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Файл: sngine-v2.8/Updates/Update 2.5.8 to 2.5.9/Update_2.5.9/content/themes/default/templates/admin.changelog.tpl
Строк: 1208
<div class="card"> <div class="card-header
with-icon"> <i class="fa fa-stopwatch
mr10"></i>{__("Changelog")} </div>
<div class="card-body"> <!-- Changelog
--> <h3>Version 2.5.9</h3>
<blockquote>Release Date: 26th April 2019</blockquote>
<ul class="change-log-list mb20">
<li>[Updated] Documentation</li>
<li>[Updated] System Security</li>
<li>[Updated] System Optimization</li>
<li>[Added] Download My Information</li>
<li>[Added] Profile Completion</li>
<li>[Added] Share the post to Timeline, Page & Group</li>
<li>[Added] Read More for long text biography in Profile,
Page, Group & Event Page</li> <li>[Added]
Search for users by email & phone [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Delete all user posts [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Delete all page posts [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Delete all group posts [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Delete all event posts [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Edit Custom Fields values when edit User [Admin
Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Edit Custom Fields values
when edit Page [Admin Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Edit
Custom Fields values when edit Group [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Edit Custom Fields values when edit Event [Admin
Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Delete uploaded photos
after delete (comment|reply)</li> <li>[Added]
Delete uploaded photos after delete from the album</li>
<li>[Fixed] Social Login Form Design</li>
<li>[Fixed] Reset Header Counter when open the dropdown</li>
<li>[Fixed] Custom Field description bug</li>
<li>[Fixed] Lightbox tooltip close button bug</li>
<li>[Fixed] Can't delete replies on my own post</li>
<li>[Fixed] Minor Bugs</li> </ul>
<div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.5.8</h3> <blockquote>Release Date:
6th April 2019</blockquote> <ul
class="change-log-list mb20"> <li>[Updated]
Documentation</li> <li>[Updated] System
Security</li> <li>[Updated] System
Optimization</li> <li>[Updated] Sngine Libs
<li>[Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
<li>[Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies
[Font-Awesome]</li> <li>[Added] Sngine Default
Theme v2.0 with Bootsrap 4+</li> <li>[Added] Night
Mode On/Off</li> <li>[Added] Chat Message Sound
On/Off ability</li> <li>[Added] Update @Mention
functionality</li> <li>[Added] Disable Infinite
Scroll on Mobile</li> <li>[Added] Custom Fields
description & value translation ability</li>
<li>[Fixed] Edit Post more than 2 time bug</li>
<li>[Fixed] Messages counter on Mobile</li>
<li>[Fixed] Comments count after delete replies</li>
<li>[Fixed] Declined friend request on profile page</li>
<li>[Fixed] Stroies with videos only publish bug</li>
<li>[Fixed] UTF-8 Hashtags in Posts &
Comments</li> <li>[Fixed] UTF-8 Names in Email
& Noty Notifications</li> <li>[Fixed] UTF-8
Tags in Articles</li> <li>[Fixed] All Reported
Bugs</li> <li>[Removed] Google+ Login</li>
</ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.5.7</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 10th January
2019</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Fixed] Minor Bugs</li>
</ul> <div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.5.6</h3>
<blockquote>Release Date: 1st January 2019</blockquote>
<ul class="change-log-list mb20">
<li>[Updated] Documentation</li>
<li>[Updated] System Security</li>
<li>[Updated] System Optimization</li>
<li>[Updated] Sngine Libs
<li>[Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
<li>[Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies
[Font-Awesome]</li> <li>[Added] Delete Uploaded
(Photos, Video, Audio, File) after deleting posts</li>
<li>[Added] Fake User Generator</li>
<li>[Added] Verification Attachments for Users</li>
<li>[Added] Verification Attachments for Pages</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Two-Factor Authentication
On/Off</li> <li>[Added] Two-Factor Authentication
via Email & Phone</li> <li>[Added] Two-Factor
Authentication via Google Authenticator App</li>
