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Файл: framework/vendors/TextHighlighter/Text/Highlighter/PYTHON.php
Строк: 346
 * Auto-generated class. PYTHON syntax highlighting 
 * PHP version 4 and 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
 * http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.  If you did not receive a copy of
 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
 * send a note to license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.
 * @copyright  2004-2006 Andrey Demenev
 * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt  PHP License
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/Text_Highlighter
 * @category   Text
 * @package    Text_Highlighter
 * @version    generated from: : python.xml,v 1.1 2007/06/03 02:35:28 ssttoo Exp 
 * @author Andrey Demenev <demenev@gmail.com>

 * Auto-generated class. PYTHON syntax highlighting
 * @author Andrey Demenev <demenev@gmail.com>
 * @category   Text
 * @package    Text_Highlighter
 * @copyright  2004-2006 Andrey Demenev
 * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt  PHP License
 * @version    Release: 0.7.1
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/Text_Highlighter
class  Text_Highlighter_PYTHON extends Text_Highlighter
$_language 'python';

     *  Constructor
     * @param array  $options
     * @access public
function __construct($options=array())

$this->_options $options;
$this->_regs = array (
=> '/((?i)''')|((?i)""")|((?i)")|((?i)')|((?i)\()|((?i)\[)|((?i)[a-z_]\w*(?=\s*\())|((?i)[a-z_]\w*)|((?i)((\d+|((\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*)))[eE][+-]?\d+))|((?i)((\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*)|(\d+))j)|((?i)(\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*))|((?i)\d+l?|\b0l?\b)|((?i)0[xX][\da-f]+l?)|((?i)0[0-7]+l?)|((?i)#.+)/',
=> '/((?i)\\.)/',
=> '/((?i)\\.)/',
=> '/((?i)\\.)/',
=> '/((?i)\\.)/',
=> '/((?i)''')|((?i)""")|((?i)")|((?i)')|((?i)\()|((?i)\[)|((?i)[a-z_]\w*(?=\s*\())|((?i)[a-z_]\w*)|((?i)((\d+|((\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*)))[eE][+-]?\d+))|((?i)((\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*)|(\d+))j)|((?i)(\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*))|((?i)\d+l?|\b0l?\b)|((?i)0[xX][\da-f]+l?)|((?i)0[0-7]+l?)|((?i)#.+)/',
=> '/((?i)''')|((?i)""")|((?i)")|((?i)')|((?i)\()|((?i)\[)|((?i)[a-z_]\w*(?=\s*\())|((?i)[a-z_]\w*)|((?i)((\d+|((\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*)))[eE][+-]?\d+))|((?i)((\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*)|(\d+))j)|((?i)(\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*))|((?i)\d+l?|\b0l?\b)|((?i)0[xX][\da-f]+l?)|((?i)0[0-7]+l?)|((?i)#.+)/',
$this->_counts = array (
            array (
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 5,
=> 4,
10 => 2,
11 => 0,
12 => 0,
13 => 0,
14 => 0,
            array (
=> 0,
            array (
=> 0,
            array (
=> 0,
            array (
=> 0,
            array (
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 5,
=> 4,
10 => 2,
11 => 0,
12 => 0,
13 => 0,
14 => 0,
            array (
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 5,
=> 4,
10 => 2,
11 => 0,
12 => 0,
13 => 0,
14 => 0,
$this->_delim = array (
            array (
=> 'quotes',
=> 'quotes',
=> 'quotes',
=> 'quotes',
=> 'brackets',
=> 'brackets',
=> '',
=> '',
=> '',
=> '',
10 => '',
11 => '',
12 => '',
13 => '',
14 => '',
            array (
=> '',
            array (
=> '',
            array (
=> '',
            array (
=> '',
            array (
=> 'quotes',
=> 'quotes',
=> 'quotes',
=> 'quotes',
=> 'brackets',
=> 'brackets',
=> '',
=> '',
=> '',
=> '',
10 => '',
11 => '',
12 => '',
13 => '',
14 => '',
            array (
=> 'quotes',
=> 'quotes',
=> 'quotes',
=> 'quotes',
=> 'brackets',
=> 'brackets',
=> '',
=> '',
=> '',
=> '',
10 => '',
11 => '',
12 => '',
13 => '',
14 => '',
