Файл: Space race/libs/Editor_files/class.js
Строк: 1219
* gamecore.js - Copyright 2012 Playcraft Labs, Inc. (see licence.txt)
* class.js
* Classes and objects
* @Class
* A modified version of class.js to cater to static inheritance and deep object cloning
* Based almost completely on class.js (Javascript MVC -- Justin Meyer, Brian Moschel, Michael Mayer and others)
* (http://javascriptmvc.com/contribute.html)
* Some portions adapted from Prototype JavaScript framework, version (c) 2005-2007 Sam Stephenson
* <p>
* Class system for javascript
* <p>
* <code>
* var Fighter = gamecore.Base.extend('Fighter',
* {
* // static (this is inherited as well)
* firingSpeed: 1000
* },
* {
* // instance
* hp: 0,
* lastFireTime: 0,
* init: function(hp)
* {
* this.hp = hp;
* },
* fire: function()
* {
* this._super(); // super methods!
* // do firing!
* }
* });
* var gunship = new Fighter(100);
* </code>
* Introspection:
* <code>
* gamecore.Base.extend(‘Fighter.Gunship’);
* Fighter.Gunship.shortName; // ‘Gunship’
* Fighter.Gunship.fullName; // ‘Fighter.Gunship’
* Fighter.Gunship.namespace; // ‘Fighter’
* </code>
* <p>
* Setup method will be called prior to any init -- nice if you want to do things without needing the
* users to call _super in the init, as well as for normalizing parameters.
* <code>
* setup: function()
* {
* this.objectId = this.Class.totalObjects++;
* this.uniqueId = this.Class.fullName + ':' + this.objectId;
* }
* </code>
// compatible with jquery classing
(function ($)
var regs = {
undHash: /_|-/,
colons: /::/,
words: /([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g,
lowUp: /([a-zd])([A-Z])/g,
dash: /([a-zd])([A-Z])/g,
replacer: /{([^}]+)}/g,
dot: /./
getNext = function (current, nextPart, add)
return current[nextPart] || ( add && (current[nextPart] = {}) );
isContainer = function (current)
var type = typeof current;
return type && ( type == 'function' || type == 'object' );
getObject = function (objectName, roots, add)
var parts = objectName ? objectName.split(regs.dot) : [],
length = parts.length,
currents = $.isArray(roots) ? roots : [roots || window],
c = 0,
if (length == 0)
return currents[0];
while (current = currents[c++])
for (i = 0; i < length - 1 && isContainer(current); i++)
current = getNext(current, parts[i], add);
if (isContainer(current))
ret = getNext(current, parts[i], add);
if (ret !== undefined)
if (add === false)
delete current[parts[i]];
return ret;
* @class jQuery.String
* A collection of useful string helpers.
str = $.String = $.extend($.String || {}, {
* @function
* Gets an object from a string.
* @param {String} name the name of the object to look for
* @param {Array} [roots] an array of root objects to look for the name
* @param {Boolean} [add] true to add missing objects to
* the path. false to remove found properties. undefined to
* not modify the root object
getObject: getObject,
* Capitalizes a string
* @param {String} s the string.
* @return {String} a string with the first character capitalized.
capitalize: function (s, cache)
return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substr(1);
* Capitalizes a string from something undercored. Examples:
* @codestart
* jQuery.String.camelize("one_two") //-> "oneTwo"
* "three-four".camelize() //-> threeFour
* @codeend
* @param {String} s
* @return {String} a the camelized string
camelize: function (s)
s = str.classize(s);
return s.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + s.substr(1);
* Like camelize, but the first part is also capitalized
* @param {String} s
* @return {String} the classized string
classize: function (s, join)
var parts = s.split(regs.undHash),
i = 0;
for (; i < parts.length; i++)
parts[i] = str.capitalize(parts[i]);
return parts.join(join || '');
* Like [jQuery.String.classize|classize], but a space separates each 'word'
* @codestart
* jQuery.String.niceName("one_two") //-> "One Two"
* @codeend
* @param {String} s
* @return {String} the niceName
niceName: function (s)
return str.classize(s, ' ');
* Underscores a string.
