Файл: app/Helpers/format.php
Строк: 152
* Format the page titles.
* @param null $value
* @return string|null
function formatTitle($value = null)
if (is_array($value)) {
return implode(" - ", $value);
return $value;
* Format money.
* @param $amount
* @param $currency
* @param bool $separator
* @param bool $translate
* @return string
function formatMoney($amount, $currency, $separator = true, $translate = true)
if (in_array(strtoupper($currency), config('currencies.zero_decimals'))) {
return number_format($amount, 0, $translate ? __('.') : '.', $separator ? ($translate ? __(',') : ',') : false);
} else {
return number_format($amount, 2, $translate ? __('.') : '.', $separator ? ($translate ? __(',') : ',') : false);
* Get and format the Gravatar URL.
* @param $email
* @param int $size
* @param string $default
* @param string $rating
* @return string
function gravatar($email, $size = 80, $default = 'identicon', $rating = 'g')
$url = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/';
$url .= md5( strtolower( trim( $email ) ) );
$url .= '?s='.$size.'&d='.$default.'&r='.$rating;
return $url;
* Format the browser icon
* @param $key
* @return mixed|string
function formatBrowser($key)
$browsers = [
'Chrome' => 'chrome',
'Chromium' => 'chromium',
'Firefox' => 'firefox',
'Firefox Mobile' => 'firefox',
'Edge' => 'edge',
'Internet Explorer' => 'ie',
'Mobile Internet Explorer' => 'ie',
'Vivaldi' => 'vivaldi',
'Brave' => 'brave',
'Safari' => 'safari',
'Opera' => 'opera',
'Opera Mini' => 'opera',
'Opera Mobile' => 'opera',
'Opera Touch' => 'operatouch',
'Yandex Browser' => 'yandex',
'UC Browser' => 'ucbrowser',
'Samsung Internet' => 'samsung',
'QQ Browser' => 'qq',
'BlackBerry Browser' => 'bbbrowser',
'Maxthon' => 'maxthon'
if (array_key_exists($key, $browsers)) {
return $browsers[$key];
} else {
return 'unknown';
* Format the operating system icon
* @param $key
* @return mixed|string
function formatOperatingSystem($key)
$operatingSystems = [
'Windows' => 'windows',
'Linux' => 'linux',
'Ubuntu' => 'ubuntu',
'Windows Phone' => 'windows',
'iOS' => 'apple',
'OS X' => 'apple',
'FreeBSD' => 'freebsd',
'Android' => 'android',
'Chrome OS' => 'chromeos',
'BlackBerry OS' => 'bbos',
'Tizen' => 'tizen',
'KaiOS' => 'kaios',
'BlackBerry Tablet OS' => 'bbos'
if (array_key_exists($key, $operatingSystems)) {
return $operatingSystems[$key];
} else {
return 'unknown';
* Format the devices icon
* @param $key
* @return mixed|string
function formatDevice($key)
$devices = [
'desktop' => 'desktop',
'mobile' => 'mobile',
'tablet' => 'tablet',
'television' => 'tv',
'gaming' => 'gaming',
'watch' => 'watch'
if (array_key_exists($key, $devices)) {
return $devices[$key];
} else {
return 'unknown';
* Format the flag icon
* @param $value
* @return string
function formatFlag($value)
$country = explode(':', $value);
if (isset($country[0]) && !empty($country[0])) {
// Return the country code
return strtolower($country[0]);
} else {
return 'unknown';
* Convert a number into a readable one.
* @param int $number The number to be transformed
* @return string
function shortenNumber($number)
$suffix = ["", "K", "M", "B"];
$precision = 1;
for($i = 0; $i < count($suffix); $i++) {
$divide = $number / pow(1000, $i);
if($divide < 1000) {
return round($divide, $precision).$suffix[$i];
return $number;