$this->_inner = array (
            array (
=> 'string',
=> 'string',
=> 'string',
=> 'string',
=> 'code',
=> 'code',
=> 'identifier',
=> 'identifier',
=> 'number',
=> 'number',
10 => 'number',
11 => 'number',
12 => 'number',
13 => 'number',
14 => 'comment',
            array (
=> 'special',
            array (
=> 'special',
            array (
=> 'special',
            array (
=> 'special',
            array (
=> 'string',
=> 'string',
=> 'string',
=> 'string',
=> 'code',
=> 'code',
=> 'identifier',
=> 'identifier',
=> 'number',
=> 'number',
10 => 'number',
11 => 'number',
12 => 'number',
13 => 'number',
14 => 'comment',
            array (
=> 'string',
=> 'string',
=> 'string',
=> 'string',
=> 'code',
=> 'code',
=> 'identifier',
=> 'identifier',
=> 'number',
=> 'number',
10 => 'number',
11 => 'number',
12 => 'number',
13 => 'number',
14 => 'comment',
$this->_end = array (
=> '/(?i)'''/',
            1 => '
            2 => '/(?i)"
            3 => '
=> '/(?i)\)/',
=> '/(?i)\]/',
$this->_states = array (
            array (
=> 0,
=> 1,
=> 2,
=> 3,
=> 4,
=> 5,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
10 => -1,
11 => -1,
12 => -1,
13 => -1,
14 => -1,
            array (
=> -1,
            array (
=> -1,
            array (
=> -1,
            array (
=> -1,
            array (
=> 0,
=> 1,
=> 2,
=> 3,
=> 4,
=> 5,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
10 => -1,
11 => -1,
12 => -1,
13 => -1,
14 => -1,
            array (
=> 0,
=> 1,
=> 2,
=> 3,
=> 4,
=> 5,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
10 => -1,
11 => -1,
12 => -1,
13 => -1,
14 => -1,
$this->_keywords = array (
            array (
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
                array (
'builtin' => '/^(__import__|abs|apply|basestring|bool|buffer|callable|chr|classmethod|cmp|coerce|compile|complex|delattr|dict|dir|divmod|enumerate|eval|execfile|file|filter|float|getattr|globals|hasattr|hash|help|hex|id|input|int|intern|isinstance|issubclass|iter|len|list|locals|long|map|max|min|object|oct|open|ord|pow|property|range|raw_input|reduce|reload|repr|round|setattr|slice|staticmethod|sum|super|str|tuple|type|unichr|unicode|vars|xrange|zip)$/',
                array (
'reserved' => '/^(and|del|for|is|raise|assert|elif|from|lambda|return|break|else|global|not|try|class|except|if|or|while|continue|exec|import|pass|yield|def|finally|in|print|False|True|None|NotImplemented|Ellipsis|Exception|SystemExit|StopIteration|StandardError|KeyboardInterrupt|ImportError|EnvironmentError|IOError|OSError|WindowsError|EOFError|RuntimeError|NotImplementedError|NameError|UnboundLocalError|AttributeError|SyntaxError|IndentationError|TabError|TypeError|AssertionError|LookupError|IndexError|KeyError|ArithmeticError|OverflowError|ZeroDivisionError|FloatingPointError|ValueError|UnicodeError|UnicodeEncodeError|UnicodeDecodeError|UnicodeTranslateError|ReferenceError|SystemError|MemoryError|Warning|UserWarning|DeprecationWarning|PendingDeprecationWarning|SyntaxWarning|OverflowWarning|RuntimeWarning|FutureWarning)$/',
                array (
                array (
10 => 
                array (
11 => 
                array (
12 => 
                array (
13 => 
                array (
14 => 
                array (
            array (
                array (
            array (
                array (
            array (
                array (
            array (
                array (
            array (
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
                array (
'builtin' => '/^(__import__|abs|apply|basestring|bool|buffer|callable|chr|classmethod|cmp|coerce|compile|complex|delattr|dict|dir|divmod|enumerate|eval|execfile|file|filter|float|getattr|globals|hasattr|hash|help|hex|id|input|int|intern|isinstance|issubclass|iter|len|list|locals|long|map|max|min|object|oct|open|ord|pow|property|range|raw_input|reduce|reload|repr|round|setattr|slice|staticmethod|sum|super|str|tuple|type|unichr|unicode|vars|xrange|zip)$/',
