Файл: app/Traits/UserTrait.php
Строк: 156
namespace AppTraits;
use AppModelsUser;
use IlluminateHttpRequest;
use IlluminateSupportCarbon;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesHash;
trait UserTrait
* Update the User.
* @param Request $request
* @param User $user
* @return User
* @throws GuzzleHttpExceptionGuzzleException
protected function userUpdate(Request $request, User $user)
$user->name = $request->input('name');
$user->timezone = $request->input('timezone');
$user->tfa = $request->boolean('tfa');
if ($user->email != $request->input('email')) {
// If email registration site setting is enabled and the request is not from the Admin Panel
if (config('settings.registration_verification') && !$request->is('admin/*')) {
// Send send email validation notification
} else {
$user->email = $request->input('email');
if ($request->is('admin/*')) {
$user->role = $request->input('role');
// Update the password
if (!empty($request->input('password'))) {
$user->password = Hash::make($request->input('password'));
// Update the email verified status
if ($request->input('email_verified_at')) {
} else {
$user->email_verified_at = null;
// Update the plan
if ($request->input('plan_id')) {
$planEndsAt = null;
// If the plan ends at is set, and the plan is not the default one
if ($request->input('plan_id') && ($request->input('plan_ends_at') && $request->input('plan_id') != 1)) {
$planEndsAt = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $request->input('plan_ends_at'), $user->timezone ?? config('app.timezone'))->tz(config('app.timezone'));
// If the plan has changed
// or if the plan end date is indefinitely but the date has changed
// or if the plan has an end date but the end date has changed
if ($request->input('plan_id') && ($user->plan->id != $request->input('plan_id') || ($user->plan_ends_at == null && $user->plan_ends_at != $planEndsAt) || ($user->plan_ends_at && $planEndsAt && !$user->plan_ends_at->isSameDay($planEndsAt)))) {
// If the user previously had a subscription, attempt to cancel it
if ($user->plan_subscription_id) {
$user->plan_id = $request->input('plan_id');
$user->plan_interval = null;
$user->plan_currency = null;
$user->plan_amount = null;
$user->plan_payment_processor = null;
$user->plan_subscription_id = null;
$user->plan_subscription_status = null;
$user->plan_created_at = Carbon::now();
$user->plan_recurring_at = null;
$user->plan_trial_ends_at = $user->plan_trial_ends_at ? Carbon::now() : null;
$user->plan_ends_at = $planEndsAt;
// If the user had tracking disabled previously
if (!$user->can_track) {
$user->can_track = true;
return $user;