Файл: system/inc/functions.php
Строк: 748
Appointment: Основные функции админ панели
File: functions.php
die('Hacking attempt!');
function totranslit($var, $lower = true, $punkt = true) {
global $langtranslit;
if ( is_array($var) ) return "";
if (!is_array ( $langtranslit ) OR !count( $langtranslit ) ) {
$langtranslit = array(
'а' => 'a', 'б' => 'b', 'в' => 'v',
'г' => 'g', 'д' => 'd', 'е' => 'e',
'ё' => 'e', 'ж' => 'zh', 'з' => 'z',
'и' => 'i', 'й' => 'y', 'к' => 'k',
'л' => 'l', 'м' => 'm', 'н' => 'n',
'о' => 'o', 'п' => 'p', 'р' => 'r',
'с' => 's', 'т' => 't', 'у' => 'u',
'ф' => 'f', 'х' => 'h', 'ц' => 'c',
'ч' => 'ch', 'ш' => 'sh', 'щ' => 'sch',
'ь' => '', 'ы' => 'y', 'ъ' => '',
'э' => 'e', 'ю' => 'yu', 'я' => 'ya',
"ї" => "yi", "є" => "ye",
'А' => 'A', 'Б' => 'B', 'В' => 'V',
'Г' => 'G', 'Д' => 'D', 'Е' => 'E',
'Ё' => 'E', 'Ж' => 'Zh', 'З' => 'Z',
'И' => 'I', 'Й' => 'Y', 'К' => 'K',
'Л' => 'L', 'М' => 'M', 'Н' => 'N',
'О' => 'O', 'П' => 'P', 'Р' => 'R',
'С' => 'S', 'Т' => 'T', 'У' => 'U',
'Ф' => 'F', 'Х' => 'H', 'Ц' => 'C',
'Ч' => 'Ch', 'Ш' => 'Sh', 'Щ' => 'Sch',
'Ь' => '', 'Ы' => 'Y', 'Ъ' => '',
'Э' => 'E', 'Ю' => 'Yu', 'Я' => 'Ya',
"Ї" => "yi", "Є" => "ye",
$var = trim( strip_tags( $var ) );
$var = preg_replace( "/s+/ms", "-", $var );
$var = str_replace( "/", "-", $var );
$var = strtr($var, $langtranslit);
if ( $punkt ) $var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9_-.]+/mi", "", $var );
else $var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9_-]+/mi", "", $var );
$var = preg_replace( '#[-]+#i', '-', $var );
if ( $lower ) $var = strtolower( $var );
$var = str_ireplace( ".php", "", $var );
$var = str_ireplace( ".php", ".ppp", $var );
if( strlen( $var ) > 200 ) {
$var = substr( $var, 0, 200 );
if( ($temp_max = strrpos( $var, '-' )) ) $var = substr( $var, 0, $temp_max );
return $var;
function GetVar($v) {
return stripslashes($v) ;
return $v;
function strip_data($text) {
$quotes = array ("x27", "x22", "x60", "t", "n", "r", "'", ",", "/", ";", ":", "@", "[", "]", "{", "}", "=", ")", "(", "*", "&", "^", "%", "$", "<", ">", "?", "!", '"' );
$goodquotes = array ("-", "+", "#" );
$repquotes = array ("-", "+", "#" );
$text = stripslashes( $text );
$text = trim( strip_tags( $text ) );
$text = str_replace( $quotes, '', $text );
$text = str_replace( $goodquotes, $repquotes, $text );
return $text;
function clean_url($url) {
if( $url == '' ) return;
$url = str_replace( "http://", "", strtolower( $url ) );
$url = str_replace( "https://", "", $url );
if( substr( $url, 0, 4 ) == 'www.' ) $url = substr( $url, 4 );
$url = explode( '/', $url );
$url = reset( $url );
$url = explode( ':', $url );
$url = reset( $url );
return $url;
$domain_cookie = explode (".", clean_url( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ));
$domain_cookie_count = count($domain_cookie);
$domain_allow_count = -2;
if($domain_cookie_count > 2){
if(in_array($domain_cookie[$domain_cookie_count-2], array('com', 'net', 'org') ))
$domain_allow_count = -3;
if($domain_cookie[$domain_cookie_count-1] == 'ua' )
$domain_allow_count = -3;
$domain_cookie = array_slice($domain_cookie, $domain_allow_count);
$domain_cookie = ".".implode(".", $domain_cookie);
define('DOMAIN', $domain_cookie);
function set_cookie($name, $value, $expires) {
if( $expires ) {
$expires = time() + ($expires * 86400);
} else {
$expires = FALSE;
if( PHP_VERSION < 5.2 ) {
setcookie($name, $value, $expires, "/", DOMAIN . "; HttpOnly");
} else {
setcookie($name, $value, $expires, "/", DOMAIN, NULL, TRUE);
function check_xss() {
$url = html_entity_decode( urldecode( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) );
if( $url ) {
if( (strpos( $url, '<' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '>' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '"' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, './' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '../' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, ''' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '.php' ) !== false) ) {