* @codestart
* jQuery.String.underscore("OneTwo") //-> "one_two"
* @codeend
* @param {String} s
* @return {String} the underscored string
underscore: function (s)
return s.replace(regs.colons, '/').replace(regs.words, '$1_$2').replace(regs.lowUp, '$1_$2').replace(regs.dash, '_').toLowerCase();
* Returns a string with {param} replaced values from data.
* $.String.sub("foo {bar}",{bar: "far"})
* //-> "foo far"
* @param {String} s The string to replace
* @param {Object} data The data to be used to look for properties. If it's an array, multiple
* objects can be used.
* @param {Boolean} [remove] if a match is found, remove the property from the object
sub: function (s, data, remove)
var obs = [];
obs.push(s.replace(regs.replacer, function (whole, inside)
//convert inside to type
var ob = getObject(inside, data, typeof remove == 'boolean' ? !remove : remove),
type = typeof ob;
if ((type === 'object' || type === 'function') && type !== null)
return "";
} else
return "" + ob;
return obs.length <= 1 ? obs[0] : obs;
(function ($)
// if we are initializing a new class
var initializing = false,
makeArray = $.makeArray,
isFunction = $.isFunction,
isArray = $.isArray,
extend = $.extend,
cloneObject = function(object)
if (!object || typeof(object) != 'object')
return object;
// special case handling of array (deep copy them)
if (object instanceof Array)
var clone = [];
for (var c = 0; c < object.length; c++)
clone[c] = cloneObject(object[c]);
return clone;
else // otherwise, it's a normal object, clone it's properties
var cloneObj = {};
for (var prop in object)
cloneObj[prop] = cloneObject(object[prop]);
return cloneObj;
concatArgs = function (arr, args)
return arr.concat(makeArray(args));
// tests if we can get super in .toString()
fnTest = /xyz/.test(function ()
}) ? /b_superb/ : /.*/,
// overwrites an object with methods, sets up _super
// newProps - new properties
// oldProps - where the old properties might be
// addTo - what we are adding to
inheritProps = function (newProps, oldProps, addTo)
addTo = addTo || newProps
for (var name in newProps)
// Check if we're overwriting an existing function
addTo[name] = isFunction(newProps[name]) &&
isFunction(oldProps[name]) &&
fnTest.test(newProps[name]) ? (function (name, fn)
return function ()
var tmp = this._super, ret;
// Add a new ._super() method that is the same method but on the super-class
this._super = oldProps[name];
// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we remove it when we're done executing
ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
this._super = tmp;
return ret;
})(name, newProps[name]) : newProps[name];
* @class jQuery.Class
* @plugin jquery/class
* @tag core
* @download dist/jquery/jquery.class.js
* @test jquery/class/qunit.html
* Class provides simulated inheritance in JavaScript. Use clss to bridge the gap between
* jQuery's functional programming style and Object Oriented Programming. It
* is based off John Resig's [http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/|Simple Class]
* Inheritance library. Besides prototypal inheritance, it includes a few important features:
* - Static inheritance
* - Introspection
* - Namespaces
* - Setup and initialization methods
* - Easy callback function creation
* ## Static v. Prototype
* Before learning about Class, it's important to
* understand the difference between
* a class's __static__ and __prototype__ properties.
* MyClass.staticProperty //shared property
* myclass = new MyClass()
* myclass.prototypeMethod() //instance method
* A static (or class) property is on the Class constructor
* function itself
* and can be thought of being shared by all instances of the
* Class. Prototype propertes are available only on instances of the Class.
* ## A Basic Class
* The following creates a Monster class with a
* name (for introspection), static, and prototype members.
* Every time a monster instance is created, the static
* count is incremented.