<li>[Added] New verification system for email & phone
number</li> <li>[Added] Twitter Card Meta
Tags</li> <li>[Added] Popular Posts</li>
<li>[Added] Last Played Time in Games</li>
<li>[Added] Use CDN for Bootstrap, FontAwesome & jQuery
files</li> <li>[Added] Added Server Side Pager to
Users in Admin Panel</li> <li>[Added] All AWS S3
Regions (10+ New Regions)</li> <li>[Added]
robots.txt file</li> <li>[Added] Progress Bar for
all uploadings</li> <li>[Added] Keyboard Shortcuts
to scroll between posts</li> <li>[Added] New
Publisher</li> <li>[Added] GIFs Support by Giphy
in Publisher</li> <li>[Added] Admin ability to
turn Giphy support in publisher On/Off</li>
<li>[Added] Auto Ad-block Detector</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Auto Ad-block Detector
On/Off</li> <li>[Added] Auto Ad-block Warning
Message in admin panel ads control</li>
<li>[Added] Auto Ad-block Warning Message in user ads
manager</li> <li>[Added] New Stories
System</li> <li>[Added] New Stories
Publisher</li> <li>[Added] Videos in
Stories</li> <li>[Added] New Product
Publisher</li> <li>[Added] Product Status New or
Old</li> <li>[Added] Product Price can be 0 or
Free Product</li> <li>[Added] Edit button when
edit post from mobile</li> <li>[Added] Edit button
when edit comment/reply from mobile</li>
<li>[Added] New Album (Add Photos) Publisher</li>
<li>[Added] Turn Post Commenting On/Off</li>
<li>[Added] Share Affiliates link</li>
<li>[Added] Share post to Whatsapp</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to change user points balance</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Points System
on/off</li> <li>[Added] Points System</li>
<li>[Added] Ads in Movies</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Movies System on/off</li>
<li>[Added] Movies System</li>
<li>[Added] Find Friends by location</li>
<li>[Added] Changelog to admin panel</li>
<li>[Fixed] Multiple stories for same user in same day</li>
<li>[Fixed] Reposition cover photo on mobile</li>
<li>[Fixed] _emoji-menu tabs in chat</li>
<li>[Fixed] Post Privacy in Publisher</li>
<li>[Fixed] Delete stories images in Publisher</li>
<li>[Fixed] Publisher submit disabled while link
scraping</li> <li>[Fixed] Open "Edit
Post" several times</li> <li>[Fixed] Forum
Thread Views Count</li> <li>[Fixed] Getting
notifications from deleted users</li> <li>[Fixed]
All Reported Bugs</li> </ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.5.5</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 6th October
2018</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Fixed] Minor Bugs</li>
</ul> <div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.5.4</h3>
<blockquote>Release Date: 10th September 2018</blockquote>
<ul class="change-log-list mb20">
<li>[Updated] Documentation</li>
<li>[Updated] System Security</li>
<li>[Updated] System Optimization</li>
<li>[Updated] Sngine Libs
<li>[Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
<li>[Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies
[Font-Awesome]</li> <li>[Added] Secured Cookies
[GDPR]</li> <li>[Added] Cookies Consent
Notification [GDPR]</li> <li>[Added] Admin ability
to turn Cookies Consent Notification On/Off [GDPR]</li>
<li>[Added] Privacy Checkbox in Sign Up [GDPR]</li>
<li>[Added] Newsletter Checkbox in User Settings [GDPR]</li>
<li>[Added] Directions RTL & LTR in WYSIWYG
Editor</li> <li>[Added] Language Flag instead of
icon</li> <li>[Added] Admin ability to change user
wallet balance</li> <li>[Added] Admin ability to
turn articles for users on/off [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Delete article button from article page</li>
<li>[Added] Crop/Edit Profile Photo for Users</li>
<li>[Added] Crop/Edit Profile Photo for Pages</li>
<li>[Added] Crop/Edit Profile Photo for Groups</li>
<li>[Added] Adjust Profile Cover Position for
Users</li> <li>[Added] Adjust Profile Cover
Position for Pages</li> <li>[Added] Adjust Profile
Cover Position for Groups</li> <li>[Added] User
isn't able to see blocked users comments at any posts and vice
versa</li> <li>[Added] User isn't able to see
blocked users posts in mutual groups & events and vice
versa</li> <li>[Added] Ads in Article</li>
<li>[Added] Widget in Article</li>
<li>[Added] Chat box name now clickable [Chat]</li>
<li>[Added] Chat Colors [Chat]</li>
<li>[Added] Blog Categories</li> <li>[Added]
