Файл: Space race/classes/check.class.php
Строк: 124
* Runs several checks against the user before allowing access to a page.
include_once( 'generic.class.php' );
class Check extends Generic {
function __construct($forceLogin = true) {
* Checks whether or not the user has logged in.
* If the user is not logged in, we will store the page the user
* is coming from and redirect the user later after logging in.
* @param boolean $redirect Ask the user to sign in or not.
private function isGuest($forceLogin) {
if ( !$forceLogin )
return empty( $_SESSION['starrace']['user_id'] );
if ( empty($_SESSION['starrace']['user_id']) ) :
// IIS compatibility
// http://davidwalsh.name/iis-php-server-request_uri
if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],1 );
$_SESSION['starrace']['referer'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$page = parent::getOption('guest-redirect');
header('Location: ' . $page);
* Verifies if the user's account is activated.
* If the account is not activated, we redirect them to the
* activate.php page where further instruction is given.
private function isActivated() {
if ( !empty($_SESSION['starrace']['activate']) ) :
header('Location: '. SITE_PATH . 'activate.php');
* Checks if the user's account is restricted.
* The user is redirected to disabled.php if the account is restricted.
private function isRestricted() {
if ( !empty($_SESSION['starrace']['restricted']) || !empty($_SESSION['starrace']['level_disabled']) ) :
header('Location: '. SITE_PATH . 'disabled.php');
* Forces user to update password if using a non-preferred password hash.
* The admin can enable forcing password updates through the admin panel.
* A user will only be requested to update his password if the stored password
* for that user does not match the password hash method the admin sets.
private function forcePwUpdate() {
if ( !empty($_SESSION['starrace']['forcePwUpdate']) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'profile.php') :
header('Location: '. SITE_PATH . 'profile.php?pe=1');
* Checks if the user can access a requested page.
* @param string $level The level allowed to view a page, eg "1,2,3".
public function protectPage($level) {
* Because $level is one string, we must explode it into multiple parts,
* that is, an array, in order to verify against the user_level array.
$level = array_map( 'trim', explode(",", trim($level)) );
if( ! @array_intersect($level, $_SESSION['starrace']['user_level']) && $level != array('*') )
* Checks if the user can access a requested enclosed content.
* @param string $level The level allowed to view a page, eg "1,2,3".
public function protectThis($level) {
* Because $level is one string, we must explode it into multiple parts
* (an array) in order to verify against the user_level session array.
$level = array_map( 'trim', explode(",", trim($level)) );
if ( empty( $_SESSION['starrace']['user_id'] ) && $level == array('*') )
return false;
if ( ! @array_intersect($level, $_SESSION['starrace']['user_level']) && $level != array('*') )
return false;
return true;
* Message shown to users when access is denied.
private function deny_access() {
if ( !parent::getOption('block-msg-enable') )
parent::displayMessage(' ');
$error = "<div class='row'>
<div class='col-md-12'>
" . html_entity_decode(parent::getOption('block-msg')) . "
/* See public function protectPage() */
function protect($level) {
$check = new Check();
/* See public function protectThis() */
function protectThis($level) {
$check = new Check(false);
return $check->protectThis($level);