Файл: app/Http/Requests/StoreWebsiteRequest.php
Строк: 56
namespace AppHttpRequests;
use AppRulesValidateBadWordsRule;
use AppRulesValidateDomainNameRule;
use AppRulesValidateWebsiteURLRule;
use AppRulesWebsiteLimitGateRule;
use IlluminateFoundationHttpFormRequest;
use IlluminateValidationRule;
class StoreWebsiteRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* @return bool
public function authorize()
return true;
* Prepare the data for validation.
* @return void
protected function prepareForValidation()
// Remove the URL protocol from the name input
$domain = str_replace(['https://', 'http://'], '', mb_strtolower($this->input('domain')));
$this->merge(['domain' => str_starts_with($domain, 'www.') ? str_replace('www.', '', $domain) : $domain]);
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* @return array
public function rules()
return [
'domain' => ['required', 'max:255', new ValidateDomainNameRule(), 'unique:websites,domain', new ValidateBadWordsRule(), new WebsiteLimitGateRule($this->user())],
'privacy' => ['nullable', 'integer', 'between:0,2'],
'password' => [Rule::requiredIf($this->input('privacy') == 2), 'nullable', 'string', 'min:1', 'max:128'],
'exclude_bots' => ['nullable', 'integer', 'between:0,1'],
'exclude_params' => ['nullable', 'string'],
'exclude_ips' => ['nullable', 'string'],
'email' => ['nullable', 'integer']