Файл: Space race/bkcore/hexgl/HexGL.js
Строк: 524
* HexGL
* @author Thibaut 'BKcore' Despoulain <http://bkcore.com>
* @license This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/.
'use strict';
var bkcore = bkcore || {};
bkcore.hexgl = bkcore.hexgl || {};
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL = function(opts)
var self = this;
this.document = opts.document || document;
this.a = window.location.href;
this.active = true;
this.displayHUD = opts.hud == undefined ? true : opts.hud;
this.width = opts.width == undefined ? window.innerWidth : opts.width;
this.height = opts.height == undefined ? window.innerHeight : opts.height;
this.difficulty = opts.difficulty == undefined ? 0 : opts.difficulty;
this.player = opts.player == undefined ? "Anonym" : opts.player;
this.track = bkcore.hexgl.tracks[ opts.track == undefined ? 'Cityscape' : opts.track ];
this.mode = opts.mode == undefined ? 'timeattack' : opts.mode;
this.controlType = opts.controlType == undefined ? 1 : opts.controlType;
// 0 == low, 1 == mid, 2 == high, 3 == very high
// the old platform+quality combinations map to these new quality values
// as follows:
// mobile + low quality => 0 (LOW)
// mobile + mid quality OR desktop + low quality => 1 (MID)
// mobile + high quality => 2 (HIGH)
// desktop + mid or high quality => 3 (VERY HIGH)
this.quality = opts.quality == undefined ? 3 : opts.quality;
if(this.quality === 0)
this.width /= 2;
this.height /=2;
this.settings = null;
this.renderer = null;
this.manager = null;
this.lib = null;
this.materials = {};
this.components = {};
this.extras = {
vignetteColor: new THREE.Color(0x458ab1),
bloom: null,
fxaa: null
this.containers = {};
this.containers.main = opts.container == undefined ? document.body : opts.container;
this.containers.overlay = opts.overlay == undefined ? document.body : opts.overlay;
this.gameover = opts.gameover == undefined ? null : opts.gameover;
this.godmode = opts.godmode == undefined ? false : opts.godmode;
this.hud = null;
this.gameplay = null;
this.composers = {
game: null
function onKeyPress(event)
if(event.keyCode == 27/*escape*/)
this.document.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyPress, false);
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.start = function()
var self = this;
function raf()
if(self && self.active) requestAnimationFrame( raf );
//if(this.a[15] == "o")
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.reset = function()
this.manager.get('game').objects.lowFPS = 0;
bkcore.Audio.volume('wind', 0.35);
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.restart = function()
try{ this.document.getElementById('finish').style.display = 'none'; }
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.update = function()
if(!this.active) return;
if(this.gameplay != null)
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.init = function()
this.track.buildScenes(this, this.quality);
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.load = function(opts)
this.track.load(opts, this.quality);
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.initGameplay = function()
var self = this;
this.gameplay = new bkcore.hexgl.Gameplay({
mode: this.mode,
hud: this.hud,
shipControls: this.components.shipControls,
cameraControls: this.components.cameraChase,
analyser: this.track.analyser,
pixelRatio: this.track.pixelRatio,
track: this.track,
onFinish: function() {
self.displayScore(this.finishTime, this.lapTimes);
onDestroy: function() {
self.displayDestroy(this.finishTime, this.lapTimes);
bkcore.Audio.volume('wind', 0.35);
// МОЕ
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.displayDestroy = function(f, l)
this.active = false;
var tf = bkcore.Timer.msToTimeString(f);
var tl = [
if(this.gameover !== null)
this.gameover.style.display = "block";
