Файл: vendor/symfony/var-exporter/Internal/Exporter.php
Строк: 381
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace SymfonyComponentVarExporterInternal;
use SymfonyComponentVarExporterExceptionNotInstantiableTypeException;
* @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
* @internal
class Exporter
* Prepares an array of values for VarExporter.
* For performance this method is public and has no type-hints.
* @param array &$values
* @param SplObjectStorage $objectsPool
* @param array &$refsPool
* @param int &$objectsCount
* @param bool &$valuesAreStatic
* @return array
* @throws NotInstantiableTypeException When a value cannot be serialized
public static function prepare($values, $objectsPool, &$refsPool, &$objectsCount, &$valuesAreStatic)
$refs = $values;
foreach ($values as $k => $value) {
if (is_resource($value)) {
throw new NotInstantiableTypeException(get_resource_type($value).' resource');
$refs[$k] = $objectsPool;
if ($isRef = !$valueIsStatic = $values[$k] !== $objectsPool) {
$values[$k] = &$value; // Break hard references to make $values completely
unset($value); // independent from the original structure
$refs[$k] = $value = $values[$k];
if ($value instanceof Reference && 0 > $value->id) {
$valuesAreStatic = false;
$refsPool[] = [&$refs[$k], $value, &$value];
$refs[$k] = $values[$k] = new Reference(-count($refsPool), $value);
if (is_array($value)) {
if ($value) {
$value = self::prepare($value, $objectsPool, $refsPool, $objectsCount, $valueIsStatic);
goto handle_value;
} elseif (!is_object($value) || $value instanceof UnitEnum) {
goto handle_value;
$valueIsStatic = false;
if (isset($objectsPool[$value])) {
$value = new Reference($objectsPool[$value][0]);
goto handle_value;
$class = $value::class;
$reflector = Registry::$reflectors[$class] ??= Registry::getClassReflector($class);
$properties = [];
if ($reflector->hasMethod('__serialize')) {
if (!$reflector->getMethod('__serialize')->isPublic()) {
throw new Error(sprintf('Call to %s method "%s::__serialize()".', $reflector->getMethod('__serialize')->isProtected() ? 'protected' : 'private', $class));
if (!is_array($serializeProperties = $value->__serialize())) {
throw new TypeError($class.'::__serialize() must return an array');
if ($reflector->hasMethod('__unserialize')) {
$properties = $serializeProperties;
} else {
foreach ($serializeProperties as $n => $v) {
$c = $reflector->hasProperty($n) && ($p = $reflector->getProperty($n))->isReadOnly() ? $p->class : 'stdClass';
$properties[$c][$n] = $v;
goto prepare_value;
$sleep = null;
$proto = Registry::$prototypes[$class];
if (($value instanceof ArrayIterator || $value instanceof ArrayObject) && null !== $proto) {
// ArrayIterator and ArrayObject need special care because their "flags"
// option changes the behavior of the (array) casting operator.
[$arrayValue, $properties] = self::getArrayObjectProperties($value, $proto);
// populates Registry::$prototypes[$class] with a new instance
Registry::getClassReflector($class, Registry::$instantiableWithoutConstructor[$class], Registry::$cloneable[$class]);
} elseif ($value instanceof SplObjectStorage && Registry::$cloneable[$class] && null !== $proto) {
// By implementing Serializable, SplObjectStorage breaks
// internal references; let's deal with it on our own.
foreach (clone $value as $v) {
$properties[] = $v;
$properties[] = $value[$v];
$properties = ['SplObjectStorage' => [" " => $properties]];
$arrayValue = (array) $value;
} elseif ($value instanceof Serializable
|| $value instanceof __PHP_Incomplete_Class
|| PHP_VERSION_ID < 80200 && $value instanceof DatePeriod
) {
$objectsPool[$value] = [$id = count($objectsPool), serialize($value), [], 0];
$value = new Reference($id);
goto handle_value;
} else {
if (method_exists($class, '__sleep')) {
if (!is_array($sleep = $value->__sleep())) {
trigger_error('serialize(): __sleep should return an array only containing the names of instance-variables to serialize', E_USER_NOTICE);
$value = null;
goto handle_value;
$sleep = array_flip($sleep);
$arrayValue = (array) $value;
$proto = (array) $proto;
foreach ($arrayValue as $name => $v) {
$i = 0;
$n = (string) $name;
if ('' === $n || " " !== $n[0]) {
$c = $reflector->hasProperty($n) && ($p = $reflector->getProperty($n))->isReadOnly() ? $p->class : 'stdClass';
} elseif ('*' === $n[1]) {
$n = substr($n, 3);
$c = $reflector->getProperty($n)->class;
if ('Error' === $c) {
$c = 'TypeError';
} elseif ('Exception' === $c) {
$c = 'ErrorException';
} else {
$i = strpos($n, " ", 2);
$c = substr($n, 1, $i - 1);
$n = substr($n, 1 + $i);
if (null !== $sleep) {
if (!isset($sleep[$name]) && (!isset($sleep[$n]) || ($i && $c !== $class))) {
unset($sleep[$name], $sleep[$n]);
if (!array_key_exists($name, $proto) || $proto[$name] !== $v || "x00Errorx00trace" === $name || "x00Exceptionx00trace" === $name) {
$properties[$c][$n] = $v;
if ($sleep) {
foreach ($sleep as $n => $v) {
trigger_error(sprintf('serialize(): "%s" returned as member variable from __sleep() but does not exist', $n), E_USER_NOTICE);
if (method_exists($class, '__unserialize')) {
$properties = $arrayValue;
$objectsPool[$value] = [$id = count($objectsPool)];
$properties = self::prepare($properties, $objectsPool, $refsPool, $objectsCount, $valueIsStatic);
$objectsPool[$value] = [$id, $class, $properties, method_exists($class, '__unserialize') ? -$objectsCount : (method_exists($class, '__wakeup') ? $objectsCount : 0)];
$value = new Reference($id);
if ($isRef) {
unset($value); // Break the hard reference created above
} elseif (!$valueIsStatic) {
$values[$k] = $value;
$valuesAreStatic = $valueIsStatic && $valuesAreStatic;
return $values;
public static function export($value, $indent = '')
switch (true) {
case is_int($value) || is_float($value): return var_export($value, true);
case [] === $value: return '[]';
case false === $value: return 'false';
case true === $value: return 'true';
case null === $value: return 'null';
case '' === $value: return "''";
case $value instanceof UnitEnum: return '\'.ltrim(var_export($value, true), '\');
if ($value instanceof Reference) {
if (0 <= $value->id) {
return '$o['.$value->id.']';
if (!$value->count) {
return self::export($value->value, $indent);
$value = -$value->id;
return '&$r['.$value.']';
$subIndent = $indent.' ';
if (is_string($value)) {
$code = sprintf("'%s'", addcslashes($value, "'\"));
$code = preg_replace_callback("/((?:[\0\r\n]|u{202A}|u{202B}|u{202D}|u{202E}|u{2066}|u{2067}|u{2068}|u{202C}|u{2069})++)(.)/", function ($m) use ($subIndent) {
$m[1] = sprintf(''."%s".'', str_replace(