Файл: EROCMS 11.2 ДЛЯ ADULT/Script/pages/control/parsing.php
Строк: 2316
Автор скрипта https://bymas.ru/id85823
Скрипты, программы на заказ.
Быстро, качественно, недорого.
if ($user['access'] < 1) {
header('location: /');
if (isset($_POST['mode'])) {
if ($_SESSION['protective'] != $_POST['protective']) {
header('location: /control.html?func=parsing');
$publish = strtotime($_POST['publish']) + rand(300, 21600);
if ($_POST['server'] == 0) {
$start = rand(1, 4960);
$collected = 0;
for($go = $start; $go < ($start + $_POST['results']); $go++){
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://mobolto.com/porno/video-'.$go.'/');
if (strripos($_carry, 'file:')){
preg_match_all('|<h1>(.*?)</h1>|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match_all('|<div class="iblock4">(.*?)</div>|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|poster:"(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|file:"(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|Длительность: <b>(.*?)</b>|is', $_carry, $duration);
$name[1][0] = preg_replace("/('|"|r?n)/", '', $name[1][0]);
$description[1][1] = preg_replace("/('|"|r?n)/", '', $description[1][1]);
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1][0])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1][0])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'mobolto.com'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file($file[1], 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $description[1][1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$description[1][1] = translate($description[1][1], 'ru', 'en');
$name[1][0] = translate($name[1][0], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'mobolto.com', tags = '".tags($description[1][1])."', name = '".$name[1][0]."', description = '".$description[1][1]."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".$duration[1]."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 1) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('damy',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://pornomir.tv/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/');
preg_match('|<div class="previews-block">(.*?)<div class="text-desc-block">|is', $_carry, $previews);
preg_match_all('|<div class="preview-block">(.*?)<div class="preview-block">|is', $previews[1], $video);
$array = rand(1, 40);
preg_match('|<div class="preview-name"><span>(.*?)</span></div>|is', $video[1][$array], $name);
preg_match('|data-original="(.*?)"|is', $video[1][$array], $poster);
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)">|is', $video[1][$array], $link);
preg_match('|<div class="preview-dur-value">(.*?)</div>|is', $video[1][$array], $duration);
$duration[1] = str_replace('<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>', '', $duration[1]);
$duration[1] = str_replace('<span>', '', $duration[1]);
$duration[1] = str_replace('</span>', '', $duration[1]);
$duration[1] = str_replace(' ', '', $duration[1]);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://pornomir.tv'.$link[1]);
preg_match('|<source src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
if (strripos($_carry, 'video/mp4') and !strripos($file[1], 'видео')){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'pornomir.tv'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('https://pornomir.tv'.$poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file($file[1], 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'pornomir.tv', tags = '".tags($name[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".$name[1]."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".$duration[1]."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 2) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('Analqnyj_seks',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://pornoraketa.tv/category/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/page'.rand(1, 10));
preg_match("|<div class='sizepole'>(.*?)<div class='nextblock'>|is", $_carry, $category);
preg_match_all("|<a href='(.*?)'>|is", $category[1], $page);
preg_match_all("|<img src='(.*?)'|is", $category[1], $poster);
$array = rand(0, 19);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://pornoraketa.tv'.$page[1][$array]);
if (strripos($_carry, 'likpole')){
preg_match("|<h1 class='toptx'>(.*?)</h1>|is", $_carry, $name);
preg_match("|a class='skachka' href='(.*?)'><img src='css/img/dwlv.png'> Скачать HD <span class='skcount'>|is", $_carry, $file);
preg_match("|<img src='css/img/durdl.png'>(.*?)</span>|is", $_carry, $duration);
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'pornoraketa.tv'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('http://pornoraketa.tv'.$poster[1][$array]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file('http://pornoraketa.tv/'.$file[1], 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents('http://pornoraketa.tv/'.$file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = 'http://pornoraketa.tv/".$file[1]."', server = 'pornoraketa.tv', tags = '".tags($name[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".$name[1]."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".$duration[1]."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 4) {
$start = rand(1, 900);
$collected = 0;
for($go = $start; $go < ($start + $_POST['results']); $go++){
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://airporno.ru/views/'.$go.'/');
preg_match('|<h1 class="htit">(.*?)</h1>|is', $_carry, $name);
if (strripos($_carry, 'source') or !strripos($name[1], 'href')){
preg_match('|<source src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|poster="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|Время:(.*?)<br />|is', $_carry, $duration);
