Файл: Space race/libs/Editor_files/jhashtable.js
Строк: 418
* Copyright 2010 Tim Down.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: Tim Down <tim@timdown.co.uk>
* Version: 2.1
* Build date: 21 March 2010
* Website: http://www.timdown.co.uk/jshashtable
* (Slight mod to add to gamecore namespace -- martin@playcraftlabs.com)
* jshashtable
* jshashtable is a JavaScript implementation of a hash table. It creates a single constructor function called Hashtable
* in the global scope.
* Example:
* <code>
* var map = new gamecore.Hashtable();
* map.put('test1', obj);
* var obj = map.get('test1');
* </code>
gamecore.Hashtable = (function ()
var FUNCTION = "function";
var arrayRemoveAt = (typeof Array.prototype.splice == FUNCTION) ?
function (arr, idx)
arr.splice(idx, 1);
} :
function (arr, idx)
var itemsAfterDeleted, i, len;
if (idx === arr.length - 1)
arr.length = idx;
} else
itemsAfterDeleted = arr.slice(idx + 1);
arr.length = idx;
for (i = 0, len = itemsAfterDeleted.length; i < len; ++i)
arr[idx + i] = itemsAfterDeleted[i];
function hashObject(obj)
var hashCode;
if (typeof obj == "string")
return obj;
} else if (typeof obj.hashCode == FUNCTION)
// Check the hashCode method really has returned a string
hashCode = obj.hashCode();
return (typeof hashCode == "string") ? hashCode : hashObject(hashCode);
} else if (typeof obj.toString == FUNCTION)
return obj.toString();
} else
return String(obj);
catch (ex)
// For host objects (such as ActiveObjects in IE) that have no toString() method and throw an error when
// passed to String()
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
function equals_fixedValueHasEquals(fixedValue, variableValue)
return fixedValue.equals(variableValue);
function equals_fixedValueNoEquals(fixedValue, variableValue)
return (typeof variableValue.equals == FUNCTION) ?
variableValue.equals(fixedValue) : (fixedValue === variableValue);
function createKeyValCheck(kvStr)
return function (kv)
if (kv === null)
throw new Error("null is not a valid " + kvStr);
} else if (typeof kv == "undefined")
throw new Error(kvStr + " must not be undefined");
var checkKey = createKeyValCheck("key"), checkValue = createKeyValCheck("value");
function Bucket(hash, firstKey, firstValue, equalityFunction)
this[0] = hash;
this.entries = [];
this.addEntry(firstKey, firstValue);
if (equalityFunction !== null)
this.getEqualityFunction = function ()
return equalityFunction;
function createBucketSearcher(mode)
return function (key)
var i = this.entries.length, entry, equals = this.getEqualityFunction(key);
while (i--)
entry = this.entries[i];
if (equals(key, entry[0]))
switch (mode)
return true;
case ENTRY:
return entry;
return [ i, entry[1] ];
return false;
function createBucketLister(entryProperty)
return function (aggregatedArr)
var startIndex = aggregatedArr.length;
for (var i = 0, len = this.entries.length; i < len; ++i)
aggregatedArr[startIndex + i] = this.entries[i][entryProperty];
Bucket.prototype = {
getEqualityFunction:function (searchValue)
return (typeof searchValue.equals == FUNCTION) ? equals_fixedValueHasEquals : equals_fixedValueNoEquals;
removeEntryForKey:function (key)
var result = this.getEntryAndIndexForKey(key);
if (result)
arrayRemoveAt(this.entries, result[0]);
return result[1];
return null;
addEntry:function (key, value)
this.entries[this.entries.length] = [key, value];
getEntries:function (entries)
var startIndex = entries.length;
for (var i = 0, len = this.entries.length; i < len; ++i)
// Clone the entry stored in the bucket before adding to array
entries[startIndex + i] = this.entries[i].slice(0);
containsValue:function (value)
var i = this.entries.length;
while (i--)
if (value === this.entries[i][1])
return true;
return false;
// Supporting functions for searching hashtable buckets
function searchBuckets(buckets, hash)
var i = buckets.length, bucket;
while (i--)
bucket = buckets[i];
if (hash === bucket[0])
return i;
return null;
function getBucketForHash(bucketsByHash, hash)
var bucket = bucketsByHash[hash];
// Check that this is a genuine bucket and not something inherited from the bucketsByHash's prototype
return ( bucket && (bucket instanceof Bucket) ) ? bucket : null;
function Hashtable(hashingFunctionParam, equalityFunctionParam)
var that = this;
var buckets = [];
var bucketsByHash = {};
var hashingFunction = (typeof hashingFunctionParam == FUNCTION) ? hashingFunctionParam : hashObject;
var equalityFunction = (typeof equalityFunctionParam == FUNCTION) ? equalityFunctionParam : null;
this.put = function (key, value)
var hash = hashingFunction(key), bucket, bucketEntry, oldValue = null;
// Check if a bucket exists for the bucket key
bucket = getBucketForHash(bucketsByHash, hash);
if (bucket)
// Check this bucket to see if it already contains this key
bucketEntry = bucket.getEntryForKey(key);
if (bucketEntry)
// This bucket entry is the current mapping of key to value, so replace old value and we're done.
