Файл: vsime.com/search/inc/act_files.php
Строк: 415
$unique_code = "unique_code";
$title .= ' - Поиск файлов';
$cases_array = array('pictures' => 'Картинки', 'musics' => 'Музыка', 'videos' => 'Видео', 'games' => 'Игры', 'programs' => 'Программы', 'gifs' => 'Анимашки', 'themes' => 'Темы', 'articles' => 'Статьи, документы', 'books' => 'Книги', 'flash' => 'Флэш', 'others' => 'Прочее');
if (isset($moderate_files))$skp = NULL; else $skp = " `sk` = '0' AND";
$case = my_esc(@$_GET['case']);
$query = NULL;
if (isset($_GET['query']))$query = esc(stripcslashes(hsc(search_str($_GET['query']))));
if (isset($_POST['query']))$query = esc(stripcslashes(hsc(search_str($_POST['query']))));
if (isset($cases_array[$case])) {
if (isset($_GET['from'])) {
$from = my_esc($_GET['from']);
if ($from == 'files_zone') {
$from_fur = "&from=files_zone";
$from_url = "?act=files&query=$query$from_fur";
} else {
$from = NULL;
$from_fur = NULL;
} else {
$from = NULL;
$from_fur = NULL;
if (trim($query)) {
$others_where = NULL;
foreach ($cases_array AS $key => $value) {
$fz_dir_for = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = '$value' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for['id'])$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for[id]/%'";
if ($case == $key) {
if (@$fz_dir_for['id']) {
$count_results = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')".($value == 'others'?$others_where:" AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for[id]/%'")."");
$count_pages = navi :: count_pages($count_results);
$page = navi :: page();
$start = navi :: start_pages();
if (!$count_results) {
list_empty("Поиск не дал результатов");
$query_files = mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')".($value == 'others'?$others_where:" AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for[id]/%'")."");
while ($post_file = mysqli_fetch_array($query_files)) {
if ($post_file['type']=='file') {
$file = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files` WHERE `id` = '$post_file[id_file]' AND `id_comm` = '0'"));
$count_komm = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_komm` WHERE$skp `id_comm` = '0' AND `id_file` = '$file[id]'"));
$count_komm_new = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_komm` WHERE$skp `id_comm` = '0' AND `id_file` = '$file[id]' AND `time` > '".($time-(3600*24))."'"));
$count_komm_show = $count_komm.($count_komm_new>0?"/+$count_komm_new":NULL);
echo "<div class='list'>n";
echo "<div class='left'>n";
if (isset($_SESSION['files_zone_multi_select']) && isset($moderate_files))echo "<input type='checkbox' name='multi_select_file_$post_file[id]' value='1'".(in_array($post_file['id'], $_SESSION['files_zone_multi_select'])?" CHECKED":NULL)." />n";
echo ffs_screen($file['id'], 'file', WapWeb_show(48, 96), WapWeb_show(48, 96));
echo "</div>n";
mysqli_query($dbi, "UPDATE `files_zone` SET `name` = '".($file['name']).".".($file['ras'])."' WHERE `id` = '$post_file[id]'");
echo "<div class='overfl_hid'>n";
echo "<a href='/files/?file=$file[id]'>n";
if (is_file(H.'/i/file_type/'.$file['ras'].'.png'))echo "<img src='/i/file_type/$file[ras].png' alt='$file[ras]' /> n";
else echo "<img src='/i/file_type/file.png' alt='file' /> n";
echo hsc($file['name']).".".hsc($file['ras'])."</a> ($count_komm_show)n";
echo "<br />n";
echo "<img src='/i/site/download.png' /> Размер: ".size_file($file['size'])."<br />n";
$audio_rasar = array('amr', 'mid', 'midi', 'mmf', 'mp3', 'wav', 'wma');
if (in_array($file['ras'], $audio_rasar) && $config['web']==true)
<div class="mediaspace">
<script language="JavaScript" src="/i/swf/audio-player.js"></script>
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/i/swf/player.swf" id=audioplayer<? echo $file['id'];?> height="24" width="530">
<param name=movie value="/i/swf/player.swf"></param>
<param name=FlashVars value="playerID=audioplayer<? echo $file['id'];?>&soundFile=<? echo "/files/download/".md5($file['id'])."/$unique_code/$mdp/".file_name_html($file['name']).".".hsc($file['ras'])."";?>">
<param name=quality value=high></param>
<param name=menu value=false></param>
<param name=wmode value=transparent></param>
echo "</div>n";
echo "<div class='clear'></div>n";
echo "</div>n";
} elseif ($post_file['type']=='foto')
$foto = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `foto` WHERE `id` = '$post_file[id_file]'"));
$count_komm = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `foto_komm` WHERE$skp `id_foto` = '$foto[id]'"));
$count_komm_new = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `foto_komm` WHERE$skp `id_foto` = '$foto[id]' AND `time` > '".($time-(3600*24))."'"));
$count_komm_show = $count_komm.($count_komm_new>0?"/+$count_komm_new":NULL);
echo "<div class='list'>n";
echo "<div class='left'>n";
if (isset($_SESSION['files_zone_multi_select']) && isset($moderate_files))echo "<input type='checkbox' name='multi_select_file_$post_file[id]' value='1'".(in_array($post_file['id'], $_SESSION['files_zone_multi_select'])?" CHECKED":NULL)." />n";
echo ffs_screen($foto['id'], 'foto', WapWeb_show(48, 96), WapWeb_show(48, 96));