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'airporno.ru'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file($file[1], 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$duration = trim($duration[1]);
if (strlen($duration) == 4) $duration = '0'.$duration;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'airporno.ru', tags = '".tags($name[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".$name[1]."', translit = '$translit', duration = '$duration', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 5) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array(
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://pizdauz.ru/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/?page='.rand(1, 20));
preg_match('|<div class="etoall">(.*?)<div class="cleaning"></div>|is', $_carry, $_all);
preg_match_all('|<a(.*?)</a>|is', $_all[1], $_url);
$_arr = $_url[0][rand(0, 19)];
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)"|is', $_arr, $_link);
preg_match('|title="(.*?)"|is', $_arr, $name);
preg_match('|<img src="(.*?)"|is', $_arr, $poster);
preg_match('|<div class="etodur">(.*?)</div>|is', $_arr, $duration);
$_carry = file_get_contents($_link[1]);
preg_match('|<div class="etoinfodate">Описание:(.*?)</div>|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|<source src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
if (strripos($_carry, 'source')){
preg_match('|<meta property="og:image" content="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|<meta property="og:title" content="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match('|<b>Длительность</b>:(.*?)<br />|is', $_carry, $duration);
preg_match('|<meta name="description" content="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|<source src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'pizdauz.ru'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file($file[1], 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = trim($description[1]);
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1] = translate(trim($description[1]), 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'pizdauz.ru', tags = '".tags(trim($description[1]))."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 6) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('1080p',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://www.xnxx.com/tags/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/'.rand(1, 30).'/');
preg_match('|<div class="mozaique">(.*?)<div class="pagination ">|is', $_carry, $url);
preg_match_all('|<a href="(.*?)"|is', $url[1], $out);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://www.xnxx.com'.$out[1][rand(0, 70)]);
preg_match('|<title>(.*?)</title>|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match('|setVideoUrlLow(.*?)html5player|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|<span class="metadata">(.*?)</span>|is', $_carry, $duration);
preg_match('|<meta property="og:image" content="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
$file[0] = str_replace("setVideoUrlLow('", '', $file[0]);
$file[0] = str_replace("');", '', $file[0]);
$file[0] = str_replace('html5player', '', $file[0]);
$name[1] = str_replace(' - XNXX.COM', '', $name[1]);
$duration[1] = preg_replace('|min(.*?)hits|is', '', $duration[1]);
$duration[1] = str_replace(' ', ':'.rand(10,20), $duration[1]);
$duration[1] = preg_replace('|-(.*?)p|is', '', $duration[1]);
if (strripos($_carry, '<span class="metadata">')){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'xnxx.com'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file(trim($file[0]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents(trim($file[0])));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = trim($name[1]);
if (mb_strlen(trim($duration[1])) == 5) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".trim($file[0])."', server = 'xnxx.com', tags = '".tags(trim($name[1]))."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".$name[1]."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 7) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('porno-v-hd',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://pornolomka.mobi/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/page/'.rand(1, 30).'/');
$_carry = iconv('windows-1251', 'UTF-8', $_carry);
preg_match_all('|<article class="shortstory cf">(.*?)</article>|is', $_carry, $previews);
$_article = $previews[0][rand(0, 18)];
preg_match('|title="(.*?)"|is', $_article, $name);
preg_match('|<div class="video_time">(.*?)</div>|is', $_article, $duration);
preg_match('|<img src="(.*?)"|is', $_article, $poster);
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)"|is', $_article, $link);
$_carry = file_get_contents($link[1]);
$_carry = iconv('windows-1251', 'UTF-8', $_carry);
preg_match('|itemprop="description">(.*?)<br>|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|url="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
if (strripos($_carry, 'url=')){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'pornolomka.mobi'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('http://pornolomka.mobi'.$poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file(trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
if (strripos($description[1], 'dle')) $description[1] = $name[1];
$sample = $description[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1] = translate($description[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'pornolomka.mobi', tags = '".tags(trim($description[1]))."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 8) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array(
