Файл: protected/views/page/edit_deal.php
Строк: 699
<?php $this->pageTitle = $deal->text; ?>
<?php $correct_path = 'http://' . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; ?>
$role = UsersRoles::model()->find('user_id=' . Yii::app()->user->id)->itemname;
$responsible_options = array('i' => 'Я ответственный', 'director_edit_deal' => 'Руководители', 'manager_edit_deal' => 'Менеджеры', 'no' => $user->parent->first_name);
$managers = Users::getUserAccess($user, true, false, true);
$directors = Users::getUserAccess($user, false, true, true);
if ($user->parent->roles[0]->name != 'admin' || $user->common_access == Users::ACCESS_EMBAGRO
|| $user->roles[0]->name == 'admin'
) {
if (count($directors) <= 0) {
if (count($managers) <= 0) {
$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
'id' => 'edit-deal',
'enableAjaxValidation' => false,
'htmlOptions' => [
'class' => 'page-form'
$delete_button = CHtml::button("Удалить", array(
'onClick' => 'window.location.href="' . Yii::app()->createUrl("page/delete_deal", array("id" => $deal->id)) . '"',
'class' => 'btn',
$directors_block_to_display = $deal_resp_role->itemname == 'director' ? 'style="display:block"' : '';
$managers_block_to_display = $deal_resp_role->itemname == 'manager' ? 'style="display:block"' : '';
$admin = new Users();
$adminId = $admin->getAdminId();
$newResponsible = $user->parent_id != null ? $user->parent_id : $adminId;
$prior_array = DealsPriority::model()->findAll();
$priority_selector = '';
foreach ($prior_array as $prior) {
$priority_selector .= '<option ' . ($deal->deal_priority_id == $prior->id ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ' class="' . $prior->color . '" value="' . $prior->id . '">' . 'Приоритет: ' . $prior->name . '</option>';
$statuses_array = DealsStatuses::model()->findAll();
$status_selector = '';
foreach ($statuses_array as $status) {
$status_selector .= '<option ' . ($deal->deal_status_id == $status->id ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="' . $status->id . '">' . 'Состояние: ' . $status->name . '</option>';
// выбор значения в селекторе
if ($deal->responsable_id == Yii::app()->user->id) {
$selected_option = array('i' => array('selected' => true));
} elseif ($deal_resp_role->itemname == 'director') {
$selected_option = array('director_edit_deal' => array('selected' => true));
} elseif ($deal_resp_role->itemname == 'manager') {
$selected_option = array('manager_edit_deal' => array('selected' => true));
} else {
$selected_option = array('no' => array('selected' => true));
$directors_block_to_display = $deal_resp_role->itemname == 'director' && $role != 'director' ? 'style="display:block"' : '';
$managers_block_to_display = $deal_resp_role->itemname == 'manager' && count($managers) > 0 && key($selected_option) != 'i' ? 'style="display:block"' : '';
$dealTypeClassCss = 'dealTypeActive';
switch ($deal->deal_type_id) {
case 2:
$dealTypeClassCss = 'dealTypeWin';
case 3:
$dealTypeClassCss = 'dealTypeLose';
<div class="clients-hat">
<div class="client-name">
<div id="dealTypeBtn"
class="<? echo $dealTypeClassCss ?>"><? echo $dealTypeList[$deal->deal_type_id]['name'] ?></div>
<?php echo CHtml::link('Сделки', array('page/dealings_page')); ?>
<img src="/img/right-arrow-button.svg" alt="">
if ($accessClient) {
echo CHtml::link($client->name, Yii::app()->createUrl("page/client_profile", array("id" => $client->id)));
} else {
echo $client->name;
<img src="/img/right-arrow-button.svg" alt="">
<?php echo $deal->text; ?>, #<?php echo $deal->id; ?>
<div class="goback-link pull-right">
<input class="btn_close" type="button" onclick="history.back();" value="❮ Назад "/>
<main class="content full2" role="main">
<div class="content-edit-block">
<div class="title_name_1">Сделка</div>
<div class="content-01">
$color = '';
$imageName = 'gud.svg';
if ($deal->deal_type_id == 1) {