Manage Blog Categories in Admin Panel</li>
<li>[Added] Abilty to post mobile emojies on posts, comments, and
messages</li> <li>[Fixed] Disable blocked people
from sent chat messages [Chat]</li> <li>[Fixed]
When I delete the message of the “X” friend, then the friend “X”
message to me but not display [Chat]</li>
<li>[Fixed] Forums Order Bug</li>
<li>[Fixed] Verified badge on Search Results &
Notifactions</li> <li>[Fixed] Uploaded GIF image
check</li> <li>[Fixed] Article URL for better
SEO</li> <li>[Fixed] Pin/Unpin Posts for
Pages</li> <li>[Fixed] Boost/Unboost Posts if
package's limit reached</li> <li>[Fixed] Deleted
Articles in Search Results</li> <li>[Fixed]
Notification post forum reply bug</li> <li>[Fixed]
Event location if empty</li> <li>[Fixed] Negative
amount in wallet transfer</li> <li>[Fixed] Empty
post bug</li> <li>[Fixed] Upload page/group
picture/cover from different admin</li>
<li>[Fixed] Delete page/group picture/cover from different
admin</li> <li>[Fixed] Blocked users from people
you may know</li> <li>[Fixed] Minor
Bugs</li> </ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.5.3</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 20th May
2018</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Updated] Documentation</li>
<li>[Updated] System Security</li>
<li>[Updated] System Optimization</li>
<li>[Updated] Sngine Libs
<li>[Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
<li>[Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies
[Font-Awesome|Flag-Icon]</li> <li>[Added]
Advanced ADS system for users</li> <li>[Added]
User Wallet System</li> <li>[Added] Send message
button in mobile version</li> <li>[Added] Posts
Translation</li> <li>[Added] "Add New
Product" button in Market & My Products</li>
<li>[Added] Social Links for Pages</li>
<li>[Added] Action Button for Pages</li>
<li>[Added] Groups Categories</li>
<li>[Added] Custom Fields Order</li>
<li>[Added] Custom Fields for Pages</li>
<li>[Added] Custom Fields for Groups</li>
<li>[Added] Custom Fields for Events</li>
<li>[Added] Links posts to newsfeed filter</li>
<li>[Added] Media posts to newsfeed filter</li>
<li>[Added] Custom JavaScript Code (Header & Footer) from Admin
Panel</li> <li>[Added] Garbage collector to remove
all expired subscribers and their boosted posts and pages from Admin
Panel</li> <li>[Added] Static Pages title can be
translated</li> <li>[Added] Articles in search
results</li> <li>[Added] Article cover in article
content</li> <li>[Added] Work website to profile
info</li> <li>[Added] Country to profile
info</li> <li>[Added] Manage my boosted
posts</li> <li>[Added] Manage my boosted
pages</li> <li>[Added] Manage Group
Members</li> <li>[Added] Multiple Admins for
Groups</li> <li>[Added] Manage Page
Members</li> <li>[Added] Multiple Admins for
Pages</li> <li>[Fixed] Link scraper
trigger</li> <li>[Fixed] Left sidebar
scroll</li> <li>[Fixed] Social signup first name
and last name duplication</li> <li>[Fixed] VK
Social Login</li> <li>[Fixed] Admin newsletter
error due to timeout</li> <li>[Fixed] Exclude
hidden posts from boosted posts</li> <li>[Fixed]
Remove all boosted posts/pages after user package expired</li>
<li>[Fixed] Banned users in "People you may
know"</li> <li>[Fixed] Boost button is still
here in Page even if you have disabled pro</li>
<li>[Fixed] Lightbox arrows position on mobile</li>
<li>[Fixed] Special characters in notifications</li>
<li>[Fixed] All Reported Bugs</li>
<li>[Removed] Bitcoin Payments</li> </ul>
<div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.5.2</h3> <blockquote>Release Date:
1st March 2018</blockquote> <ul
class="change-log-list mb20"> <li>[Updated]
System Security</li> <li>[Updated] System
Optimization</li> <li>[Updated] Sngine Libs
[Twilio]</li> <li>[Updated] Sngine CSS
Dependencies [Font-Awesome(v5)]</li> <li>[Added]
Forums</li> <li>[Added] Mass Notifications from
Admin Panel</li> <li>[Added] Change Language from
URL</li> <li>[Added] Enhanced Static Pages in
Admin Panel [Admin Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Add
Geolocation Map in Event Page</li> <li>[Added]
Admin ability to turn Polls on/off [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Browser Notifications on/off [Admin
Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Noty
Notifications on/off [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Invitations System</li>
