Файл: vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Dumper/CliDumper.php
Строк: 456
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace SymfonyComponentVarDumperDumper;
use SymfonyComponentErrorHandlerErrorRendererFileLinkFormatter;
use SymfonyComponentVarDumperClonerCursor;
use SymfonyComponentVarDumperClonerStub;
* CliDumper dumps variables for command line output.
* @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
class CliDumper extends AbstractDumper
public static $defaultColors;
/** @var callable|resource|string|null */
public static $defaultOutput = 'php://stdout';
protected $colors;
protected $maxStringWidth = 0;
protected $styles = [
// See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics
'default' => '0;38;5;208',
'num' => '1;38;5;38',
'const' => '1;38;5;208',
'str' => '1;38;5;113',
'note' => '38;5;38',
'ref' => '38;5;247',
'public' => '',
'protected' => '',
'private' => '',
'meta' => '38;5;170',
'key' => '38;5;113',
'index' => '38;5;38',
protected static $controlCharsRx = '/[x00-x1Fx7F]+/';
protected static $controlCharsMap = [
"t" => 't',
"n" => 'n',
"v" => 'v',
"f" => 'f',
"r" => 'r',
" 33" => 'e',
protected static $unicodeCharsRx = "/[u{00A0}u{00AD}u{034F}u{061C}u{115F}u{1160}u{17B4}u{17B5}u{180E}u{2000}-u{200F}u{202F}u{205F}u{2060}-u{2064}u{206A}-u{206F}u{3000}u{2800}u{3164}u{FEFF}u{FFA0}u{1D159}u{1D173}-u{1D17A}]/u";
protected $collapseNextHash = false;
protected $expandNextHash = false;
private array $displayOptions = [
'fileLinkFormat' => null,
private bool $handlesHrefGracefully;
public function __construct($output = null, ?string $charset = null, int $flags = 0)
parent::__construct($output, $charset, $flags);
if ('\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && !$this->isWindowsTrueColor()) {
// Use only the base 16 xterm colors when using ANSICON or standard Windows 10 CLI
'default' => '31',
'num' => '1;34',
'const' => '1;31',
'str' => '1;32',
'note' => '34',
'ref' => '1;30',
'meta' => '35',
'key' => '32',
'index' => '34',
$this->displayOptions['fileLinkFormat'] = class_exists(FileLinkFormatter::class) ? new FileLinkFormatter() : (ini_get('xdebug.file_link_format') ?: get_cfg_var('xdebug.file_link_format') ?: 'file://%f#L%l');
* Enables/disables colored output.
* @return void
public function setColors(bool $colors)
$this->colors = $colors;
* Sets the maximum number of characters per line for dumped strings.
* @return void
public function setMaxStringWidth(int $maxStringWidth)
$this->maxStringWidth = $maxStringWidth;
* Configures styles.
* @param array $styles A map of style names to style definitions
* @return void
public function setStyles(array $styles)
$this->styles = $styles + $this->styles;
* Configures display options.
* @param array $displayOptions A map of display options to customize the behavior
* @return void
public function setDisplayOptions(array $displayOptions)
$this->displayOptions = $displayOptions + $this->displayOptions;
* @return void
public function dumpScalar(Cursor $cursor, string $type, string|int|float|bool|null $value)
$this->collapseNextHash = $this->expandNextHash = false;
$style = 'const';
$attr = $cursor->attr;
switch ($type) {
case 'default':
$style = 'default';
case 'label':
$this->styles += ['label' => $this->styles['default']];
$style = 'label';
case 'integer':
$style = 'num';
if (isset($this->styles['integer'])) {
$style = 'integer';
case 'double':
$style = 'num';
if (isset($this->styles['float'])) {
$style = 'float';
$value = match (true) {
INF === $value => 'INF',
-INF === $value => '-INF',
is_nan($value) => 'NAN',
default => !str_contains($value = (string) $value, $this->decimalPoint) ? $value .= $this->decimalPoint.'0' : $value,
case 'NULL':
$value = 'null';
case 'boolean':
$value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
$attr += ['value' => $this->utf8Encode($value)];