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend('Monster',
* /* @static *|
* {
* count: 0
* },
* /* @prototype *|
* {
* init: function( name ) {
* // saves name on the monster instance
* this.name = name;
* // sets the health
* this.health = 10;
* // increments count
* this.Class.count++;
* },
* eat: function( smallChildren ){
* this.health += smallChildren;
* },
* fight: function() {
* this.health -= 2;
* }
* });
* hydra = new Monster('hydra');
* dragon = new Monster('dragon');
* hydra.name // -> hydra
* Monster.count // -> 2
* Monster.shortName // -> 'Monster'
* hydra.eat(2); // health = 12
* dragon.fight(); // health = 8
* @codeend
* Notice that the prototype <b>init</b> function is called when a new instance of Monster is created.
* ## Inheritance
* When a class is extended, all static and prototype properties are available on the new class.
* If you overwrite a function, you can call the base class's function by calling
* <code>this._super</code>. Lets create a SeaMonster class. SeaMonsters are less
* efficient at eating small children, but more powerful fighters.
* Monster.extend("SeaMonster",{
* eat: function( smallChildren ) {
* this._super(smallChildren / 2);
* },
* fight: function() {
* this.health -= 1;
* }
* });
* lockNess = new SeaMonster('Lock Ness');
* lockNess.eat(4); //health = 12
* lockNess.fight(); //health = 11
* ### Static property inheritance
* You can also inherit static properties in the same way:
* $.Class.extend("First",
* {
* staticMethod: function() { return 1;}
* },{})
* First.extend("Second",{
* staticMethod: function() { return this._super()+1;}
* },{})
* Second.staticMethod() // -> 2
* ## Namespaces
* Namespaces are a good idea! We encourage you to namespace all of your code.
* It makes it possible to drop your code into another app without problems.
* Making a namespaced class is easy:
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("MyNamespace.MyClass",{},{});
* new MyNamespace.MyClass()
* @codeend
* <h2 id='introspection'>Introspection</h2>
* Often, it's nice to create classes whose name helps determine functionality. Ruby on
* Rails's [http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html|ActiveRecord] ORM class
* is a great example of this. Unfortunately, JavaScript doesn't have a way of determining
* an object's name, so the developer must provide a name. Class fixes this by taking a String name for the class.
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("MyOrg.MyClass",{},{})
* MyOrg.MyClass.shortName //-> 'MyClass'
* MyOrg.MyClass.fullName //-> 'MyOrg.MyClass'
* @codeend
* The fullName (with namespaces) and the shortName (without namespaces) are added to the Class's
* static properties.
* <h2>Setup and initialization methods</h2>
* <p>
* Class provides static and prototype initialization functions.
* These come in two flavors - setup and init.
* Setup is called before init and
* can be used to 'normalize' init's arguments.
* </p>
* <div class='whisper'>PRO TIP: Typically, you don't need setup methods in your classes. Use Init instead.
* Reserve setup methods for when you need to do complex pre-processing of your class before init is called.
* </div>
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("MyClass",
* {
* setup: function() {} //static setup
* init: function() {} //static constructor
* },
* {
* setup: function() {} //prototype setup
* init: function() {} //prototype constructor
* })
* @codeend
* <h3>Setup</h3>
* <p>Setup functions are called before init functions. Static setup functions are passed
* the base class followed by arguments passed to the extend function.
* Prototype static functions are passed the Class constructor function arguments.</p>
* <p>If a setup function returns an array, that array will be used as the arguments
* for the following init method. This provides setup functions the ability to normalize
* arguments passed to the init constructors. They are also excellent places
* to put setup code you want to almost always run.</p>
* <p>
* The following is similar to how [jQuery.Controller.prototype.setup]
* makes sure init is always called with a jQuery element and merged options
* even if it is passed a raw
* HTMLElement and no second parameter.
* </p>
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("jQuery.Controller",{
* ...
* },{
* setup: function( el, options ) {
* ...
