Файл: vendor/symfony/var-exporter/Hydrator.php
Строк: 88
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace SymfonyComponentVarExporter;
use SymfonyComponentVarExporterInternalHydrator as InternalHydrator;
* Utility class to hydrate the properties of an object.
* @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
final class Hydrator
* Sets the properties of an object, including private and protected ones.
* For example:
* // Sets the public or protected $object->propertyName property
* Hydrator::hydrate($object, ['propertyName' => $propertyValue]);
* // Sets a private property defined on its parent Bar class:
* Hydrator::hydrate($object, [" Bar privateBarProperty" => $propertyValue]);
* // Alternative way to set the private $object->privateBarProperty property
* Hydrator::hydrate($object, [], [
* Bar::class => ['privateBarProperty' => $propertyValue],
* ]);
* Instances of ArrayObject, ArrayIterator and SplObjectStorage can be hydrated
* by using the special " " property name to define their internal value:
* // Hydrates an SplObjectStorage where $info1 is attached to $obj1, etc.
* Hydrator::hydrate($object, [" " => [$obj1, $info1, $obj2, $info2...]]);
* // Hydrates an ArrayObject populated with $inputArray
* Hydrator::hydrate($object, [" " => [$inputArray]]);
* @template T of object
* @param T $instance The object to hydrate
* @param array<string, mixed> $properties The properties to set on the instance
* @param array<class-string, array<string, mixed>> $scopedProperties The properties to set on the instance,
* keyed by their declaring class
* @return T
public static function hydrate(object $instance, array $properties = [], array $scopedProperties = []): object
if ($properties) {
$class = $instance::class;
$propertyScopes = InternalHydrator::$propertyScopes[$class] ??= InternalHydrator::getPropertyScopes($class);
foreach ($properties as $name => &$value) {
[$scope, $name, $readonlyScope] = $propertyScopes[$name] ?? [$class, $name, $class];
$scopedProperties[$readonlyScope ?? $scope][$name] = &$value;
foreach ($scopedProperties as $scope => $properties) {
if ($properties) {
(InternalHydrator::$simpleHydrators[$scope] ??= InternalHydrator::getSimpleHydrator($scope))($properties, $instance);
return $instance;