Файл: user/feed/index.php
Строк: 103
include_once '../../sys/inc/start.php';
include_once '../../sys/inc/compress.php';
include_once '../../sys/inc/sess.php';
include_once '../../sys/inc/home.php';
include_once '../../sys/inc/settings.php';
include_once '../../sys/inc/db_connect.php';
include_once '../../sys/inc/ipua.php';
include_once '../../sys/inc/fnc.php';
include_once '../../sys/inc/adm_check.php';
include_once '../../sys/inc/user.php';
$my = null;
$frend = null;
$all = null;
//Класс к статусу
if (isset($_GET['likestatus'])){
//Статус пользователя
$status = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `status` WHERE `id` = '".intval($_GET['likestatus'])."' LIMIT 1"));
$ank = get_user($status['id_user']);
if ($user['id']!=$ank['id'] && mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `status_like` WHERE `id_status` = '$status[id]' AND `id_user` = '$user[id]' LIMIT 1"),0)==0){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `status_like` (`id_user`, `time`, `id_status`) values('$user[id]', '$time', '$status[id]')");
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `frends` WHERE `user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `i` = '1'");
while ($f = mysql_fetch_array($q)){
$a = get_user($f['frend']);
$lentaSet = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tape_set` WHERE `id_user` = '".$a['id']."' LIMIT 1")); // Общая настройка ленты
if ($a['id'] != $ank['id'] && $f['lenta_status_like']==1 && $lentaSet['lenta_status_like']==1)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tape` (`id_user`,`ot_kogo`, `avtor`, `type`, `time`, `id_file`) values('$a[id]', '$user[id]', '$status[id_user]', 'status_like', '$time', '$status[id]')");
header("Location: ?page=" . intval($_GET['page']));
include_once '../../sys/inc/thead.php';
//Очищение списка непрочитанных
if (isset($_GET['read']) && $_GET['read']=='all'){
if (isset($user)){
mysql_query("UPDATE `tape` SET `read` = '1' WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]'");
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Список непрочитанных очищен';
header("Location: ?page=".intval($_GET['page'])."");
//Полная очистка ленты
if (isset($_GET['delete']) && $_GET['delete']=='all'){
if (isset($user)){
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `tape` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]'");
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Лента очищена';
header("Location: ?");
$k_notif = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`read`) FROM `notification` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `read` = '0'"), 0); // Уведомления
if ($k_notif > 0)$k_notif = '<font color=red>('.$k_notif.')</font>';
else $k_notif = null;
$discuss = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`count`) FROM `discussions` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `count` > '0' "),0); // Обсуждения
if ($discuss > 0)$discuss = '<font color=red>('.$discuss.')</font>';
else $discuss = null;
$lenta = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`read`) FROM `tape` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `read` = '0' "),0); // Лента
if ($lenta > 0)$lenta = '<font color=red>('.$lenta.')</font>';
else $lenta = null;
$k_post = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tape` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' "),0);
$k_page = k_page($k_post,$set['p_str']);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = $set['p_str'] * $page-$set['p_str'];
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tape` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $start, $set[p_str]");
if ($k_post == 0){
echo '<div class="block"><center><p><img width="80" src="/img/insta.png"></p> Новостей нет</center></div>';
//Вывод событий в ленте
while ($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){
$type = $post['type'];
$avtor = get_user($post['avtor']);
$name = null;
if ($post['read'] == 0){
$s1 = "<font color='red'>";
$s2 = "</font>";
mysql_query("UPDATE `tape` SET `read` = '1' WHERE `id` = '$post[id]'");
$s1 = null;
$s2 = null;
//Помечаем сообщение прочитанным
$d = opendir('inc/');
while($dname = readdir($d)){
if ($dname != '.' && $dname != '..'){
include 'inc/' . $dname;
# Навигация
if ($k_page>1)str('?',$k_page,$page);
include_once '../../sys/inc/tfoot.php';