* return [$(el),
* $.extend(true,
* this.Class.defaults,
* options || {} ) ]
* }
* })
* @codeend
* Typically, you won't need to make or overwrite setup functions.
* <h3>Init</h3>
* <p>Init functions are called after setup functions.
* Typically, they receive the same arguments
* as their preceding setup function. The Foo class's <code>init</code> method
* gets called in the following example:
* </p>
* @codestart
* $.Class.Extend("Foo", {
* init: function( arg1, arg2, arg3 ) {
* this.sum = arg1+arg2+arg3;
* }
* })
* var foo = new Foo(1,2,3);
* foo.sum //-> 6
* @codeend
* <h2>Callbacks</h2>
* <p>Similar to jQuery's proxy method, Class provides a
* [jQuery.Class.static.callback callback]
* function that returns a callback to a method that will always
* have
* <code>this</code> set to the class or instance of the class.
* </p>
* The following example uses this.callback to make sure
* <code>this.name</code> is available in <code>show</code>.
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("Todo",{
* init: function( name ) { this.name = name }
* get: function() {
* $.get("/stuff",this.callback('show'))
* },
* show: function( txt ) {
* alert(this.name+txt)
* }
* })
* new Todo("Trash").get()
* @codeend
* <p>Callback is available as a static and prototype method.</p>
* <h2>Typing<h2>
* Classes are automatically populating with three type related components:
* _types: a variable that contains an array of types of this class (extends history)
* _fullTypeName: a string representation of the extends hierarchy
* isA(string): a function you can call which will return true if the class is of a given type string.
* <p>
* Example:
* <p>
* Animal.extend('Tiger', {}, {});
* Tiger._types; // ['Animal', 'Tiger']
* Tiger._fullTypeName; // 'Animal | Tiger |"
* Tiger.isA('Animal'); // true
* </p>
* @constructor Creating a new instance of an object that has extended jQuery.Class
* calls the init prototype function and returns a new instance of the class.
clss = $.Class = function ()
if (arguments.length)
return clss.extend.apply(clss, arguments);
/* @Static*/
extend(clss, {
* @function callback
* Returns a callback function for a function on this Class.
* The callback function ensures that 'this' is set appropriately.
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("MyClass",{
* getData: function() {
* this.showing = null;
* $.get("data.json",this.callback('gotData'),'json')
* },
* gotData: function( data ) {
* this.showing = data;
* }
* },{});
* MyClass.showData();
* @codeend
* <h2>Currying Arguments</h2>
* Additional arguments to callback will fill in arguments on the returning function.
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("MyClass",{
* getData: function( <b>callback</b> ) {
* $.get("data.json",this.callback('process',<b>callback</b>),'json');
* },
* process: function( <b>callback</b>, jsonData ) { //callback is added as first argument
* jsonData.processed = true;
* callback(jsonData);
* }
* },{});
* MyClass.getData(showDataFunc)
* @codeend
* <h2>Nesting Functions</h2>
* Callback can take an array of functions to call as the first argument. When the returned callback function
* is called each function in the array is passed the return value of the prior function. This is often used
* to eliminate currying initial arguments.
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("MyClass",{
* getData: function( callback ) {
* //calls process, then callback with value from process
* $.get("data.json",this.callback(['process2',callback]),'json')
* },
* process2: function( type,jsonData ) {
* jsonData.processed = true;
* return [jsonData];
* }
* },{});
* MyClass.getData(showDataFunc);
* @codeend
* @param {String|Array} fname If a string, it represents the function to be called.
* If it is an array, it will call each function in order and pass the return value of the prior function to the
* next function.
* @return {Function} the callback function.
callback: function (funcs)
//args that should be curried
var args = makeArray(arguments),
funcs = args.shift();
if (!isArray(funcs))
funcs = [funcs];
self = this;
return function class_cb()
var cur = concatArgs(args, arguments),
length = funcs.length,
f = 0,
for (; f < length; f++)
func = funcs[f];
if (!func)
isString = typeof func == "string";
if (isString && self._set_called)
self.called = func;
cur = (isString ? self[func] : func).apply(self, cur || []);
if (f < length - 1)
cur = !isArray(cur) || cur._use_call ? [cur] : cur
return cur;
* @function getObject
* Gets an object from a String.
