Файл: protected/extensions/widgets/highcharts/HighchartsWidget.php
Строк: 136
* HighchartsWidget class file.
* @author Milo Schuman <miloschuman@gmail.com>
* @link https://github.com/miloschuman/yii-highcharts/
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
* @version 3.0.4
* HighchartsWidget encapsulates the {@link http://www.highcharts.com/ Highcharts}
* charting library's Chart object.
* To use this widget, you may insert the following code in a view:
* <pre>
* $this->Widget('ext.highcharts.HighchartsWidget', array(
* 'options'=>array(
* 'title' => array('text' => 'Fruit Consumption'),
* 'xAxis' => array(
* 'categories' => array('Apples', 'Bananas', 'Oranges')
* ),
* 'yAxis' => array(
* 'title' => array('text' => 'Fruit eaten')
* ),
* 'series' => array(
* array('name' => 'Jane', 'data' => array(1, 0, 4)),
* array('name' => 'John', 'data' => array(5, 7, 3))
* )
* )
* ));
* </pre>
* By configuring the {@link $options} property, you may specify the options
* that need to be passed to the Highcharts JavaScript object. Please refer to
* the demo gallery and documentation on the {@link http://www.highcharts.com/
* Highcharts website} for possible options.
* Alternatively, you can use a valid JSON string in place of an associative
* array to specify options:
* <pre>
* $this->Widget('ext.highcharts.HighchartsWidget', array(
* 'options'=>'{
* "title": { "text": "Fruit Consumption" },
* "xAxis": {
* "categories": ["Apples", "Bananas", "Oranges"]
* },
* "yAxis": {
* "title": { "text": "Fruit eaten" }
* },
* "series": [
* { "name": "Jane", "data": [1, 0, 4] },
* { "name": "John", "data": [5, 7,3] }
* ]
* }'
* ));
* </pre>
* Note: You must provide a valid JSON string (e.g. double quotes) when using
* the second option. You can quickly validate your JSON string online using
* {@link http://jsonlint.com/ JSONLint}.
* Note: You do not need to specify the <code>chart->renderTo</code> option as
* is shown in many of the examples on the Highcharts website. This value is
* automatically populated with the id of the widget's container element. If you
* wish to use a different container, feel free to specify a custom value.
class HighchartsWidget extends CWidget
public $options = array();
public $htmlOptions = array();
public $scripts = array();
* Renders the widget.
public function run()
$id = $this->getId();
$this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
echo CHtml::openTag('div', $this->htmlOptions);
echo CHtml::closeTag('div');
// check if options parameter is a json string
if(is_string($this->options)) {
if(!$this->options = CJSON::decode($this->options))
throw new CException('The options parameter is not valid JSON.');
// TODO translate exception message
// merge options with default values
$defaultOptions = array('chart' => array('renderTo' => $id), 'exporting' => array('enabled' => true));
$this->options = CMap::mergeArray($defaultOptions, $this->options);
$jsOptions = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
$this->registerScripts(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, "var chart = new Highcharts.Chart($jsOptions);");
* Publishes and registers the necessary script files.
* @param string the id of the script to be inserted into the page
* @param string the embedded script to be inserted into the page
protected function registerScripts($id, $embeddedScript)
$basePath = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$baseUrl = Yii::app()->getAssetManager()->publish($basePath, false, 1, YII_DEBUG);
$scriptFile = YII_DEBUG ? '/highcharts.src.js' : '/highcharts.js';
$cs = Yii::app()->clientScript;
$cs->registerScriptFile($baseUrl . $scriptFile);
// register additional scripts
foreach($this->scripts as $script) {
$scriptFile = YII_DEBUG ? $script . '.src.js' : $script . '.js';
$cs->registerScript($id, $embeddedScript, CClientScript::POS_LOAD);