Файл: pesn_voini/peseni_vojni/instalscript/engine/public/shop/pay_rune.php
Строк: 229
head("Волшебник",$uid); # Голова
echo logs();
$dat = array('1' => 'Обычное', '2' => 'Редкое', '3' => 'Эпическое', '4' => 'Легендарное', '5' => 'Мифическое', '6' => 'Эксклюзивное');
$dat2 = array('1' => 'Обычная', '2' => 'Редкая', '3' => 'Эпическая', '4' => 'Легендарная', '5' => 'Мифическая', '6' => 'Эксклюзивная');
$color = array('1' => '', '2' => '#0070dd', '3' => '#a335ee', '4' => '#ff8000', '5' => '#05CCFF', '6' => '#f5270d');
$type = array('1' => 'Шлем', '2' => 'Наплечники', '3' => 'Броня', '4' => 'Перчатки', '5' => 'Оружие 1', '6' => 'Оружие 2', '7' => 'Штаны', '8' => 'Сапоги');
$view = abs(intval($_GET['id']));
if($view >= 1){
$item = fch("SELECT * FROM `inv` WHERE `id_user` = ? AND `yes` = ? AND `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($uid,1,$view));
$run = abs(intval($_GET['rune']));
if($run >= 1){
if($run == 1){
$param = 25;
$case = 100;
if($run == 2){
$param = 75;
$case = 500;
if($run == 3){
$param = 150;
$case = 1000;
if($run == 4){
$param = 300;
$case = 2500;
if($run == 5){
$param = 600;
$case = 5000;
if($run == 6){
$param = 1200;
$case = 10000;
if($user['gold'] < $case && $rune['rune_'.$run.''] <= 0){
err("<small>Недостаточно золота - <a href='/paywk'>[Купить]</a></small>");
if($run <= 0){
if($run >= 7){
if($item['rune'] < $run){
qry("UPDATE `inv` SET `power` = `power` + ?, `block` = `block` + ?, `health` = `health` + ?, `rune` = ?, `rune_param` = `rune_param` + ? WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($param,$param,$param,$run,$param,$item['id']));
if($rune['rune_'.$run.''] <= 0){
qry("UPDATE `users` SET `power` = `power` + ?, `block` = `block` + ?, `health` = `health` + ?, `gold` = `gold` - ? WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($param,$param,$param,$case,$uid));
qry("UPDATE `users` SET `power` = `power` + ?, `block` = `block` + ?, `health` = `health` + ?, `gold` = `gold` - ? WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($param,$param,$param,0,$uid));
qry("UPDATE `user_rune` SET `rune_".$run."` = `rune_".$run."` - ? WHERE `id_user` = ? LIMIT 1", array(1,$uid));
echo "
<div class = 'message'>
<td class = 'w1px'>
<span class = 'items-list'>
<span class = 'items-icons'>
<span class = 'items-icons-view' style = 'background-image:url(/instalscript/images/items/class/icons/".$user['class']."/".$item['set']."/".$item['type'].".jpg)'>
if($user['level'] < $item['level']){
echo "- <font color = '#f5270d'><small><b>".$item['level']."</b> ур</small></font>";
echo "
<font color = '".$color[$item['set']]."'>".$dat[$item['set']]." <small>[".$item['smitch']."/".$item['max_smitch']."]</small></font>
if($item['rune'] >= 1)echo "<img src = '/instalscript/images/icons/city/runs.png' width='18' height='18'> <font color = '".$color[$item['rune']]."'> ".$dat2[$item['rune']]." руна</font>, <font color = 'lime'>+".($item['rune_param']*3)."</font>"; else echo "<img src = '/instalscript/images/icons/city/runs.png' width='16' height='16'> Руна не установлена";
echo "<br>
if($rune['rune_1'] >= 1)$case1 = '<font color="lime">Бесплатно</font>'; else $case1 = '<img class ="money" src = "/instalscript/images/user/stat/money-gold.gif"> 100 золота';
if($rune['rune_2'] >= 1)$case2 = '<font color="lime">Бесплатно</font>'; else $case2 = '<img class ="money" src = "/instalscript/images/user/stat/money-gold.gif"> 500 золота';
if($rune['rune_3'] >= 1)$case3 = '<font color="lime">Бесплатно</font>'; else $case3 = '<img class ="money" src = "/instalscript/images/user/stat/money-gold.gif"> 1000 золота';
if($rune['rune_4'] >= 1)$case4 = '<font color="lime">Бесплатно</font>'; else $case4 = '<img class ="money" src = "/instalscript/images/user/stat/money-gold.gif"> 2500 золота';
if($rune['rune_5'] >= 1)$case5 = '<font color="lime">Бесплатно</font>'; else $case5 = '<img class ="money" src = "/instalscript/images/user/stat/money-gold.gif"> 5000 золота';