<li>[Added] Other Gender</li> <li>[Added]
Edit Phone Number from User Settings</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to edit user Phone Number [Admin
Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Photo Quality
(High|Medium|Low) [Admin Panel]</li> <li>[Added]
Dynamic og-meta Tags</li> <li>[Fixed] Name
validation rules</li> <li>[Fixed] Search find only
a single word</li> <li>[Fixed] Find people filters
with empty query</li> <li>[Fixed] Disabled
pages/groups/events and user can see them but can't create</li>
<li>[Fixed] Left sidebar scroll</li>
<li>[Fixed] Delete old profile/cover photos delete the current one
too</li> <li>[Fixed] Message button on mobile need
to enter username again</li> <li>[Fixed] All
Reported Bugs</li> </ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.5.1</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 19th November
2017</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Fixed] Minor Bugs</li>
</ul> <div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.5</h3> <blockquote>Release
Date: 9th November 2017</blockquote> <ul
class="change-log-list mb20"> <li>[Updated]
System Security</li> <li>[Updated] System
Optimization</li> <li>[Updated] Sngine Libs
<li>[Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
<li>[Updated] Installer Wizard & Pre-Installation
<li>[Updated] Sngine GTmetrix Optimization</li>
<li>[Updated] Sngine Google PageSpeed
Optimization</li> <li>[Added] Romanian
Language</li> <li>[Added] Events</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Events on/off [Admin
Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Group Privacy (Public,
Closed & Secret)</li> <li>[Added] New Group
Layout</li> <li>[Added] Discover
Pages</li> <li>[Added] Discover
Groups</li> <li>[Added] Discover
People</li> <li>[Added] Blogs</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Blogs on/off [Admin
Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Invite Friends to
Events</li> <li>[Added] Invite Friends to
Pages</li> <li>[Added] Invite Friends to
Groups</li> <li>[Added] Stories</li>
<li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Stories on/off [Admin
Panel]</li> <li>[Added] DayTime Messages (Good
Morning, Afternoon, Evening)</li> <li>[Added]
Admin ability to turn DayTime Messages on/off [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Replies</li> <li>[Added]
Reply to Reply</li> <li>[Added] Comment Button for
Mobile</li> <li>[Added] Emojies to the
Publisher</li> <li>[Added] Stickers in
[Posts|Comments|Chat]</li> <li>[Added] Emojis
Center in admin panel [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Stickers Center in admin panel [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Discover Games</li>
<li>[Added] User Played Games</li>
<li>[Added] Recent Searches</li> <li>[Added]
Browser Push Notifications</li> <li>[Added]
Notification Highlights</li> <li>[Added] Noty
Notifications</li> <li>[Added] Notifications Sound
Toggle On/Off</li> <li>[Added] Friend Request
email notification</li> <li>[Added] Posts Socail
Share (Facebook, Twitter, ...etc)</li> <li>[Added]
Admin ability to turn Socail Share on/off [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Add YouTube Smart Player (Better
Performance)</li> <li>[Added] Admin ability to
turn YouTube Smart Player on/off [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Posts Settings [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] PRO Package Membership Management [User
Settings]</li> <li>[Added] PRO Package Membership
Management [Admin Panel]</li> <li>[Added] First
Name + Last Name instead of Full Name</li>
<li>[Added] Login with Email or Username</li>
<li>[Added] Sessions & IPs info in edit users [Admin
Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Admin ability to turn Home
Random Profiles on/off [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] Change Default Publisher Privacy from Admin Panel [Admin
Panel]</li> <li>[Added] Newsletter accept HTML
Email Templates [Admin Panel]</li> <li>[Added]
@mentions now support UTF-8 charset</li>
<li>[Added] Notifications after @mention after edit
post/comment</li> <li>[Added] Ads in
newsfeed</li> <li>[Added] Ads in
Marketplace</li> <li>[Added] Enhance Ads designs
& locations [Admin Panel]</li> <li>[Added]