die('Hacking attempt!');
$url = html_entity_decode( urldecode( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) );
if( $url ) {
if( (strpos( $url, '<' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '>' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '"' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, ''' ) !== false) ) {
die('Hacking attempt!');
function langdate($format, $stamp){
global $langdate;
return strtr(@date($format, $stamp), $langdate);
function navigation($gc, $num, $type){
$page = ( isset( $_GET['page'] )&& !empty( $_GET['page'] ) ) ? intval( $_GET['page'] ) : 1;
$gcount = $gc;
$cnt = $num;
$items_count = $cnt;
$items_per_page = $gcount;
$page_refers_per_page = 5;
$pages = '';
$pages_count = ( ( $items_count % $items_per_page != 0 ) ) ? floor( $items_count / $items_per_page ) + 1 : floor( $items_count / $items_per_page );
$start_page = ( $page - $page_refers_per_page <= 0 ) ? 1 : $page - $page_refers_per_page + 1;
$page_refers_per_page_count = ( ( $page - $page_refers_per_page < 0 ) ? $page : $page_refers_per_page ) + ( ( $page + $page_refers_per_page > $pages_count ) ? ( $pages_count - $page ) : $page_refers_per_page - 1 );
if($page > 1)
$pages .= '<a href="'.$type.($page-1).'">«</a>';
$pages .= '';
if ( $start_page > 1 ) {
$pages .= '<a href="'.$type.'1">1</a>';
$pages .= '<a href="'.$type.( $start_page - 1 ).'">...</a>';
for ( $index = -1; ++$index <= $page_refers_per_page_count-1; ) {
if ( $index + $start_page == $page )
$pages .= '<span>' . ( $start_page + $index ) . '</span>';
$pages .= '<a href="'.$type.($start_page+$index).'">'.($start_page+$index).'</a>';
if ( $page + $page_refers_per_page <= $pages_count ) {
$pages .= '<a href="'.$type.( $start_page + $page_refers_per_page_count ).'">...</a>';
$pages .= '<a href="'.$type.$pages_count.'">'.$pages_count.'</a>';
$resif = $cnt/$gcount;
if(ceil($resif) == $page)
$pages .= '';
$pages .= '<a href="'.$type.($page+1).'">»</a>';
if ( $pages_count <= 1 )
$pages = '';
return '<div class="nav">'.$pages.'</div>';
function echoheader($box_width = false){
global $config, $logged, $admin_link, $user_info;
if($logged AND $user_info['user_group'] == 3)
$group = 'Вы вошли как модератор';
elseif($logged AND $user_info['user_group'] == 2)
$group = 'Вы вошли как главный модератор';
elseif($logged AND $user_info['user_group'] == 1)
$group = 'Вы вошли как администратор';
$group = '';
if($logged AND $user_info['user_group'] == 1)
$exit_link = '<a href="'.$admin_link.'?act=logout">Выход</a>';
$exit_link = '';
if(!$box_width) $box_width = 600;
echo <<<HTML
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ru" lang="ru">
<title>Панель управления</title>
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.tejs:hover{background:#c8e5f5 url("/system/inc/images/script.png") no-repeat 3px 3px;}
.edittable{height:490px;width:655px;border:1px solid #ddd;padding:10px;margin-left:10px}
.ftext{height:420px;width:645px;border:1px solid #ddd;line-height: 155%;margin-top:10px;padding:4px;font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;-moz-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 3px 0px #d2d2d2;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 3px 0px #d2d2d2;box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 3px 0px #d2d2d2}
#loading_text{color:#fff;position:relative;background: url("/system/inc/images/showb.png");width:250px;margin:auto;margin-top: 250px;padding:10px;font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana;border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px;text-align:center;}
#loading{z-index:100; position:fixed; padding:0; margin:0 auto; height:100%; min-height:100%; width:100%; overflow:hidden; display:none; left:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; top:0px;background:url("../images/spacer.gif");}
<div class="box clr">