$color = !$justPushSaveBtn && $deal->deal_type_id == 1 ? 'deal-type-return' : '';
$imageName = !$justPushSaveBtn && $deal->deal_type_id == 1 ? 'return-deal.svg' : 'gud.svg';
<?if ($deal->deal_type_id == 3) {
$color = 'deal-type-save-red';
$imageName = 'stop-deal.svg';
} elseif ($deal->deal_type_id == 2) {
$color = 'deal-type-win';
$imageName = 'deal-win.svg';
<div class="save-message <? echo $color;
echo $deal->deal_type_id == 2 || $deal->deal_type_id == 3 || $isShowBlockSave && $deal->deal_type_id && !$justPushSaveBtn == 1 ? '' : ' hide' ?>">
<div class="flex">
<img src="/img/<?echo $imageName?>" alt="">
<div class="line_height_1_5">
<? echo $messageSaveType; ?>
if ( $deal->deal_type_id == 1) {
echo $accessClient
? CHtml::link($client->name, Yii::app()->createUrl("page/client_profile", array("id" => $client->id)))
: $client->name;
<? if ($isShowBlockSave && $justPushSaveBtn) {?>
<script type="module">
import {NotificationBar} from '/js/notificationBar.js';
let accessClient = <? echo $accessClient?>;
let client = <? echo json_encode($client->attributes)?>;
const notificationBar = new NotificationBar({
type: 'success',
title: 'Сделка сохранена',
description: 'Информация в сделке изменена<br>Контакт: ' + (accessClient
? '<a href="/page/client_profile/' + client.id + '">' + client.name + '</a>'
: client.name)
<? if ($isSuccessSave && !$isShowBlockSave) {?>
<script type="module">
import {NotificationBar} from '/js/notificationBar.js';
let accessClient = <? echo $accessClient?>;
let client = <? echo json_encode($client->attributes)?>;
const notificationBar = new NotificationBar({
type: 'warning',
title: 'Сделка создана',
description: 'Новая сделка добавлена для:<br> ' + (accessClient
? '<a href="/page/client_profile/' + client.id + '">' + client.name + '</a>'
: client.name)
<div class="box-gray__body no-border3 active-pad">
<div class="client_info">
Наименование:<span class="star">*</span>
<div class="form-group_actions">
echo $form->textField($deal, 'text', array(
'class' => 'form-control editable',
'placeholder' => 'Имя сделки',
'disabled' => $deal->deal_type_id != 1,
)) .
$form->error($deal, 'text', array('class' => 'form-error'))
<div class="client_info">
<div class="form-group_actions">
echo $form->textArea($deal, 'description', array('class' => 'form-control1 editable', 'placeholder' => 'Напишите комментарий...'));
<div class="client_info" style="padding-top: 10px;">
Сумма и Остаток:
<div class="form-group two-inline" style="width: 300px;">
echo $form->textField($deal, 'paid',
'class' => 'form-control editable pull-left',
'placeholder' => 'Сумма',
'disabled' => $deal->deal_type_id != 1,
echo $form->textField($deal, 'balance',
'class' => 'form-control editable pull-right',
'placeholder' => 'Остаток',
'disabled' => $deal->deal_type_id != 1,
echo $form->error($deal, 'paid', array('class' => 'form-error pull-left'));
echo $form->error($deal, 'balance', array('class' => 'form-error pull-right', 'style' => 'margin-right: 30px;'));
<!-- Файлы в сделках -->
if ($userRight['role'] == 'admin' || $userRight['add_files_deal']) {
<div class="action_file">
$folder = '/uploads/';
foreach ($dealFiles as $file) {
echo CHtml::link($file->file->name, Yii::app()->createUrl("page/get_file_deal", ['id' => $file->id]), ['target' => '_blank']);
if ($userRight['role'] == 'admin' || $userRight['delete_files_deal']) {
echo CHtml::image('/img/cancel.svg', '', ['class' => 'delDocument_4a', 'onClick' => 'delDocument(' . $file->id . ')']);
echo '<br>';
<div class="" id="fileBlock"></div>
<div class="action_file_add">
$fileSettings = Yii::app()->commonFunction->getFileSettings();
'id' => 'uploadFile',
'config' => array(
'multiple' => true,
'action' => '/page/UploadDealFile?id=' . $deal->id,
'allowedExtensions' => explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $fileSettings['extFile'])),//array("jpg","jpeg","gif","exe","mov" and etc...