echo "</div>n";
mysqli_query($dbi, "UPDATE `files_zone` SET `name` = '$foto[name].$foto[ras]' WHERE `id` = '$post_file[id]'");
echo "<div class='overfl_hid'>n";
echo "<a href='/fotos/?foto=$foto[id]'>n";
if (is_file(H.'/i/file_type/'.$foto['ras'].'.png'))echo "<img src='/i/file_type/$foto[ras].png' alt='$foto[ras]' /> n";
else echo "<img src='/i/file_type/file.png' alt='file' /> n";
echo hsc($foto['name']).".".hsc($foto['ras'])."</a> ($count_komm_show)n";
echo "<br />n";
echo "<img src='/i/site/download.png' /> Размер: ".size_file($foto['size'])."<br />n";
echo "</div>n";
echo "<div class='clear'></div>n";
echo "</div>n";
$show_search_form = true;
} else {
show_errors("Произошла ошибка на стороне сервера. Обратитесь к администрации сайта.");
$showed = true;
if (!isset($showed)) {
show_errors("Произошла ошибка на стороне сервера. Обратитесь к администрации сайта.");
} else {
$show_word = true;
$show_search_form = true;
if (isset($show_search_form)) {
echo "<form method='POST' action='?act=files&case=$case$from_fur'>n";
if (isset($show_word))echo "Что будем искать?<br />n";
else {
echo "<b>Поиск:</b> «".($query)."»<br />";
echo "<input type='text' style='width: 98%; margin: 0px; padding: 4px 0px; vertical-align: middle;line-height: 100%;border: 1px solid #ccc;' name='query' value='' />n";
echo "<div class='freespace'>n";
echo "<input type='submit' name='submited' style='line-height: 19px; margin-top: 0;' value='Найти'/>n";
echo "</div>n";
echo "</form>n";
echo "<div class='foot'>n";
echo image_back()."<a href='".($from?$from_url:"?query=$query")."'>Назад</a>n";
echo "</div>n";
} else {
if (isset($_GET['from'])) {
$from = my_esc($_GET['from']);
if ($from == 'files_zone') {
$from_fur = "&from=files_zone";
$from_url = "/files_zone";
} else {
$from = NULL;
$from_fur = NULL;
} else {
$from = NULL;
$from_fur = NULL;
$query = NULL;
if (isset($_GET['query']))$query = esc(stripcslashes(hsc(search_str($_GET['query']))));
if (isset($_POST['query']))$query = esc(stripcslashes(hsc(search_str($_POST['query']))));
if (trim($query)) {
$others_where = NULL;
$fz_dir_for_pictures = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Картинки' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_pictures['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_pictures[id]/%'";
$count_founded_pictures = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_pictures[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_pictures = 0;
// картинки
$fz_dir_for_musics = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Музыка' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_musics['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_musics[id]/%'";
$count_founded_musics = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_musics[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_musics = 0;
// музыка
$fz_dir_for_videos = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Видео' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_videos['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_videos[id]/%'";
$count_founded_videos = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_videos[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_videos = 0;
// видео
$fz_dir_for_games = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Игры' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_games['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_games[id]/%'";
$count_founded_games = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_games[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_games = 0;
// игры
$fz_dir_for_programs = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Программы' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_programs['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_programs[id]/%'";
$count_founded_programs = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_programs[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_programs = 0;
// программы
$fz_dir_for_gifs = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Анимашки' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_gifs['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_gifs[id]/%'";
$count_founded_gifs = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_gifs[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_gifs = 0;
// анимашки
$fz_dir_for_themes = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Темы' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_themes['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_themes[id]/%'";
$count_founded_themes = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_themes[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_themes = 0;
// темы
$fz_dir_for_books = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Книги' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_books['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_books[id]/%'";
$count_founded_books = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_books[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_books = 0;
// книги