Enhance Widgets designs & locations [Admin Panel]</li>
<li>[Added] New Passwords Hash System instead of
MD5/SHA1</li> <li>[Added] Enhanced the debugging
mode</li> <li>[Added] Sticky Sidebar in Homepage
& Directory</li> <li>[Added] New default
users, pages and groups profile picture</li>
<li>[Fixed] CSS Bugs</li> <li>[Fixed] All
Reported Bugs</li> </ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.4.3</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 29th July
2017</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Updated] Android APP</li>
<li>[Fixed] Minor bugs</li> </ul>
<div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.4.2</h3> <blockquote>Release Date:
21th March 2017</blockquote> <ul
class="change-log-list mb20"> <li>[Updated]
System optimization</li> <li>[Updated] Sngine JS
Dependencies [mediaelementplayer]</li> <li>[Added]
Stripe Receipt Email</li> <li>[Fixed] Page
Verification Request</li> <li>[Fixed] Minor CSS
bugs</li> <li>[Fixed] Minor bugs</li>
</ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.4.1</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 15th March
2017</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Fixed] Admin ability to boost posts
& pages without package</li> <li>[Fixed] Poll
bug</li> <li>[Fixed] Installer CSS</li>
<li>[Fixed] Verification Bug</li>
<li>[Fixed] Manage Pages/Groups Bug</li>
<li>[Fixed] Show Online Friends on Mobile</li>
<li>[Fixed] Minor bugs</li> </ul>
<div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.4</h3> <blockquote>Release Date:
6th March 2017</blockquote> <ul
class="change-log-list mb20"> <li>[Updated]
System Security</li> <li>[Updated] System
optimization</li> <li>[Updated] Sngine Libs
<li>[Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies
<li>[Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies
<li>[Updated] Installer Wizard & Pre-Installation
Check</li> <li>[Added] New Mobile UI
Enhancement</li> <li>[Added] Support RTL text with
LRT languages</li> <li>[Added] Charts to Admin
Panel</li> <li>[Added] Enable/Disable Directory
from admin panel</li> <li>[Added] Enable/Disable
Market from admin panel</li> <li>[Added]
Enable/Disable Contact us page from admin panel</li>
<li>[Added] Contact Us page</li> <li>[Added]
Enable/Disable Verification Requests from admin panel</li>
<li>[Added] Enable/Disable Advanced Link Scraper from admin
panel</li> <li>[Added] Advanced Link Scraper (to
support short links like: https://youtu.be/5J...)</li>
<li>[Added] Registration via Subscriptions Only</li>
<li>[Added] Enable/Disable Pro Packages from admin panel
</li> <li>[Added] SMS Verfication</li>
<li>[Added] Registration age restriction</li>
<li>[Added] New Social Login [Instagram]</li>
<li>[Added] SMTP SSL Encryption</li>
<li>[Added] SMTP setFrom Email Address</li>
<li>[Added] Test SMTP Connection from admin panel</li>
<li>[Added] Email Notifications</li>
<li>[Added] Enable/Disable Email notifications from admin
panel</li> <li>[Added] SMS via Twilio</li>
<li>[Added] Test SMS API Connection from admin
panel</li> <li>[Added] Amazon S3 integration for
uploads</li> <li>[Added] Payments Settings in
admin panel</li> <li>[Added] PayPal
payments</li> <li>[Added] CreditCard, BitCoin,
Alipay payments</li> <li>[Added] 24
Currency</li> <li>[Added] Edit index wallpaper
from admin panel</li> <li>[Added] Ability to add
free custom CSS from admin panel</li> <li>[Added]
Manage Market Categories from admin panel</li>
<li>[Added] Manage Pro Packages</li>
<li>[Added] Ability to Customize Pro Packages</li>
<li>[Added] Manage Pro Subscribers</li>
<li>[Added] Report Pro Packages Earnings</li>
<li>[Added] Affiliates System</li>
<li>[Added] Manage Affiliates Settings from admin panel</li>
<li>[Added] Manage Affiliates Withdrawal Requests from
admin panel</li> <li>[Added] Reports Enhancements
in admin panel</li> <li>[Added] Blocking (Banned
IPs) in admin panel</li> <li>[Added] Verification
Requests for Users</li> <li>[Added] Verification
Requests for Pages</li> <li>[Added] Verification
Requests Manager in admin panel</li> <li>[Added]
Custom User Profile Fields</li> <li>[Added]
Privacy Settings for Custom Profile Fields</li>
<li>[Added] Staic Pages in footer menu option</li>
<li>[Added] Newsletter (aka Mailing list)</li>
<li>[Added] Add multiple ads in the same place</li>
<li>[Added] Add multiple widgets in the same place</li>
