Файл: www/adforum/us_p.php
Строк: 38
## Автор модификации -=DEN=- aka PITBULL##
## icq 647732 ##
## mail mobilas91@gmail.com ##
## запрещено торговать скриптом ##
echo $fs1;
$select = @$db->sql_query ("Select * from users where id='".$usid."'");
$inf = $db->sql_fetchrow ($select);
$k_post=$db->sql_fetchfield($db->sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_message` where `login` = '".$usid."'"),0);
echo "$div1 <b>Сообщения ".$inf['user']." ($k_post)</b> $div9<br />";
if (empty($row['max'])) $row['max']=10;
$max = $row['max'];
$q=$db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum_message` where `login` = '".$usid."' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $start, $max");
if ($db->sql_numrows($q)==0) {
echo "Нет сообщенийn";
while ($post = $db->sql_fetchrow($q))
$them=$db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum_topic` WHERE `id` = '$post[topic]' LIMIT 1"));
$forum=$db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum_sections` WHERE `id` = '$post[section]' LIMIT 1"));
$razdel=$db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum_subfor` WHERE `id` = '$post[subfor]' LIMIT 1"));
$ank=$db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = $post[login] LIMIT 1"));
echo "$div2<a href='./tema/".$post['topic']."'>$them[name]</a> <a href='./tema/".$post['topic']."/end'>(".$db->sql_fetchfield($db->sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_message` WHERE `topic` = '$post[topic]'"),0).")</a>$div9n";
echo "<a href='subfs/".$post['section']."'>$forum[name]</a> > <a href='temes/".$post['subfor']."'>$razdel[name]</a><br />n";
/*$post1=$db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum_message` WHERE `topic` = '$post[id]' AND `subfor` = '$razdel[id]' AND `section` = '$forum[id]' AND `login` = '$post[login]' LIMIT 1"));
$ank=$db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = $post[login] LIMIT 1"));
echo "Автор: <a href='".H."$ank[id]' title='Анкета "$ank[user]"'>$ank[user]</a> (".date("d.m в H:i", $post1['time']).")<br />n";*/
$ank2=$db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = $post[login] LIMIT 1"));
echo "<a href='".H."$ank2[id]' title='Анкета "$ank2[user]"'>$ank2[user]</a> (".date("d.m в H:i", $post['time']).")<br />".output_text($post['msg'])."<br />n";
if ($k_page>1)str("?",$k_page,$page); // Вывод страниц
echo "<br />$div1<img src="../img/naz.gif" alt="[N]"/> <a href="./index.php?$ses">Форум</a>$div9";
if($autorize){ echo "$div1<img src="../img/naz.gif" alt="[N]"/> <a href="../enter.php?$ses">На Главную</a>$div9";}
foot ();