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents($categories[$array[0]].rand(1, 5));
preg_match_all('|<div class="thumb">(.*?)</div>|is', $_carry, $_uri);
$_go = $_uri[0][rand(0, 11)];
preg_match('|alt="(.*?)"|is', $_go, $name);
preg_match('|href="(.*?)"|is', $_go, $_href);
preg_match('|src="(.*?)"|is', $_go, $poster);
$_carry = file_get_contents(trim($_href[1]));
preg_match('|<div class="f-desc full-text clearfix" style="padding-top: 0px;">(.*?)</div>|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|file:"(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|Длительность:(.*?)Просмотров|is', $_carry, $duration);
$duration[1] = str_replace('|', '', $duration[1]);
$duration[1] = str_replace(' ', '', $duration[1]);
if (strripos($_carry, 'file:"')){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'pornosto.com'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file(trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $description[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1] = translate($description[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'pornosto.com', tags = '".tags(trim($description[1]))."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 9) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://www.russpornotube.com/'.rand(1, 1525).'/');
preg_match('|<div class="th-videos" id="list_videos_newest_videos_list">(.*?)<div id="list_videos_newest_videos_list_pagination" class="pager">|is', $_carry, $_uri);
preg_match_all('|<a href="(.*?)">|is', $_uri[0], $_get);
$_go = rand(0, 19);
$_carry = file_get_contents($_get[1][$_go]);
preg_match('|<title>(.*?)</title>|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match('|<meta name="description" content="(.*?)"/>|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|http://www.russpornotube.com/get_file/(.*?)480.mp4|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|preview_url: '(.*?).jpg|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|<span class="dur">(.*?)</span>|is', $_carry, $duration);
$duration[1] = str_replace(' м. ', ':', $duration[1]);
$duration[1] = str_replace('с', '', $duration[1]);
$duration[1] = trim($duration[1]);
if (strripos($_carry, 'preview_url:')){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'russpornotube.com'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1].'.jpg'));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file(trim($file[0]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[0]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $description[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1] = translate($description[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[0]."', server = 'russpornotube.com', tags = '".tags(trim($description[1]))."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 10) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('porno-hd-720p',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://rsuka.tv/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/page/'.rand(1, 50).'/');
preg_match_all('|<div class="item">(.*?)<div class="item">|is', $_carry, $_uri);
$_go = $_uri[0][rand(0, 11)];
preg_match('|<div class="item-title">(.*?)</div>|is', $_go, $name);
preg_match('|href="(.*?)"|is', $_go, $_href);
preg_match('|data-original="(.*?)"|is', $_go, $poster);
preg_match('|<div class="item-meta meta-time">(.*?)</div>|is', $_go, $duration);
$_carry = file_get_contents(trim($_href[1]));
preg_match('|<source src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
if (strripos($_carry, '<source src="') and !strripos($file[1], 'newstream') and $duration[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'rsuka.tv'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file(trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'rsuka.tv', tags = '".tags(trim($name[1]))."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($name[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 11) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('Domashnee-porno',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://oxtube.tv/porno/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/'.rand(1, 13).'.html');
preg_match_all('|<div class="video"><div>(.*?)<div class="video"><div>|is', $_carry, $_url);
$array = rand(0, 23);
preg_match('|<span class="duration">(.*?)</span>|is', $_url[0][$array], $duration);
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)"|is', $_url[1][rand(0, 9)], $_link);
$_carry = file_get_contents(trim($_link[1].'?online=1'));
preg_match('|<h1>(.*?)</h1>|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match('|file:"(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|poster:"(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
if (strripos($_carry, 'poster:"') and $duration[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'oxtube.tv'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file(trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'oxtube.tv', tags = '".tags(trim($name[1]))."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($name[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 12) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://hentai-x.ru/page-uncenz.php?id='.rand(1, 20));
preg_match_all('|<table>(.*?)</table>|is', $_carry, $match);
$i = $match[0][rand(1, 9)];
preg_match("|src='(.*?)'|is", $i, $src); #http://hentai-x.ru/
preg_match('|Описание хентая:</span></p>(.*?)</p>|is', $i, $description);
preg_match("|href = '(.*?)'|is", $i, $href);
$description[1] = str_replace('<p>', '', $description[1]);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://hentai-x.ru/'.$href[1]);