<li>[Added] Relationship Status, Biography, Website &
Social Links in user profile</li> <li>[Added]
Mutiple Sessions </li> <li>[Added] Mutiple
Sessions Manager from user settings</li>
<li>[Added] Enable/Disable Email notifications from user
settings</li> <li>[Added] Enhance Username
Validation (with reserved words)</li> <li>[Added]
Make System Path in the config file not the database</li>
<li>[Added] Manage User Affiliates from from user
settings</li> <li>[Added] Manage User Affiliates
Withdrawal Requests from user settings</li>
<li>[Added] Post Feelings</li> <li>[Added]
Polls</li> <li>[Added] Market</li>
<li>[Added] Add verified icon with search results</li>
<li>[Fixed] Installation with STRICT_TRANS_TABLES SQL mode
defined</li> <li>[Fixed] Mobile image orientation
after uploading</li> <li>[Fixed] Visitor
"like, share & comment" issue</li>
<li>[Fixed] Publisher dropdown menu if video/audio/file upload are
disabled</li> <li>[Fixed] Privacy settings for
chat when chat is disabled by the admin</li>
<li>[Fixed] Link scraper 'http://..' typing error
message</li> <li>[Fixed] Image uploader CSS
bug</li> <li>[Fixed] Recaptcha CSS bug in sign up
& home page</li> <li>[Fixed] GIF Player CSS
bug</li> <li>[Fixed] CloudFlare IP
addresses</li> <li>[Fixed] Publisher textarea
height after new post</li> <li>[Fixed] Comment
textarea height after new comment</li> <li>[Fixed]
User's privacy settings of [friends|pages|groups] for visitors</li>
<li>[Fixed] Read more with fixed height not number of
lines for post and comment</li> <li>[Fixed] Chat
Bugs</li> <li>[Fixed] Minor bugs</li>
</ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.3.1</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 22th March
2017</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Updated] Sngine Libs
[PHPMailer]</li> </ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.3</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 3rd September
2016</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Updated] Sngine Dependencies
<li>[Updated] Cache system to speed up your website (97/100 on Google
PageSpeed)</li> <li>[Updated] System
Security</li> <li>[Updated] Improve Search to
include wall posts and group posts</li>
<li>[Added] Directory [Posts|Users|Pages|Groups|Games] for better
SEO</li> <li>[Added] Photos section in User
Profile</li> <li>[Added] Photos section in
Pages</li> <li>[Added] Photos section in
Groups</li> <li>[Added] Photo Albums for
Users</li> <li>[Added] Photo Albums for
Pages</li> <li>[Added] Photo Albums for
Groups</li> <li>[Added] Google Map API
integration</li> <li>[Added] Wall
posts</li> <li>[Added] Edit Post</li>
<li>[Added] Save Post</li> <li>[Added]
Pin Post</li> <li>[Added] Edit
Comment</li> <li>[Added]
Announcements</li> <li>[Added] Timeline
Filter</li> <li>[Added] New posts
loader</li> <li>[Added] "Only me" as a
new privacy for posts</li> <li>[Added] Time
Translation [like “7 hours ago”]</li>
<li>[Added] Groups posts on newsfeed</li>
<li>[Added] New privacy settings for
[Birthdate|Work|Location|Education] info</li>
<li>[Added] New privacy settings for Wall posts [who can post on your
wall]</li> <li>[Added] Make the search public for
visitors</li> <li>[Added] Add/Change Favicon from
admin panel</li> <li>[Added] Add/Change og-image
from admin panel</li> <li>[Added] Enable/Disable
wall posts from admin panel</li> <li>[Added]
Search page as a new place for Ads & Widgets</li>
<li>[Added] Search page as a new place for Ads &
Widgets</li> <li>[Added] Improved email
function/settings</li> <li>[Added] Make
[User|Page|Group] profile picture & cover picture
clickable</li> <li>[Fixed] Duplicated
Posts</li> <li>[Fixed] Last seen time</li>
<li>[Fixed] Report page & group</li>
<li>[Fixed] Chat box name with special characters</li>
<li>[Fixed] embed-ifram videos width</li>
<li>[Fixed] Video Player for iPhone videos</li>
<li>[Fixed] Admin reported post privacy</li>
<li>[Fixed] Uploaded extensions check function</li>
<li>[Fixed] See more line drop for long text</li>
<li>[Fixed] Minor bugs</li> <li>[Removed]
Material Theme</li> </ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.2.1</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 26th July
2016</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>- [Updated] Sngine Dependencies
[Smarty|HybridAuth|Google reCAPTCHA]</li> </ul>
