Файл: public_html/library/index.php
Строк: 249
* @package JohnCMS
* @link http://johncms.com
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2011 JohnCMS Community
* @license LICENSE.txt (see attached file)
* @version VERSION.txt (see attached file)
* @author http://johncms.com/about
define('_IN_JOHNCMS', 1);
$headmod = 'library';
$lng_lib = core::load_lng('library');
$textl = Рубрика;
// Ограничиваем доступ к Библиотеке
$error = '';
if (!$set['mod_lib'] && $rights < 7)
$error = $lng_lib['library_closed'];
elseif ($set['mod_lib'] == 1 && !$user_id)
$error = $lng['access_guest_forbidden'];
if ($error) {
echo '<div class="rmenu"><p>' . $error . '</p></div>';
// Заголовки библиотеки
if ($id) {
$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `lib` WHERE `id`= '$id'");
$zag = mysql_fetch_array($req);
$hdr = $zag['type'] == 'bk' ? $zag['name'] : $zag['text'];
$hdr = htmlentities(mb_substr($hdr, 0, 30), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$textl = mb_strlen($zag['text']) > 30 ? $hdr . '...' : $hdr;
$mods = array(
if ($act && ($key = array_search($act, $mods)) !== false && file_exists('includes/' . $mods[$key] . '.php')) {
require('includes/' . $mods[$key] . '.php');
} else {
if (!$set['mod_lib'])
echo '<p><font color="#FF0000"><b>' . $lng_lib['library_closed'] . '</b></font></p>';
if (!$id) {
echo '<div class="phdr"><b>Рубрика</b></div>';
echo '<div class="topmenu"><a href="search.php">' . $lng['search'] . '</a></div>';
if ($rights == 5 || $rights >= 6) {
// Считаем число статей, ожидающих модерацию
$req = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `lib` WHERE `type` = 'bk' AND `moder` = '0'");
$res = mysql_result($req, 0);
if ($res > 0)
echo '<div class="rmenu">' . $lng['on_moderation'] . ': <a href="index.php?act=moder">' . $res . '</a></div>';
// Считаем новое в библиотеке
$req = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `lib` WHERE `time` > '" . (time() - 259200) . "' AND `type`='bk' AND `moder`='1'");
$res = mysql_result($req, 0);
echo '<div class="gmenu"><p>';
if ($res > 0)
echo '<a href="index.php?act=new">' . $lng_lib['new_articles'] . '</a> (' . $res . ')<br/>';
echo '<a href="index.php?act=topread">' . $lng_lib['most_readed'] . '</a></p></div>';
$id = 0;
$tip = "cat";
} else {
$tip = $zag['type'];
if ($tip == "cat") {
echo '<div class="phdr"><a href="index.php"><b>' . $lng['library'] . '</b></a> | ' . htmlentities($zag['text'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</div>';
switch ($tip) {
case 'cat':
$req = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `lib` WHERE `type` = 'cat' AND `refid` = '$id'");
$totalcat = mysql_result($req, 0);
$bkz = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `lib` WHERE `type` = 'bk' AND `refid` = '$id' AND `moder`='1'");
$totalbk = mysql_result($bkz, 0);
if ($totalcat > 0) {
$total = $totalcat;
if ($total > $kmess) echo '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('index.php?id=' . $id . '&', $start, $total, $kmess) . '</div>';
$req = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `text` FROM `lib` WHERE `type` = 'cat' AND `refid` = '$id' LIMIT " . $start . "," . $kmess);
$i = 0;
while ($cat1 = mysql_fetch_array($req)) {
$cat2 = mysql_query("select `id` from `lib` where type = 'cat' and refid = '" . $cat1['id'] . "'");
$totalcat2 = mysql_num_rows($cat2);
$bk2 = mysql_query("select `id` from `lib` where type = 'bk' and refid = '" . $cat1['id'] . "' and moder='1'");
$totalbk2 = mysql_num_rows($bk2);
if ($totalcat2 != 0) {
$kol = "$totalcat2 кат.";
} elseif ($totalbk2 != 0) {
$kol = "$totalbk2 ст.";
} else {
$kol = "0";
echo $i % 2 ? '<div class="list2">' : '<div class="list1">';