* If the object or namespaces the string represent do not
* exist it will create them.
* @codestart
* Foo = {Bar: {Zar: {"Ted"}}}
* $.Class.getobject("Foo.Bar.Zar") //-> "Ted"
* @codeend
* @param {String} objectName the object you want to get
* @param {Object} [current=window] the object you want to look in.
* @return {Object} the object you are looking for.
getObject: $.String.getObject,
* @function newInstance
* Creates a new instance of the class. This method is useful for creating new instances
* with arbitrary parameters.
* <h3>Example</h3>
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("MyClass",{},{})
* var mc = MyClass.newInstance.apply(null, new Array(parseInt(Math.random()*10,10))
* @codeend
* @return {class} instance of the class
newInstance: function ()
var inst = this.rawInstance();
var args;
if (inst.setup)
args = inst.setup.apply(inst, arguments);
// Added by martin@playcraftlabs.com -- fix for deep cloning of properties
for (var prop in inst.__proto__)
inst[prop] = cloneObject(inst[prop]);
if (inst.init)
inst.init.apply(inst, isArray(args) ? args : arguments);
return inst;
* Setup gets called on the inherting class with the base class followed by the
* inheriting class's raw properties.
* Setup will deeply extend a static defaults property on the base class with
* properties on the base class. For example:
* $.Class("MyBase",{
* defaults : {
* foo: 'bar'
* }
* },{})
* MyBase("Inheriting",{
* defaults : {
* newProp : 'newVal'
* }
* },{}
* Inheriting.defaults -> {foo: 'bar', 'newProp': 'newVal'}
* @param {Object} baseClass the base class that is being inherited from
* @param {String} fullName the name of the new class
* @param {Object} staticProps the static properties of the new class
* @param {Object} protoProps the prototype properties of the new class
setup: function (baseClass, fullName)
this.defaults = extend(true, {}, baseClass.defaults, this.defaults);
if (this._types == undefined) this._types = [];
if (this._fullTypeName == undefined) this._fullTypeName = '|';
this._fullTypeName += this.fullName + '|';
return arguments;
rawInstance: function ()
initializing = true;
var inst = new this();
initializing = false;
return inst;
* Extends a class with new static and prototype functions. There are a variety of ways
* to use extend:
* @codestart
* //with className, static and prototype functions
* $.Class.extend('Task',{ STATIC },{ PROTOTYPE })
* //with just classname and prototype functions
* $.Class.extend('Task',{ PROTOTYPE })
* //With just a className
* $.Class.extend('Task')
* @codeend
* @param {String} [fullName] the classes name (used for classes w/ introspection)
* @param {Object} [klass] the new classes static/class functions
* @param {Object} [proto] the new classes prototype functions
* @return {jQuery.Class} returns the new class
extend: function (fullName, klass, proto)
// figure out what was passed
if (typeof fullName != 'string')
proto = klass;
klass = fullName;
fullName = null;
if (!proto)
proto = klass;
klass = null;
proto = proto || {};
var _super_class = this,
_super = this.prototype,
name, shortName, namespace, prototype;
// append the isA function
this.isA = function(typeName)
return this._fullTypeName.indexOf('|'+typeName+'|') != -1;
// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
// don't run the init constructor)
initializing = true;
prototype = new this();
initializing = false;
// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
inheritProps(proto, _super, prototype);
// The dummy class constructor
function Class()
// All construction is actually done in the init method
if (initializing) return;
if (this.constructor !== Class && arguments.length)
{ //we are being called w/o new
return arguments.callee.extend.apply(arguments.callee, arguments)
} else
{ //we are being called w/ new
// copy objects
return this.Class.newInstance.apply(this.Class, arguments)
// Copy old stuff onto class
for (name in this)
if (this.hasOwnProperty(name))
Class[name] = cloneObject(this[name]);
// copy new props on class
inheritProps(klass, this, Class);
// do namespace stuff
if (fullName)
var parts = fullName.split(/./);
var shortName = parts.pop();
// Martin Wells (playcraft): bug fix. Don't add a namespace object if the class name
// has no namespace elements (i.e. it's just "MyClass", not "MyProject.MyClass")
if (parts.length > 0)
current = clss.getObject(parts.join('.'), window, true),
namespace = current;
current[shortName] = Class;
// set things that can't be overwritten
extend(Class, {
prototype: prototype,
namespace: namespace,
shortName: shortName,
constructor: Class,
fullName: fullName
//make sure our prototype looks nice
Class.prototype.Class = Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
* @attribute fullName
* The full name of the class, including namespace, provided for introspection purposes.