<div class="head"><a href="{$admin_link}"><div class="logo"></div></a></div>
<div style="color:red";>{$group}</div>
function echoheader2($box_width = false){
global $config, $logged, $admin_link, $user_info;
if($logged AND $user_info['user_group'] == 3)
$group = 'Вы вошли как модератор';
elseif($logged AND $user_info['user_group'] == 2)
$group = 'Вы вошли как главный модератор';
elseif($logged AND $user_info['user_group'] == 1)
$group = 'Вы вошли как администратор';
$group = '';
if($logged AND $user_info['user_group'] == 1)
$exit_link = '<a href="'.$admin_link.'?act=logout">Выход</a>';
$exit_link = '';
if(!$box_width) $box_width = 1000;
echo <<<HTML
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ru" lang="ru">
<title>Панель управления</title>
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.logo{background:url("/system/inc/images/logo.png") no-repeat;width:133px;height:48px;margin-left:5px}
.h1{font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;color:#4274a5;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;padding-bottom:2px;border-bottom:1px solid #e5edf5;padding-left:2px}
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.tmenu a{float:right;margin-left:10px}
.foot a{color:#444}
.foot a:hover{text-decoration:none}
.mgcler{clear:both;border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc;margin-bottom:5px}
.nav a{padding:3px 5px 3px 5px;font-size:13px;border:1px solid #ddd;margin-right:3px;text-decoration:none}
.nav a:hover{background:#f0f0f0}
.nav span{padding:3px 5px 3px 5px;font-size:13px;border:1px solid #ddd;margin-right:3px;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold}
.tempdata{height:500px;width:200px;overflow:scroll;border:1px solid #ddd;padding:5px}
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.tefolfer:hover{background:#c8e5f5 url("/system/inc/images/directory.png") no-repeat 3px 3px;}
.tetpl{background:url("/system/inc/images/html.png") no-repeat 3px 3px;padding:5px;height:15px;padding-left:24px;padding-top:3px;cursor:pointer;color:#444;font-family:Verdana;}
.tetpl:hover{background:#c8e5f5 url("/system/inc/images/html.png") no-repeat 3px 3px;}
.tecss{background:url("/system/inc/images/css.png") no-repeat 3px 3px;padding:5px;height:15px;padding-top:3px;padding-left:24px;cursor:pointer;color:#444;font-family:Verdana;}
.tecss:hover{background:#c8e5f5 url("/system/inc/images/css.png") no-repeat 3px 3px;}
.tejs{background:url("/system/inc/images/script.png") no-repeat 3px 3px;padding:5px;height:15px;padding-top:3px;padding-left:24px;cursor:pointer;color:#444;font-family:Verdana;}
.tejs:hover{background:#c8e5f5 url("/system/inc/images/script.png") no-repeat 3px 3px;}
.edittable{height:490px;width:655px;border:1px solid #ddd;padding:10px;margin-left:10px}
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#loading_text{color:#fff;position:relative;background: url("/system/inc/images/showb.png");width:250px;margin:auto;margin-top: 250px;padding:10px;font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana;border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px;text-align:center;}
#loading{z-index:100; position:fixed; padding:0; margin:0 auto; height:100%; min-height:100%; width:100%; overflow:hidden; display:none; left:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; top:0px;background:url("../images/spacer.gif");}
<div class="box clr">
<div class="head"></div>
function echohtmlstart($title){
echo <<<HTML
<div class="h1" style="margin-top:10px">{$title}</div>
function echohtmlend(){
global $admin_link, $logged;
$stat_lnk = "<a href="{$admin_link}?mod=stats" style="margin-right:10px">статистика</a>";
$exit_lnk = "<a href="{$admin_link}?act=logout">выйти</a>";
echo <<<HTML
<div class="clr"></div>
<div class="clr"></div>
<div class="foot"><div style="margin-bottom:-10px"><a href="{$admin_link}" style="margin-right:10px">главная</a>{$stat_lnk}<a href="/" style="margin-right:10px" target="_blank">просмотр сайта</a>{$exit_lnk}</div><br />Панель Администратора<br />Copyright 2013 © </a>All rights reserved.</div>