echo '<a href="index.php?id=' . $cat1['id'] . '">' . $cat1['text'] . '</a>(' . $kol . ')</div>';
echo '<div class="phdr">' . $lng['total'] . ': ' . $totalcat . '</div>';
} elseif ($totalbk > 0) {
$total = $totalbk;
if ($total > $kmess) echo '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('index.php?id=' . $id . '&', $start, $total, $kmess) . '</div>';
$bk = mysql_query("select * from `lib` where type = 'bk' and refid = '" . $id . "' and moder='1' order by `time` desc LIMIT " . $start . "," . $kmess);
$i = 0;
while ($bk1 = mysql_fetch_array($bk)) {
echo $i % 2 ? '<div class="list2">' : '<div class="list1">';
echo '<b><a href="index.php?id=' . $bk1['id'] . '">' . htmlentities($bk1['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a></b><br/>';
echo htmlentities($bk1['announce'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
echo '<div class="sub"><span class="gray">' . $lng_lib['added'] . ':</span> ' . $bk1['avtor'] . ' (' . functions::display_date($bk1['time']) . ')<br />';
echo '<span class="gray">' . $lng_lib['reads'] . ':</span> ' . $bk1['count'] . '</div></div>';
echo '<div class="phdr">' . $lng['total'] . ': ' . $totalbk . '</div>';
} else {
$total = 0;
// Навигация по страницам
if ($total > $kmess) {
echo '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('index.php?id=' . $id . '&', $start, $total, $kmess) . '</div>' .
'<p><form action="index.php" method="get"><input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $id . '"/><input type="text" name="page" size="2"/><input type="submit" value="' . $lng['to_page'] . ' >>"/></form></p>';
echo '<p>';
if (($rights == 5 || $rights >= 6) && $id != 0) {
$ct = mysql_query("select `id` from `lib` where type='cat' and refid='" . $id . "'");
$ct1 = mysql_num_rows($ct);
if ($ct1 == 0) {
echo '<a href="index.php?act=del&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng_lib['delete_category'] . '</a><br/>';
echo '<a href="index.php?act=edit&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng_lib['edit_category'] . '</a><br/>';
if (($rights == 5 || $rights >= 6) && (isset($zag['ip']) && $zag['ip'] == 1 || $id == 0)) {
echo '<a href="index.php?act=mkcat&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng_lib['create_category'] . '</a><br/>';
if (isset($zag['ip']) && $zag['ip'] == 0 && $id != 0) {
if (($rights == 5 || $rights >= 6) || ($zag['soft'] == 1 && !empty($_SESSION['uid']))) {
echo "<a href='index.php?act=write&id=" . $id . "'>" . $lng_lib['write_article'] . "</a><br/>";
if ($rights == 5 || $rights >= 6) {
echo "<a href='index.php?act=load&id=" . $id . "'>" . $lng_lib['upload_article'] . "</a><br/>";
if ($id) {
$dnam = mysql_query("select `id`, `refid`, `text` from `lib` where type = 'cat' and id = '" . $id . "'");
$dnam1 = mysql_fetch_array($dnam);
$dnam2 = mysql_query("select `id`, `refid`, `text` from `lib` where type = 'cat' and id = '" . $dnam1['refid'] . "'");
$dnam3 = mysql_fetch_array($dnam2);
$catname = "$dnam3[text]";
$dirid = "$dnam1[id]";
$nadir = $dnam1['refid'];
while ($nadir != "0") {
echo "»<a href='index.php?id=" . $nadir . "'>$catname</a><br/>";
$dnamm = mysql_query("select `id`, `refid`, `text` from `lib` where type = 'cat' and id = '" . $nadir . "'");
$dnamm1 = mysql_fetch_array($dnamm);
$dnamm2 = mysql_query("select `id`, `refid`, `text` from `lib` where type = 'cat' and id = '" . $dnamm1['refid'] . "'");
$dnamm3 = mysql_fetch_array($dnamm2);
$nadir = $dnamm1['refid'];
$catname = $dnamm3['text'];
echo "<a href='index.php?'>" . $lng_lib['to_library'] . "</a><br/>";
echo '</p>';
case 'bk':
Читаем статью
if (!empty($_SESSION['symb'])) {
$simvol = $_SESSION['symb'];
} else {
$simvol = 2000; // Число символов на страницу по умолчанию
