Файл: protected/extensions/yii2-debug/controllers/DefaultController.php
Строк: 250
* @author Roman Zhuravlev <zhuravljov@gmail.com>
* @package Yii2Debug
* @since 1.1.13
* @property Yii2Debug $owner
class DefaultController extends CController
public $layout = 'main';
public $summary;
* @return Yii2Debug
public function getOwner()
return $this->getModule()->owner;
* @return Yii2Debug
* @deprecated will removed in 1.2
public function getComponent()
return $this->getModule()->owner;
* Общий список логов
public function actionIndex()
$this->render('index', array(
'manifest' => $this->getManifest(),
* Страница для просмотра отладочной информации
* @param null $tag сохраненного лога
* @param null $panel id страницы
public function actionView($tag = null, $panel = null)
if ($tag === null) {
$tags = array_keys($this->getManifest());
$tag = reset($tags);
if (isset($this->component->panels[$panel])) {
$activePanel = $this->getOwner()->panels[$panel];
} else {
$activePanel = $this->getOwner()->panels['request'];
$this->render('view', array(
'tag' => $tag,
'summary' => $this->summary,
'manifest' => $this->getManifest(),
'panels' => $this->getOwner()->panels,
'activePanel' => $activePanel,
* Блокировка/разблокировка лога от автоматического удаления
* @param string $tag
public function actionLock($tag)
$lock = $this->getOwner()->getLock($tag);
$this->getOwner()->setLock($tag, !$lock);
echo !$lock;
* @param string $tag
* @param int $num
* @param string $connection
* @throws CHttpException
* @throws Exception
public function actionExplain($tag, $num, $connection)
$dbPanel = $this->getOwner()->panels['db'];
if (!($dbPanel instanceof Yii2DbPanel)) {
throw new Exception('Yii2DbPanel not found');
if (!$dbPanel->canExplain) {
throw new CHttpException(403, 'Forbidden');
$message = $dbPanel->messageByNum($num);
if ($message === null) {
throw new Exception("Not found query by number $num");
$query = $dbPanel->formatSql($message, true);
/* @var CDbConnection $db */
$db = Yii::app()->getComponent($connection);
if (!Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
$this->getOwner()->setLock($tag, true);
$this->render('explain', array(
'tag' => $tag,
'summary' => $this->summary,
'manifest' => $this->getManifest(),
'panels' => $this->getOwner()->panels,
'dbPanel' => $dbPanel,
'connection' => $db,
'procedure' => Yii2DbPanel::getExplainQuery($query, $db->driverName),
'explainRows' => Yii2DbPanel::explain($query, $db),
} else {
$this->renderPartial('_explain', array(
'connection' => $db,
'explainRows' => Yii2DbPanel::explain($query, $db),
* Генерирует код дебаг-панели по ajax-запросу
* @param $tag
public function actionToolbar($tag)
$this->renderPartial('toolbar', array(
'tag' => $tag,
'panels' => $this->getOwner()->panels,
public function actionPhpinfo()
private $_manifest;
protected function getManifest()
if ($this->_manifest === null) {
$path = $this->getOwner()->logPath;
$indexFile = "$path/index.data";
if (is_file($indexFile)) {
$this->_manifest = array_reverse(unserialize(file_get_contents($indexFile)), true);
} else {
$this->_manifest = array();
return $this->_manifest;
protected function loadData($tag)
$manifest = $this->getManifest();
if (isset($manifest[$tag])) {
$path = $this->getOwner()->logPath;
$dataFile = "$path/$tag.data";
$data = unserialize(file_get_contents($dataFile));
foreach ($this->getOwner()->panels as $id => $panel) {
if (isset($data[$id])) {
$panel->load($data[$id], $tag);
} else {
// remove the panel since it has not received any data
$this->summary = $data['summary'];
} else {
throw new CHttpException(404, "Unable to find debug data tagged with '$tag'.");
public function actionConfig()
if (!$this->getOwner()->showConfig) {
throw new CHttpException(403, 'Forbidden');
$components = array();
foreach (Yii::app()->getComponents(false) as $id => $config) {
try {
$components[$id] = Yii::app()->getComponent($id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$components[$id] = array_merge($config, array(
'_error_' => $e->getMessage(),
$modules = Yii::app()->modules;
$data = $this->hideConfigData(
'app' => Yii2Debug::prepareData(Yii::app()),
'components' => Yii2Debug::prepareData($components),
'modules' => Yii2Debug::prepareData($modules),
'params' => Yii2Debug::prepareData(Yii::app()->params),
$this->render('config', $data);
* @param array $config
* @param array $options
* @return array
private function hideConfigData($config, $options)
foreach ($options as $option) {
$item = &$config;
foreach (explode('/', $option) as $key) {
if (is_array($item) && isset($item[$key])) {
$item = &$item[$key];
} else {
if (isset($item)) {
$item = '**********';
return $config;