preg_match('|<title>(.*?)</title>|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match('|"video": "(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|Продолжительность:</span>(.*?)</p>|is', $_carry, $duration);
if ($file[1] and $duration[1] and $name[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'hentai-x.ru'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('http://hentai-x.ru/'.$src[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file(trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $description[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1] = translate($description[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'hentai-x.ru', tags = '".tags(trim($description[1]))."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 13) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('hd',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://ebun.me/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/page/'.rand(1, 5).'/');
preg_match_all('|<article class="shortstory cf">(.*?)</article>|is', $_carry, $article);
$array = rand(1, 23);
preg_match('|<div class="video_time">(.*?)</div>|is', $article[1][$array], $duration);
preg_match('|<img src="(.*?)"|is', $article[1][$array], $poster);
preg_match('|alt="(.*?)"|is', $article[1][$array], $name);
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)"|is', $article[1][$array], $href);
$_carry = file_get_contents($href[1]);
preg_match('|file:"(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|itemprop="description">(.*?)<script|is', $_carry, $description);
if (strripos($_carry, 'file:')){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'ebun.me'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('https://ebun.me'.$poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file('https://ebun.me'.trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents('https://ebun.me'.$file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1] = translate(trim($description[1]), 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = 'https://ebun.me".$file[1]."', server = 'ebun.me', tags = '".tags($description[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".$duration[1]."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 14) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('pov',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://vaginke.com/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/page'.rand(1, 20).'/');
preg_match_all('|<div class="video"><div>(.*?)<div class="view">|is', $_carry, $_url);
$_article = $_url[1][rand(1, 14)];
preg_match('|alt="(.*?)"|is', $_article, $name);
preg_match('|<span class="duration">(.*?)</span>|is', $_article, $duration);
preg_match('|href="(.*?)"|is', $_article, $href);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://vaginke.com'.$href[1]);
preg_match('|file":"(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|poster":"(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|<div class="center"><div class="opisanie">(.*?)</div></div>|is', $_carry, $description);
if (!$description[1]) $description[1] = $name[1];
if (strripos($_carry, 'file":"')){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'vaginke.com'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file(trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $description[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1] = translate(trim($description[1]), 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'vaginke.com', tags = '".tags($description[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".$duration[1]."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 15) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('mom',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://xcafe.com/videos/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/'.rand(2, 20).'/');
preg_match_all('|<li data-video(.*?)<li data-video|is', $_carry, $video);
$array = rand(2, 48);
preg_match('|alt="(.*?)"|is', $video[1][$array], $name);
preg_match('|<span class="time">(.*?)</span>|is', $video[1][$array], $duration);
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)"|is', $video[1][$array], $href);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://xcafe.com'.$href[1]);
preg_match('|<meta property="og:image" content="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|<meta name="description" content="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|<source id="video_source_1" src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
if (strripos($_carry, 'og:image') and $poster[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'xcafe.com'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file(trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $description[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1] = translate(trim($description[1]), 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'xcafe.com', tags = '".tags($description[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".$duration[1]."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 16) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('incest',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://house.porn/category/'.$categories[$array[0]].'?page='.rand(2, 10));
preg_match_all('|<div class="item">(.*?)<div class="item">|is', $_carry, $video);
$array = rand(1, 23);
preg_match('|alt="(.*?)"|is', $video[1][$array], $name);
preg_match('|<img src="/themes/web/images/timer.png" alt=""/>(.*?)</div>|is', $video[1][$array], $duration);
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)"|is', $video[1][$array], $href);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://house.porn'.$href[1]);