                array (
'reserved' => '/^(and|del|for|is|raise|assert|elif|from|lambda|return|break|else|global|not|try|class|except|if|or|while|continue|exec|import|pass|yield|def|finally|in|print|False|True|None|NotImplemented|Ellipsis|Exception|SystemExit|StopIteration|StandardError|KeyboardInterrupt|ImportError|EnvironmentError|IOError|OSError|WindowsError|EOFError|RuntimeError|NotImplementedError|NameError|UnboundLocalError|AttributeError|SyntaxError|IndentationError|TabError|TypeError|AssertionError|LookupError|IndexError|KeyError|ArithmeticError|OverflowError|ZeroDivisionError|FloatingPointError|ValueError|UnicodeError|UnicodeEncodeError|UnicodeDecodeError|UnicodeTranslateError|ReferenceError|SystemError|MemoryError|Warning|UserWarning|DeprecationWarning|PendingDeprecationWarning|SyntaxWarning|OverflowWarning|RuntimeWarning|FutureWarning)$/',
                array (
                array (
10 => 
                array (
11 => 
                array (
12 => 
                array (
13 => 
                array (
14 => 
                array (
            array (
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
=> -1,
                array (
'builtin' => '/^(__import__|abs|apply|basestring|bool|buffer|callable|chr|classmethod|cmp|coerce|compile|complex|delattr|dict|dir|divmod|enumerate|eval|execfile|file|filter|float|getattr|globals|hasattr|hash|help|hex|id|input|int|intern|isinstance|issubclass|iter|len|list|locals|long|map|max|min|object|oct|open|ord|pow|property|range|raw_input|reduce|reload|repr|round|setattr|slice|staticmethod|sum|super|str|tuple|type|unichr|unicode|vars|xrange|zip)$/',
                array (
'reserved' => '/^(and|del|for|is|raise|assert|elif|from|lambda|return|break|else|global|not|try|class|except|if|or|while|continue|exec|import|pass|yield|def|finally|in|print|False|True|None|NotImplemented|Ellipsis|Exception|SystemExit|StopIteration|StandardError|KeyboardInterrupt|ImportError|EnvironmentError|IOError|OSError|WindowsError|EOFError|RuntimeError|NotImplementedError|NameError|UnboundLocalError|AttributeError|SyntaxError|IndentationError|TabError|TypeError|AssertionError|LookupError|IndexError|KeyError|ArithmeticError|OverflowError|ZeroDivisionError|FloatingPointError|ValueError|UnicodeError|UnicodeEncodeError|UnicodeDecodeError|UnicodeTranslateError|ReferenceError|SystemError|MemoryError|Warning|UserWarning|DeprecationWarning|PendingDeprecationWarning|SyntaxWarning|OverflowWarning|RuntimeWarning|FutureWarning)$/',
                array (
                array (
10 => 
                array (
11 => 
                array (
12 => 
                array (
13 => 
                array (
14 => 
                array (
$this->_parts = array (
            array (
=> NULL,
            array (
=> NULL,
            array (
=> NULL,
            array (
=> NULL,
            array (
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
10 => NULL,
11 => NULL,
12 => NULL,
13 => NULL,
14 => NULL,
            array (
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
=> NULL,
10 => NULL,
11 => NULL,
12 => NULL,
13 => NULL,
14 => NULL,
$this->_subst = array (
            array (
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
10 => false,
11 => false,
12 => false,
13 => false,
14 => false,
            array (
=> false,
            array (
=> false,
            array (
=> false,
            array (
=> false,
            array (
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
10 => false,
11 => false,
12 => false,
13 => false,
14 => false,
            array (
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
=> false,
10 => false,
11 => false,
12 => false,
13 => false,
14 => false,
$this->_conditions = array (
$this->_kwmap = array (
'builtin' => 'builtin',
'reserved' => 'reserved',
$this->_defClass 'code';
Онлайн: 2