$value = $this->utf8Encode($type);
$this->line .= $this->style($style, $value, $attr);
* @return void
public function dumpString(Cursor $cursor, string $str, bool $bin, int $cut)
$this->collapseNextHash = $this->expandNextHash = false;
$attr = $cursor->attr;
if ($bin) {
$str = $this->utf8Encode($str);
if ('' === $str) {
$this->line .= '""';
if ($cut) {
$this->line .= '…'.$cut;
} else {
$attr += [
'length' => 0 <= $cut ? mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-8') + $cut : 0,
'binary' => $bin,
$str = $bin && str_contains($str, " ") ? [$str] : explode("n", $str);
if (isset($str[1]) && !isset($str[2]) && !isset($str[1][0])) {
$str[0] .= "n";
$m = count($str) - 1;
$i = $lineCut = 0;
if (self::DUMP_STRING_LENGTH & $this->flags) {
$this->line .= '('.$attr['length'].') ';
if ($bin) {
$this->line .= 'b';
if ($m) {
$this->line .= '"""';
} else {
$this->line .= '"';
foreach ($str as $str) {
if ($i < $m) {
$str .= "n";
if (0 < $this->maxStringWidth && $this->maxStringWidth < $len = mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-8')) {
$str = mb_substr($str, 0, $this->maxStringWidth, 'UTF-8');
$lineCut = $len - $this->maxStringWidth;
if ($m && 0 < $cursor->depth) {
$this->line .= $this->indentPad;
if ('' !== $str) {
$this->line .= $this->style('str', $str, $attr);
if ($i++ == $m) {
if ($m) {
if ('' !== $str) {
if (0 < $cursor->depth) {
$this->line .= $this->indentPad;
$this->line .= '"""';
} else {
$this->line .= '"';
if ($cut < 0) {
$this->line .= '…';
$lineCut = 0;
} elseif ($cut) {
$lineCut += $cut;
if ($lineCut) {
$this->line .= '…'.$lineCut;
$lineCut = 0;
if ($i > $m) {
} else {
* @return void
public function enterHash(Cursor $cursor, int $type, string|int|null $class, bool $hasChild)
$this->colors ??= $this->supportsColors();
$this->expandNextHash = false;
$attr = $cursor->attr;
if ($this->collapseNextHash) {
$cursor->skipChildren = true;
$this->collapseNextHash = $hasChild = false;
$class = $this->utf8Encode($class);
if (Cursor::HASH_OBJECT === $type) {
$prefix = $class && 'stdClass' !== $class ? $this->style('note', $class, $attr).(empty($attr['cut_hash']) ? ' {' : '') : '{';
} elseif (Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE === $type) {
$prefix = $this->style('note', $class.' resource', $attr).($hasChild ? ' {' : ' ');
} else {
$prefix = $class && !(self::DUMP_LIGHT_ARRAY & $this->flags) ? $this->style('note', 'array:'.$class).' [' : '[';
if (($cursor->softRefCount || 0 < $cursor->softRefHandle) && empty($attr['cut_hash'])) {
$prefix .= $this->style('ref', (Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE === $type ? '@' : '#').(0 < $cursor->softRefHandle ? $cursor->softRefHandle : $cursor->softRefTo), ['count' => $cursor->softRefCount]);
} elseif ($cursor->hardRefTo && !$cursor->refIndex && $class) {
$prefix .= $this->style('ref', '&'.$cursor->hardRefTo, ['count' => $cursor->hardRefCount]);
} elseif (!$hasChild && Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE === $type) {
$prefix = substr($prefix, 0, -1);
$this->line .= $prefix;
if ($hasChild) {
* @return void
public function leaveHash(Cursor $cursor, int $type, string|int|null $class, bool $hasChild, int $cut)
if (empty($cursor->attr['cut_hash'])) {
$this->dumpEllipsis($cursor, $hasChild, $cut);
$this->line .= Cursor::HASH_OBJECT === $type ? '}' : (Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE !== $type ? ']' : ($hasChild ? '}' : ''));
* Dumps an ellipsis for cut children.
* @param bool $hasChild When the dump of the hash has child item
* @param int $cut The number of items the hash has been cut by
* @return void
protected function dumpEllipsis(Cursor $cursor, bool $hasChild, int $cut)
if ($cut) {
$this->line .= ' …';
if (0 < $cut) {
$this->line .= $cut;
if ($hasChild) {
$this->dumpLine($cursor->depth + 1);
* Dumps a key in a hash structure.