preg_match('|<meta property="og:image" content="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|itemprop="description">(.*?)<br/><br/>|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|<source data-fluid-hd src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file); #https://house.porn
if (strripos($_carry, 'og:image') and $poster[1] and $name[1] and $description[1] and $file[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'house.porn'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file('https://house.porn'.trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents('https://house.porn'.$file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $description[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1] = translate(trim($description[1]), 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = 'https://house.porn".$file[1]."', server = 'house.porn', tags = '".tags($description[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 17) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('Aziatki',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://porno-kisa.com/category/'.$categories[$array[0]]);
preg_match_all("|<div class='kisakshka'>(.*?)<div class='kisakshka'>|is", $_carry, $view);
$array = rand(2, 20);
preg_match("|<a href='(.*?)'>|is", $view[1][$array], $href);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://porno-kisa.com'.$href[1]);
preg_match("|file:'(.*?)',|is", $_carry, $file); #http://porno-kisa.com
preg_match("|<title>(.*?)</title>|is", $_carry, $name);
preg_match("|poster:'(.*?)',|is", $_carry, $poster); #http://porno-kisa.com
preg_match("|<p><span>Длительность:(.*?)</span><span>|is", $_carry, $duration);
if (strripos($_carry, 'file:') and $poster[1] and $name[1] and $duration[1] and $file[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'porno-kisa.com'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('http://porno-kisa.com'.$poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file('http://porno-kisa.com'.trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents('http://porno-kisa.com'.$file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = 'http://porno-kisa.com".$file[1]."', server = 'porno-kisa.com', tags = '".tags($name[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($name[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 18) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('Ferro-Network',
$pages = array('0', '12', '24', '36', '48', '60', '72', '84', '96', '108', '120');
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$page = array_rand($pages, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://zajka.org/cat/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/'.$pages[$page[0]]);
preg_match_all('|<div class="tumb"><div>(.*?)<div class="views">|is', $_carry, $previews);
$_carry = $previews[1][rand(1, 11)];
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $href);
preg_match('|<span>(.*?)</span>|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match('|<span class="duration">(.*?)</span>|is', $_carry, $duration);
preg_match('|<img src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster); # https://zajka.org $poster[1]
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://zajka.org'.$href[1]);
preg_match('|<source src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match_all('|<div class="main">(.*?)</div>|is', $_carry, $description); # $description[1][1]
if (strripos($_carry, '<source') and $poster[1] and $name[1] and $duration[1] and $file[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'zajka.org'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('https://zajka.org'.$poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file('https://zajka.org'.trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents('https://zajka.org'.$file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $description[1][1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$description[1][1] = translate($description[1][1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = 'https://zajka.org".$file[1]."', server = 'zajka.org', tags = '".tags($description[1][1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1][1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 19) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('52', '62', '72', '133', '59', '129', '17', '87', '98', '28', '27', '36', '114', '109', '104', '130', '94', '74', '54', '29', '24', '9', '5', '23', '10', '15', '135', '30', '40', '50', '60', '80', '85', '90', '110', '88', '124', '51', '6', '21', '46', '42', '26', '31');
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://gig.porn/c/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/'.rand(2, 30).'/');
$_carry = preg_replace('|<script(.*?)</script>|is', '', $_carry);
preg_match_all('|<div class="v sz"(.*?)<div class="v sz"|is', $_carry, $previews);
$_carry = $previews[0][rand(0, 11)];
preg_match('|src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|href="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $href);
preg_match('|</span>(.*?)</b>|is', $_carry, $duration);
$duration[1] = str_replace('/', '', $duration[1]);
$_carry = file_get_contents('http://gig.porn'.$href[1]);
$_carry = preg_replace('|<script(.*?)</script>|is', '', $_carry);
preg_match('|<h1>(.*?)</h1>|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match('|<source src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
