Файл: Space race/bkcore/Timer.js
Строк: 59
* @class bkcore.Timer
* new Date().getTime() wrapper to use as timers.
* @author Thibaut 'BKcore' Despoulain <http://bkcore.com>
* @package bkcore
var bkcore = bkcore || {};
* Creates a new timer, inactive by default.
* Call Timer.start() to activate.
bkcore.Timer = function()
this.time = {
start: 0,
current: 0,
previous: 0,
elapsed: 0,
delta: 0
this.active = false;
* Starts/restarts the timer.
bkcore.Timer.prototype.start = function()
var now = new Date().getTime();
this.time.start = now;
this.time.current = now;
this.time.previous = now;
this.time.elapsed = 0;
this.time.delta = 0;
this.active = true;
* Pauses(true)/Unpauses(false) the timer.
* @param bool Do pause
bkcore.Timer.prototype.pause = function(bool)
this.active = !bool;
* Update method to be called inside a RAF loop
bkcore.Timer.prototype.update = function()
if(!this.active) return;
var now = new Date().getTime();
this.time.current = now;
this.time.elapsed = this.time.current - this.time.start;
this.time.delta = now - this.time.previous;
this.time.previous = now;
* Returns a formatted version of the current elapsed time using msToTime().
bkcore.Timer.prototype.getElapsedTime = function()
return bkcore.Timer.msToTime(this.time.elapsed);
* Formats a millisecond integer into a h/m/s/ms object
* @param x int In milliseconds
* @return Object{h,m,s,ms}
bkcore.Timer.msToTime = function(t)
var ms, s, m, h;
ms = t%1000;
s = Math.floor((t/1000)%60);
m = Math.floor((t/60000)%60);
h = Math.floor((t/3600000));
return {h:h, m:m, s:s, ms:ms};
* Formats a millisecond integer into a h/m/s/ms object with prefix zeros
* @param x int In milliseconds
* @return Object<string>{h,m,s,ms}
bkcore.Timer.msToTimeString = function(t)
var ms, s, m, h;
ms = t%1000;
if(ms < 10) ms = "00"+ms;
else if(ms < 100) ms = "0"+ms;
s = Math.floor((t/1000)%60);
if(s < 10) s = "0"+s;
m = Math.floor((t/60000)%60);
h = Math.floor((t/3600000));
return {h:h, m:m, s:s, ms:ms};