'sizeLimit' => $fileSettings['sizeFile'] * 1024 * 1024,// maximum file size in bytes
'onComplete' => "js:function(id, fileName, responseJSON){
'messages' => array(
'typeError' => "Ошибка! Расширение файла {file} не поддерживается. Разрешенные типы файлов: {extensions}.",
'sizeError' => "{file} максимальный размер файла {sizeLimit}.",
// 'minSizeError'=>"{file} is too small, minimum file size is {minSizeLimit}.",
// 'emptyError'=>"{file} is empty, please select files again without it.",
// 'onLeave'=>"The files are being uploaded, if you leave now the upload will be cancelled."
//'showMessage'=>"js:function(message){ alert(message); }"
<!--футер с описание изменений-->
<div style="margin-top: 10px">
$creatDate = date('d.m.y H:i', strtotime($deal->creation_date));
$changeDate = $deal->change_date ? date('d.m.y H:i', strtotime($deal->change_date)) : $creatDate;
echo "<p> Дата создания: $creatDate</p>
<p> Дата изменения: $changeDate";
if ($deal->deal_type_id != 1) {
$closedDate = date('d.m.y H:i', strtotime($deal->closed_date));
$countDayOfClosed = Yii::app()->commonFunction->getDateWithString($deal->creation_date, $deal->closed_date);
echo "<p> Дата закрытия: $closedDate</p>
<p>Срок: $countDayOfClosed</p>";
<div class="box-gray111 width-static">
<div class="edit_user_1anketa">
<div class="title_name_2">Параметры</div>
<div class="popup__form_actions">
<div class="client_info">
<div class="solid_an_client">
echo '
' . $form->dropDownList($deal, 'responsable_id', $responsible_options, array(
'options' => $selected_option,
'class' => 'styled permis editable typeAccess',
'name' => 'type',
'disabled' => $deal->deal_type_id != 1,
)) . '
<div class="access-options access-tab" id="director_edit_deal"' . $directors_block_to_display . '>
' . $form->dropDownList($deal, 'director_id', CHtml::listData($directors, 'id', 'first_name'), array(
'options' => array($deal->responsable_id => array('selected' => true)),
'class' => 'styled',
'disabled' => $deal->deal_type_id != 1,
)) . '
<div class="access-options access-tab" id="manager_edit_deal"' . $managers_block_to_display . '>
' . $form->dropDownList($deal, 'manager_id', CHtml::listData($managers, 'id', 'first_name'), array(
'options' => array($deal->responsable_id => array('selected' => true)),
'class' => 'styled',
'disabled' => $deal->deal_type_id != 1,
)) . '
<!-- Воронка -->
<? if (count($listStep) > 0) { ?>
<div class="label_info">
<div class="solid_an_client">
<?php echo $form->dropDownList($selectedSteps, 'steps_id',
CHtml::listData($listStep, 'id', 'name'), [
'class' => 'styled',
'onChange' => 'changeStep()',
'id' => 'selectStep',
'disabled' => $deal->deal_type_id != 1,
]); ?>
<? if ($isNotStepOptions = isset($listStepOption[$selectedSteps->steps_id])) {
$selectedOption = $listStepOption[$selectedSteps->steps_id][0];
foreach ($listStepOption[$selectedSteps->steps_id] as $option) {
if ($option->id == $selectedSteps->selected_option_id) {
$selectedOption = $option;
} else {
$selectedOption = (object)['color' => '', 'id' => '', 'name' => ''];
// для JS
$listStepOptionJS = [];
foreach ($listStepOption as $stepID => $options) {
foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
$listStepOptionJS[$stepID][] = $option->attributes;
<div class="row-input" id="colorSelect"
style="display: <? echo $isNotStepOptions ? 'inline-flex' : 'none' ?>">