* @codestart
* $.Class.extend("MyOrg.MyClass",{},{})
* MyOrg.MyClass.shortName //-> 'MyClass'
* MyOrg.MyClass.fullName //-> 'MyOrg.MyClass'
* @codeend
var args = Class.setup.apply(Class, concatArgs([_super_class], arguments));
if (Class.init)
Class.init.apply(Class, args || []);
/* @Prototype*/
return Class;
* @function setup
* If a setup method is provided, it is called when a new
* instances is created. It gets passed the same arguments that
* were given to the Class constructor function (<code> new Class( arguments ... )</code>).
* $.Class("MyClass",
* {
* setup: function( val ) {
* this.val = val;
* }
* })
* var mc = new MyClass("Check Check")
* mc.val //-> 'Check Check'
* Setup is called before [jQuery.Class.prototype.init init]. If setup
* return an array, those arguments will be used for init.
* $.Class("jQuery.Controller",{
* setup : function(htmlElement, rawOptions){
* return [$(htmlElement),
* $.extend({}, this.Class.defaults, rawOptions )]
* }
* })
* <div class='whisper'>PRO TIP:
* Setup functions are used to normalize constructor arguments and provide a place for
* setup code that extending classes don't have to remember to call _super to
* run.
* </div>
* Setup is not defined on $.Class itself, so calling super in inherting classes
* will break. Don't do the following:
* $.Class("Thing",{
* setup : function(){
* this._super(); // breaks!
* }
* })
* @return {Array|undefined} If an array is return, [jQuery.Class.prototype.init] is
* called with those arguments; otherwise, the original arguments are used.
//break up
* @function init
* If an <code>init</code> method is provided, it gets called when a new instance
* is created. Init gets called after [jQuery.Class.prototype.setup setup], typically with the
* same arguments passed to the Class
* constructor: (<code> new Class( arguments ... )</code>).
* $.Class("MyClass",
* {
* init: function( val ) {
* this.val = val;
* }
* })
* var mc = new MyClass(1)
* mc.val //-> 1
* [jQuery.Class.prototype.setup Setup] is able to modify the arguments passed to init. Read
* about it there.
//Breaks up code
* @attribute Class
* References the static properties of the instance's class.
* <h3>Quick Example</h3>
* @codestart
* // a class with a static classProperty property
* $.Class.extend("MyClass", {classProperty : true}, {});
* // a new instance of myClass
* var mc1 = new MyClass();
* //
* mc1.Class.classProperty = false;
* // creates a new MyClass
* var mc2 = new mc.Class();
* @codeend
* Getting static properties via the Class property, such as it's
* [jQuery.Class.static.fullName fullName] is very common.
* @function callback
* Returns a callback function. This does the same thing as and is described better in [jQuery.Class.static.callback].
* The only difference is this callback works
* on a instance instead of a class.
* @param {String|Array} fname If a string, it represents the function to be called.
* If it is an array, it will call each function in order and pass the return value of the prior function to the
* next function.
* @return {Function} the callback function
callback = clss.callback;