Файл: social12/games/puzzle/index.php
Строк: 79
require '../../sid.php';
require '../../config.php';
$link = connect_db();
list($user, $id, $ps) = check_login($link);
whorm(0, 'games');
include '../../head.php';
echo $div_title . 'Пазлы' . $div_end . $div_left;
$act = (isset($_GET['act'])) ? $_GET['act'] : NULL;
switch ($act) {
case hod:
$ms = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `game` WHERE type = 'Puzzle' AND users = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"));
if (!$ms['id']) {
header("Location: index.php");
$motion = (isset($_GET['motion'])) ? trim($_GET['motion']) : NULL;
switch ($motion) {
case up:
if ($ms['cursor'] != 0 and $ms['cursor'] != 1 and $ms['cursor'] != 2) {
$dump = unserialize($ms['dump']);
$cursor = $dump[$ms['cursor']];
$dump[$ms['cursor']] = $dump[$ms['cursor'] - 3];
$dump[$ms['cursor'] - 3] = $cursor;
mysql_query("UPDATE `game` SET
`cursor` = '" . ($ms['cursor'] - 3) . "',
`dump` = '" . serialize($dump) . "',
`motion` = `motion` + '1'
WHERE type = 'Puzzle' AND id = '" . $ms['id'] . "' LIMIT 1") or die('Error');
case down:
if ($ms['cursor'] != 6 and $ms['cursor'] != 7 and $ms['cursor'] != 8) {
$dump = unserialize($ms['dump']);
$cursor = $dump[$ms['cursor']];
$dump[$ms['cursor']] = $dump[$ms['cursor'] + 3];
$dump[$ms['cursor'] + 3] = $cursor;
mysql_query("UPDATE `game` SET
`cursor` = '" . ($ms['cursor'] + 3) . "',
`dump` = '" . serialize($dump) . "',
`motion` = `motion` + '1'
WHERE type = 'Puzzle' and id = '" . $ms['id'] . "' LIMIT 1") or die('Error');
case left:
if ($ms['cursor'] != 0 and $ms['cursor'] != 3 and $ms['cursor'] != 6) {
$dump = unserialize($ms['dump']);
$cursor = $dump[$ms['cursor']];
$dump[$ms['cursor']] = $dump[$ms['cursor'] - 1];
$dump[$ms['cursor'] - 1] = $cursor;
mysql_query("UPDATE `game` SET
`cursor` = '" . ($ms['cursor'] - 1) . "',
`dump` = '" . serialize($dump) . "',
`motion` = `motion` + '1'
WHERE type = 'Puzzle' AND id='" . $ms['id'] . "' LIMIT 1") or die('Error');
case right:
if ($ms['cursor'] != 2 and $ms['cursor'] != 5 and $ms['cursor'] != 8) {
$dump = unserialize($ms['dump']);
$cursor = $dump[$ms['cursor']];
$dump[$ms['cursor']] = $dump[$ms['cursor'] + 1];
$dump[$ms['cursor'] + 1] = $cursor;
mysql_query("UPDATE `game` SET
`cursor` = '" . ($ms['cursor'] + 1) . "',
`dump` = '" . serialize($dump) . "',
`motion` = `motion` + '1'
WHERE type='Puzzle' AND id = '" . $ms['id'] . "' LIMIT 1") or die('Error');
header('Location: index.php?act=game');
case game:
$ms = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT *
FROM `game`
WHERE type = 'Puzzle' and users = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"));
if (!$ms['id']) {
header('Location: index.php?' . $ref);
if ($ms['motion'] == 0) {
echo '<img src="temp/' . $ms['sum'] . '/img.jpg" alt="+" border="1"/> ';
$dump = unserialize($ms['dump']);
echo '<img src="img.php?name=' . $ms['sum'] . '&1=' . $dump[0] . '&2=' .
$dump[1] . '&3=' . $dump[2] . '&4=' . $dump[3] . '&5=' . $dump[4] .
'&6=' . $dump[5] . '&7=' . $dump[6] . '&8=' . $dump[7] . '&9=' .
$dump[8] . '" alt="+" border="1"/><br/>';
echo $div_menu . '<a href="index.php?act=hod&motion=up">Вверх</a>|
<a href="index.php?act=hod&motion=down">Вниз</a>
<br/><a href="index.php?act=hod&motion=left">Влево</a>|
<a href="index.php?act=hod&motion=right">Вправо</a>' . $div_end;
$time_game = time() - $ms['time'];
if ($dump['0'] == 1 and $dump['1'] == 2 and $dump['2'] == 3 and $dump['3'] == 4 and
$dump['4'] == 5 and $dump['5'] == 6 and $dump['6'] == 7 and $dump['7'] == 8) {
echo '<span class="green">Вы выиграли!</span>';
echo "Время игры: " . date('H:i:s', $time_game) . "<br/>
Ходов: " . $ms['motion'] . "<br /></div>";
echo $div_razdel . '<a href="index.php?'. $ref . '">Заново</a>';
$old = time() - (3 * 24 * 3600);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `game` WHERE type = 'Puzzle' AND (`users` = '$user[id]' OR `time` >= '" . $old . "')");
mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `game`");
$dropen = opendir("temp");
while (($file1 = readdir($dropen))) {
if ($file1 != "." && $file1 != ".." && $file1 != "index.php") {
if (is_dir("temp/$file1")) {
$drt[] = $file1;
$name = $drt[0];
$arr = array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8');
$arr[8] = 0;
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `game` SET
`time` = '" . time() . "',
`sum` = '" . $name . "',
`users` = '$user[id]',
`cursor` = '8',
`type` = 'Puzzle',
`dump` = '" . serialize($arr) . "'") or die('Error');
echo 'Головоломка
' . $block . $div_razdel . '
Цель игры: Собрать картинку из кусочков.
' . $div_end . '
<a href="index.php?act=game">Начать игру</a><br/>';
echo $div_end;
include '../../foot.php';