<div class="jq-selectbox__select color-select client <?echo $deal->deal_type_id != 1 ? 'disabledStepSelect' : ''?>"
onclick="showDropDawnColor(event, <?echo $deal->deal_type_id == 1 ? 1 : 0?>)"
<div class="color-block"
style="background-color: <? echo $selectedOption->color ?>">
<span><? echo $selectedOption->name ?> </span>
<input type="text" value="<? echo $selectedOption->id ?>" class="hide"
<div class="jq-selectbox__trigger">
<div class="jq-selectbox__trigger-arrow"></div>
<div class="color-customDropDawnList client shortWidth hide" style="max-width: 194px;">
if ($isNotStepOptions) {
foreach ($listStepOption[$selectedSteps->steps_id] as $id => $option) {
echo "<li value='$id' onclick='changeColor(event, " . '"' . $option->color . '",' . " " . '"' . $option->name . '", ' . $option->id . ")'><div class='block-color' style='background-color:$option->color;'></div><div class='margin-top-1'>$option->name</div></li>";
<div class="step-progressBar"
style="display: <? echo $isNotStepOptions ? 'inline-flex' : 'none' ?>">
<? if ($isNotStepOptions) { ?>
$isGrey = false;
foreach ($listStepOption[$selectedSteps->steps_id] as $id => $option) {
$color = $isGrey ? 'darkgrey' : $option->color;
echo "<div class='progressBar-elem' style='background-color:" . $color . "' ></div>";
if ($option->id == $selectedSteps->selected_option_id) {
$isGrey = true;
} ?>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? if (count($allLabels) > 0) { ?>
<div class="label_info bottom_10">
<?if($deal->deal_type_id == 1) {?>
<a class="delete" id="editLabels" onclick="return false;">Редактировать</a>
<?} else {?>
<span class="disabledText">Редактировать</span>
<div class="solid_an_client">
<div class="customDropDownListLabels hide">
<? foreach ($allLabels as $label) { ?>
<li id="labelLi <? echo $label->id ?>" class="labelLi"
name="MainDeals[labelLi<? echo $label->id ?>]"
onclick="changeLabel('<? echo $label->id; ?>');">
echo $form->checkBox($deal, "Labels[$label->id]", [
'id' => 'checkbox' . $label->id,
'class' => 'hide',
'checked' => isset($customSelectedLabels[$label->id])
$operType = isset($customSelectedLabels[$label->id]) ? 'added' : 'deleted';
<div class="<? echo $operType; ?>"
id="blockOper<? echo $label->id; ?>"></div>
<div class="block-color" id="labelColor<? echo $label->id; ?>"
style="background-color: <? echo $label->color ?>"></div>
<span id="labelText<? echo $label->id; ?>"><? echo $label->name ?></span>
<? } ?>
<div class="block-labelsInProfile">
<? foreach ($customSelectedLabels as $label) { ?>
<div class="block-elem" id="blockElem<?
echo $label->id ?>">
<div class="block-color"
style="background-color: <? echo $label->color ?>"></div>
<span><? echo $label->name ?></span>
<? }
<? } ?>
<div class="solid_an_client">
if ($user->roles[0]->name == 'admin' || $userRight['create_deals'] == 1) {
echo '<div class="form-group_single_row" style="width: 100px;">
' . CHtml::submitButton('Сохранить', array('class' => 'maui_btn', 'id' => 'save')) . '
echo '<div class="form-group_single_row" style="width: 100px;">
' . CHtml::submitButton('Сохранить и создать', array('class' => 'foton_btn', 'style' => 'margin-bottom: 10px', 'name' => 'save_and_create', 'id' => 'save_and_create')) . '
echo $form->textField($deal, 'deal_type_id', array('class' => 'hide', 'id' => 'inputDealType'));
echo $form->textField($newReason, 'id', array('class' => 'hide', 'id' => 'inputReason'));
<input type="submit" class="win_btn <?
