Файл: shop.php
Строк: 188
include_once ('./core/base.php');
$header = 'Магазин';
include_once ('./core/head.php');
if($uloc['city'] > 0) {
$_GET['what'] = fl($_GET['what']);
$_GET['type'] = fl($_GET['type']);
$_GET['buy'] = fl($_GET['buy']);
$_GET['amount'] = fl($_GET['amount']);
if($_GET['amount'] == '') $amount = 1;
elseif($_GET['amount'] == 10) $amount = 10;
elseif($_GET['amount'] == 50) $amount = 50;
if($_GET['buy'] != ''){
$itemq = $base -> query('SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = "'.$_GET['buy'].'" LIMIT 1') -> fetch_assoc();
if($itemq['what'] == 'clothing'){
if($itemq['type'] == 'necklace' OR $itemq['type'] == 'ring'){
$type_shop = 'jewelry';
$type_shop = 'equipment';
}elseif($itemq['what'] == 'potion'){
$type_shop = 'potion';
$item = $base -> query('SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = "'.$_GET['buy'].'" AND `shop` = "'.$uloc[''.$type_shop.'_shop'].'" LIMIT 1') -> fetch_assoc();
if($item > 0){
if($item['what'] == 'potion'){
if($amount != 1) $cost = $item['cost'] * $amount;
else $cost = $item['cost'];
$cost = $item['cost'];
if($u['silver'] >= $cost){
if($item['what'] == 'clothing'){
$base -> query('INSERT INTO `users_items` SET
`user` = "'.$u['id'].'",
`name` = "'.$item['name'].'",
`description` = "'.$item['description'].'",
`image` = "'.$item['image'].'",
`level` = "'.$item['level'].'",
`what` = "'.$item['what'].'",
`type` = "'.$item['type'].'",
`attack_type` = "'.$item['attack_type'].'",
`p_att` = "'.$item['p_att'].'",
`m_att` = "'.$item['m_att'].'",
`p_def` = "'.$item['p_def'].'",
`m_def` = "'.$item['m_def'].'",
`endurance` = "'.$item['endurance'].'",
`intellect` = "'.$item['intellect'].'",
`agility` = "'.$item['agility'].'",
`skill` = "'.$item['skill'].'",
`max_quality` = "'.$item['max_quality'].'",
`set` = "'.$item['set'].'",
`mark` = "'.$item['mark'].'",
`cost` = "'.($item['cost'] / 2).'",
`ident_id` = "'.$item['id'].'"');
}elseif($item['what'] == 'potion'){
$old_item = $base -> query('SELECT * FROM `users_items` WHERE `user` = "'.$u['id'].'" AND `ident_id` = "'.$_GET['buy'].'" LIMIT 1') -> num_rows;
if($old_item > 0){
$base -> query('UPDATE `users_items` SET `amount` = `amount` + "'.$amount.'" WHERE `user` = "'.$u['id'].'" AND `ident_id` = "'.$_GET['buy'].'" LIMIT 1');
$base -> query('INSERT INTO `users_items` SET
`user` = "'.$u['id'].'",
`name` = "'.$item['name'].'",
`description` = "'.$item['description'].'",
`image` = "'.$item['image'].'",
`what` = "potion",
`potion` = "'.$item['potion'].'",
`hp_regen` = "'.$item['hp_regen'].'",
`mp_regen` = "'.$item['mp_regen'].'",
`mark` = "'.$item['mark'].'",
`amount` = "'.$amount.'",
`cost` = "'.($item['cost'] / 2).'",
`ident_id` = "'.$item['id'].'"');
$base -> query('UPDATE `users` SET `silver` = `silver` - "'.$cost.'" WHERE `id` = "'.$u['id'].'" LIMIT 1');
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Предмет '.$item['name'].' помещён в инвентарь.';
if($item['what'] == 'clothing'){
if($item['type'] != 'necklace' AND $item['type'] != 'ring'){
header('Location: /city/shop/equipment/'.$item['type'].'/');
header('Location: /city/shop/jewelry/'.$item['type'].'/');
}elseif($item['what'] == 'potion'){
header('Location: /city/shop/potion/'.$item['potion'].'/');
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Недостаточно серебра.';
if($item['what'] == 'clothing'){
if($item['type'] != 'necklace' AND $item['type'] != 'ring'){
header('Location: /city/shop/equipment/'.$item['type'].'/');
header('Location: /city/shop/jewelry/'.$item['type'].'/');
}elseif($item['what'] == 'potion'){
header('Location: /city/shop/potion/'.$item['potion'].'/');
header('Location: /city/');
echo '<div class="b">';
if($uloc['equipment_shop'] > 0){
echo '<div class="title">Магазин снаряжения</div>';
echo '<center><div class="border"><img style="width: 100%; max-width: 336px;" src="/images/places/equipment_shop.png"></div></center>';
/*echo '<div class="event"><table><tr><td><img src="/images/npcs/equipment_shop.gif"></td><td><small><font color="#E0E0E0"><b>Джозеф</b>:</font><font color="#B1B1B1"> Без хорошего снаряжения, долго не протянешь! Особенно в нынешние времена... Мда... Так что не жалей монет, но выбирай с умом!</small></font></td></tr></table></div>';*/
if($_GET['type'] == '') $_GET['type'] = 'right';
echo '<center>';
if($_GET['type'] == 'right') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">П. Рука</div> ';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/equipment/">П. Рука</a> ';
if($_GET['type'] == 'left') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">Л. Рука</div> ';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/equipment/left/">Л. Рука</a> ';
