Файл: app/Providers/SettingsServiceProvider.php
Строк: 91
namespace AppProviders;
use AppModelsSetting;
use IlluminateHttpRequest;
use IlluminateSupportServiceProvider;
class SettingsServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register services.
* @return void
public function register()
* Bootstrap services.
* @return void
public function boot(Request $request)
try {
$settings = Setting::all()->pluck('value', 'name');
// Set the app's name
config(['app.name' => $settings['title']]);
// Store all the database settings in a config array
foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
config(['settings.' . $key => $value]);
// Set the app's default theme
if (!$request->hasCookie('dark_mode')) {
config(['settings.dark_mode' => config('settings.theme')]);
} else {
// Rewrite the app's theme with the user's preference
if ($request->cookie('dark_mode') == 1) {
config(['settings.dark_mode' => 1]);
} else {
config(['settings.dark_mode' => 0]);
// Set the app's default mail settings
config(['mail.default' => config('settings.email_driver')]);
config(['mail.mailers.smtp.host' => config('settings.email_host')]);
config(['mail.mailers.smtp.port' => config('settings.email_port')]);
config(['mail.mailers.smtp.encryption' => config('settings.email_encryption')]);
config(['mail.mailers.smtp.username' => config('settings.email_username')]);
config(['mail.mailers.smtp.password' => config('settings.email_password')]);
config(['mail.from.address' => config('settings.email_address')]);
config(['mail.from.name' => config('settings.title')]);
// Set the reCaptcha keys
config(['captcha.sitekey' => config('settings.captcha_site_key')]);
config(['captcha.secret' => config('settings.captcha_secret_key')]);
// Get the available locales
$locales = [];
if($handle = opendir(app()->langPath())) {
while(false !== ($locale = readdir($handle))) {
if($locale != '.' && $locale != '..' && pathinfo($locale, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'json') {
// Set the default locale
if (pathinfo($locale, PATHINFO_FILENAME) == config('settings.locale')) {
config(['app.locale' => pathinfo($locale, PATHINFO_FILENAME)]);
$locales[] = pathinfo($locale, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
// Store the locales
config(['app.locales' => array_intersect_key(config('languages'), array_flip($locales))]);
} catch (Exception $e) {}