echo $deal->deal_type_id == 2 || $deal->deal_type_id == 3 ? 'hide' : null ?>"
value="Выиграно" onclick="win(event)">
<div class="reason-container">
<div class="lose-container <?echo $deal->deal_type_id == 2 ? 'hide' : null ?>">
<input type="button" class="lose_btn " value="<?
echo $dealTypeList[3]['reason'] ?>" onclick="lose(event)">
<div class="jq-selectbox__trigger-arrow arrow-margin">
<!--Список причин-->
<div class="reason-block hide">
<ul style="border-top: none;padding-top: 10px;padding-bottom: 15px;">
<? foreach ($reasons as $value) {
echo "<li onclick='changeReason(event, $value->id)'>$value->name</li>";
} ?>
<input type="submit" class="return-active-btn <?
echo $deal->deal_type_id == 1 ? 'hide' : null ?>" value="Вернуть сделку"
onclick="returnAction(event)" style="margin-bottom: 10px">
<?/* echo '<div class="form-group_single_row" style="width: 100px;">
' . CHtml::submitButton('Проиграно', array('class' => 'maui_btn', 'onClick' => 'lose(event)')) . '
</div>';*/ ?>
<div id="preloader" style="margin: 0 auto;"></div>
if ($user->roles[0]->name == 'admin' || $userRight['delete_deals'] == 1) {
echo '
<div class="function-delete" style="display: block;padding-left: 0px;text-align: center;">
<a class="delete" href="#">Удалить сделку</a>
<div class="function-delete-confirm" style="display: none;">
<ul class="horizontal_2">
<li class="big">Подтвердите удаление:</li>
<li><a href="#" class="cancel" style="margin-right: 10px;">Отмена</a></li>
<li style="padding-top: 9px;padding-bottom: 24px;">' . $delete_button . '</li>
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>
$("#edit-deal").submit(function () {
// устанавливаем выбранные ранее метки, на случай если валидация в методе не прошла
var listLabels = $(".block-labelsInProfile .block-elem") || [],
listOption = <?echo json_encode($listStepOptionJS)?>;
for (var i = 0; i < listLabels.length; i++) {
var labelId = listLabels[i].id.replace('blockElem', '');
var elem = $('#blockOper' + labelId);
$('#checkbox' + labelId).prop('checked', true);
changeLabel = function (labelId) {
var elem = $('#blockOper' + labelId),
divColor = $('#labelColor' + labelId)[0].outerHTML,
spanText = $('#labelText' + labelId)[0].outerHTML;
if ($('#checkbox' + labelId).is(':checked')) {
$('#checkbox' + labelId).prop('checked', false);
$('#blockElem' + labelId).remove();
} else {
$('#checkbox' + labelId).prop('checked', true);
var blockShowLabels = $('.block-labelsInProfile'),
labelDIv = '<div class="block-elem" id="blockElem' + labelId + '">' + divColor + spanText + '</div>';
$("#editLabels").click(function (e) {
var listLabels = $(".customDropDownListLabels");
if (listLabels.hasClass('hide')) {
} else {
jQuery(function ($) {
$(document).mouseup(function (e) { // событие клика по веб-документу
var div = $(".customDropDownListLabels"); // тут указываем ID элемента
if (!div.is(e.target) && div.has(e.target).length === 0 && !$("#editLabels").is(e.target)) {//&& div.has(e.target).length === 0) { // и не по его дочерним элементам
div.addClass('hide'); // скрываем его
if (!$(".color-customDropDawnList").is(e.target)) {
if (!$(".lose_btn").is(e.target) && !$(".reason-block").hasClass("hide")) {
function delDocument(id) {
if (confirm('Вы действительно хотите удалить файл?')) {
document.location.href = '/page/deal_document_delete/' + id;
function addFileBlock(json) {
if ($userRight['role'] == 'admin' || $userRight['delete_files_deal']) {
'<a target="_blank" href="/page/get_file_deal/' + json.fileId + '">' + json.filename + '</a>' +