<div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.2</h3> <blockquote>Release Date:
30th April 2016</blockquote> <ul
class="change-log-list mb20"> <li>[Added]
[Apps] Android APP</li> <li>[Added] [Apps] IOS
APP</li> <li>[Added] [Apps] Windows Phone
App</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Website Public option
| Disable it to prevent non logged users to view website</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Cache System | Enable cache system to speed
up your website</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Webiste
Keywords for better SEO</li> <li>[Added] [Admin]
Pages Enabled | Users can create pages or only
admins/moderators</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Groups
Enabled | Users can create groups or only admins/moderators</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Profile visit notification | Turn the
profile visit notification On and Off</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Geolocation Enabled | Turn the post Geolocation
On and Off</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Getting
started page | Enable/Disable getting started page after
registration</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Delete
Account option | Allow users to delete their account</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Accounts/IP | Number of accounts allowed to
register per IP (0 for unlimited)</li> <li>[Added]
[Admin] Chat Enabled | Turn the chat system On and Off</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] User Status Enabled | Turn the Last Seen On
and Off</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Uploads Prefix |
Add a prefix to the uploaded files</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Photo Upload | Enable photo upload to share &
upload photos to the site</li> <li>[Added] [Admin]
Allowed video extensions | Allowed video extensions (separated with comma
',)</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Audio Upload | Enable
audio upload to share & upload sounds to the site</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Max audio size | The Maximum size of uploaded
audio in posts in kilobytes (1M = 1024KB)</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Allowed audio extensions | Allowed audio
extensions (separated with comma ',)</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] File Upload | Enable file upload to share &
upload sounds to the site</li> <li>[Added] [Admin]
Max file size | The Maximum size of uploaded file in posts in kilobytes (1M
= 1024KB)</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Allowed file
extensions | Allowed file extensions (separated with comma ',)</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Censored Words Enabled |
Enable/Disable Words to be censored</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Censored Words | Words to be censored, separated
by a comma (,)</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Data
Heartbeat | The update interval to check for new data (in
seconds)</li> <li>[Added] [Admin] Chat Heartbeat |
The update interval to check for new messages (in seconds)</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Offline after | The amount of time to be
considered online since the last user's activity (in seconds)</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Custom Design</li>
<li>[Added] [Admin] Build Version in admin panel main
menu</li> <li>[Added] Update all Sngine
Dependencies to latest version</li> <li>[Added]
Uploads folder now arranged with years/months and file types like
WordPress</li> <li>[Added] Getting started
page</li> <li>[Added] User now can upload and
share audio file</li> <li>[Added] User now can
upload and share any file</li> <li>[Added] New
video player with more advanced features</li>
<li>[Added] New audio player with more advanced features</li>
<li>[Added] Improved Security</li>
<li>[Fixed] Chat on mobile and remove chat heads</li>
<li>[Fixed] Hashtag pattern to support (_) like
#hash_hash</li> <li>[Fixed] Load More in public
mode</li> <li>[Fixed] Privacy of posts for only
friends in public mode</li> <li>[Fixed] Image
remover after upload in publisher</li> <li>[Fixed]
Username validation (admin and must be 3 char)</li>
<li>[Fixed] Minor bugs</li> </ul>