oldValue = bucketEntry[1];
bucketEntry[1] = value;
} else
// The bucket does not contain an entry for this key, so add one
bucket.addEntry(key, value);
} else
// No bucket exists for the key, so create one and put our key/value mapping in
bucket = new Bucket(hash, key, value, equalityFunction);
buckets[buckets.length] = bucket;
bucketsByHash[hash] = bucket;
return oldValue;
this.get = function (key)
var hash = hashingFunction(key);
// Check if a bucket exists for the bucket key
var bucket = getBucketForHash(bucketsByHash, hash);
if (bucket)
// Check this bucket to see if it contains this key
var bucketEntry = bucket.getEntryForKey(key);
if (bucketEntry)
// This bucket entry is the current mapping of key to value, so return the value.
return bucketEntry[1];
return null;
this.containsKey = function (key)
var bucketKey = hashingFunction(key);
// Check if a bucket exists for the bucket key
var bucket = getBucketForHash(bucketsByHash, bucketKey);
return bucket ? bucket.containsKey(key) : false;
this.containsValue = function (value)
var i = buckets.length;
while (i--)
if (buckets[i].containsValue(value))
return true;
return false;
this.clear = function ()
buckets.length = 0;
bucketsByHash = {};
this.isEmpty = function ()
return !buckets.length;
var createBucketAggregator = function (bucketFuncName)
return function ()
var aggregated = [], i = buckets.length;
while (i--)
return aggregated;
this.keys = createBucketAggregator("keys");
this.values = createBucketAggregator("values");
this.entries = createBucketAggregator("getEntries");
this.remove = function (key)
var hash = hashingFunction(key), bucketIndex, oldValue = null;
// Check if a bucket exists for the bucket key
var bucket = getBucketForHash(bucketsByHash, hash);
if (bucket)
// Remove entry from this bucket for this key
oldValue = bucket.removeEntryForKey(key);
if (oldValue !== null)
// Entry was removed, so check if bucket is empty
if (!bucket.entries.length)
// Bucket is empty, so remove it from the bucket collections
bucketIndex = searchBuckets(buckets, hash);
arrayRemoveAt(buckets, bucketIndex);
delete bucketsByHash[hash];
return oldValue;
this.size = function ()
var total = 0, i = buckets.length;
while (i--)
total += buckets[i].entries.length;
return total;
this.each = function (callback)
var entries = that.entries(), i = entries.length, entry;
while (i--)
entry = entries[i];
callback(entry[0], entry[1]);
this.putAll = function (hashtable, conflictCallback)
var entries = hashtable.entries();
var entry, key, value, thisValue, i = entries.length;
var hasConflictCallback = (typeof conflictCallback == FUNCTION);
while (i--)
entry = entries[i];
key = entry[0];
value = entry[1];
// Check for a conflict. The default behaviour is to overwrite the value for an existing key
if (hasConflictCallback && (thisValue = that.get(key)))
value = conflictCallback(key, thisValue, value);
that.put(key, value);
this.clone = function ()
var clone = new Hashtable(hashingFunctionParam, equalityFunctionParam);
return clone;
* Added by martin@playcratlabs.com to support debug dumping of hash arrays
this.toString = function ()
var result = '';
var keys = this.keys();
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
var obj = this.get(keys[i]);
result += keys[i].toString() + ' = ' + obj.toString() + 'n';
return result;
return Hashtable;