Файл: modules/mod_user_stats/module.php
Строк: 80
// //
// InstantCMS v1.10 //
// http://www.instantcms.ru/ //
// //
// written by InstantCMS Team, 2007-2012 //
// produced by InstantSoft, (www.instantsoft.ru) //
// //
// //
function mod_user_stats($module_id){
$inCore = cmsCore::getInstance();
$inDB = cmsDatabase::getInstance();
global $_LANG;
$cfg = $inCore->loadModuleConfig($module_id);
if (!isset($cfg['show_total'])) { $cfg['show_total'] = 1; }
if (!isset($cfg['show_online'])) { $cfg['show_online'] = 1; }
if (!isset($cfg['show_gender'])) { $cfg['show_gender'] = 1; }
if (!isset($cfg['show_city'])) { $cfg['show_city'] = 1; }
$total_usr = cmsUser::getCountAllUsers();
if ($cfg['show_gender']){
$gender_stats = array();
$gender_stats['male'] = $inDB->rows_count('cms_users u INNER JOIN cms_user_profiles p ON p.user_id = u.id', "u.is_locked = 0 AND u.is_deleted = 0 AND p.gender = 'm'");
$gender_stats['female'] = $inDB->rows_count('cms_users u INNER JOIN cms_user_profiles p ON p.user_id = u.id', "u.is_locked = 0 AND u.is_deleted = 0 AND p.gender = 'f'");
$gender_stats['unknown'] = $total_usr - $gender_stats['male'] - $gender_stats['female'];
if ($cfg['show_city']){
$sql = "SELECT IF (p.city != '', p.city, '{$_LANG['NOT_DECIDE']}') city, COUNT( p.user_id ) count
FROM cms_users u
LEFT JOIN cms_user_profiles p ON p.user_id = u.id
WHERE u.is_locked =0 AND u.is_deleted =0
GROUP BY p.city";
$rs = $inDB->query($sql);
$city_stats = array();
if ($inDB->num_rows($rs)){
while($row = $inDB->fetch_assoc($rs)){
if ($row['city'] != $_LANG['NOT_DECIDE']) { $row['href'] = '/users/city/'.urlencode($row['city']); } else { $row['href'] = ''; }
$row['city'] = icms_ucfirst(mb_strtolower($row['city']));
$city_stats[] = $row;
if ($cfg['show_online']){
$people = cmsUser::getOnlineCount();
if ($cfg['show_bday']){
$bday = cmsUser::getBirthdayUsers();
$smarty = $inCore->initSmarty('modules', 'mod_user_stats.tpl');
$smarty->assign('cfg', $cfg);
$smarty->assign('total_usr', $total_usr);
$smarty->assign('gender_stats', $gender_stats);
$smarty->assign('city_stats', $city_stats);
$smarty->assign('usr_online', cmsUser::sessionGet('usr_online'));
$smarty->assign('people', $people);
$smarty->assign('bday', $bday);
return true;