if($rune['rune_6'] >= 1)$case6 = '<font color="lime">Бесплатно</font>'; else $case6 = '<img class ="money" src = "/instalscript/images/user/stat/money-gold.gif"> 10000 золота';
<div class="hr"></div>
if($item['rune'] == 0){
<div class="message cntr"><b><img src = "/instalscript/images/icons/city/runs.png" width="18" height="18"> <font color="">Обычная руна</font></b><br><font color="lime">+25</font> к параметрам.<br>Цена: <? echo $case1; ?></div><a class = "lnk ma cntr" href = "?id=<? echo $item['id']; ?>&rune=1">Вставить</a>
if($item['rune'] <= 1){
<div class="message cntr"><b><img src = "/instalscript/images/icons/city/runs.png" width="18" height="18"> <font color="#0070dd">Редкая руна</font></b><br><font color="lime">+75</font> к параметрам.<br>Цена: <? echo $case2; ?></div><a class = "lnk ma cntr" href = "?id=<? echo $item['id']; ?>&rune=2">Вставить</a>
if($item['rune'] <= 2){
<div class="message cntr"><b><img src = "/instalscript/images/icons/city/runs.png" width="18" height="18"> <font color="#a335ee">Эпическая руна</font></b><br><font color="lime">+150</font> к параметрам.<br>Цена: <? echo $case3; ?></div><a class = "lnk ma cntr" href = "?id=<? echo $item['id']; ?>&rune=3">Вставить</a>
if($item['rune'] <= 3){
<div class="message cntr"><b><img src = "/instalscript/images/icons/city/runs.png" width="18" height="18"> <font color="#ff8000">Легендарная руна</font></b><br><font color="lime">+300</font> к параметрам.<br>Цена: <? echo $case4; ?></div><a class = "lnk ma cntr" href = "?id=<? echo $item['id']; ?>&rune=4">Вставить</a>
if($item['rune'] <= 4){
<div class="message cntr"><b><img src = "/instalscript/images/icons/city/runs.png" width="18" height="18"> <font color="#05CCFF">Мифическая руна</font></b><br><font color="lime">+600</font> к параметрам.<br>Цена: <? echo $case5; ?></div><a class = "lnk ma cntr" href = "?id=<? echo $item['id']; ?>&rune=5">Вставить</a>
if($item['rune'] <= 5){
<div class="message cntr"><b><img src = "/instalscript/images/icons/city/runs.png" width="18" height="18"> <font color="#f5270d">Эксклюзивная руна</font></b><br><font color="lime">+1200</font> к параметрам.<br>Цена: <? echo $case6; ?></div><a class = "lnk ma cntr" href = "?id=<? echo $item['id']; ?>&rune=6">Вставить</a>
<div class="message cntr">Установлена максимальная руна</div><div class="hr"></div>
echo "<div class = 'message'><a href = '?'>Вернуться назад</a><br></div>";
<table style="width:100%;"><tr>
<td style="width: 33%;" class="cntr"><div class="message"><a href="/rune/?r=<? echo $r?>">Покупка рун </a></div></td>
<td style="width:33%;" class="cntr"><div class="message"><a href="/craft_rune/?r=<? echo $r?>"> Крафт рун</a></div></td>
<div class="message cntr">Выберите вещь в которую хотите вставить руну</div><div class="hr"></div>
for($i=1;$i<=8;$i++) {
$item = fch("SELECT * FROM `inv` WHERE `type` = ? AND `yes` = ? AND `id_user` = ? LIMIT 1", array($i,1,$uid));
echo "
<div class = 'message'>
<td class = 'w1px'>
<a href = '/item/?id=".$uid."&view=".$item['id']."'>
<span class = 'items-list'>
<span class = 'items-icons'>
<span class = 'items-icons-view' style = 'background-image:url(/instalscript/images/items/class/icons/".$user['class']."/".$item['set']."/".$item['type'].".jpg)'>
<a href = '/item/?id=".$uid."&view=".$item['id']."'>".$item['name']."</a> <br>
<font color = '".$color[$item['set']]."'>".$dat[$item['set']]." <small>[".$item['smitch']."/".$item['max_smitch']."]</small></font>
if($item['rune'] <= 5)echo "
<a class = 'lnk ma cntr' href = '?id=".$item['id']."'>Выбрать вещь</a>
echo "
<div class = 'message'>
<td class = 'w1px'>
<span class = 'items-list'>
<span class = 'items-icons'>
<span class = 'items-icons-view' style = 'background-image:url(/instalscript/images/items/empty/".$i.".jpg)'>
Ничего не надето
echo "<a href = '/shop/item/'>Купить снаряжение</a><br>";
echo "
<br><div class="hr"></div><div class="message"><a href="/shop/?r=<? echo $r?>"> Вернуться назад</a></div>