Файл: Space race/activate.php
Строк: 183
include_once ('header.php');
include_once ('classes/generic.class.php');
class Activate extends Generic {
private $key;
private $user;
private $error;
function __construct() {
// Assign their username to a variable
$this->user = $_SESSION['starrace']['username'];
// Are they clicking from an email?
if(isset($_GET['key'])) {
$this->key = parent::secure($_GET['key']);
// Do they want the key resent?
} else if(isset($_GET['resend']) && $_GET['resend'] == '1') {
// Are they already signed in without a key?
} else if(isset($this->user) && !isset($this->key)) {
} else {
header('location: home.php');
// Display any errors
parent::displayMessage($this->error, false);
private function getKey() {
$params = array( ':key' => $this->key );
$stmt = parent::query("SELECT `login_confirm`.`email`, `login_confirm`.`username`, `login_users`.`name`
FROM `login_confirm`, `login_users`
WHERE `login_confirm`.`key` = :key
AND `login_confirm`.`username` = `login_users`.`username`
AND `login_confirm`.`type` = 'new_user';", $params);
if ($stmt->rowCount() < 1) {
$this->error = '<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _('Your activation link is incorrect.') . '</div>
<h5>' . _('What to do now?') . '</h5>
<p>' . sprintf(_('Go to the <a href="%s"> homepage</a>'), 'home.php') . '</p>';
return false;
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$username = $row['username'];
$to = $row['email'];
// Activate by deleting the activation key
parent::query("DELETE FROM `login_confirm` WHERE `username` = '$username' AND `type` = 'new_user';");
// Set user's activate session to false
if(!empty($_SESSION['starrace']['activate'])) unset($_SESSION['starrace']['activate']);
echo "<div class="alert alert-success">"._('Your account has been activated!')."</div>" ._('You can now see the default access granted to new users.')."
<p>"._('If you require more access please contact the site admin at')." " . address . "</p>
<h5>"._('What to do now?')."</h5>
<p>" . sprintf(_('Go to the <a href="%s"> homepage</a>'), 'home.php') . "</p>";
$shortcodes = array(
'site_address' => SITE_PATH,
'full_name' => $row['name'],
'username' => $username
$msg = parent::getOption('email-activate-msg');
$subj = parent::getOption('email-activate-subj');
if(!parent::sendEmail($to, $subj, $msg, $shortcodes))
$this->error = "ERROR. Mail not sent";
private function resendKey() {
$params = array( ':username' => $this->user );
$stmt = parent::query("SELECT `login_confirm`.`email`, `login_confirm`.`username`, `login_confirm`.`key`, `login_users`.`name`
FROM `login_confirm`, `login_users`
WHERE `login_confirm`.`username` = :username
AND `login_confirm`.`type` = 'new_user'
AND `login_users`.`username` = :username;", $params);
$row = $stmt->fetch();
$key = $row['key'];
if ( empty($key) ) {
$this->error = '<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _('You do not have an activation key!') . '</div>
<p>' . _('Please contact an admin: ') . address . '</p>';
return false;
$shortcodes = array(
'site_address' => SITE_PATH,
'full_name' => $row['name'],
'username' => $this->user,
'activate' => SITE_PATH . "activate.php?key=$key"
$subj = parent::getOption('email-activate-resend-subj');
$msg = parent::getOption('email-activate-resend-msg');
$to = $row['email'];
if(parent::sendEmail($to, $subj, $msg, $shortcodes)) {
$this->error = '<div class="alert alert-success">' . _('Activation link resent to email.') . '</div>
<h5>' . _('What to do now?') . '</h5>'
. _('Click the link in your email to activate your account.');
} else $this->error = _('ERROR. Mail not sent');
private function signedIn() {
// Check if user needs activation
$params = array( ':username' => $this->user );
$stmt = parent::query("SELECT * FROM `login_confirm` WHERE `username` = :username AND `type` = 'new_user';", $params);
if ($stmt->rowCount() < 1) {
$this->error = '<div class="alert alert-danger">'._('Your account has already been activated.').'</div>
<h5>'._('What to do now?').'</h5>
<p>' . sprintf(_('Go to the <a href="%s"> homepage</a>'), 'home.php') . '</p>';
} else{
$this->error = '<div class="alert alert-danger">'._('You have not activated your account yet.').'</div>
<h5>'._('What to do now?').'</h5>'
. '<p>' . _('Please follow the link in your email to activate your account.') . '</p>'
. '<p>' . sprintf(_('Would you like us to <a href="%s">resend</a> the link?'), 'activate.php?resend=1') . '</p>';
$activate = new Activate;
include ('footer.php');