'<img class="delDocument_4a" onclick="delDocument(' + json.fileId + ')" src="/img/cancel_newdoc.svg" alt="">' +
} else { ?>
'<a target="_blank" href="/page/get_file_deal/' + json.fileId + '">' + json.filename + '</a>' +
function showDropDawnColor(event, disabled) {
if (disabled) {
let gh = event.target.closest('#colorSelect').children[1];
gh.style.display = 'block';
function changeColor(event, color, name, id) {
let colorBlock = event.target.closest('#colorSelect').querySelector('.color-block'),
inputColorBlock = colorBlock.querySelector('input'),
collectionOptions = document.getElementById("selectStep").options,
listOptionSelected = listOption[collectionOptions[collectionOptions.selectedIndex].value],
stepProgressBar = document.getElementsByClassName("step-progressBar")[0],
spanText = colorBlock.querySelector('span');
colorBlock.style.backgroundColor = color;
inputColorBlock.value = id;
spanText.textContent = name;
if (listOptionSelected) {
stepProgressBar.children = null;
let listElem = '',
isGrey = false;
for (let i = 0; i < listOptionSelected.length; i++) {
listElem += '<div class="progressBar-elem" style="background-color:' + (isGrey ? 'darkgrey' : listOptionSelected[i].color) + '"> </div>';
if (id == listOptionSelected[i].id) {
isGrey = true;
stepProgressBar.innerHTML = listElem;
function changeStep() {
let collectionOptions = document.getElementById("selectStep").options,
listOptionSelected = listOption[collectionOptions[collectionOptions.selectedIndex].value],
selectOptions = document.querySelector(".color-customDropDawnList"),
colorBlock = document.getElementsByClassName("color-block")[0],
stepProgressBar = document.getElementsByClassName("step-progressBar")[0],
ul = document.createElement('ul');
ul.innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById("colorSelect").style.display = 'inline-flex';
stepProgressBar.style.display = 'inline-flex';
if (listOptionSelected) {
for (let i = 0; i < listOptionSelected.length; i++) {
ul.innerHTML += "<li value='" + listOptionSelected[i].id + "' onclick='changeColor(event, " + '"' + listOptionSelected[i].color + '"' + ", " + '"' + listOptionSelected[i].name + '", ' + listOptionSelected[i].id + ");'><div class='block-color' style='background-color:" + listOptionSelected[i].color + ";'></div><div class='margin-top-1'>" + listOptionSelected[i].name + "</div></li>";
selectOptions.replaceChild(ul, selectOptions.children[0]);
colorBlock.style.backgroundColor = listOptionSelected[0].color;
colorBlock.children[0].textContent = listOptionSelected[0].name;
colorBlock.children[1].value = listOptionSelected[0].id;
let listElem = '';
for (let i = 0; i < listOptionSelected.length; i++) {
listElem += '<div class="progressBar-elem" style="background-color:' + (i ? 'darkgrey' : listOptionSelected[i].color) + '"> </div>';
stepProgressBar.innerHTML = listElem;
} else {
document.getElementById("colorSelect").style.display = 'none';
stepProgressBar.style.display = 'none';
// обработчики кнопок для Типа
function win(event) {
$("#inputDealType")[0].value = 2;
function lose(event) {
var reasonBlock = $(".reason-block");
if (reasonBlock.hasClass('hide')) {
} else {
function returnAction(event) {
$("#inputDealType")[0].value = 1;
function changeReason(event, id) {
$("#inputDealType")[0].value = 3;
$("#inputReason")[0].value = id;
function closeNotification (event) {
var notification = event.target;
notification = notification.closest('.save-message') || notification.closest('.save-message_add');