// Счетчик прочтений
if (!isset($_SESSION['lib']) || isset($_SESSION['lib']) && $_SESSION['lib'] != $id) {
$_SESSION['lib'] = $id;
$libcount = intval($zag['count']) + 1;
mysql_query("UPDATE `lib` SET `count` = '$libcount' WHERE `id` = '$id'");
// Запрашиваем выбранную статью из базы
$symbols = core::$is_mobile ? 3000 : 7000;
$req = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(`text`) / $symbols AS `count_pages` FROM `lib` WHERE `id`= '$id'"));
$count_pages = ceil($req['count_pages']);
$start_pos = $page == 1 ? 1 : $page * $symbols - $symbols;
$req = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT SUBSTRING(`text`, $start_pos, " . ($symbols + 100) . ") AS `text` FROM `lib` WHERE `id` = '$id'"));
if ($page == 1) {
$int_start = 0;
} else {
if (false === ($pos1 = mb_strpos($req['text'], "rn"))) $pos1 = 100;
if (false === ($pos2 = mb_strpos($req['text'], ' '))) $pos2 = 100;
$int_start = $pos1 >= $pos2 ? $pos2 : $pos1;
$start = $page - 1;
if ($count_pages == 1 || $page == $count_pages) {
$int_lenght = $symbols;
} else {
$tmp = mb_substr($req['text'], $symbols, 100);
if (($pos1 = mb_strpos($tmp, "rn")) === false) $pos1 = 100;
if (($pos2 = mb_strpos($tmp, ' ')) === false) $pos2 = 100;
$int_lenght = $symbols + ($pos1 >= $pos2 ? $pos2 : $pos1) - $int_start;
// Заголовок статьи
echo '<div class="phdr"><b>' . htmlentities($zag['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</b></div>';
if ($count_pages > 1) {
echo '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('index.php?id=' . $id . '&', $start, $count_pages, 1) . '</div>';
// Текст статьи
$text = functions::checkout(mb_substr($req['text'], $int_start, $int_lenght), 1, 1);
if ($set_user['smileys'])
$text = functions::smileys($text, $rights ? 1 : 0);
echo '<div class="list2">' . $text . '</div>';
// Ссылка на комментарии
if ($set['mod_lib_comm'] || $rights >= 7) {
$km = mysql_query("select `id` from `lib` where type = 'komm' and refid = '" . $id . "'");
$km1 = mysql_num_rows($km);
$comm_link = "<a href='index.php?act=komm&id=" . $id . "'>" . $lng['comments'] . "</a> ($km1)";
} else {
$comm_link = ' ';
echo '<div class="phdr">' . $comm_link . '</div>';
if ($count_pages > 1) {
echo '<div class="topmenu">' .
functions::display_pagination('index.php?id=' . $id . '&', $start, $count_pages, 1) .
'</div><div class="topmenu">' .
'<form action="index.php?id=' . $id . '" method="post">' .
'<input type="text" name="page" size="2"/>' .
'<input type="submit" value="' . $lng['to_page'] . ' >>"/>' .
if ($rights == 5 || $rights >= 6) {
echo '<p><a href="index.php?act=edit&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['edit'] . '</a><br/>';
echo '<a href="index.php?act=del&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['delete'] . '</a></p>';
echo '<a href="index.php?act=java&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng_lib['download_java'] . '</a><br /><br />';
$dnam = mysql_query("select `id`, `refid`, `text` from `lib` where type = 'cat' and id = '" . $zag['refid'] . "'");
$dnam1 = mysql_fetch_array($dnam);
$catname = "$dnam1[text]";
$dirid = "$dnam1[id]";
$nadir = $zag['refid'];
while ($nadir != "0") {
echo "»<a href='index.php?id=" . $nadir . "'>$catname</a><br/>";
$dnamm = mysql_query("select `id`, `refid`, `text` from `lib` where type = 'cat' and id = '" . $nadir . "'");
$dnamm1 = mysql_fetch_array($dnamm);
$dnamm2 = mysql_query("select `id`, `refid`, `text` from `lib` where type = 'cat' and id = '" . $dnamm1['refid'] . "'");
$dnamm3 = mysql_fetch_array($dnamm2);
$nadir = $dnamm1['refid'];
$catname = $dnamm3['text'];
echo "<a href='index.php?'>" . $lng_lib['to_library'] . "</a>";
default :
header("location: index.php");