Файл: public_html/youtube/youtube/classes/yt.php
Строк: 196
* @author Mixlion
* @copyright Mixlion 09.01.2012
* @version 1.5 beta
* @link http://mixlion.ru
* @desc Youtube Tools - Get information and direct links to youtube video
class YT {
* @var array $info - Video data
private static $info;
* @var string $id - Video id
private static $id;
* @var array $links - Links array
private static $links = array();
* @var array $data - Media information about video
private static $data = array();
* @var string $user_agent - useragent for getting data
* Can be edited
private static $user_agent = 'Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; ru) Presto/2.10.229 Version/11.61';
* @var array $formats - Formats of youtube video
private static $formats = array(
public static function init($id = null){
self::$data = self::$links = self::$info = null;
self::$id = $id;
* Method for processing getting information about video
* @return array|null
public static function get_info(){
if(empty(self::$id)) die('Enter video id');
if(!empty(self::$info)) return self::$info;
# Get video data
$data = curl('http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id='. self::$id);
# Parsing data
parse_str($data, $info);
# Check the returned status
if(@$info['status'] == 'ok') {
self::$info = $info;
return $info;
} else {
return false;
* Method for getting direct links to video
* @return array
public static function get_links(){
if(!empty(self::$links)) return self::$links;
if(empty(self::$info)) self::get_info();
$links_map = explode(',',self::$info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map']);
$fmt_list = explode(',',self::$info['fmt_list']);
if(empty($links_map) || (sizeof($links_map) == 1 && empty($links_map[0]))) return false;
foreach($links_map as $key => $link){
//$link = $parts['url'].='&signature='.$parts['sig'];
$link = $parts['url'];
$fmt_parts = explode('/', $fmt_list[$key],3);
# Create array of information of video
self::$links[self::$formats[$parts['itag']] .'-'. $fmt_parts[1]] = array(self::$formats[$parts['itag']], $fmt_parts[1], $link);
return self::$links;
* Method to save video to local path
* @param $video - Video type
* @param $path - Dir to save video
* @param null|string $name - Name of video (without extension)
public static function save($video, $path, $name = null){
if(empty(self::$links)) self::get_links();
if(!isset(self::$links[$video])) die('Video `'. $video .'` not found');
# Define name of video
$name = empty($name) ? self::$info['title'] : $name;
if($path[mb_strlen($path, 'utf-8')-1] != '/') $path .= '/';
$url = self::$links[$video][2] . '&title='. urlencode($name);
# Handle for copy video
$fo = fopen($path . $name . '.' . self::$links[$video][0], 'w');
$ch = curl($url, $fo);
* Method for getting data about video
* @return array
public static function get_data(){
if(!empty(self::$data)) return self::$data;
if(empty(self::$info)) self::get_info();
$entry = simplexml_load_file('http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/mobile/videos/' . self::$id);
$media = $entry->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/');
$entry->registerXPathNamespace('feed', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom');
$related = $entry->xpath("feed:link[@rel='http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#video.related']");
$related = (string)$related[0]['href'];
$data = array(
'keywords' => self::$info ['keywords'],
'title' => (string)$entry->title,
'description' => (string)$media->group->description,
'category' => (string)$media->group->category,
'duration' => self::$info ['length_seconds'],
'views' => self::$info ['view_count'],
'rate' => self::$info ['avg_rating'],
'thumbnails' => array(
'big' => self::$info ['iurlmaxres'],
'small' => self::$info ['iurlsd'],
'default' => (string)$media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes()->url,
1 => (string)$media->group->thumbnail[1]->attributes()->url,
2 => (string)$media->group->thumbnail[2]->attributes()->url,
3 => (string)$media->group->thumbnail[3]->attributes()->url
# Link for get related videos
'related' => $related
self::$data = $data;
return $data;
* Method for getting video and output to browser (test method)
* @param string $video - Type video for getting
public static function get($video) {
if(empty(self::$links)) self::get_links();
if(!isset(self::$links[$video])) die('Video `'. $video .'` not found');
$url = self::$links[$video][2];
$ch = curl($url);
$res = curl_getinfo($ch);
if($res['content_type'] == 'video/webm') $ext = 'webm';
elseif($res['content_type'] == 'video/x-flv') $ext = 'flv';
elseif($res['content_type'] == 'video/mp4') $ext = 'mp4';
elseif($res['content_type'] == 'video/3gpp') $ext = '3gp';
header('Content-Type: '. $res['content_type']);
header('Content-Length: '. $res['download_content_length']);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='. urlencode(self::$info['title']).'.'.$ext);
$ch = curl($res['url']);