function echohtmlend2(){
global $admin_link, $logged;
$stat_lnk = "<a href="{$admin_link}?mod=stats" style="margin-right:10px">статистика</a>";
$exit_lnk = "<a href="{$admin_link}?act=logout">выйти</a>";
echo <<<HTML
<div class="clr"></div>
<div class="clr"></div>
<div class="foot"></div>
function msgbox($title, $text, $link = false){
echo '<center>'.$text.'<br /><a href="'.$link.'">Вернуться назад</a></center>';
function echoblock($title, $description, $link, $icon){
global $admin_link;
echo <<<HTML
<a href="{$admin_link}?mod={$link}">
<div class="oneb">
<img src="/system/inc/images/{$icon}.png" alt="" title="" />{$title}
function htmlclear(){
echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
function myBr($source){
$find[] = "'r'";
$replace[] = "<br />";
//$find[] = "'n'";
//$replace[] = "<br />";
$source = preg_replace($find, $replace, $source);
return $source;
function myBrRn($source){
$find[] = "<br />";
$replace[] = "r";
$find[] = "<br />";
$replace[] = "n";
$source = str_replace($find, $replace, $source);
return $source;
function textFilter($source, $substr_num = false, $strip_tags = false){
global $db;
if(function_exists("get_magic_quotes_gpc") AND get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$source = stripslashes($source);
$find = array('/data:/i', '/about:/i', '/vbscript:/i', '/onclick/i', '/onload/i', '/onunload/i', '/onabort/i', '/onerror/i', '/onblur/i', '/onchange/i', '/onfocus/i', '/onreset/i', '/onsubmit/i', '/ondblclick/i', '/onkeydown/i', '/onkeypress/i', '/onkeyup/i', '/onmousedown/i', '/onmouseup/i', '/onmouseover/i', '/onmouseout/i', '/onselect/i', '/javascript/i');
$replace = array("data:", "about:", "vbscript<b></b>:", "onclick", "onload", "onunload", "onabort", "onerror", "onblur", "onchange", "onfocus", "onreset", "onsubmit", "ondblclick", "onkeydown", "onkeypress", "onkeyup", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "onmouseover", "onmouseout", "onselect", "javascript");
$source = preg_replace("#<iframe#i", "<iframe", $source);
$source = preg_replace("#<script#i", "<script", $source);
$substr_num = 25000;
$source = $db->safesql(myBr(htmlspecialchars(substr(trim($source), 0, $substr_num))));
$source = str_ireplace("{", "{", $source);
$source = str_ireplace("`", "`", $source);
$source = str_ireplace("{theme}", "{theme}", $source);
$source = preg_replace($find, $replace, $source);
$source = strip_tags($source);
return $source;
function ajax_utf8($source){
return iconv('utf-8', 'windows-1251', $source);
function installationSelected($id, $options){
$source = str_replace('value="'.$id.'"', 'value="'.$id.'" selected', $options);
return $source;
function mozg_clear_cache_file($prefix) {
function mozg_clear_cache(){
$fdir = opendir(ENGINE_DIR.'/cache/');
while($file = readdir($fdir))
if($file != '.' and $file != '..' and $file != '.htaccess' and $file != 'system')
function mozg_mass_clear_cache_file($prefix){
$arr_prefix = explode('|', $prefix);
foreach($arr_prefix as $file)
function convert_unicode($t, $to = 'windows-1251') {
$to = strtolower($to);
if($to == 'utf-8'){
return $t;
} else {
if(function_exists('iconv')) $t = iconv("UTF-8", $to . "//IGNORE", $t);
else $t = "The library iconv is not supported by your server";
return $t;
function formatsize($file_size){
if($file_size >= 1073741824){
$file_size = round($file_size / 1073741824 * 100 ) / 100 ." Gb";
} elseif($file_size >= 1048576){
$file_size = round($file_size / 1048576 * 100 ) / 100 ." Mb";
} elseif($file_size >= 1024){
$file_size = round($file_size / 1024 * 100 ) / 100 ." Kb";
} else {
$file_size = $file_size." b";
return $file_size;
function get_groups($id = false) {
global $user_group;
$returnstring .= '<option value="1"> 1 </option>n';
return $returnstring;
function system_mozg_clear_cache_file($prefix) {