$name[1] = preg_replace('/([0-9|#][x{20E3}])|[x{00ae}|x{00a9}|x{203C}|x{2047}|x{2048}|x{2049}|x{3030}|x{303D}|x{2139}|x{2122}|x{3297}|x{3299}][x{FE00}-x{FEFF}]?|[x{2190}-x{21FF}][x{FE00}-x{FEFF}]?|[x{2300}-x{23FF}][x{FE00}-x{FEFF}]?|[x{2460}-x{24FF}][x{FE00}-x{FEFF}]?|[x{25A0}-x{25FF}][x{FE00}-x{FEFF}]?|[x{2600}-x{27BF}][x{FE00}-x{FEFF}]?|[x{2900}-x{297F}][x{FE00}-x{FEFF}]?|[x{2B00}-x{2BF0}][x{FE00}-x{FEFF}]?|[x{1F000}-x{1F6FF}][x{FE00}-x{FEFF}]?/u', '', $name[1]);
$name[1] = str_replace('Видео: ', '', $name[1]);
if (strripos($_carry, '<source') and $poster[1] and $name[1] and $duration[1] and $file[1] and $href[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'gig.porn'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('http://gig.porn'.$poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file('https://zajka.org'.trim($file[1]), 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'gig.porn', tags = '".tags($name[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($name[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 20) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('arabskoe_porno',
$array = array_rand($categories, 2);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://uzbum.net/'.$categories[$array[0]].'/?page='.rand(1, 9));
preg_match_all('|<div class="video"><div>(.*?)</div></div></div>|is', $_carry, $_url);
$_carry = $_url[1][rand(0, 11)];
preg_match('|<span>(.*?)</span>|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match('|<span class="duration">(.*?)</span>|is', $_carry, $duration);
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)">|is', $_carry, $href);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://uzbum.net'.$href[1]);
preg_match('|<meta name="description" content="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|poster="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|<source src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
if (strripos($_carry, '<source') and $poster[1] and $name[1] and $duration[1] and $file[1] and $href[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'uzbum.net'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents($poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file($file[1], 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents($file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$description[1] = translate($description[1], 'ru', 'en');
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = '".$file[1]."', server = 'uzbum.net', tags = '".tags($description[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 21) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$categories = array('handjob', 'blonde', 'brunette', 'big-ass', 'big-tits', 'pov', 'interracial', 'deep-throat', 'sex-toys', 'students', 'tattoo', 'asian', 'redhead', 'romantic', 'outdoor', 'groupsex', 'masturbation', 'russian-porn', 'teen', 'family', 'big-dick', 'hardcore', 'cumshot', 'anal', 'pussy-licking', 'small-tits', 'blowjob', 'creampie', 'lesbian', 'mature', 'threesome', 'ebony');
$view_cat = $categories[rand(0, 29)];
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://lab.porn/category/'.$view_cat.'?page='.rand(1, 5));
preg_match_all('|<div class="item">(.*?)<div class="name">|is', $_carry, $item);
$_carry = $item[1][rand(1, 23)];
preg_match('|<a href="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $href);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://lab.porn'.$href[1]);
preg_match('|poster="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|<title>(.*?)</title>|is', $_carry, $name);
preg_match('|<div class="video_description" itemprop="description">(.*?)<br/>|is', $_carry, $description);
preg_match('|<source data-fluid-hd src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|<div class="length"><img src="/themes/web/images/timer.png" alt=""/>(.*?)</div>|is', $_carry, $duration);
$description[1] = trim($description[1]);
if (!$description[1]) $description[1] = $title[1];
if (strripos($_carry, '<source') and $poster[1] and $name[1] and $duration[1] and $file[1] and $href[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'lab.porn'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('https://lab.porn'.$poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if (5 > strlen($description[1])) $description[1] = $name[1];
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file('https://lab.porn'.$file[1], 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents('https://lab.porn'.$file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $description[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$description[1] = translate($description[1], 'ru', 'en');
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = 'https://lab.porn".$file[1]."', server = 'lab.porn', tags = '".tags($description[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($description[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
} else if ($_POST['server'] == 22) {
$collected = 0;
for($go = 0; $go < $_POST['results']; $go++){
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://krutoeporno.com/?page='.rand(1, 13));
preg_match_all('|<div class="item">(.*?)<div class="item">|is', $_carry, $item);
$array = rand(0, 19);
preg_match('|<div class="h2">(.*?)</div>|is', $item[1][$array], $name);
preg_match("|<a href='(.*?)'|is", $item[1][$array], $href);
$_carry = file_get_contents('https://krutoeporno.com'.$href[1]);
preg_match('|<source src="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $file);
preg_match('|poster="(.*?)"|is', $_carry, $poster);
preg_match('|<img src="/style/ico/durdl.png"/>(.*?)<span|is', $_carry, $duration);
$duration[1] = trim($duration[1]);
if (strripos($_carry, '<source') and $poster[1] and $name[1] and $duration[1] and $file[1] and $href[1]){
$md5 = md5(rand(1, 9999).$go);