this.gameover.children[1].innerHTML = "ЗВЕЗДОЛЕТ РАЗБИТ!!!";
this.gameover.children[2].innerHTML = "<img src='css/destroy.png' style='width: 40%;'>";
this.gameover.children[3].innerHTML = "Твои механики, конечно, починят его. Но мы рекомендуем прокачать свой звездолет";
this.gameover.children[4].innerHTML = "Сделай это прямо сейчас в разделе <b>ТЮНИНГ</b>";
this.containers.main.parentElement.style.display = "none";
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.displayScore = function(f, l)
this.active = false;
var tf = bkcore.Timer.msToTimeString(f);
var tl = [
if(this.gameover !== null)
this.gameover.style.display = "block";
this.gameover.children[0].innerHTML = tf.m + "'" + tf.s + "''" + tf.ms;
var newscore = tf.m + ":" + tf.s + ":" + tf.ms;
$.post("updatescore.php", { id: viewer_id, auth_key: auth_key, score: newscore}, function(data) {
} );
this.containers.main.parentElement.style.display = "none";
var t = this.track;
var dc = this.document.getElementById("finish");
var ds = this.document.getElementById("finish-state");
var dh = this.document.getElementById("finish-hallmsg");
var dr = this.document.getElementById("finish-msg");
var dt = this.document.getElementById("finish-result");
var dl1 = this.document.getElementById("finish-lap1");
var dl2 = this.document.getElementById("finish-lap2");
var dl3 = this.document.getElementById("finish-lap3");
var dd = this.document.getElementById("finish-diff")
var st = this.document.getElementById("finish-twitter");
var sf = this.document.getElementById("finish-fb");
var sl = this.document.getElementById("lowfps-msg");
var d = this.difficulty == 0 ? 'casual' : 'hard';
var ts = this.hud.timeSeparators;
if(this.gameplay.result == this.gameplay.results.FINISH)
ds != undefined && (ds.innerHTML = "Finished!");
// local record
if(localStorage['score-'+t+'-'+d] == undefined || localStorage['score-'+t+'-'+d] > f)
dr != undefined && (dr.innerHTML = "New local record!");
localStorage['score-'+t+'-'+d] = f;
// Export race data
localStorage['race-'+t+'-replay'] = JSON.Stringify(this.gameplay.raceData.export());
dr != undefined && (dr.innerHTML = "Well done!");
// ladder record
var p = bkcore.hexgl.Ladder.global[t][d][bkcore.hexgl.Ladder.global[t][d].length-2];
if(p != undefined && p['score'] > f)
dh != undefined && (dh.innerHTML = "You made it to the HOF!");
dh != undefined && (dh.innerHTML = "Hall Of Fame");
dt != undefined && (dt.innerHTML = tf.m + ts[1] + tf.s + ts[2] + tf.ms);
dl1 != undefined && (dl1.innerHTML = tl[0]["m"] != undefined ? tl[0].m + ts[1] + tl[0].s + ts[2] + tl[0].ms : "-");
dl2 != undefined && (dl2.innerHTML = tl[1]["m"] != undefined ? tl[1].m + ts[1] + tl[1].s + ts[2] + tl[1].ms : "-");
dl3 != undefined && (dl3.innerHTML = tl[2]["m"] != undefined ? tl[2].m + ts[1] + tl[2].s + ts[2] + tl[2].ms : "-");
// Ladder save
// Undisclosed
ds != undefined && (ds.innerHTML = "Destroyed!");
dr != undefined && (dr.innerHTML = "Maybe next time!");
dh != undefined && (dh.innerHTML = "Hall Of Fame");
dt != undefined && (dt.innerHTML = "None");
dl1 != undefined && (dl1.innerHTML = "None");
dl2 != undefined && (dl2.innerHTML = "None");
dl3 != undefined && (dl3.innerHTML = "None");
dd != undefined && (dd.innerHTML = d);
st != undefined && (st.href='http://twitter.com/share?text='+encodeURIComponent('I just scored '+dt.innerHTML+' in '+'Cityscape ('+d+') on #HexGL! Come try it and beat my record on '));
sf != undefined && (sf.href='http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100'
+'&p[title]='+encodeURIComponent('I just scored '+dt.innerHTML+' in '+'Cityscape ('+d+') on HexGL!')
+'&p[summary]='+encodeURIComponent('HexGL is a futuristic racing game built by Thibaut Despoulain (BKcore) using HTML5, Javascript and WebGL. Come challenge your friends on this fast-paced 3D game!')