* @return void
protected function dumpKey(Cursor $cursor)
if (null !== $key = $cursor->hashKey) {
if ($cursor->hashKeyIsBinary) {
$key = $this->utf8Encode($key);
$attr = ['binary' => $cursor->hashKeyIsBinary];
$bin = $cursor->hashKeyIsBinary ? 'b' : '';
$style = 'key';
switch ($cursor->hashType) {
case Cursor::HASH_INDEXED:
if (self::DUMP_LIGHT_ARRAY & $this->flags) {
$style = 'index';
// no break
case Cursor::HASH_ASSOC:
if (is_int($key)) {
$this->line .= $this->style($style, $key).' => ';
} else {
$this->line .= $bin.'"'.$this->style($style, $key).'" => ';
case Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE:
$key = " ~ ".$key;
// no break
case Cursor::HASH_OBJECT:
if (!isset($key[0]) || " " !== $key[0]) {
$this->line .= '+'.$bin.$this->style('public', $key).': ';
} elseif (0 < strpos($key, " ", 1)) {
$key = explode(" ", substr($key, 1), 2);
switch ($key[0][0]) {
case '+': // User inserted keys
$attr['dynamic'] = true;
$this->line .= '+'.$bin.'"'.$this->style('public', $key[1], $attr).'": ';
break 2;
case '~':
$style = 'meta';
if (isset($key[0][1])) {
parse_str(substr($key[0], 1), $attr);
$attr += ['binary' => $cursor->hashKeyIsBinary];
case '*':
$style = 'protected';
$bin = '#'.$bin;
$attr['class'] = $key[0];
$style = 'private';
$bin = '-'.$bin;
if (isset($attr['collapse'])) {
if ($attr['collapse']) {
$this->collapseNextHash = true;
} else {
$this->expandNextHash = true;
$this->line .= $bin.$this->style($style, $key[1], $attr).($attr['separator'] ?? ': ');
} else {
// This case should not happen
$this->line .= '-'.$bin.'"'.$this->style('private', $key, ['class' => '']).'": ';
if ($cursor->hardRefTo) {
$this->line .= $this->style('ref', '&'.($cursor->hardRefCount ? $cursor->hardRefTo : ''), ['count' => $cursor->hardRefCount]).' ';
* Decorates a value with some style.
* @param string $style The type of style being applied
* @param string $value The value being styled
* @param array $attr Optional context information
protected function style(string $style, string $value, array $attr = []): string
$this->colors ??= $this->supportsColors();
$this->handlesHrefGracefully ??= 'JetBrains-JediTerm' !== getenv('TERMINAL_EMULATOR')
&& (!getenv('KONSOLE_VERSION') || (int) getenv('KONSOLE_VERSION') > 201100)
if (isset($attr['ellipsis'], $attr['ellipsis-type'])) {
$prefix = substr($value, 0, -$attr['ellipsis']);
if ('cli' === PHP_SAPI && 'path' === $attr['ellipsis-type'] && isset($_SERVER[$pwd = '\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? 'CD' : 'PWD']) && str_starts_with($prefix, $_SERVER[$pwd])) {
$prefix = '.'.substr($prefix, strlen($_SERVER[$pwd]));
if (!empty($attr['ellipsis-tail'])) {
$prefix .= substr($value, -$attr['ellipsis'], $attr['ellipsis-tail']);
$value = substr($value, -$attr['ellipsis'] + $attr['ellipsis-tail']);
} else {
$value = substr($value, -$attr['ellipsis']);
$value = $this->style('default', $prefix).$this->style($style, $value);
goto href;
$map = static::$controlCharsMap;
$startCchr = $this->colors ? " 33[m 33[{$this->styles['default']}m" : '';
$endCchr = $this->colors ? " 33[m 33[{$this->styles[$style]}m" : '';
$value = preg_replace_callback(static::$controlCharsRx, function ($c) use ($map, $startCchr, $endCchr) {
$s = $startCchr;
$c = $c[$i = 0];
do {
$s .= $map[$c[$i]] ?? sprintf('x%02X', ord($c[$i]));
} while (isset($c[++$i]));
return $s.$endCchr;
}, $value, -1, $cchrCount);
if (!($attr['binary'] ?? false)) {
$value = preg_replace_callback(static::$unicodeCharsRx, function ($c) use (&$cchrCount, $startCchr, $endCchr) {
return $startCchr.'u{'.strtoupper(dechex(mb_ord($c[0]))).'}'.$endCchr;
}, $value);
if ($this->colors && '' !== $value) {
if ($cchrCount && " 33" === $value[0]) {
$value = substr($value, strlen($startCchr));
} else {
$value = " 33[{$this->styles[$style]}m".$value;
if ($cchrCount && str_ends_with($value, $endCchr)) {
$value = substr($value, 0, -strlen($endCchr));
} else {
$value .= " 33[{$this->styles['default']}m";
if ($this->colors && $this->handlesHrefGracefully) {
