {
return $this->get_request($this->_clients_base_route.'primarycontact.json');
* assigns the primary contact for this client to the person with the specified email address
* @param string $emailAddress the email address of the person designated to be the primary contact
* @return CS_REST_Wrapper_Result a successful response will be an array in the form:
* array('EmailAddress'=> email address of primary contact)
function set_primary_contact($emailAddress) {
return $this->put_request($this->_clients_base_route.'primarycontact.json?email=' . urlencode($emailAddress), '');