$fz_dir_for_articles = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Статьи, документы' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_articles['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_articles[id]/%'";
$count_founded_articles = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_articles[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_articles = 0;
// статьи, документы
$fz_dir_for_flashs = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($dbi, "SELECT * FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` = 'Флэш' LIMIT 1"));
if (@$fz_dir_for_flashs['id']) {
$others_where .= " AND `counter` NOT LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_flashs[id]/%'";
$count_founded_flashs = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND `counter` LIKE '%/$fz_dir_for_flashs[id]/%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')");
} else $count_founded_flashs = 0;
// флэш
$count_founded_others = mysqli_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `files_zone` WHERE `name` LIKE '%".my_esc($query)."%' AND (`type` = 'file' OR `type` = 'foto')$others_where");
// все остальное
$count_founded_all = $count_founded_pictures + $count_founded_musics + $count_founded_videos + $count_founded_games + $count_founded_programs + $count_founded_gifs + $count_founded_themes + $count_founded_books + $count_founded_articles + $count_founded_flashs + $count_founded_others;
echo "<form method='POST' action=''>n";
echo "<b>Поиск:</b> «".($query)."»<br />";
echo "<input type='text' style='width: 65%; margin: 0px; padding: 4px 0px; vertical-align: middle;line-height: 100%;border: 1px solid #ccc;' name='query' value='' />n";
echo "<input type='submit' name='submited' style='line-height: 19px; margin-top: 0;' value='Найти'/>n";
echo "</div>n";
echo "</form>n";
if ($count_founded_all) {
echo "<div class='list'>n";
if ($count_founded_pictures)echo imgsd('pictures.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=pictures&query=$query$from_fur'>Картинки</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_pictures</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_musics)echo imgsd('musics.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=musics&query=$query$from_fur'>Музыка</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_musics</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_videos)echo imgsd('videos.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=videos&query=$query$from_fur'>Видео</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_videos</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_games)echo imgsd('games.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=games&query=$query$from_fur'>Игры</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_games</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_programs)echo imgsd('programs.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=programs&query=$query$from_fur'>Программы</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_programs</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_gifs)echo imgsd('gifs.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=gifs&query=$query$from_fur'>Анимашки</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_gifs</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_themes)echo imgsd('themes.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=themes&query=$query$from_fur'>Темы</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_themes</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_books)echo imgsd('guestbook.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=books&query=$query$from_fur'>Книги</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_books</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_articles)echo imgsd('article.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=articles&query=$query$from_fur'>Статьи, документы</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_articles</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_flashs)echo imgsd('flashs.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=flashs&query=$query$from_fur'>Флэш</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_flashs</span><br />n";
if ($count_founded_others)echo imgsd('tag.png')." <a href='?act=files&case=others&query=$query$from_fur'>Прочее</a> <span class='counter'>$count_founded_others</span><br />n";
echo "</div>n";
} else {
list_empty("Поиск не дал результатов");
echo "<div class='foot'>n";
echo image_back()." <a href='?act=files$from_fur'>Назад</a>n";
echo "</div>n";
echo "<div class=list><form method='POST' action='?act=files$from_fur'>n";
echo "Что будем искать?<br />n";
echo "<input type='text' style='width: 65%; margin: 0px; padding: 4px 0px; vertical-align: middle;line-height: 100%;border: 1px solid #ccc;' name='query' value='' />n";
echo "<input type='submit' name='submited' style='line-height: 19px; margin-top: 0;' value='Найти'/>n";
echo "</div>n";
echo "</form>n";
echo "<div class='foot'>n";
echo image_back()."<a href='".($from?$from_url:"?query=$query")."'>Назад</a>n";
echo "</div>n";