bkcore.hexgl.Ladder.displayLadder('finish-ladder', t, d, 8);
if(this.manager.get('game').objects.lowFPS >= 999)
sl != undefined && (sl.innerHTML = 'Note: Your framerate was pretty low, you should try a lesser graphic setting!');
sl != undefined && (sl.innerHTML = '');
dc.style.display = 'block';
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.initRenderer = function()
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
antialias: false,
clearColor: 0x000000
// desktop + quality mid or high
if(this.quality > 2)
renderer.physicallyBasedShading = true;
renderer.gammaInput = true;
renderer.gammaOutput = true;
renderer.shadowMapEnabled = true;
renderer.shadowMapSoft = true;
renderer.autoClear = false;
renderer.sortObjects = false;
renderer.setSize( this.width, this.height );
renderer.domElement.style.position = "relative";
this.containers.main.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
this.canvas = renderer.domElement;
this.renderer = renderer;
this.manager = new bkcore.threejs.RenderManager(renderer);
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.initHUD = function()
if(!this.displayHUD) return;
this.hud = new bkcore.hexgl.HUD({
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
font: "Oswald",
bg: this.track.lib.get("images", "hud.bg"),
speed: this.track.lib.get("images", "hud.speed"),
shield: this.track.lib.get("images", "hud.shield")
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.initGameComposer = function()
var renderTargetParameters = { minFilter: THREE.LinearFilter, magFilter: THREE.LinearFilter, format: THREE.RGBFormat, stencilBuffer: false };
var renderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, renderTargetParameters );
var renderSky = new THREE.RenderPass( this.manager.get("sky").scene, this.manager.get("sky").camera );
var renderModel = new THREE.RenderPass( this.manager.get("game").scene, this.manager.get("game").camera );
renderModel.clear = false;
this.composers.game = new THREE.EffectComposer( this.renderer, renderTarget );
var effectScreen = new THREE.ShaderPass( THREE.ShaderExtras[ "screen" ] );
effectScreen.renderToScreen = true;
var effectVignette = new THREE.ShaderPass( THREE.ShaderExtras[ "vignette" ] );
var effectHex = new THREE.ShaderPass( bkcore.threejs.Shaders[ "hexvignette" ] );
effectHex.uniforms[ 'size' ].value = 512.0 * (this.width/1633);
effectHex.uniforms[ 'rx' ].value = this.width;
effectHex.uniforms[ 'ry' ].value = this.height;
effectHex.uniforms[ 'tHex' ].texture = this.track.lib.get("textures", "hex");
effectHex.uniforms[ 'color' ].value = this.extras.vignetteColor;
effectHex.renderToScreen = true;
this.composers.game.addPass( renderSky );
this.composers.game.addPass( renderModel );
// if(this.quality > 0 && !this.mobile)
// {
// var effectFXAA = new THREE.ShaderPass( THREE.ShaderExtras[ "fxaa" ] );
// effectFXAA.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( 1 / this.width, 1 / this.height );
// this.composers.game.addPass( effectFXAA );
// this.extras.fxaa = effectFXAA;
// }
// desktop + quality mid or high
if(this.quality > 2)
var effectBloom = new THREE.BloomPass( 0.8, 25, 4 , 256);
this.composers.game.addPass( effectBloom );
this.extras.bloom = effectBloom;
// desktop + quality low, mid or high
// OR
// mobile + quality mid or high
if(this.quality > 0)
this.composers.game.addPass( effectHex );
this.composers.game.addPass( effectScreen );
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.createMesh = function(parent, geometry, x, y, z, mat)
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, mat );
mesh.position.set( x, y, z );
// desktop + quality mid or high
if(this.quality > 2)
mesh.castShadow = true;
mesh.receiveShadow = true;
return mesh;
bkcore.hexgl.HexGL.prototype.tweakShipControls = function()
var c = this.components.shipControls;
if(this.difficulty == 1)
c.airResist = 0.035;
c.airDrift = 0.07;
c.thrust = 0.035;
c.airBrake = 0.04;
c.maxSpeed = 9.6;
c.boosterSpeed = c.maxSpeed * 0.35;
c.boosterDecay = 0.007;
c.angularSpeed = 0.0140;
c.airAngularSpeed = 0.0165;
c.rollAngle = 0.6;
c.shieldDamage = 0.03;
c.collisionSpeedDecrease = 0.8;
c.collisionSpeedDecreaseCoef = 0.5;
c.rollLerp = 0.1;
c.driftLerp = 0.4;
c.angularLerp = 0.4;
else if(this.difficulty == 0)
c.airResist = 0.02;
c.airDrift = 0.06;
c.thrust = th;
c.airBrake = ab;
c.maxSpeed = speed;
c.boosterSpeed = c.maxSpeed * bs;
c.boosterDecay = 0.007;
c.angularSpeed = as;
c.airAngularSpeed = 0.0135;
c.rollAngle = 0.6;
c.shieldDamage = sd;
c.collisionSpeedDecrease = 0.8;
c.collisionSpeedDecreaseCoef = 0.5;
c.rollLerp = 0.07;
c.driftLerp = 0.3;
c.angularLerp = 0.4;
c.shieldDamage = 0.0;