if (isset($attr['file']) && $href = $this->getSourceLink($attr['file'], $attr['line'] ?? 0)) {
if ('note' === $style) {
$value .= " 33]8;;{$href} 33\^ 33]8;; 33\";
} else {
$attr['href'] = $href;
if (isset($attr['href'])) {
if ('label' === $style) {
$value .= '^';
$value = " 33]8;;{$attr['href']} 33\{$value} 33]8;; 33\";
if ('label' === $style && '' !== $value) {
$value .= ' ';
return $value;
protected function supportsColors(): bool
if ($this->outputStream !== static::$defaultOutput) {
return $this->hasColorSupport($this->outputStream);
if (isset(static::$defaultColors)) {
return static::$defaultColors;
if (isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) {
$colors = $_SERVER['argv'];
$i = count($colors);
while (--$i > 0) {
if (isset($colors[$i][5])) {
switch ($colors[$i]) {
case '--ansi':
case '--color':
case '--color=yes':
case '--color=force':
case '--color=always':
case '--colors=always':
return static::$defaultColors = true;
case '--no-ansi':
case '--color=no':
case '--color=none':
case '--color=never':
case '--colors=never':
return static::$defaultColors = false;
$h = stream_get_meta_data($this->outputStream) + ['wrapper_type' => null];
$h = 'Output' === $h['stream_type'] && 'PHP' === $h['wrapper_type'] ? fopen('php://stdout', 'w') : $this->outputStream;
return static::$defaultColors = $this->hasColorSupport($h);
* @return void
protected function dumpLine(int $depth, bool $endOfValue = false)
if (null === $this->colors) {
$this->colors = $this->supportsColors();
if ($this->colors) {
$this->line = sprintf(" 33[%sm%s 33[m", $this->styles['default'], $this->line);
* @return void
protected function endValue(Cursor $cursor)
if (-1 === $cursor->hashType) {
if (Stub::ARRAY_INDEXED === $cursor->hashType || Stub::ARRAY_ASSOC === $cursor->hashType) {
if (self::DUMP_TRAILING_COMMA & $this->flags && 0 < $cursor->depth) {
$this->line .= ',';
} elseif (self::DUMP_COMMA_SEPARATOR & $this->flags && 1 < $cursor->hashLength - $cursor->hashIndex) {
$this->line .= ',';
$this->dumpLine($cursor->depth, true);
* Returns true if the stream supports colorization.
* Reference: ComposerXdebugHandlerProcess::supportsColor
* https://github.com/composer/xdebug-handler
private function hasColorSupport(mixed $stream): bool
if (!is_resource($stream) || 'stream' !== get_resource_type($stream)) {
return false;
// Follow https://no-color.org/
if ('' !== (($_SERVER['NO_COLOR'] ?? getenv('NO_COLOR'))[0] ?? '')) {
return false;
// Detect msysgit/mingw and assume this is a tty because detection
// does not work correctly, see https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/9690
if (!@stream_isatty($stream) && !in_array(strtoupper((string) getenv('MSYSTEM')), ['MINGW32', 'MINGW64'], true)) {
return false;
if ('\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && @sapi_windows_vt100_support($stream)) {
return true;
if ('Hyper' === getenv('TERM_PROGRAM')
|| false !== getenv('COLORTERM')
|| false !== getenv('ANSICON')
|| 'ON' === getenv('ConEmuANSI')
) {
return true;
if ('dumb' === $term = (string) getenv('TERM')) {
return false;
// See https://github.com/chalk/supports-color/blob/d4f413efaf8da045c5ab440ed418ef02dbb28bf1/index.js#L157
return preg_match('/^((screen|xterm|vt100|vt220|putty|rxvt|ansi|cygwin|linux).*)|(.*-256(color)?(-bce)?)$/', $term);
* Returns true if the Windows terminal supports true color.
* Note that this does not check an output stream, but relies on environment
* variables from known implementations, or a PHP and Windows version that
* supports true color.
private function isWindowsTrueColor(): bool
$result = 183 <= getenv('ANSICON_VER')
|| 'ON' === getenv('ConEmuANSI')
|| 'xterm' === getenv('TERM')
|| 'Hyper' === getenv('TERM_PROGRAM');
if (!$result) {
$version = sprintf(
$result = $version >= '10.0.15063';
return $result;
private function getSourceLink(string $file, int $line): string|false
if ($fmt = $this->displayOptions['fileLinkFormat']) {
return is_string($fmt) ? strtr($fmt, ['%f' => $file, '%l' => $line]) : ($fmt->format($file, $line) ?: 'file://'.$file.'#L'.$line);
return false;