if($_GET['type'] == 'head') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">Голова</div> ';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/equipment/head/">Голова</a> ';
if($_GET['type'] == 'body') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">Торс</div> ';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/equipment/body/">Торс</a> ';
if($_GET['type'] == 'hands') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">Руки</div> ';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/equipment/hands/">Руки</a> ';
if($_GET['type'] == 'foot') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">Обувь</div>';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/equipment/foot/">Обувь</a>';
echo '</center>';
$count = $base->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `what` = 'clothing' AND `type` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['equipment_shop']."' OR `what` = 'clothing' AND `type` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['equipment_shop']."'") -> num_rows;
$k_page = k_page($count,10);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = 10*$page-10;
$sql = $base->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `what` = 'clothing' AND `type` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['equipment_shop']."' OR `what` = 'clothing' AND `type` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['equipment_shop']."' ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT $start,10");
if($count > 0){
while($item = $sql->fetch_assoc()){
echo ''.shop_item($item['id']).'';
if($count > '10'){
echo str('?',$k_page,$page);
echo '<br/><center>Этот раздел пуст.</center>';
header('Location: /city/');
case 'jewelry':
if($uloc['jewelry_shop'] > 0){
echo '<div class="title">Ювелирная лавка</div>';
echo '<center><div class="border"><img style="width: 100%; max-width: 336px;" src="/images/places/jewelry_shop.png"></div></center>';
if($_GET['type'] == '') $_GET['type'] = 'necklace';
echo '<center>';
if($_GET['type'] == 'necklace') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">Ожерелья</div> ';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/jewelry/necklace/">Ожерелья</a> ';
if($_GET['type'] == 'ring') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">Кольца</div> ';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/jewelry/ring/">Кольца</a> ';
echo '</center>';
$count = $base->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `what` = 'clothing' AND `type` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['jewelry_shop']."' OR `what` = 'clothing' AND `type` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['jewelry_shop']."'") -> num_rows;
$k_page = k_page($count,10);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = 10*$page-10;
$sql = $base->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `what` = 'clothing' AND `type` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['jewelry_shop']."' OR `what` = 'clothing' AND `type` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['jewelry_shop']."' ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT $start,10");
if($count > 0){
while($item = $sql->fetch_assoc()){
echo ''.shop_item($item['id']).'';
if($count > '10'){
echo str('?',$k_page,$page);
echo '<br/><center>Этот раздел пуст.</center>';
header('Location: /city/');
case 'potion':
if($uloc['potion_shop'] > 0){
echo '<div class="title">Лавка зельевара</div>';
echo '<center><div class="border"><img style="width: 100%; max-width: 336px;" src="/images/places/potion_shop.png"></div></center>';
if($_GET['type'] == '') $_GET['type'] = 'hp';
echo '<center>';
if($_GET['type'] == 'hp') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">Здоровье</div> ';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/potion/hp/">Здоровье</a> ';
if($_GET['type'] == 'mp') echo '<div class="btn_small_pressed">Мана</div> ';
else echo '<a class="btn_small" href="/city/shop/potion/mp/">Мана</a> ';
echo '</center>';
$count = $base->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `what` = 'potion' AND `potion` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['potion_shop']."'") -> num_rows;
$k_page = k_page($count,10);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = 10*$page-10;
$sql = $base->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `what` = 'potion' AND `potion` = '".$_GET['type']."' AND `shop` = '".$uloc['potion_shop']."' ORDER BY `cost` DESC LIMIT $start,10");
if($count > 0){
while($item = $sql->fetch_assoc()){
echo ''.shop_res($item['id']).'';
if($count > '10'){
echo str('?',$k_page,$page);
echo '<br/><center>Этот раздел пуст.</center>';
header('Location: /city/');
echo '<br/><a class="btn" href="/city/"><img src="/images/icons/back.png"> Назад</a>';
echo '</div>';
header('Location: /location/');
include_once ('./core/foot.php');