<div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.1</h3> <blockquote>Release Date:
16th February 2016</blockquote> <ul
class="change-log-list mb20"> <li>[Added]
Sngine 2.1 Structure for better caching and performance</li>
<li>[Added] Sngine APIs v1.0</li>
<li>[Added] Transfer Awesome features from Material theme to default
theme</li> <li>[Added] New Social Logins [Linkedin
& Vkontakte]</li> <li>[Added] New Link
Scraper</li> <li>[Added] New
Documentation</li> <li>[Added] og-meta tags for
Social Marketing</li> <li>[Fixed] Chat messages
duplication</li> <li>[Fixed] SMTP Emails CharSet
encoding</li> <li>[Fixed] RTL Chatbox Icons
alignment "Arabic Language"</li>
<li>[Fixed] Post word-break</li> <li>[Fixed]
Material design icons render</li> <li>[Fixed] See
more for visitor</li> <li>[Fixed] Minor
bugs</li> </ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.0.5</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 20th January
2016</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Added] New Theme [Material
Theme]</li> <li>[Added] Android APP</li>
<li>[Fixed] Minor bugs</li> </ul>
<div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.0.4</h3> <blockquote>Release Date:
12th January 2016</blockquote> <ul
class="change-log-list mb20"> <li>[Added]
Enable/Disable videos from admin panel</li>
<li>[Added] Upload site logo from admin panel</li>
<li>[Added] Delete user account from admin panel</li>
<li>[Added] Delete user from settings page</li>
<li>[Added] Security enhancements</li>
<li>[Fixed] Fixed links on iPhone</li>
<li>[Fixed] Comments encoding problem</li>
<li>[Fixed] Minor bugs</li> </ul>
<div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.0.3</h3> <blockquote>Release Date:
4th January 2016</blockquote> <ul
class="change-log-list mb20"> <li>[Added]
Update the settings page structure in admin panel</li>
<li>[Added] Verified sign beside user name in post/comment header
</li> <li>[Added] infinite scroll</li>
<li>[Added] Report Page/Group</li>
<li>[Added] Video Post & Video Uploader</li>
<li>[Added] Google Analytics Code from Admin Panel</li>
<li>[Added] Set Max uploaded (Profile Picture, Cover Photo,
Uploaded Photo & Uploaded Video) size from Admin Panel</li>
<li>[Added] Photo Gallery </li>
<li>[Added] Next & Prev Photo for lightbox</li>
<li>[Added] Uploading Multiple Images</li>
<li>[Added] Updated Profile Picture/Cover Photo Posts</li>
<li>[Fixed] Website description Bug</li>
<li>[Fixed] People you may know will show only activated people (with
email confirmation)</li> <li>[Fixed] Posting to
the group issue</li> <li>[Fixed] Photos Grid
System</li> <li>[Fixed] Single photo post
comments/likes</li> </ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.0.2</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 5th December
2015</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Added] Social Logins (Facebook,
Twitter, Google) </li> <li>[Added] Linked Accounts
(Facebook, Twitter, Google)</li> <li>[Added] Admin
Panel Login while system shutdown with no problem</li>
<li>[Added] Reduce Image size and handle uploader security
</li> <li>[Added] UI Enhancements (From your
feedback)</li> <li>[Fixed] Minor
bugs</li> </ul> <div
class="divider"></div> <h3>Version
2.0.1</h3> <blockquote>Release Date: 16th November
2015</blockquote> <ul class="change-log-list
mb20"> <li>[Added] All UI edits for
mobile/desktop Layout.</li> <li>[Added] Add 7 new
languages. (10 Languages now available)</li>
<li>[Added] Add the widgets (So admin can add widget like Like
Facebook Page ...etc) </li> <li>[Added] Start the
Plugins engine.</li> <li>[Added] Add 1st Plugin
(Games)</li> <li>[Added] Add the User the Ability
to delete their own Pages/Groups.</li> <li>[Added]
Add the mutual friends counter on user profile.</li>
<li>[Added] Add shared post title</li>
<li>[Added] New Static pages appear in the footer</li>
<li>[Added] Add who share a post.</li>
<li>[Added] Admin can delete post directly from post's
menu</li> <li>[Fixed] Fixed the suggested
pages/groups section (get only new pages/groups)</li>
<li>[Fixed] Minor bugs</li> </ul>
<div class="divider"></div>
<h3>Version 2.0.0</h3> <blockquote>Release Date:
6th November 2015</blockquote> <ul>
<li>[Initial] Initial version</li> </ul>
<!-- Changelog --> </div> </div>
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