$translit = str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])).'_'.rand(1, 9999);
$uniqueness = md5(str_replace(' ', '_', transliterate($name[1])));
$quantity = $mysqli -> query("select count(*) from ero_files where uniqueness = '$uniqueness' and server = 'krutoeporno.com'") -> fetch_row();
if ($quantity[0] == 0) {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/screenshots/'.$md5.'.jpg', file_get_contents('https://krutoeporno.com'.$poster[1]));
$yd_sql = 0;
if ($_POST['mode'] == '2') {
$yd = yd_upload_file('https://lab.porn'.$file[1], 'mp4', $settings['OAuth']);
$recoil = $yd;
$yd_sql = 1;
} else if ($_POST['mode'] == '0') {
file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4', file_get_contents('https://krutoeporno.com'.$file[1]));
$recoil = '/content/video/'.$md5.'.mp4';
} else {
$recoil = '/view_'. $translit;
$sample = $name[1];
if ($_POST['selection'] == 0) $category = categories($sample); else $category = abs(intval($_POST['category']));
if ($_POST['translate'] == 2) {
$description[1] = translate($description[1], 'ru', 'en');
$name[1] = translate($name[1], 'ru', 'en');
$mysqli -> query("INSERT INTO ero_files SET yd = '$yd_sql', category = '$category', recoil = '$recoil', uniqueness = '$uniqueness', screenshot = '/content/screenshots/".$md5.".jpg', address = 'https://krutoeporno.com".$file[1]."', server = 'krutoeporno.com', tags = '".tags($name[1])."', name = '".$name[1]."', description = '".trim($name[1])."', translit = '$translit', duration = '".trim($duration[1])."', date = '$publish'");
$_SESSION['collected'] = $collected;
logs($user['id'], 'Добавил '.$collected.' видео.', 0);
$_SESSION['protective'] = rand(10000, 999999);
<div class="functions_data">
if ($_SESSION['collected']) {
<p><span class="sample">При последнем парсинге было добавлено <?=$_SESSION['collected'];?> видео</span></p>
<form method="post">
<p><b>Количество файлов</b> </p>
<input name="results" type="radio" value="1"> 1
<input name="results" type="radio" value="3"> 3
<input name="results" type="radio" value="5"> 5
<input name="results" type="radio" value="10" checked> 10
<input name="results" type="radio" value="15"> 15
<input name="results" type="radio" value="30"> 30
<p><b>Дата публикации</b> </p>
<input class="injected" name="publish" type="date" value="<?=date('Y-m-d')?>" min="2018-12-31" max="2022-12-31">
<p><b>Сервер</b> </p>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="0" checked> <small>mobolto</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="1"> <small>pornomir</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="2"> <small>pornoraketa</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="4"> <small>airporno</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="5"> <small>pizdauz</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="6"> <small>xnxx</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="7"> <small>pornolomka</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="8"> <small>pornosto</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="9"> <small>russpornotube</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="10"> <small>rsuka</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="11"> <small>oxtube</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="12"> <small>hentai-x</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="13"> <small>ebun</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="14"> <small>vaginke</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="15"> <small>xcafe</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="16"> <small>house</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="17"> <small>porno-kisa</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="18"> <small>zajka</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="19"> <small>gig</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="20"> <small>uzbum</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="21"> <small>lab</small>
<input name="server" type="radio" value="22"> <small>krutoeporno</small>
<p><b>Выбор категории</b> </p>
<input name="selection" type="radio" value="0" checked> автоматически
<input name="selection" type="radio" value="1"> выбрать в ручную
<p><b>Категория</b> </p>
<p><select class="injected" name="category">
$query = $mysqli -> query("select id, name from ero_categories order by id asc");
while($row = $query -> fetch_assoc()){
<option value="<?=$row['id']?>" <?=($row['id']==$view['category']?" selected='selected'":null)?>><?=$row['name']?></option>
<p><b>Парсинг</b> </p>
<input name="mode" type="radio" value="0"> скачивать файлы <font color="red">*</font>
<input name="mode" type="radio" value="1" checked> собирать ссылки
<input name="mode" type="radio" value="2"> загружать на Я.Диск <font color="red">*</font>
<p><b>Что делать с текстом?</b> </p>
<input name="translate" type="radio" value="1" checked> оставлять оригинал
<input name="translate" type="radio" value="2"> переводить на английский
<p><b>Задержка</b> </p>
<input name="delay" type="radio" value="3"> 3 сек.
<input name="delay" type="radio" value="5"> 5 сек.
<input name="delay" type="radio" value="7" checked> 7 сек.
<input name="delay" type="radio" value="10"> 10 сек.
<input name="delay" type="radio" value="30"> 30 сек.
<p><b>Введите код</b> <small><?=abs(intval($_SESSION['protective']))?></small> </p>
<p><input type="number" name="protective" class="injected" /> </p>
<input type="submit" class="byecos" value="Начать" />
<div align="right"><p><font color="red">* Чрезмерная нагрузка на сервер, не выбирайте большое колличество файлов, в противном случае возможны проблемы со стороны сервера.</font></p></div>